Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ ______________________________ ______ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci. International Science Congress Association 50 Density and Viscosities for the Binary Mixtures of 1, 4 - Dioxane and Benzene or Chlorobenzene at 303.15, 308.15, 313.15 K and a Pressure of 0.1MPa Saravanakumar K. 1 and Kubendran T.R. 2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai - 600119, INDIA 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C. College of Technology, Anna University, Chennai - 600025, INDIA Available online at: (Received 21 st February 201 2 , revised 25 th February 201 2 , accepted 29 th February 201 2 ) Abstract Densities ( r ) and Viscosities ( h ) of binary mixtures of 1, 4 - d ioxane and b enzene or c hlorobenzene have been measured as a function of mole fraction at atmospheric pressure and at different temperatures of (303.15, 308.15and 313.15) K. These values have been used to calculate the excess molar volume (VE) and the viscosity deviations (Δη) and Grunberg – Nissan interaction constant (d') of the binary mixtur es. The viscosity values were fitted to the models of McAllister, Krishnan - Laddha, Jouyban – Acree model. The excess values were correlated using the Redlich - Kister polynomial equation to obtain their coefficients and standard deviations. It was found that in all cases the experimental data obtained fitted with the values correlated by the corresponding model very well. The molecular interactions existing between the components were also discussed. Keywords : Viscosity, density, molecular interactions, deviations. Introduction The thermodynamic properties of a binary mixture such as viscosity and density are important from practical and theoretical points of view to understand liquid theory. Their properties are extremely useful for the design of pro cess equipment in chemical industries. Binary liquid mixtures due to their unusual behavior have attracted considerable attention 1 . In chemical process industries materials are normally handled in fluid form and as a consequence, the physical, chemical, an d transport properties of fluids assume importance. Thus data on some of the properties associated with the liquids and liquid mixtures like Density and viscosity find extensive application in solution theory and molecular dynamics 2 . Such results are neces sary for interpretation of data obtained from thermo chemical, electrochemical, biochemical and kinetic studies 3 . 1, 4 - dioxane is used as a stabilizer in aluminium containers and solvent in inks and adhesives. Benzene is used in the production of drugs. Be nzoin prepared from b enzaldehyde is used as “tincture benzoin” in medicine for throat infection. In the present paper, it has been reported density (ρ) and viscosity (η) of pure 1, 4 - d ioxane and b enzene or c hlorobenzene as well as for the binary system con stituted by these two chemicals at temperatures of 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K. The viscosity values have been fitted to McAllister 4 , Krishnan - Laddha 5 , Jouyban – Acree model model 6 . The deviation values have been fitted to Redlich - Kister 7 type equation. Literature survey showed that no measurements have been previously reported for the mixture studied in this paper . Material and Methods The 1, 4 - dioxane of cited purity of 99.5 % and b enzene, c hlorobenzene with purity of 99.5 % were ob tained from Loba chemicals and dried over anhydrous calcium chloride and fractionally distilled before use. Binary mixtures were gravimetrically prepared with a Shimadzu Corporation Japan type BL 2205 electronic balance with an uncertainty of 0.01 g. Care was taken to avoid evaporation and contamination during mixing. The resulting mole fraction uncertainty was estimated to be less than 0.0001. All the measurements described below were performed at least three times, and the results presented are the avera ge. Density: A double - arm pycnometer with a bulb of 25 cm 3 and a capillary of an internal diameter of about 1mm is used to measure the densities (ρ) of pure liquids and binary mixtures. The pycnometer filled with air bubbles free liquids is kept in a the rmostat with a thermal stability of 0.01K for over 30 min to attain thermal equilibrium. The precision of the density measurements was estimated to be 0.0003 g cm - 3. Kinematic Viscosity: The kinematic viscosities were measured with Ostwald viscometer previously calibrated using water. The time was measured with a precision of 0.01 s, and the uncertainty in the viscosity was estimated to be less than 0.0002 mPas. The kinematic viscosity wa s obtained from the working equation: ν=at - b ⁄ t (1) Where the two constants a and b were obtained by measuring the flow time t of benzene. Results and Discussion The experimental values of densities (ρ) and viscosities (η) of 1, 4 - Dioxane with b enzene, c hlorobenzene and their binary mixtures at various temperatures are listed in t able 1 and 2. