Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X Vol. 2(7), 36-40, July (2012) Res.J.Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 36 Characterization of Protein Interfaces to Infer Protein-Protein Interaction Mishra Subhra* *Department of Chemistry, Alipurduar College, North Bengal University, Pin-736122, West Bengal, INDIA Available online at: Received 7th April 2012, revised 20th April 2012, accepted 23th April 2012Abstract Understanding of interaction of two key macromolecular species is one of the major problems in structural and molecular biology. An understanding of protein – protein interactions depend upon knowledge of both the three dimensional structural details of the interactions and the chemical dynamics of the systems. Here we present an analysis of several dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric obligatory complexes available in the PDB with homologous sequences filtered out at 70% sequence identity. In this study, oligomeric protein structures are viewed from a network perspective to obtain new insights into protein association. The aim of this paper is to describe the computational approach to design the strategies to recognize the protein–protein interfaces in an automated, generalizable fashion. The successes suggest that these computational methods can be used to modulate, reengineer and design protein–protein interaction networks in living cells. Key words: Interface, complex, planarity, macromolecule, residue. Introduction Protein–protein interactions are central to many processes within cells and organisms, ranging from immune defense to cellular communication. For biological regulation, it is necessary to recognize their targets, and the networks responsible for interactions in macromolecular complexes. Tools to alter and interfere with protein interactions offer great promise to help understand and delineate these networks. So, it is important to know the three dimensional structure of the protein molecules as well as the protein-protein interface. But, the limited nature of Protein Data Bank, and further limited number of X-ray crystallographic structures of high resolution has been a major constraint in the previous studies. Recently, however, there has been a large increase in the number of known three-dimensional structures that contain protein-protein recognition sites and more high-resolution structures have been solved. These structures cover a much broader range of activities than the earlier ones, which were almost exclusively protease inhibitor and antibody antigen complexes. The knowledge of those few structures guided us to determine the rules for general structural study. The effect of various physical and chemical parameters on the strength of the interaction can be determined by finding their correlation with the energy of complexation. So finding the linear correlation between the different structural and chemical parameters can lead to the determination of those parameters, which play an important role in the determining the strength of the interaction. We first briefly outline general principles of computational design, with an emphasis on challenges encountered particularly in protein interfaces. We then describe certain features of new protein–protein complexes. These results highlight the features of molecular interactions that can and cannot be modeled using current computational approaches and illustrate the potential of the methodology for the redesign of protein interactions in the context of living cells. Computational approach towards protein-protein docking: There are two parts to the docking problem: developing a scoring function/energy function that can discriminate correctly or near-correctly docked orientations from incorrectly docked ones, and developing a search method that will be able to `find' a near-correctly docked orientation with reasonable likelihood. To use this, it is necessary to describe the surface shape of the protein. This may be done by discrediting the molecule onto a grid in space and considering which cells are occupied, or by using some sort of ‘surfacing algorithm’, which calculates the solvent-accessible or solvent-excluded surface, and a point set that triangulates it. In carrying out this calculation, many special cases of geometry need to be considered. The role of electrostatics in protein–protein interactions has been reviewed by Sheinerman, and was explored from a more physical point of view by Elcock. To treat the desolation of charged groups in the interfaces accurately, it is necessary to solve the full Poisson–Boltzmann equation for each different orientation of the components that is to be examined. In practice, then, the above considerations frequently lead to a two- or three-stage approach to docking, as outlined in. One begins by treating the proteins as rigid bodies, perhaps with some surface softness, searching the comparatively small (six-dimensional) space of relative protein orientations (translational and rotational) and identifying a set of candidate structures using some simple scoring function, with shape Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 2(7), 36-40, July (2012) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 37 complementarities playing a major role. Then these structures are re-scored using a more expensive energy function that is better at discriminating near-native orientations. In the third stage, we deal explicitly with a model in full atomic detail and allow movement of the side chains and possibly backbone, minimizing an energy function. The second and third stages may be combined. The energy/score landscape is rough and so it is clearly desirable to make the search as effective as possible by the use of efficient optimization algorithms. If extra biological information about the location of the interface is available, it can also be used as early as possible to simplify the search. Many of these considerations apply to methods for docking small-molecule ligands to proteins and any developments will be mentioned if they may be relevant to protein–protein docking. Structural parameters characterizing a protein-protein interface: There are several parameters which can characterize a protein-protein interface like interface area, planarity, secondary structure, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic and polar composition of the residues in the interface etc. The exposure of protein atoms to solvent can be obtained by calculating the surface area of atoms in contact with solvent molecule. The solvent accessible surface area is calculated by using Lee and Richards Algorithm. The planarity of the interfaces is analysed by calculating the best fit plane through the 3-dimensional co-ordinates of the atoms in the interface using principal component analysis. The classification of secondary structure is based on the percentage frequency of alpha and beta secondary structures in the interface residues. The secondary structure composition of these segments was analyzed and was grouped into three different groups as: alpha (�80% alpha helix), beta (�80% beta sheet), coil (80 % coils) and alpha/beta. Interface residues are defined as those residues that possess an accessible surface area (ASA) that decreases by �1 angstrom squared on complexation. The 1 angstrom squared was used to take account of the small errors in crystallographic coordinates and computational inaccuracies in the calculation of the ASAs. It has been often been assumed that proteins associate with their hydrophobic patches but polar interaction between the interface is also important10. It is therefore to explore the relative composition of polar and non polar residues on the interface. The interface residue propensity is an indication of a particular residue to be in an interface. Material and Methods Method uses the statistics of residue-residue contacts across the interfaces of complexes in the PDB, expressing how much more probable it was that residues would interact than would be expected merely from random contacts between residues with the observed global frequencies of occurrence. The analysis has been carried out by selecting 86 dimeric, 17 trimeric and 52 tetrameric obligatory complexes available in the PDB with homologous sequences filtered out at 70% sequence identity. The SEARCHFIELD customizable form of the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank was used for the initial PDB mining. The proteins the structures of which have been predicted by methods other than X-Ray crystallographywere filtered out. The filtering resolution of crystal structure was taken to be 2 A° for dimeric and tetrameric complexes and 2.5 A° for trimeric complexes. Further selection has been done by selecting those protein complexes whose biologically active multimeric composition was similar to the multimeric composition present in the ASU (Assymetric Unit), which was given by the structure obtained from the PDB. Results and DiscussionThe accessible surface area (ASA) may be taken as the measure of the binding strength of twointerfaces11. For this the linear correlation between interface area and energy ofcomplexation was calculated for the entire data set. For both dimers and tetramers the data set was wide spread with the ASAs ranging from 7160 A2 to 14 A2 incase of dimers, and from 3756 A2 to 33.5 A2.incase of tetramers. The set for trimers was more limited with ASAs ranging from 2046.55 A2 to 518 . The ASA may be taken as the measure of the binding strength of twointerfaces. The average interface area of dimers (single interface) came to be 2093.55 A. This was approximately twice that of the average interface areafor trimers (double interface), which came out to be 997.8 A. This shows that the average area allotted for the interface in a protein surface has a tendency to remain a steady level of around 2000 A. Planarity is taken as the measure of curvature of an interface. It has been a noted that as the interfaces grow larger the surfaces tend to become morecurved, that is the valueof this RMS deviation increases12This has been also verified from the fact that the average RMS deviation of atoms from the least-square plane incase of dimeric interfaces ishigher (3.93) than those of trimeric interfaces (2.52) and tetramericinterfaces (1.64) as mentioned in table-1. This shows that dimeric interfaces are much more curved in nature than trimeric interfaces and tetrameric interfaces13. Thus as the surface area becomes larger the patch becomes more curved. The average number of interacting segments per interface area for trimers (4.133) was lower than that of dimers (6.488) but the ratio of interacting segments in dimers and trimers was lower than that of the ratioofaverage area in the two This showed that the trimers on an average have more residue segments per ASA than that of dimers. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 2(7), 36-40, July (2012) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 Table-1 Structural parameter distribution in different multimeric complexes Structural Property Dimers Trimers Tetramers ASA(A) Mean 2093.952 997.1803 759.998 StDev. 1385.332 388.4883 893.1581 Maximum 7167.160 2046.785 3796.69 Minimum 14.115 518.545 33.5 Energy of complexation Mean -28.3375 -34.2333 -51.0533 StDev. 22.82733 19.87355 41.67648 Maximum -149.1 -74.4 -143 Minimum 10.8 -6.1 -15.8 Planarity Mean 3.93 2.52 1.644221 StDev. 0.9445 0.844131 0.791327 Maximum 10.36 4.365 6.335 Minimum 1.15 1.565 0.015 Polar Percentage Mean 37.808 35.21193 37.74721 StDev. 5.765 4.504961 4.766567 Maximum 54.307 41.23285 59.34 Minimum 25.140 28.21075 21.38 Non Polar Percentage Mean 62.148 64.93424 62.24303 StDev. 5.73 4.307215 4.782225 Maximum 74.800 71.7291 78.56 Minimum 45.653 58.7233 40.61 Hydrogen Bonds/100 AMean 0.905 0.983547 1.163922 StDev. 0.450 0.376161 0.342583 Maximum 2.347 1.670394 15.64 Minimum 0 0 0 Figure-1 and 2 give the distribution of the secondary structure of the segments for the interfaces considered. It has been found in figure-3 thatfor homodimeric complex the higher percentage of helices is present in the interacting zone14. It has been found that, most hydrophobic residues with exception of Ala have a high tendency to be in an interface15. Amino-acids with aromatic side chains like Phe, Tyr and Trp have a high propensity indicating that aromatic ring interactions may be playing a vital role in the formation of interfaces16. Polar amino acids as can be expected have a low interface propensity with the exception of Thr. Cys and Met have a high tendency to be in the interface. Pro showed a high propensity for trimeric than dimeric or tetrameric interfaces. Average percentage polar and nonpolar composition for the three kinds of multimeric complexes did not seems to vary much. Figure-4 and 5 show the variation of polar and nonpolar for the dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric interfaces. It can also seen from Table 1 that as we go from dimeric to tetrameric interfaces the average number of H-Bonds per 100 Aincreases from 0.905 to 1.16 as does the energy of complexation. This shows that there is a clear cut relationship between H-bonds and the strength of the interaction and H-bonds play a crucial role in the protein-protein interface contrary to the earlier belief that the protein-protein interactions are primarily driven by the coming together of the hydrophobic patches17.Such studies on obligatory complexes can be helpful in not only getting about the properties characterizing a strong and permanent interface but, they can also be used to designing novel proteins which carry out their function in the multimeric state. Overall, through analysis of a large set of homomers, we have shown that the evolutionary pathway of a homomer can be inferred from its atomic structure morphology.The construction and analysis of oligomeric protein structure networks and their comparison with monomeric protein structure networks provide insights into protein association18. We believe this analysis will significantly enhance our knowledge of the principles behind protein association and also aid in protein design. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 2(7), 36-40, July (2012) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 39 Figure-1 Secondary Structure distribution in Residue Segments in Dimers and Trimers Figure-2 Figure-3 Secondary Structure distribution in Residue Segments Distribution of secondary structure in the interface in Tetramers Figure-4 Average percentages of polar and non-polar compositions for tetramers Figure-5 Average percentages of non-polar percentages for dimmers and trimers Dimers102030405060AlphaBetaAlpha/etaCoilSecondary StructureNo. Of Interfaces Series1 Trimers102030ALPHABETAALPHA/BETACOILSecondary StructureNo. Of Interfaces Series1 Series2 Tetramer50100150200AlphaBetaAlpha/BetaCoilSecondary StructureNo. Of Interfaces Series1 Polar Number(Tetramers)2040608021-2626-3131-3636-4141-4646-5151-5656-61 Polar Percentage No. of Interfaces Series1 Non Polar Number ( Tetramers )20406040-4545-5050-5555-6060-6565-7070-7575-80Nonpolar PercentageNo. of Interfaces Series1 1020304050  \n  \r \r     Nonpolar Number(Dimer)1015202530352.5 - 47.547.5 52.552.5 - 57.557.5- 62.562.5 - 67.567.5 - 72.572.5- 77.5Nonpolar PercentageNo. OF Interfaces Series1 Nonpolar Number(Trimer)10121416-6060-62.562.5-65.065.0-6.567.5-70070.72.5Nonpolar PercentageNo. Of Interfaces Nonpolar Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 2(7), 36-40, July (2012) Res. 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