@Research Paper <#LINE#>Characteristics of a Typical Nigerian Jatropha curcas oil Seeds for Biodiesel Production<#LINE#>Umaru@Musa,Folorusho@Aberuagba<#LINE#>7-12<#LINE#>1.ISCA-RJCS-2012-060.pdf<#LINE#> Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B 65, Minna, Niger State, NIGERIA<#LINE#>9/3/2012<#LINE#>13/4/2012<#LINE#> The cost of biodiesel production is the major hurdle towards its commercialization. Biodiesel production is considered to be economically viable only if price compete favorably with petroleum diesel. But biodiesel from edible oil may be too expensive and bring about food crisis. One viable way of ensuring commercial availability of biodiesel is to use less expensive inedible plant oil. This paper presents the result of characterization of typical Nigerian Jatropha curcas oil as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. The Jatropha curcas oil was extracted at 70 C using n-hexane as solvent and at a particle size of 0.7 mm. The resultant oil was analyzed for its physical and chemical properties such as density, viscosity, specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, saponification value, iodine value, peroxide value and percentage free fatty acid. The fatty acid composition was revealed using a gas chromatography. It was found that the oleic and linoliec were the principal fatty acids, while the saturated fatty acids were palmitic acid and stearic acid. The oil low peroxide value and high iodine value is a strong indication of its stability to oxidation. The oil yield was high and its exhibit excellent properties that make it an exciting proposition as the most economically viable feedstock for biodiesel production in Nigeria. <#LINE#> @ @ Alamu O.J., Waheed M.A., Jekayinfa S.O. and Akintola T.A., Optimal Transesterification Duration for Biodiesel Production from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil, Agric Engg Int: the CIGR E journal, Manuscript EE 07 018., 9, 1-11 (2007) @No $ @ @ Demirbas A., Biodiesel from Vegetable Oils via Transesterification in Supercritical Methanol, Energy Conversion and Management, 43, 2349-56 (2002) @No $ @ @ Linus N. Okoro, Fadila I. Sambo, Mukthar Lawal and Clifford Nwaeburu, Thermodynamic and Viscometric Evaluation of Biodiesel and Blends from Olive Oil and Cashew Nut Oil, Res.J.Chem.Sci., 1(4), 90-97 (2011) @No $ @ @ Bugaje I.M and Mohammed I.A., Biofuel Production Technology, Sci. and Tech. Forum (STF) Zaria, Nigeria 1stEdition, 25-200 (2008) @No $ @ @ Chinmoy Baroi, Ernest K. Yanful and Maurice A. 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Despite much experience and considerable research, drilling and completion operations continue to be plagued by various hole problems attributed directly to shale formations. This results in substantial yearly expenditure for the drilling industry. There is utmost need to evaluate the concentration of shale contamination on mud that could result to these associated well instability problems. This study therefore was undertaken to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of shale on the rheological properties of water- based mud(WBM). This was done by contaminating 8.5PPG WBM with 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%, 7.0% and 10.0% respectively of typical shale sample from the Nigerelta egion of Nigeria. The rheological values were determined using viscometer and the Plastic viscosity evaluated as applicable. Test results indicated that the rheological values increased showing a spike as the shale concentration increased. The increase in rheological values were 9.5%, 42.9%, 52.4%, 66.7% and 114.3% respectively for the various contaminations as indicated above. To avoid non-productive time resulting from hole instability problems caused by shale, when drilling is expected to encounter shale zones, proper design of the drilling fluids that will inhibit shale swelling as well as prudent step to avoid mud contamination by shale is imperative. <#LINE#> @ @ Chenevert M.E., Shale Alteration by Water Adsorption, Journal of Petroleum Technology(1970) @No $ @ @ O'Brien D.E. and Chenevert M.E., Stabilizing sensitive shales with inhibited, potassium-based drilling fluids, J. Petrol. Tech., 1089-1100 (1973) @No $ @ @ AL-Bazali T.M., Zhang J., Chenevert M. 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A step wise and progressive budging in thermal degradation kinetics with increase in concentration level was observed for this material. The thermal degradation onset point was progressively shoved to lower temperature with increase in chemical concentration. Two step mass loss observed in control sample was modified to be in three steps in treated samples. The mass loss curve progressively became flat with increasing chemical concentration in the sample. As a result of chemical application, an additional endotherm was emerged near 200C. The depth of this endotherm increased with increasing chemical concentration. Mass loss was also analysed in three different temperature intervals. The mass loss in first and third temperature interval increased from 9% (control) to 24% (350GPL) and 11% (control) to 39% (350GPL) respectively as the concentration increased. Also, the mass loss decreased from 70.9 % in control to 35 % for 350GPL treatment implying that the less amount of mass was decomposed due to non accessibility of free oxygen. There observed a drastic decrease in exotherm energy with minor shifting in peak point after the treatment. The activation energy was observed to be progressively decreasing from 267.6kJ/mole for control to 140.3 kJ/mole for sample of 350GPL treatment.