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 51 Excess molar volumes V E were calculated from the measured densities (ρ) by using equation V E =( x 1 M 1 + x 2 M 2 ) ⁄ ρ m - ( x 1 M 1 / ρ 1 + x 2 M 2 ⁄ ρ 2 ) (2) where ρ m is the density of the mixture and M 1 ,ρ 1, x 1 and M 2 ,ρ 2 , x 2 are molecular mass, density and mole fractions of pure 1, 4 - d ioxane(1) and b enzene, c hlorobenzene(2) respectively. The uncertainty in the measurement of V E was found to be 0.002cm 3 mol - 1 . The deviations in viscosities, Δ η, was computed using the relationship Δ η=η - ( x 1 η 1 + x 2 η 2 ) (3) where η is the dynamic viscosity of the mixture and η 1 , x 1 and η 2, x 2 are the viscosity and mole fractions of pure 1, 4 - Dioxane (1) and b enzene, c hlorobenzene (2), respectively. The uncertainty in the measurement of Δ η was found to be 0.001. The viscosities of mixtures of 1, 4 - d ioxane (1) and b enzene, c hlorobenzene (2) have been correlated with the model proposed by McAllister [4] for a two - component mixture co nsidering three body interactions. ln ν = x 1 3 ln ν 1 + 3 x 1 2 x 2 ln ν 12 + 3 x 1 x 2 2 ln ν 21 + x 2 3 ln ν 2 − ln( x 1 + x 2 M 2 / M 1 )+ 3 x 1 2 x 2 ln((2 + M 2 / M 1 ) / 3)+  x 2 3 ln( M 2 / M 1 ) + 3 x 1 x 2 2 ln((1+  2 M 2 / M 1 ) / 3) (4) In equation 4, ν 1 and ν 2 refer to the kinematic viscosity of pure liquids 1 and 2 having mole fractions x 1 and x 2 , respectively. The parameters ν 12 and ν 21 represent the interaction parameters obtained by multiple regression analysis, while M 1 and M 2 are the molar mass of the com ponents. The kinematic viscosity was correlated by means of the Krishnan and Laddha [5] model for a two - component mixture, which gives ln ν= x 1 ln ν 1 + x 2 ln ν 2 + x 1 ln M 1 + x 2 ln M 2 + ln ( x 1 M 1 + x 2 M 2 - 2.30 x 1 x 2 ( B + C ( x 1 - x 2 )...)) (5) where B and C are interaction parameters. Jouyban et. al 6 proposed a model for correlating the thermal properties of liquid mixtures at various temperatures ln Y m, T = f 1 ln y 1 + f 2 ln y 2 + f l f 2 Σ [ A J ( f 1 - f 2 ) J ⁄ T ] (6) Where Ym, T , y 1 , T , and y 2 , T are the viscosity of the mixture and solvents 1 and 2 at temperature T , respectively. A J is the model constant The excess molar volumes and deviations of viscosity were fitted to a Redlich – Kister(7) equation of the type Y = x 1 x 2 Σ A i ( x 1 - x 2 ) i (7) where Y is either V E and Δ η and n is the degree of polynomial. Coefficients Ai were obtained by fitting equation 7 to experimental results using a least - squares regression method. In each case, the optimum number of coefficients is ascertained from an examinati on of the variation in standard deviation ( S ). S was calculated using the relation S ( Y )=[ Σ ( A exp - A cal ) 2 ⁄ ( N - n )] (8) Where N is the number of data points and n is the number of coefficients. The calculated values of coefficients along with the standard deviation ( S ) are given in t able 5 and 6. Interaction parameters and standard deviations of the McAllister model of 1, 4 - d ioxane (1) and b enzene, c hlorobenzene (2) mixture at (303.15, 308.15 and 313.15) K are presented in t able 3 and 4. Interact ion parameters and standard deviations of the McAllister model and Krishnan and Laddha model for the viscosity of 1,4 - dioxane and benzene or chlorobenzene mixture at (303.15, 313.15, and 323.15) K are presented in t able 5 and 6. Constants and standard devi ations of the Jouban - Acree model of the 1,4 - dioxane and benzene or chlorobenzene at (303.15, 313.15, and 323.15) K are presented in t able 7 and 8. The variation of excess volumes with the mole fraction of 1,4 - d ioxane with benzene and chlorobenzene at (303 .15, 308.15 and 313.15) K are represented in figures 1 - 2. The excess molar