Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ ______________________________ ______ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci. International Science Congress Association 57 Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Characterization a nd Antibacterial Activity of Some Arsenic (III) Derivatives of O - Alkyl or O - Aryl Trithiophosphates Sankhala K. and Chaturvedi A.* Synthetic and Surface Science Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry, Govt. College, Ajmer (Raj.) 305001, INDIA Available online at: (Received 6 th March 201 2 , revised 10 th April 201 2 , accepted 19 th April 201 2 ) Abstract Arsenic (III) O - alkyl or O - aryl trithiophosphate of the type ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OR)] and ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)OR)] 2 (R=Me, Et, Pr i , Bu i , Ph, C H 2 Ph) have been synthesized by solvent free microwave assisted procedure from the reaction of arsenic trichloride with potassi um salts of O - alkyl or O - aryl trithiophosphate in 1:1 and 2:3 motar ratio respectively. These derivatives have been characterized by elemental analysis, molecular weight determinations and spectroscopic (IR, 1 H and 31 P NMR) studies. On the basis of them di storted tetrahedral geometry has been proposed for these derivatives. The newly synthesized derivatives show good activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and a comparative study of antibacterial effect has also been made with standard dru gs. Keywords : Arsenic trichloride, p otassium salts of O - alkyl or O - aryl trithiophosphate, a ntibacterial activity. Introduction In continuation to our earlier investigation on metal, organometal and organic derivatives of phosphate and dithiophosphate (open chain and cyclic) ester 1 - 6 , it was considered of interest to extend the investigation to trithiophosphate ligand 7 - 9 . Potassium salts of trithiophosphate exist in two isomeric form [(RO)P(S)S 2 ] (thiono) and [(RS)P(O)S 2 ] (thiolo) 10 . In the recent years considerable interest have bee n evinced for synthesizing and screening the antibacterial activity of various metal derivatives of thiophosphates ligand 11 . Although a few O - alkyltrithiophosphate derivatives of tin 12 - 13 have been studied in our laboratories, the arsenic derivatives of th is ligand have not been synthesized as yet. Arsenic trichloride is poisonous and toxic in nature but it has certain industrial and commercial uses. Arsenic halides are used in the manufacturing of ceramics and in the synthesis of organic arsenochlorine co mpounds. These include in the blister agent lewisite and the monochloro and Dichlorophenyl arsines, which can be used as either riot control agent or blister agent 14 - 15 . Microwave chemistry is the science of applying microwave irradiation to chemical reac tions 16 - 18 . Microwave heating have certain benefits over conventional methods like reaction rate acceleration. It required milder reaction conditions. It gives higher chemical yield. It requires lower energy. In view of this it was considered worthwhile t o synthesize O - alkyl or O - aryl trithiophosphate derivatives of arsenic by microwave assisted method and to study the chemical bonding modes, their antibacterial action and to make comparison of their antibacterial activities with standard drugs. Material and Methods Stringent precautions were taken to exclude moisture throughout all the experimental manipulations. Dipotassium salts of O - alkyl or O - aryltrithiophosphates have been synthesized by the methods reported in the literature. All the solvents used during present investigation were of reagent grade. Carbon and hydrogen were estimated by Coleman C, H and N analyzer. Arsenic and sulfur were estimated by iodometric method 19 ad Messeger’s method 19 , respectively chlorine is estimated by method reported in literature 19 . Molecular weights were determined by Knauer vapour pressure osmometer in chloroform. FT IR spectra were recorded on Shimadzu 8201 PC spectrophotometer in the range of 4000 - 200cm - 1 using CsI cell. 1 H NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl 3 and 3 1 P NMR spectra were recorded in benzene on Brucker – DRX - 300 spectrophotometer using TMS (for 1 H) and H 3 PO 4 (for 31 P) as an external reference. Synthesis of ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OCH 3 )] : Arsenictrichloride 1.5386g[8.4808 mmol] and dipotassium salt of O - methyltrithio phosphate 2.0015g [8.4809 mmol] in (1:1) molar ratio were taken in R.B.F. The mixture was put into microwave for 2 minutes. Product obtained as yellow to brown coloured powdery solids. It has been washed three - four times with aqueous ethanol and recrystali ze it by method of recrystallization ( t able – 1). Analysis calcd. for ClAs[S 2 (S)P(O CH 3 )] C = 4.47; H = 1.12; S = 35.76; As = 27.91; Cl = 13.22 Found C = 4.38, H = 1.11, S = 34.68, As = 26.45, Cl = 12.78 Rest derivatives were synthesized by similar method. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 58 Synthesis of CH 3 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 3 )] 2 : Arsenictrichloride 1.02539g [5.6520 mmol] and dipotassium salt of O - methyltrithiophosphate 2.008g [8.4779 mmol] in (2:3) molar ratio were taken in R.B.F. The mixture was put into microwave for 2 minutes. Product o btained as yellow to brown coloured powdery solids. It has been washed three - four times with aqueous ethanol and recrystalize it. (Table – 1) Analysis calcd. for ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OR)] 2 C = 5.77; H = 1.44; S = 46.16; As = 24.01 Found C = 5.23, H = 1.23, S = 45.18, As = 23.86. Rest derivatives were synthesized by similar method. Results and Discussion Reactions of arsenictrichloride with dipotassium salt of O - alkyl or O - aryltrithiophosphates in 1:1 and 2:3 molar ratio by using s olvent free microwave assisted procedure resulted in the high yield ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OR)] and ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OR)] 2 , respectively. (Where R=Me, Et, Pr i , Bu i , Ph, CH 2 Ph) These reactions were completed within 2 minutes in microwave. Then the reaction mixture was dissolved in minimum amount of distilled water after filtration dried derivatives were separated as brown to yellow powdery solid. Potassium c hloride was removed in filtrated. These compounds were washed 3 - 4 times and recrystallized. The products were isolated as yellow to brown colored powdery solids. These complexes were insoluble in common organic solvents but soluble in coordinated solvents like DMSO, DMF, etc. Conventional method was also used for the synthesis of these derivatives. It was observed that product yield was more in microwave assisted method than from conventional method. IR Spectra : IR spectra were recorded in the region 4000 - 200 cm - 1 and followi ng characteristic changes were observed: i. The absorption band at 710.2 - 664.3 cm - 1 and 550.4 - 518.1cm - 1 assigned to  P=S and  P - S linkage, respectively. Shifting of bands towards lower frequency (30 - 40cm - 1 ) from parent trithiophosphate indicate strong chela tion of thiophosphoryl group to metal atom and also indicates the bidentate nature of this group. ii. The  (P) - O - C and  P - O - (C) linkage were present in the region 1020.3 - 969.2cm - 1 and 880.4 - 828.4 cm - 1 , respectively. iii. The appearance of a new medium and weak intensity absorption band in the region 390.6 - 374.3cm - 1 indicates the formation of arsenic sulfur bond 20 - 21 . iv. A medium and weak intensity absorption band in the 665.2 - 660.4 cm - 1 was assigned for bending vibration of arsenic chlorine bond. Which was absent in 2 : 3 ratios product. NMR Spectra : 1 H NMR Spectra : The PMR spectra were recorded in 300.13 MHz region. These derivatives show characteristic resonance signals due to alkoxy and phenyl protons (Table - 3) . The characteristic resonance signals due to OCH 3 , OCH 2 , OCH, OC 6 H 5, OCH 2 C 6 H 5 protons are present in the expected region 22 - 24 . 31 P NMR Spectra : 31 P NMR spectra were recorded in 121.49 MHz region. Proton decoupled 31 P NMR spectra observed in the region 103.47 - 95.79ppm show the deshielding of the phosphorus atom to the extent of about 12 - 15ppm from the parent trithiophosphate ligand (Table - 3) . This is indicative of a bidentate mode of bonding of the ligand moiety in these complexes. Antibacterial Activity : All the newly synthesized compoun ds were screened for their antibacterial activity against gram - negative and gram - positive bacteria (Table - 4). The activity was carried out by using the paper disc method. The zone of inhibition was measured in mm. DMF was used as a solvent. The