<#LINE#> @ @ Hendrix J.E., Drake G.L. and Barker R.H., Pyrolysis and Combustion of Cellulose, III. Mechanistic Bases for the Synergism involving organic Phosphate and Nitrogenous Bases, J. of Appl. Polymer Sci.,64, 257 (1972) @No $ @ @ Hendrix J.E., Anderson T.K., Clayton T.J., Olson E.S. and Barker R.H., Flammability Measurement and Thermal Decomposition of Textiles, Flammability of Fabrics, Flame and Flammability series, Edited by Hilado C.J., Technomic Publishing Co. Inc, , 4173 (1974) @No $ @ @ Barker R.H., H.B.S. 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Detection was performed with UV diode array detector (UV-DAD) at a wavelength of 220 nm. Most peaks were base-separated with Rs values ranged from 1.6 to 4.5 for most peaks. The optimum mobile phase was composed of a mixture of acetonitrile, methanol, and water with a mixing ratio of 1:3:1, respectively. The regression coefficients (R) were 0.9991, 0.9951 and 0.9964 with relative standard deviations (RSD%) of 1.95, 2.89 and 1.87, for cypermethrin (CYP), resmethrin (RES) and permethrin (PER), respectively. <#LINE#> @ @ Sharma D.K. and Ansari B.A., Effect of Deltamethrin and a Neem Based Pesticide Achook on Some Biochemical Parameters in Tissues Liver, Ovary and Muscle of Zebrafish Danio rerio (Cyprinidae), Res. J. Chem. 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These two materials are fuller earths which are used to remove stains and non washable materials. Taking that factor into consideration, batch adsorption studies are carried for removal of fluoride from water. It is found that percentage removal increased with contact time and adsorbent dosage. The optimum contact time for multani matti and red soil is within 15 minutes. The percentage removal of fluoride decreased with increased in concentration. Langmuir and freundlich adsorption isotherms are followed. Pseudo second order kinetics and Elovich models explained the phenomena of adsorption. <#LINE#> @ @ John D.J., Water treatment, Handbook of Drinking Water Quality Standards and Controls, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 407490 (2008) @No $ @ @ Culp R. and Stolenberg H., Fluoride reduction at La Cross, Kan, J. AWWA,50(3), 423431 (1958) @No $ @ @ Parker C.L. and Fong C.C., Fluoride removal technology and cost estimates, Ind. 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Significantly higher removal of TOC and DOC was showed by 7% blending of FBWW with RW as compared to RW. Jar test results indicated that the improvements in RW quality could be achieved by recycling of FBWW with RW. 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Detailed growth parameters for these crystals are reported here like temperature profile, ampoules dimension and furnace dimension etc. The as grown crystals were used for dielectric measurements in the frequency range 200 Hz to 1 MHz using LCR meter model HP 4284A in temperature range 303 K to 523 K at applied magnetic field of 1 kG, 2 kG and 3 kG. 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From the experimental data, other related thermodynamic parameters, viz adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance and surface tension are calculated. The compressibility of a solvent is higher than that of a solution and it decreases with the increase in concentration of the solution. The abrupt variation of a velocity indicates the formation of complex. The results have been discussed in terms of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions between the component and the compatibility of these methods in predicting the interactions in these mistures has also been discussed. <#LINE#> @ @ Ravichandran S. and Ramanathan K., Ultrasonic investigations of MSO, NSO4 and CSO4 aqueous in polyvinyl alcohol solution at 303K, Rasayan. J. 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College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli- 620 023, INDIA @ Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry- 605 014, INDIA <#LINE#>4/8/2012<#LINE#>14/8/2012<#LINE#> New and effective polymeric inhibitor polythiophene-naphtholsulphonic acid (PTh--NSA) was prepared and used as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in 1N HCl solution using chemical and electrochemical methods. Results obtained from weight loss and gasometric methods were in good agreement with electrochemical methods. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements show that PTh--NSA was a mixed type inhibitor. The effect of temperatures on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel was studied in the temperature ranging from 30C to 90C for 1N HCl at an optimum concentration of 700 ppm. The adsorption behavior of this polymer on carbon steel in 1N HCl was found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm. 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