Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 40 Evaluation of Water Quality of Narmada River with reference to Physco- chemical Parameters at Hoshangabad city, MP, India Sharma Shraddha, Vishwakarma Rakesh, Dixit Savita3 and Jain PraveenDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., INDIA Department of Applied Chemistry, Swami Vivekanand College of Science and Technology, Bhopal, M.P., INDIA Department of Applied Chemistry, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., INDIA Centre of IT & Basic Sciences, Madhya Pradesh, Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal, M.P., INDIA Available online at: (Received 26th April 2011, revised 4th May 2011, accepted 16th May 2011) Abstract River Narmada is one of the 13 prominent rivers of India, which covers 98,797 sq km of total water-shed area. Narmada is considered to be the lifeline and west flowing river of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The monitoring of water quality of Narmada River was carried out for one year 2007. Four sampling stations were selected at downstream of Hoshangabad city. The water samples collected were analyzed, as per standard methods parameters such as pH, EC, Turbidity were measured in-situ. Raised values of physico-chemical parameters indicate the pollution of riverine ecosystem due to domestic wastes, municipal sewage, industrial effluent from Security Paper Mill (SPM) and agricultural run-off that influence the water quality directly or indirectly. Statistical analysis carried out through correlation method and also evaluates Average values (AV), Standard Deviation (SD), Standard Variance (SV), Standard Error (SE) and 95% Confidence Limit (CL) to assess the pollution load assessment. The results revealed that most of the water samples were below or out of limited; according to the WHO, BIS standards. key Words: Statistical analysis, Narmada river, Water pollution, River water quality, Hoshangabad city, Physico- chemical analysis. Introduction Natural surface water bodies like rivers and streams are subjected to pollution comprising of organic and inorganic constituent 27. Hoshangabad is the largest cities situated at the bank of river Narmada, which is also a holy place. Narmada is the largest west-flowing river in India and originates fromAmarkantak at an elevation of 900m in the Mekhala range of Shadol district, Madhya Pradesh 10 . It is the seventh largest among the fourteen major river basins in the country 11 . The river Narmada drains the catchment between the Vindhyan mountains to the north of the river stretching east-west in general, and the Satpura mountain ranges to the south. It flows through the undulating plains of Hoshangabad about 300m high, dotted with occasional low buttes. . It has a total course of 1312 km and total basin of 98,796,80 sq km Hoshangabad town is situated 222340’’ latitude and 775830’’ longitudes10. Hoshangabad city is famous for beautiful “Ghats” along river Narmada. The river is being polluted here by much city sewage along with industrial effluents from Security paper Mill as it provide a cheaper mode of waste disposal. It flows 1,300 km west through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in terms of its catchment area11. In Narmada river huge quantity of domestic waste, municipal sewage dumped daily in addition to industrial effluents and agricultural run-off. Hence it is Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 41 intended to investigate physico- chemical parameters of river water.Material and Methods The water samples were collected from the river Narmada water from four selected stations SS1 (Bandhrabhan), SS2 (Naoghat), SS3 (Sethanighat), SS4 (Dongarwara) for a period of twelve months during the year 2007. The river water samples were collected in different sampling bottles as per standard method APHA. The pH, electrical conductivity and turbidity were estimated at sampling sites. The other parameters were measured by the procedure given by APHA in the laboratory2.16 The investigation period was divided into two seasons i.e. Pre-monsoon and Monsoon. Results and Discussion Studies of physico – chemical characteristics of river Narmada water suggests that the various parameters depending upon the hydrochemistry of the study area and also the waste water released from the different nallas. Different aspects of water and waste water have been studied by many workers such as