volume of 1, 4 - dioxane with benzene is negative 8 , but for the other binary mixtures containing chlorobenzene is positive 9 over the whole range of mole fraction. The sign of excess volume of a system depends on the relative magnitude of expansion/contraction on mixing of two liquids. If the factors causing expansion dominate the contraction factors, the V E becomes positive. On the other hand if the contraction factors domi nate the expansion factors, then V E become negative. The factors that are responsible for expansion in volume are as follows , i. Loss of dipolar association , ii. The geometry of molecular structure, which does not allow fitting of one component into other component , iii. Steric hindrance, which opposes the proximity of the constituent molecules. The negative V E values arise due to dominance of the following factors . i. Chemical interaction between constituent chemicals. ii. Accommodation of molecules of one component into the interstitials of the molecules of the other component. iii. Geometry of the molecular structure that favors fitting of the component molecules with each other. The negative V E values in the mixtures under study indicate that interaction s between molecules of the mixtures are stronger than interactions between molecules in the pure liquids and that associative force dominate the behavior of the solution. The results of variation in viscosity deviations of binary systems consisting of 1, 4 - dioxane with benzene and chlorobenzene at temperatures of 303.15K, 308.15K, and 313.15K are represented in figure 3 - 4 shows positive and negative deviations 10 over the entire range of mole fraction. The viscosity of the mixture strongly depends on the en tropy of mixture, which is related with liquid’s structure and enthalpy. Consequently with the molecular interactions between the components of the mixtures. Therefore the viscosity deviation depends on molecular interactions as well as on the size and sha pe of the molecules . Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 52 Table - 1 Experimental Densities and viscosities of 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) at 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K 303.15 K 308.15 K 313.15 K X 1 Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s 0.0000 0.8649 0.5407 0.8488 0.5221 0.8418 0.5040 0.1047 0.8788 0.5807 0.8599 0.5608 0.8594 0.5463 0.2083 0.8943 0.6280 0.8744 0.5963 0.8668 0.5644 0.3109 0.9196 0.6665 0.8807 0.6185 0.8750 0.5923 0.4124 0.9306 0.6946 0.8907 0.6420 0.8830 0.6182 0.5128 0.9428 0.7426 0.9026 0.6698 0.8917 0.6379 0.6122 0.9640 0.7934 0.9155 0.7072 0.8985 0.6692 0.7106 0.9740 0.8534 0.9357 0.7604 0.9072 0.6947 0.8080 0.9971 0.9363 0.9520 0.8282 0.9273 0.7531 0.9045 1.0090 1.0133 0.9793 0.9147 0.9512 0.8243 1.0000 1.0271 1.0958 1.0169 1.0094 1.0128 0.9446 Table - 2 Experimental Densities and viscosities of 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + chlorobenzene (2) at 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K 303.15 K 308.15 K 313.15 K X 1 Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s Density (g/cc) η/ mpa.s 0 1.1366 0.7558 1.1086 0.7206 1.0822 0.6809 0.1047 1.1201 0.7673 1.0944 0.7252 1.0710 0.6952 0.2083 1.0937 0.7748 1.0741 0.7371 1.0618 0.7152 0.3109 1.0796 0.7878 1.0660 0.7545 1.0551 0.7289 0.4124 1.0721 0.8043 1.0630 0.7744 1.0495 0.7498 0.5128 1.0642 0.8436 1.0513 0.8026 1.0449 0.7810 0.6122 1.0562 0.8672 1.0442 0.8150 1.0393 0.7943 0.7106 1.0479 0.8929 1.0389 0.8484 1.0339 0.8273 0.808 1.0401 0.9395 1.0333 0.8786 1.0268 0.8341 0.9045 1.0342 0.9652 1.0258 0.9050 1.0210 0.8534 1 1.0271 1.0958 1.0169 1.0094 1.0100 0.9420 Table - 3 Parameters of the Redlich Kister Constants and standard deviations S for Excess molar Volume and viscosity deviations of 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) T/K A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 S Excess Molar Volume 303.15 - 56.509 - 27.653 66.619 26.913 - 15.736 0.7609 5.6556 0.2113 308.15 - 67.92 - 34.501 74.331 30.247 - 18.49 4.2666 12.104 0.2120 313.15 - 87.369 - 102.92 76.667 98.355 - 3.6776 5.0706 14.481 0.8709 Viscosity Deviations 303.15 1.328 0.0171 - 1.5746 0.2169 0.5935 - 0.2341 - 0.3483 0.005 308.15 1.3354 0.6588 - 1.3364 - 0.3553 0.4108 - 0.3047 - 0.4107 0.002 313.15 1.842 1.8177 - 1.5655 - 1.6702 0.0816 - 0.1671 - 0.3602 0.011 