Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(4), 117-124, July (2011) ISSN 2231-606X International Science Congress Association 117 Assessment of Physico-Chemical Status of Ground Water Samples in Akot cityMurhekar Gopalkrushna H. Department of chemistry, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati 444604 (M. S.) INDIA Available online at: (Received 15th June 2011, revised 23rd June 2011, accepted 10th June 2011)Abstract The physico-chemical status of water samples from ten major part of locality in Akot city was assess. The sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance. The physicochemical parameter like, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++ ), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), fluoride (F), nitrate (NO) sulphate (SO2-) and phosphate (PO3-) of Open Well and Bore well was determined. The results were compared with standards prescribed by WHO (1973) and ISI (10500-91). It was found that the ground water was contaminated at few sampling sites namely Shri Shivaji College, Mahalaxmi Nagar While the sampling sites Keshvaoraj vetal, shaukatali chok and Ramtek pura showed physicochemical parameters within the water quality standards and the quality of water is good and it is fit for drinking purpose. Keywords: Groundwater, physicochemical parameter, open well and borewell, Akot city.Introduction Natural resources are the important wealth of our country, water is one of them. Water is a wander of the nature. “ No life without water ’’ is a common saying depending upon the fact that water is the one of the naturally occurring essentional requirement of all life supporting activities Since it is a dynamic system, containing living as well as nonliving, organic , inorganic ,soluble as well as insoluble substances. So its quality is likely to change day by day and from source to source. Any change in the natural quality may disturb the equilibrium system and would become unfit for designated uses. The availability of water through surface and groundwater resources has become critical day to day. Only 1% part is available on land for drinking, agriculture, domestic power generation, industrial consummation, transportation and waste disposal.2,3,4 In India, most of the population is dependent on groundwater as the only source of drinking water supply. The groundwater is believed to be comparatively much clean and free from pollution than surface water. But prolonged discharge of industrial effluents, domestic sewage and solid waste dump causes the groundwater to become polluted and created health problems. The rapid growth of urban areas has further affected groundwater quality due to overexploitation of resources and improper waste disposal practices. Hence, there is always a need for and concern over the protection and management of groundwater quality.6 Heavy metals are priority toxic pollutants that severely limit the beneficial use of water for domestic and industrial application. The lakes have complex and fragile ecosystem, as they do not have self cleaning ability and therefore readily accumulate pollutants. The physicochemical parameters and trace metal contents of water samples from Delhi were assessed. The most of water bodies in India needs to be treated before using it in domestic applications by various means. Ground water contains high amount of various ions, salts etc. so if we were using such type of water as potable water then it leads to various water-borne diseases10. The consequence of Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(4), 117-124, July (2011) ISSN 2231-606X International Science Congress Association 118 urbanization and industrialization eads to spoil the water. For agricultural purposes ground water is explored in rural areas especially in those areas where other sources of water like dam and river or the canal is not available. During last decade, this is observed that the ground water get polluted drastically because of increased human activities11-13. Hence it is very essential to maintain the quality of ground water for human consumption, for the aquatic life and for other subsequent uses. Considering the above aspects of groundwater contamination, the present study was undertaken to investigate the impact of the groundwater quality of some open wells and bore well water samples in Akot city of Akola district in Vidarbha region. Thus, in this research work an attempt has been made to assess the physical and chemical parameters of groundwater like, Temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++ ), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), fluoride (F), nitrate (NO) sulphate (SO--) and phosphate (PO3-) of Open Well and Bore well was determined. The analyzed data were compared with standard values recommended by WHO14Material and MethodsAkot city (Distract Akola) which is situated in the heart of the nation in Maharashtra (Vidarbha region) has become an important city because of the natural resources available around it. There are various existing industries and industrial estates. These industries use huge quantity of water for processing and release most of the