physico-chemical characteristics of sewage entering into the river1. The Physical factors contributing the great role in water quality such as Temperature, pH and Turbidity water level and intensity of illumination is also an important factor to maintain the water quality6. The pH of water is directly related to carbonate and bicarbonate ions present in it, which is closely associated with CO pressure and the ionic strength solution and altering the pH values change the quality of water have been activities in the aquatic solutions. The Biochemical oxygen demand is of great importance in water quality assessment14.15. The results achieved during the course of present study are tabulated in tables 1 to 4. The results are demonstrated by the minimum and maximum values, average values and statistical evaluations i.e. Standard Deviation (SD), Standard Variance (SV), Standard Error (SE), 95% Confidence Limit (CL) of the parameters of Narmada river water are presented in table 1 to 2 and description of correlation coefficient (r) of river water samples is presented in table 3 to 4. The result of physico-chemical properties obtained during present study was found fluctuated with the standard values of water quality given by World Health Organization29, BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) to categories the sites according to their pollution load. pH: pHis an important parameter which is important in evaluating the acid-base balance of water. The pH value of water at sewage discharge points were usually lower than that of the river water23.24, also reports similar results in case of river Ganga. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) limits of pH for drinking water are 6.5-8.5. The pH of Narmada river water samples in Pre monsoon season was found to be in the range 7.7 to 8.9 and in Monsoon 7.6 to 9.9 as shown in fig.1, along with concentration of average value with 95% CL was found to be 8.55 0.91in Pre-monsoon and 8.85 1.45 in Monsoon respectively. pH showed negative correlation with Turbidity (r = -0.4232), Ca hardness (r = -0.4404), Chloride (r = -0.4433), Phosphate (r = - 0.9847), DO (r = -0.4045) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon pH showed negative correlation with Turbidity (r = -0.7770), Ca hardness (r = -0.7070), Sulphate (r = -0.2760), Chloride (r = -0.7040), Phosphate (r = - 0.9040), DO (r = -0.4060) and positive correlation with other physico-chemical parameters which are given in table 3 and 4. Electrical Conductivity (EC: EC measurement is an excellent indicator of TDS, which is a measure of salinity that affects the taste of potable water27. The Electrical Conductivity of water sample of Narmada River in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was observed to be in the ranges of 373-462 and 272-364 mhos/cm, as shown in fig.2 respectively. This conductivity of average value of 95% CL was found to be 400.5 65.87 and 298.7 69.52 mhos/cm respectively. EC showed negative correlation with Turbidity (r = 0.7508), Ca hardness (r = -0.7610), Sulphate (r = -0.3159), Chloride (r = -0.7515), Phosphate (r = - 0.4270), DO (r = -0..6799) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon EC showed negative correlation with Turbidity (r = -0.9770), Ca hardness (r = -0.7810), Sulphate (r = -0.4600), Chloride (r = -0.8000), Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 42 Phosphate (r = - 0.4350), DO (r = -0.5440) and positive correlation with Mg Hardness, Nitrite which are given in table 3 and 4. Turbidity: Turbidity of water is an important parameter, which influences the light penetration. The turbidity values of Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 12.11- 13.0 and 21.7-29.64 NTU as shown in fig.3, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% CL was found to be 12.6 0.58 and 27.24 5.92 N.T.U. respectively. Turbidity showed negative correlation with Mg Hardness (r = -0.4957), Nitrite (r = -0.8025) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon Turbidity showed negative correlation with Mg Hardness (r = -0.9830), Nitrite (r = -0.6920) and positive correlation with Sulphate, Chloride, Phosphate and DO which are given in table 3 and 4. Calcium Hardness: Calcium is an important micronutrient in an aquatic environment Hardness of the river water is of considerable significance in connection with the discharge of the sewage and industrial effluent containing pollution, as indicated by variations in the concentration of the hardness of the water20. The concentration of Ca Hardness in Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 330-353 mg/L and 370-396 mg/L as shown in fig.4, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% CL was found to be 343 15.7 and 384 17.8 mg/l respectively. Calcium Hardness showed negative correlation with Mg Hardness (r = -0.5126), Nitrite (r = -0. 