compounds w ere tested at 100g/mL concentration. The observations show that compounds 12, 13, 16, 18 are more effective against gram - negative bacteria and compounds 10, 11, 17, 19 are more effective against gram positive bacteria. Effect on gram positive bacteria Effect on gram negative bacteria ClAs[S 2 (S)P(O i C 3 H 7 ) ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OCH 2 C 6 H 5 )] 2 1. Solvent 2. Ligand 3. AsCl 3 4.Compound Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 59 Conclusion On the basis of physico - chemical and spectroscopic data the structure of these complexes may be as follow: - Figure - 1 Figure - 2 Due to non - availability of suitable crystals the authentic structure of the complexes synthesized by us could not be determined by X - ray crystallography, however on the basis of spectroscopic studies a distorted tetrahedral geometry for these complexes has been suggested. Acknowledgement One of the authors (Kiran Sankhala) is thankful to C.S.I.R. New Delhi for financial assistance as J.R.F. and also thankful to S.A.I.F. (C.D.R.I. ), Luknow for spectral analysis. References 1. 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No Reactant …… g …… (mmol) Product …… g …… % M P o C Analysis % Found (Calcd) Molecul ar Weight found (Calcd) AsCl 3 ROP(S)(SK) 2 R… or Ar … C H S As Cl 1. 1.5386 [8.4808] CH 3 2.0015 [8.4809] CH 3 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 2.15 95 129 4.38 (4.47) 1.11 (1.12) 34.68 (35.76) 26.45 (27.91) 12.78 (13.22) 256.79 (268.42) 2. 1.4519 [8.0029] C 2 H 5 2.0008 [8.0032] CH 3 CH 2 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 2.10 93 138 7.98 (8.49) 1.38 (1.78) 32.78 (33.99) 24.69 (26.59) 11.98 (12.56) nil 3. 1.3732 [7.5691] i C 3 H 7 1.9984 [7.5696] i C 3 H 7 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 2.05 91 Nil 11.96 (12.21) 2.02 (2.36) 30.86 (32.38) 23.96 (25.27) 10.70 (11.97) 284.69 (296.42) 4. 1.3126 [7.2351] i C 4 H 9 2.0114 [7.2352] i C 4 H 9 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 2.18 98 Nil 14.76 (15.58) 2.85 (2.90) 29.16 (30.92) 23.04 (24.13) 10.62 (11.43) 297.97 (310.42) 5. 1.2203 [6.7263] C 6 H 5 2.0045 [6.7265] C 6 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 2.01 90 128 20.98 (21.93) 1.39 (1.51) 27.86 (29.05) 20.98 (22.67) 9.98 (10.74) 318.18 (330.42) 6. 1.1667 [6.4309] C 6 H 5 CH 2 2.0065 [6.4311] C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1.96 89 136 23.91 (24.54) 1.99 (2.03) 26.08 (27.87) 20.68 (21.75) 9.76 (10.30) nil 7. 1.02539 [5.6520] CH 3 2.0008 [8.4779] CH 3 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 3 )] 2 1.69 96 nil 5.48 (5.77) 1.38 (1.44) 46.03 (46.16) 23.90 (24.01) nil 621.76 623.84 8. 0.97120 [5.3533] C 2 H 5 2.0075 [8.0300] C 2 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 2 H 5 )] 2 1.68 93 189 11.15 (11.28) 2.02 (2.35) 44.98 (45.15) 21.01 (23.49) nil nil 9. 0.9193 [5.0672] i C 3 H 7 2.0068 [7.6015] i C 3 H 7 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 3 H 7 )] 2 1.52 92 nil 15.07 (16.57) 2.96 (3.22) 43.02 (44.18) 21.17 (22.98) nil 650.76 (651.84) 10. 0.8722 [4.8076] i C 4 H 9 2.0048 [7.2115] i C 4 H 9 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 4 H 9 )] 2 1.50 94 196 20.28 (21.63) 3.78 (4.05) 42.18 (43.25) 21.17 (22.50) nil 779.96 (809.0) 11. 0.8149 [4.4917] C 6 H 5 2.0079 [6.7379] C 6 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 6 H 5 )] 2 1.61 89 nil 25.03 (26.67) 1.07 (1.85) 34.86 (35.56) 17.98 (18.50) nil nil 12. 0.7787 [4.2922] C 6 H 5 CH 2 2.0089 [6.4387] C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 2 C 6 H 5 )] 2 1.55 88 206 29.81 (30.58) 2.01 (2.54) 33.27 (34.95) 17.81 (18.19) nil 850.78 (851.84) Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 62 Table - 2 IR Spectral Data of ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OR)] and ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)OR)] 2 S.No Compound  (P) - O - C  P - O - (C)  P=S  P - S  As - S  As - Cl 1. CH 3 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1010.2s 880.4s 700.2s 545.5s 380.8w 660.0w 2. C 2 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 990.6s 865.2s 690.9s 540.7s 382.2m 662.8m 3. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 980.5s 850.6s 680.7s 530.3s 387.8m 664.7w 4. i C 4 H 9 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 970.4s 830.8s 665.4s 520.2s 390.6w 665.2w 5 C 6 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1020.3s 860.7s 710.2vs 550.4s 375.4m 660.5w 6. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1015.8s 870.5s 705.3s 545.2s 382.2w 663.1w 7. CH 3 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 3 )] 2 1005.1s 876.7s 698.3s 544.3s 379.6w nil 8. C 2 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 2 H 5 )] 2 987.4s 864.2s 688.3s 539.6s 378.8w nil 9. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 3 H 7 )] 2 978.2s 849.5s 679.3s 528.4s 383.1m nil 10. C 4 H 9 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O 5 C 4 H 9 )] 2 969.2s 828.4s 664.3s 518.1s 387.6m nil 11. C 6 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 6 H 5 )] 2 1018.4s 859.8s 708.1s 549.2s 374.3m nil 12. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 6 H 2 C 6 H 5 )] 2 1014.7s 869.3s 704.3s 543.2s 381.8w nil V s = very strong, s = strong, m = medium, w = weak Table - 3 1 H NMR and 31 P NMR Spectral Data of ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OR)] and ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)OR)] 2 S. No. Compound 1 H Chemical Shift ( δ ….ppm) 31 P Chemical Shift ( δ ….ppm) 1. CH 3 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 3.61, s, 3H (OCH 3 ) 103.47 2. C 2 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1.65, t, 3H (CH 3 ) 3.05, q, 2H (OCH 2 ) 99.08 3. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1.54, d, 6H (CH 3 ) 3.02 - 3.14, m, 1H (OCH) 97.90 4. i C 4 H 9 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 1.14, d, 6H (CH 3 ) 2.36 - 2.46, m, 1H (CH) 3.46, d, 2H (OCH 2 ) 95.80 5. C 6 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 6.71 - 6.92, m, 5H (OC 6 H 5 ) 102.17 6. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 6.47 - 6.73, m, 5H (C 6 H 5 ) 3.47, s, 2H (OCH 2 ) 101.06 7. CH 3 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 3 )] 2 363 s  3H (OCH 3 ) 368 s  6H (OCH 3 ) 104.43 8. C 2 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 2 H 5 )] 2 1.68 3H (CH 3 ) 3.06, q, 2H(OCH 2 ) 1.70 6H(CH 3 ) 3.08, q, 2H(OCH 2 ) 99.86 9. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 3 H 7 )] 2 1.5b, d, 6H(CH 3 ) 3.02 - 3.14,m,1H(OCH) 1.58d, 12H(CH 3 ) 3.04 - 3.18, m,2H(OCH) 97.60 10. i C 4 H 9 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 4 H 9 )] 2 1.16, d, 6H(CH 3 ) 2.38 - 2.47,m 1H(CH) 3.47, d, 2H(OCH 2 ) 1.18, d, 12H(CH 3 ) 2.39 - 2.49m2H(CH) 3.49, d, 4H(OCH 2 ) 95.79 11. C 6 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 6 H 5 )] 2 6.72 - 6.95m 10H(OC 6 H 5 ) 6.74 - 6.95m 10H(OC 6 H 5 ) 102.28 12. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 2 C 6 H 5 )] 2 6.49 - 6.76m, 5H(C 6 H 5 ) 3.48 - 5, 2H(OCH 2 ) 6.51 - 6.78m, 10H(C 6 H 5 ) 3.49s 4H(OCH 2 ) 101.86 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 63 Table - 4 Antibacterial Activity of ClAs[S 2 (S)P(OR)] and ROP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)OR)] S.No. Compounds Gram Positive Bacteria Zone of inhibition in mm. Gram Negative Bacteria Zone of inhibition in mm. 1. Solvent 0 0 2. CH 3 OP(S)(SK) 2 8 6 3. C 2 H 5 OP(S) (SK) 2 7 4 4. i PrOP(S) (SK) 2 9 3 5. i BuOP(S) (SK) 2 5 8 6. PhOP(S)(SK) 2 7 9 7. PhCH 2 OP(S)(SK) 2 10 12 8. CH 3 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 19 15 9. C 2 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 25 18 10. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 35 21 11. i C 4 H 9 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 28 19 12. C 6 H 5 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 22 35 13. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)S 2 AsCl 20 33 14. CH 3 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 3 )] 2 21 24 15. C 2 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 2 H 5 )] 2 18 26 16. i C 3 H 7 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 3 H 7 )] 2 19 32 17. i C 4 H 9 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(O i C 4 H 9 )] 2 27 14 18. C 6 H 5 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OC 6 H 5 )] 2 17 31 19. C 6 H 5 CH 2 OP(S)[SAsS 2 P(S)(OCH 2 C 6 H 5 )] 2 23 19 20. Imipenem 12 30 21. Linezolid 18 10 Figure - 4 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 64 Figure - 5 Figure - 6 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 57 - 65 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 65 Figure - 7 Figure - 8