water in the form of wastewater. The wastewater being generated is discharged into the nearby water resources. Similarly the geochemical and morphological structural changes due to weathering may also leache out some chemicals/minerals from the geostrata into surface and groundwater and may change the original characteristics of water which could be rather harmful to human health after consumption. The people are using open well water, tube well water as well as municipal water for their daily need. The literature survey reveals that no water quality management studies are made in this region so far. Hence the present study was planned and undertaken. Shri Shivaji College (open well), Mahalaxmi Nagar (bore well), Swarswti Nagar (bore well), Sambhaji Nagar (open well and borewell ), Somwar Wesh (bore well), Keshvaoraj Vetal (open well), Shaukatali Chok (bore well), and Ramtek Pura (open well and bore well), site selected were from different localities in Akot city for samples collection. Preparation of Water Samples: The sample were collected from all the stations at 11.00 am to 12.00 noon in both the seasons for physico-chemical examinations, different methods of collection and handling were adopted based the standard procedures15. The samples were collected in plastic canes of five liters capacity without any air bubbles. The instruments were used of accuracy. The temperatures of the samples were measured in the field itself at the time of sample collection. The samples were kept in refrigerator maintained at 4C. Water samples from ten sampling sites were collected during a post monsoon period of five months (November-2009 to March -2010). The sampling locations in Akot city for assessment of physico-chemical parameter status of ground water are given in Table- 1. Physico-Chemical Analysis: Analysis was carried out for various water quality parameters such as Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++ ), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), fluoride(F) nitrate (NO), sulphate (SO--) and phosphate (PO3- using standard method16-18. All The reagents used for the analysis were AR grade and double distilled water was used for preparation of solutions. Results and Discussion Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(4), 117-124, July (2011) ISSN 2231-606X International Science Congress Association 119 The physico-chemical parameters of the above mention sites in Akot city can be calculated and it is describe as bellow. Temperature ( T) in 0C: Temperature is an important biologically significant factor, which plays an important role in the metabolic activities of the organism. The temperature was ranging from 23.0°C to 27.00°C during the study period. Lowest water temperature was observed in the Ramtek Pura was 23.0 °C. A study increase in water temperature in the course of Shivaji College was noticed ie 27.0 °C. An increase in temperature was observed from Somwar Wesh (24.0 °C) to Mahalaxmi Nagar (26.0 °C). This might be due to presence of the effluents. Our property of water is that with change in temperature, its density varies and it becomes less with warming up and more with cooling. pH: pH is a term used universally to express the intensity of the acid or alkaline condition of a solution. Most of the water samples are slightly alkaline due to presence of carbonates and bicarbonates. The pH values of water samples varied between 8.0 to 7.1 and were found within the limit prescribed by WHO. The higher range of pH indicates higher productivity of water.19 Electrical Conductivity (EC) in Micro-ohm/cm: Electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of water capacity to convey electric current. It signifies the amount of total dissolved salts20. EC values were in the range of 1563 micro-ohms/cm to 390 micro-ohms/cm. High EC values were observed for five sampling points namely S, S, S, S, and Sindicating the presence of high amount of dissolved inorganic substances in ionized form. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in mg/l: Total dissolved solids indicate the salinity behavior of groundwater. Water containing more than 500 mg/L of TDS is not considered desirable for drinking water supplies, but in unavoidable cases 1500 mg/L is also allowed21. TDS values varied from 108 mg/L to 1650 mg/L. The sampling points S, S and Sshowed higher TDS values than the prescribed limit given by ISI. Turbidity in NTU: In most waters, turbidity is due to colloidal and extremely fine dispersions. The turbidity values varied between 0.00 to 0.2 NTU and found within the limits prescribed by ISI (10500-91). Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in mg/l: Dissolved oxygen is important parameter in water quality assessment and reflects the physical and biological processes prevailing in the water. The DO values indicate the degree of pollution in water bodies. DO values varied from 7.4 to 2.9. The sampling points S and showed high DO values. Total Alkalinity (TA) in mg/l: Alkalinity of water is its capacity to neutralize a strong acid and it is normally due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydroxide compound of calcium, sodium and potassium. Total alkalinity values for all the investigated samples were found to be greater in samples S, S2, S3 and S than the value prescribed by WHO.Total Hardness (TH) in mg/l: Hardness is the property of water which prevents the lather formation with soap and increases the boiling points of water22 Hardness of water mainly depends upon the amount of calcium or magnesium salts or both. The hardness values shown range from 784 mg/L to 312 mg/L. The values for sample from point S2 and were higher than the prescribed limit. Calcium (Ca2+) in mg/l: Calcium are directly related to hardness. Calcium concentration ranged between 80.00 mg/L to 34.00 mg/L and found below permissible limit of ISI, except samples from sampling point S, S2 and S. Magnesium (Mg2+ ) in mg/l: Magnesium are directly related to hardness. Magnesium content in the investigated water samples was ranging from 147.00 mg/L to 37.1 mg/L which were found within WHO limit. Sodium (Na ) in mg/l: Sodium concentrations were found in between 375.00 mg/L to 199.00 mg/L. Sampling sites S, S10 showed lower sodium Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(4), 117-124, July (2011) ISSN 2231-606X International Science Congress Association 120 concentration than the prescribed limit by WHO and ISI. Potassium (K ) in mg/l: The major source of potassium in natural fresh water is weathering of rocks but the quantities increase in the polluted water due to disposal of waste water22. Potassium content in the water samples varied from 0.3 mg/L to 0.8 mg/L. It is found that the contents of potassium in site S1 is higher ie 0.80 mg/l, whereas for sites S4 to S10 is zero. Chloride ( Cl ) in mg/l: The chloride concentration serves as an indicator of pollution by sewage. People accustomed to higher chloride in water are subjected to laxative effects20. In the present analysis, chloride concentration was found in the range of 257.00 mg/L to 38.2 mg/L. The values are within the limit except water sample collected from sites S2 and S3. Higher chloride concentration in samples from sites S may be due to big discharge of sewage near the sampling sites. Fluoride ( F ) in mg/l: Probable source of high fluoride in Indian waters seems to be that during weathering and circulation of water in rocks and soils, fluorine is leached out and dissolved in ground water.Excess intake of fluoride through drinking water causes fluorosis on human being.In the present analysis, fluoride concentration was found in all samples sites in Akot city. It is found zero for all sites ie from S to S10 Nitrate (NO) in mg/l: Groundwater contains nitrate due to leaching of nitrate with the percolating water. Groundwater can also be contaminated by sewage and other wastes rich in nitrates. The nitrate content in the study area varied in the range 1.28 mg/L to 0.12 mg/L and found within the prescribed limit. Sulphate (SO2-) in mg/l: Sulphate occurs naturally in water as a result of leaching from gypsum and other common minerals18. Discharge of industrial wastes and domestic sewage tends to increase its concentration. The sulphate concentration varied between 80.9 mg/L and 19.1 mg/L. and found within the prescribed limit. Phosphate (PO4 3-) in mg/l: Phosphate may occur in groundwater as a result of domestic sewage, detergents, and agricultural effluents with fertilizers. The phosphate content in the study area was found in 1 site only it is 0.1 mg/L. All the data can be summarized in Table-2. And graphical representation of Average values of the physicochemical parameters of different sites in Akot city as shown in fig-1(a-l). ConclusionDeviations were observed by some groundwater samples in Akot city . The water samples from sites and S showed poor water quality as compared to other water samples, probably due to River close to site S The water samples from sites S and S2 are polluted and unfit for drinking purpose. The sampling point S showed high TDS, total alkalinity and sodium content indicating the need of some treatment for minimization of the parameters. The sampling sites S and S10 (In Ramtek pura for both open well and bore well ) showed physicochemical parameters within the water quality standards and the quality of water is good and it is fit for drinking purpose. The parameters namely F and PO3- is found as zero for all sites. AcknowledgementsThe authors are very thankful to the UGC, New Delhi, for financial support and Principal, Arts and Science College, Murtizapur, Dist- Akola for providing necessary research facilities.References 1.Ayibatele N.B.; First Seosun Environmerital Baseline Survey, In proc. of internal. conf. on water and environ., 1, 4-26, (1992)2.Mishra K.R., Pradip, Tripathi; S.P, Groundwater Quality of Open Wells and Tube Wells, Acta Ciencia Indica, XXXIIIC, 2, 179 (2002)3.Gupta V., Agarwal J., Sharma S.; Adsorption Analysis of Mn(VII) from Aqueous Medium by Natural Polymer Chitin and Chitosan, Asian J. of Chem.,20(8), 6195-98 (2008)4.Tahir M.A., Rasheed H. and Malana A.; Method development for arsenic analysis by modification in spectrphotometric technique, Drik. Water Eng.Sci. 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