Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X Review Paper Monitoring of Bioreactor using Statistical Techniques Damarla Seshu Kumar1 and Kundu Madhusree1 Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, Orissa-769008, INDIA Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, Orissa-769008, INDIA Available online at: (Received 21st April 2011, revised 2nd May 2011, accepted 28th May 2011) Abstract Present study addresses the monitoring of a continuous bioreactor operation. New methodologies; based on clustering time series data and moving window based pattern matching have been proposed for the detection of fault in the chosen bioreactor process. A modified k-means clustering algorithm using similarity measure as a convergence criterion has been adopted for discriminating among time series data pertaining to various operating conditions. The proposed distance and PCA based combined similarity along with the moving window approach were used to discriminate among the normal operating conditions as well as detection of fault for the process taken up. Keywords: PCA, moving window, pattern matching, bioreactor, k-means clustering Introduction Monitoring a chemical process is a challenging task because of their multivariate and highly correlated nature. The data based approaches; supervised learning; unsupervised learning and multivariate statistical techniques rather than the model based approaches are convenient for process monitoring. New methodologies; based on clustering time series data and moving window based pattern matching have been proposed for detection of normal as well as faulty conditions in the process. Data collection has become a mature technology over the years but the analysis of process historical database has become an active area of research 1-3 Bioreactor control and monitoring has been an active area of research over a decade or so. For optimization of cell mass growth and product formation, continuous mode of operation of bioreactors are desirable not the traditional fed batch bioreactors. Several researchers have studied the continuous bioreactor problem 4-7. For the bioreactor process 26 numbers of datasets were created comprising both normal and abnormal operating conditions. At a given time period of interest; for a multivariate time series data or template data, a similar pattern can be located in the historical database using the proposed pattern matching algorithm. A modified k-means clustering algorithm using similarity measures as a convergence criterion has been used for clustering datasets pertaining to different operating conditions including faulty one. Both the pattern matching and clustering time series data are useful for successful monitoring of the process including fault detection and its analysis. Theoretical Postulations Similarity Factors: PCA similarity: Principal component analysis is multivariable statistical technique to reduce the dimensionality of the large datasets by transforming set of original correlated variables into a new set of uncorrelated variables. These new uncorrelated variables capture the maximum variance in the dataset and are linear combinations of the original variables. PCA was successfully applied to cluster multivariate time series data 8,9. PCA similarity factor was developed by choosing largest k principal components of each multivariate time series dataset that describe at least 95 % of variance in the each dataset10. These Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X principal components are the eigen vectors of the covariance matrix. The PCA similarity factor between two datasets is defined by equation (1) ==ijPCACos11 (1) Where k is the number of selected principal components in both datasets, ij q is the angle between the th principal component of and thprincipal component of. When first two principal components explain 95% of variance in the datasets, may not capture the degree of similarity between two datasets because it weights all PCs equally. Obviously PCA has to modify to weight each PC by its explained variance. The modified PCA is defined as ijPCACos)2()1()2()1( (2) Where)2()1(are the Eigen values of the first and second datasets respectively. Distance similarity: In addition to above similarity measure, distance similarity factor can be used to cluster multivariate time series data. Distance similarity factor compares two datasets that may have similar spatial orientation. The process variables pertaining to different operating conditions may have similar principal components. The distance similarity factor is defined as dzdzdist1[ (3) Where, & are sample means row vectors. is the covariance matrix for dataset and is pseudo inverse of . Dataset is assumed to be a reference dataset. In equation (3), a one side Gaussian distribution is used because. The error function can be calculated by using any software or standard error function tables. The integration in equation (3) normalizes between zero and one. Combined similarity Factor: The combined similarity factor (SF) combines PCAand dist using weighted average of the two quantities and used for clustering of multivariate time series data.. The combined similarity is defined as distPCASF (4) The selection of a and a is up to the user but ensure that the sum of them is equal to one. In this work we selected the values of a & a are 0.67 and 0.33. -means clustering using similarity factors: The time series data pertaining to various operating conditions were discriminated and classified using the following similarity based -means algorithm. Given: Q datasets, { } ....,... to be clustered into k clusters 1. Let thdataset in the th cluster be defined asComputation of the aggregate dataset,....2,1 = , for each of the k clusters as, Qi)])(......(..........)(.........()([( (5) Where is the number of datasets in the database. . 2. Calculation of the dissimilarity between dataset and each of the k aggregate datasets .....2,1 as, SF - = (6) Where SF is similarity between th dataset and th cluster described by equation 4. Let the aggregate dataset in equation 6 be the reference dataset. Dataset is assigned to the cluster to which it is least dissimilar. Repetition of this step for Q datasets. Clustering performance evaluation: Some key definitions were introduced to evaluate the performance of the clusters obtained using similarity factors11. Assuming the number of operating conditions is op and the number of PCA Txxxx)12(1*1)12(---=F 2x 1x1  1X1* 1 -  1 X1X0 ³ F dist Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X datasets for operating condition in the database isDBj. Cluster purity is defined to characterize each cluster in terms of how many numbers of datasets for a particular operating condition present in the th cluster. Cluster purity is defined as, 100maxpiij (7) Where ij is the number of datasets of operating condition in the th cluster and is the number of datasets in the th cluster. Cluster efficiency measures the extent to which an operating condition is distributed in different clusters. This method is to penalize the large values of when operating condition distributed into different clusters. Clustering efficiency is defined as, 100maxDBj (8) Where DBj is the number of datasets for operating condition in the database. Large number of datasets of operating condition