8117) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon Calcium Hardness showed negative correlation with Mg Hardness (r = -0.8010), Nitrite (r = -0.3010) and positive correlation with Sulphate, Chloride, Phosphate and DO which are given in table 3 and 4. Magnesium Hardness: Magnesium as co factor for various enzymatic transformations within the cell especially in the trans-phosphorylation in algal, fungal and bacterial cell28. The concentration of Mg Hardness in Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 185-316mg/l and 196-293 mg/l as shown in fig.5, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% CL was found to be 235 98.098 and 223 74.39 mg/L respectively. Magnesium Hardness showed negative correlation with Chloride (r = -0.5017), Phosphate (r = -0. 4703), DO (r = -0.4063) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon Magnesium Hardness showed negative correlation with Sulphate (r = -0.4880) Chloride (r = -0.8190), Phosphate (r = -0. 4320), DO (r = -0.5710), and positive correlation with Nitrite, Sulphate in Pre-monsoon and only Nitrite in Monsoon which are given in table 3 and 4. Nitrite: In general, increase downstream the pollution input gives a sufficient indication of the deteriorating quality of water due to entry of wastewater in river. Similar findings have been reported by Shah and Rai20.21 .The concentration of Nitrite in Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 0.063-0.093 mg/l and 0.083-0.089 mg/l as shown in fig.6, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% Cl was found to be 0.071 0.023and 0.086 0.0041 mg/L. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) suggested the limit of phosphate is 0.1mg/L. Nitrite showed negative correlation with Sulphate (r = -0.3850) Chloride (r = -0.8032), Phosphate (r = -0.4544), DO (r = -0.7378) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon Nitrite showed negative correlation with Chloride (r = -0.3300), Phosphate (r = -0. 3390), and positive correlation with Sulphate in Monsoon which are given in table 4. Phosphate: The increased application of fertilizers, use of detergents and domestic sewage greatly contribute to the heavy loading of phosphorous in the water13. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) suggested the limit of phosphate is 0.1mg/l. The concentration of Phosphate in Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 0.16-0.19 mg/L and 0.19-0.28mg/L as shown in fig.7, along with the concentration of an average value with 95% CL was found to be 0.17 0.02 and 0.22 0.07 mg/L respectively. Phosphate showed positive correlation with DO (r = 0.5477) in Pre-monsoon and (r = 0.0736)in Monsoon, which are given in table 3 and 4. Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 43 Sulphate: Sulphate is widely distributed in nature and may be present in natural waters. The main source of sulphur is the rocks present near the water-bodies and biochemical action of anaerobic bacteria. The concentration of Sulphate in Narmada river water sample in Premonsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 325-449 mg/l and 415-493 mg/l as shown in fig.8, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% Cl was found to be 362.5 92.36and 442.75 55.035 mg/l respectively. Sulphate showed negative correlation with Phosphate (r = -0.060) in Monsoon and Sulphate showed positive correlation with Chloride, Phosphate and DO in Pre-monsoon and Chloride, DO in Monsoon which are given in table 3 and 4. Chloride: Main sources of chloride in river waters are sediments, sewage and trade and industrial effluents, if present. Sewage bring with urine, which is rich in chloride content i.e. 4500-5000 ppm chloride 45/. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) suggested the standard of chloride is 250 mg/l. The concentration of Chloride in Narmada river water sample in Premonsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 270-289 mg/l and 320-342 mg/L as shown in fig.9, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% CL was found to be 280.25 13.0 and 332 14.9 mg/l respectively. Chloride showed positive correlation with Phosphate (r = 0.5762), DO (r = 0.9942) in Pre-monsoon and in Monsoon Chloride also showed positive correlation with Phosphate (r = 0.3729), DO (r = 0.9211). Dissolved Oxygen: Dissolved oxygen in natural and waste water depends on the physical, chemical and biological activities in the water body. The WHO (World Health Organization) suggested the standard of DO is �5.00 mg/l. The concentration of DO in Narmada river water sample in Pre monsoon and Monsoon was found to be in the range of 4.2-4.5 mg/L and 4.1-4.6 mg/L as shown in fig.10, along with the concentration of a average value with 95% CL was found to be 4.35 0.21and 4.3 .034 mg/L respectively. 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StationsNitrite (mg/L) Pre-Mon Mon Phosphate0. StationsPhos.(mg/L) Pre-Mon Mon Sulphate100200300400500600SS1SS2SS3SS4Sampling StationsSulp.(mg/L) Pre-Mon Mon Chloride50100150200250300350400SS1SS2SS3SS4Sampling StationsChlo.(mg/L) Pre-Mon Mon Dissolved Oxygen3. StationsDO(mg/L) Pre-Mon Mon Fig-5: Graph showing variation in Mg Hardness Concentration at different sampling stations Fig-6: Graph showing variation in Nitrite Concentration at different sampling stations Fig-10: Graph showing variation in DO Concentration at different sampling stations Fig-8: Graph showing variation in Sulphate Concentration at different sampling stations Fig-7: Graph showing variation in Phosphate Concentration at different sampling stations Fig-9: Graph showing variation in Chloride Concentration at different sampling stations Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 47 Table-1: Statistical evaluation for physico-chemical parameters of Narmada river water samples in Pre-monsoon Table-2: Statistical evaluation for physico-chemical parameters of Narmada river water samples in Monsoon Parameters pH Elec. cond. Turb. Ca Hard. Mg Hard. Nitrite Sulphate Cl Phosphate DO AV 8.55 400.5 12.6 343 235 0.07125 362.5 280 0.17 4.35 S E 0.29 20.698 0.18 4.94 30.825 0.00726 29.022 4.09 0.01 0.06 S D 0.57 41.396 0.36 9.88 61.65 0.01452 58.043 8.18 0.01 0.13 S V 0.33 1713.7 0.13 97.7 3800.7 0.00021 3369 66.9 0 0.02 Min 7.7 373 12.1 330 185 0.063 325 270 0.16 4.2 Max 8.9 462 13 353 316 0.093 449 289 0.19 4.5 AV± CL (95.0%) 8.55 ± 0.91 400.5 ± 65.871 12.6 ± 0.58 343 ± 15.7 235 ± 98.098 0.0712 ± 0.02310 362.5 ± 92.36 280 ± 13.0 0.17 ± 0.02 4.35 ± 0.21 Parameters pH Elec. cond. Turb. Ca Hard. Mg Hard. Nitrite SulphateChloride Phosphate DO AV 8.85 298.75 27.2 384 223 0.086 442.75 332 0.22 4.3 S E 0.46 21.846 1.86 5.58 23.377 0.001291 17.293 4.69 0.02 0.11 S D 0.91 43.691 3.72 11.2 46.755 0.002582 34.587 9.38 0.04 0.22 S V 0.83 1908.9 13.8 125 2186 6.67E-06 1196.3 88 0 0.05 Min 7.68 272 21.7 370 196 0.083 415 320 0.19 4.1 Max 9.9 364 29.6 396 293 0.089 493 342 0.28 4.6 AV±CL (95.0%) 8.85 ± 1.45 298.75 ± 69.522 27.2 ± 5.92 384 ± 17.8 223 ± 74.397 0.086 ± 0.004109 442.75 ± 55.035 332 ± 14.9 0.22 ± 0.07 4.3 ± 0.34 Res.J.Chem.Sci.______________________________________________Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1(3) June (2011) ISSN 2231-606X 48 Table-3: Correlation coefficient values among the physico-chemical parameters of Narmada river water samples in Pre monsoon Table-4: Correlation coefficient values among the physico-chemical parameters of Narmada River water samples in Monsoon Parameters pH Elec. cond. Turb. Ca Hard. Mg Hard. Nitrite Sulphate Chloride Phosp. DO pH 1 Elec.cond. 0.3826 1 Turb. -0.4232 -0.7508 1 Ca Hard. -0.4404 -0.7610 0.9997 1 Mg Hard. 0.4913 0.9269 -0.4957 -0.5126 1 Nitrite 0.3975 0.9966 -0.8025 -0.8117 0.8987 1 Sulphate 0.0849 -0.3159 0.7983 0.7839 0.0581 -0.3850 1 Chloride -0.4433 -0.7515 0.9997 0.9998 -0.5017 -0.8032 0.7880 1 Phosphate -0.9847 -0.4270 0.5578 0.5724 -0.4703 -0.4544 0.0893 0.5762 1 DO -0.4045 -0.6799 0.9948 0.9928 -0.4063 -0.7378 0.8407 0.9942 0.5477 1 Parameters pH Elec. cond. Turb. Ca Hard. Mg Hard. Nitrite Sulphte Chloride Phosp. DO pH 1 Elec.cond. 0.7593 1 Turb. -0.7770 -0.9770 1 Ca Hard. -0.7070 -0.7810 0.8965 1 Mg Hard. 0.7609 0.9995 -0.9830 -0.8010 1 Nitrite 0.5406 0.8303 -0.6920 -0.3010 0.8118 1 Sulphate -0.2760 -0.4600 0.6256 0.8675 -0.4880 0.0784 1 Chloride -0.7040 -0.8000 0.9101 0.9993 -0.8190 -0.3300 0.863 1 Phosphate -0.9040 -0.4350 0.4345 0.3845 -0.4320 -0.3390 -0.060 0.3729 1 DO -0.4060 -0.5440 0.7045 0.9259 -0.5710 -2E-15 0.9904 0.9211 0.0736 1