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 53 Table - 4 Parameters of the Redlich Kister Constants and standard deviations S for Excess Volume of 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Chloro benzene (2) T/K A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 S Excess molar Volume 303.15 19.75 - 9.324 - 44.93 18.79 18.32 - 9.362 6.85 0.2217 308.15 11.15 4.818 - 26.09 1.381 10.04 6.102 4.877 0.1487 313.15 - 87.369 - 102.9 76.667 98.355 - 3.677 5.0706 15.481 0.1391 Viscosity Deviations 303.15 4.434 2.343 - 5.013 2.612 0.981 0.255 - 0.408 0.020 308.15 3.841 1.527 - 4.342 - 1.654 0.811 0.116 - 0.314 0.015 313.15 3.451 1.8 - 4.045 - 2.032 0.778 0.224 - 0.187 0.012 Table - 5 Parameters of McAllister constants for 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Benzene (or) chlorobenzene (2) System at 303.15K, 308.15K and 313.15K 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Chlorobenzene (2) T/K A B S A B S 303.15K 0.7773 0.7655 0.0127 0.7499 0.7640 0.0152 308.15K 0.7343 0.7370 0.0080 0.7269 0.7357 0.0127 313.15K 0.6889 0.7215 0.0037 0.7175 0.7304 0.0037 Table - 6 Parameters of the Krishnan and Laddha Constants and standard deviations S for the viscosity of 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Benzene (or) chlorobenzene (2) 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) 1, 4 Dioxane (1) + Chlorobenzene (2) T/K A1 A2 A3 S A1 A2 A3 S 303.15 - 0.1243 0.0702 0.0943 0.0430 - 0.0519 0.0855 0.1489 0.1459 308.15 - 0.1606 0.0836 0.1012 0.0078 - 0.023 0.0627 0.1282 0.0675 313.15 - 0.1387 0.105 0.0991 0.0210 - 0.0003 0.0801 0.0752 0.0626 Table - 7 Parameters of the Jouyban Acree model Constants and standard deviations S for the viscosity of 1, 4Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) T/K A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 S 303.15 11694 - 2606.2 - 13119 2844.8 2156 - 229.06 - 738.22 0.4590 308.15 - 65.449 78.811 58.256 13.025 75.979 - 91.992 - 68.85 0.0008 313.15 - 6087.9 3534.4 6983.1 3818.1 - 1164.5 266.98 271.41 0.3138 Table - 8 Parameters of the Jouyban Acree model Constants and standard deviations S for the viscosity of 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Chloro Benzene (2) T/K A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 S 303.15 11694 - 2606.2 - 13119 2844.8 2156.3 - 229.06 - 738.22 0.4344 308.15 1270.9 489.62 - 1476.6 - 522.58 293.32 29.991 - 88.943 0.3707 313.15 - 6087.9 3534.4 6983.1 - 3818.1 - 1164.5 266.98 271.41 0.3295 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 54 Figure - 1 Excess Molar Volume (V E ) for [ 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Benzene (2) ] :♦ T=303.15 K; ■ T=308.15K; : ▲ 313.15K Figure - 2 Excess Molar Volume (V E ) for [ 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Chloro benzene (2) ] :♦ T=303.15 K; ■ T=308.15K; : ▲ 313.15K Figure - 3 Deviation in viscosity (Δη) for [ 1,4 - Dioxane (1) +Benzene (2) ] :♦ T=303.15 K; ■ T=308.15K; : ▲ 313.15K Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 50 - 56 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 55 Figure - 4 Deviation in viscosity (Δη) for [ 1,4 - Dioxane (1) + Chloro benzene (2) ] :♦ T=303.15 K; ■ T=308.15K; : ▲ 313.15K Conclusio ns Viscosities ( h ) and Densities ( r ) for the binary liquid mixture of 1, 4 - Dioxane with Benzene, Chlorobenzene, Bromobenzene and Ethylbenzene system was found out as a function of mole fraction at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures of 303.15K, 308.15K, and 313.15K. From the density ( r ) and viscosity ( h ) data, the values of excess molar volumes (V E ) and the viscosity deviations ( D h ) were determined at 303.15K, 308.15K, and 313.15K. Excess molar volumes (V E ) and the viscosity deviations ( D h ) were used to predict the intermolecular interactions in the mixtures. McAllister, Krishnan - Laddha, Jouyban – Acree model s were used to correlate the kinematic viscosity of the systems. The excess volume and viscosity deviation data were fitted by means of the R edlich - kister equation. It was found that in all cases the experimental data obtained, matches with the McAllister model and Redlich - Kister equation with a high degree of precision. Acknowledgement The authors thank the University authorities for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the work. References 1. Ewing M.B. 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