present in a cluster can be considered as dominant operating condition. Moving Window Based Pattern Matching: In this approach, the snapshot or template data with unknown start and end time of operating condition moves through historical data and the similarity between them is characterized by distance and PCA based combined similarity factor. The historical data windows with the largest values of similarity factors are collected in a candidate pool and are called records to be analyzed by the process Engineer. For the present work, the historical data window moved one observation at a time, with each old observation is getting replaced by new one. Pool accuracy, Pattern matching efficiency and overall effectiveness of pattern matching are important metrics that quantify the performance of the proposed pattern matching algorithm. : The size of the candidate pool. is the number of historical data windows that have been labeled ‘‘similar’’ to the snapshot data by a pattern matching technique. The data windows collected in the candidate pool are called records. = number of records in the candidate pool that are exactly similar to the current snapshot data, i.e. having a similarity of 1.0/or number of correctly identified record. = number of records in the candidate pool that are not correctly identified. + = DB: The total number of historical data windows that are actually similar to the current snapshot. In general, DB ¹ Pool accuracy= 100 Pattern matching efficiency 100)]1[ - DBPattern matching algorithm efficiency 100DBA large value of Pool accuracy is important in case of detection of small number of specific previous situations from a small pool of records without evaluating incorrectly identified records. A large value of Pattern matching efficiency is required in case of detection of all of the specific previous situations from a large pool of records. The proposed method is completely data driven and unsupervised; no process models or training data are required. The user should specify only the relevant measured variables. Model of Bioreactor: A (2×2) bioreactor process was taken up. The primary aim of a continuous bioreactor is to avoid wash out condition which ceases reaction that may be achieved either by controlling cell mass ( g/L) or substrate concentrations ( g/L). Dilution rate (D=F/V (h-1)) and feed substrate concentration (S, g/L) are served as manipulated variables to control cell mass ( g/L) or substrate concentrations ( g/L). Thus two degrees of freedom is available for control. The study is based on single biomass-single substrate process. The following are the model equation based on first principle. dtdx (9) dtdx (10) Pi Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X The reaction rate is given by m = (11) Where is the substrate concentration in the feed. & are the biomass and substrate composition, respectively. m , the specific growth is a function of substrate concentration and given by the substrate inhibition growth rate expression: max (12) The relation between the rate of generation of cells and consumption of nutrients is defined by the yield given in the following equation (13) Introducing the dilution rate( ) and assuming there is no biomass in the feed, i.e., =0. The inputs are dilution rate and feed substrate concentration and the outputs are the concentrations of substrate and biomass (All values in deviation form). The values of steady state dilution rate (), feed substrate concentration (fs), the steady state values of the states at the stable and unstable operating points and the various parameters are presented in table 1. When both the concentrations (biomass & substrate) are high process leads to unstable equilibrium. When there is substrate limiting condition, process is at stable equilibrium. Direct synthesis controllers were designed to control the biomass and substrate concentration in both stable and unstable situations. Open loop and closed loop processes were considered in order to generate the database including faults using distinct operating conditions at stable & unstable operating points (by varying the controller tuning parameter, , the faulty operating condition 4 was generated). Bioreactor was simulated for one hour and data was taken up with a sampling interval of 6 seconds using different operating conditions. Total database contains 26 datasets of various operating conditions where each dataset contains 600 observations of two outputs and are presented in table 2. Results and Discussion Table 2 presents the 26 numbers of datasets, which were generated for various operating conditions by varying the parameters 1k & l . l is the tuning parameter of direct synthesis controller,-a parameter (both for Monod and substrate inhibition), -a parameter for substrate inhibition only. Four numbers of optimum clusters were obtained using similarity based; modified -means algorithm. Faulty operating condition 4 was well captured by cluster 4. The derived cluster purity and efficiency; both were 100 % as presented in table 3. Pattern matching was done using the moving window in a sample wise manner. 4 sets of database pertaining to four various operating conditions were considered as historical database and 4 snapshot data sets were considered. Pool accuracy and Pattern matching efficiency were determined to be 100 %. Similarity factors in the range of 0.965 to 1.0 were considered in this work. table 4 presents the proposed pattern matching performance. Conclusions A moving window based pattern matching technique was developed with a view to process monitoring. The proposed approach successfully located the arbitrarily chosen different operating conditions of current period of interest among the historical database of a continuous bioreactor process. The PCA and distance based similarity factors provided the effective way of pattern matching in a multivariate time series database of a bioreactor process. The time series data pertaining to various operating conditions of the considered bioreactor process were discriminated /classified efficiently using a similarity based modifiedmeans clustering algorithm. The present developments can be considered as effective data based tool/machine learning algorithm for process monitoring. Acknowledgements Authors would like to thank to Prof. Palash Kundu, EE Dept., Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India for providing motivation for this work. Res.J.Chem.Sci.___________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X References 1.Singhal A. and Seborg D.E., Pattern matching in multivariate time series databases using a moving window approach, Ind. Eng. Chem. 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Cond. 3 Op. Cond. 4 1 10 100 10 0 0 0 2 8 100 0 8 0 0 3 5 100 0 0 5 0 4 3 100 0 0 0 3 (faulty cond.) Avg. 100 = P 100 = h 100 = h 100 = h 100 = h Table-4: Moving window based pattern matching performance Op. Cond. Parameter range No. of datasets 1 4545.004545.0 £ £ K 10 2 12.0015.0 £ £ mK 8 3 1043.12208.0 £ £ l 5 4 83838.89446.2 £ £ l 3 Snapshot Op. Cond. Size of the candidate pool 2N Pattern matching efficiency Pool Accuracy Op. Cond. 1 1 1 0 100 100 Op. Cond. 2 1 1 0 100 100 Op. Cond. 3 1 1 0 100 100 Op. Cond. 4 1 1 0 100 100 Table 2: Database corresponding to various operating conditions for Bio-Chemical Reactor process