@Research Paper <#LINE#>Groundwater physical and chemical characterization of some regions in Senegal: study on the representativeness of iron and manganese concentration in boring water<#LINE#>Mamadou@FAYE ,Mbacké@SAMBE Falilou ,Ousmane@TOURE Alpha ,Moussa@DIOP El Hadji ,Aminata@MBAYE Fall ,Guèye@DIOP Mar Codou <#LINE#>1-7<#LINE#>1. ISCA-RJCS-2018-071.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) PO Box 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal@Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) PO Box 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal@Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) PO Box 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal@Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) PO Box 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal@Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Quality Control Analysis Laboratory of the Senegalese Water Company (SWC)@Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Membran Processes (LEMP) and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) PO Box 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal<#LINE#>13/12/2018<#LINE#>24/8/2019<#LINE#>The majority of Senegal\'s groundwater has a surplus concentration of iron and manganese. The diagnosis of drilling water shows that more than 80% of the water collected in different areas of Senegal have high amount of those both elements. Their concentrations are higher than the WHO guideline value of 0.3 mg. L-1 and 0.05 mg. L-1. While iron and manganese do not pose a serious health risk, their presence may indicate that groundwater is of poor quality and may be indicative of other problems that may have adverse effects on human health. The purpose of this study was therefore to characterize the groundwater of some areas in Senegal and to evaluate the representativity of iron and manganese in terms of concentration in order to provide elements of response to high concentrations in the water. To reach this objective, we applied the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Variance Analysis (ANNOVA) method of the MinitabR version 17 software on physical and chemical analysis results in order to better interpret the results. Therefore, the characterization of the samples showed globally that the groundwater must be treated before consumption by the populations. The qualitative study made it possible to highlight that the Maastrichtian is the most exploited tablecloth like the other tablecloths. Thus, this present study has also shown that the groundwater collected in these different regions deserve to be purified before consumption by the populations because the following physical and chemical parameters: electrical conductivity, turbidity, sulphates, iron and manganese far exceed the potability standards accepted by WHO.<#LINE#>Gnamba F.M., Adiaffi B., OgaY.M.S., Gauthier K.O. and Soro T. (2016).@Origines du fer dans les eaux souterraines de la région de Katiola/Origins of iron in groundwater in Katiola area.@International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies., 18(3), 928.@Yes$Abdalla O. and bin Yahya Al-Abri R. (2014).@Factors affecting groundwater chemistry in regional arid basins of variable lithology: example of Wadi Umairy, Oman.@Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7(7), 2861-2870.@Yes$Hussein M.T. (2004).@Hydrochemical evaluation of groundwater in the Blue Nile Basin, eastern Sudan, using conventional and multivariate techniques.@Hydrogeology Journal., 12(2), 144-158.@Yes$Pandey V.P., Chapagain S.K. and Kazama F. (2010).@Evaluation of groundwater environment of Kathmandu Valley.@Environmental Earth Sciences, 60(6), 1329-1342.@Yes$Pant B.R. (2011).@Ground water quality in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal.@Environmental monitoring and assessment, 178(1-4), 477-485.@Yes$Sujith P. and Bharathi P.L. (2011).@Manganese oxidation by bacteria: biogeochemical aspects.@Molecular Biomineralization: Springer, 49-76.@Yes$Du X., Liu G., Qu F., Li K., Shao S., Li G. and Liang H. (2017).@Removal of iron, manganese and ammonia from groundwater using a PAC-MBR system: the anti-pollution ability, microbial population and membrane fouling.@Desalination, 403, 97-106.@Yes$Tekerlekopoulou A. and Vayenas D. (2007).@Ammonia, iron and manganese removal from potable water using trickling filters.@Desalination, 210(1-3), 225-235.@Yes$Stein L.Y., La Duc M.T., Grundl T.J. and Nealson K.H. (2001).@Bacterial and archaeal populations associated with freshwater ferromanganous micronodules and sediments.@Environmental Microbiology, 3(1), 10-18.@Yes$DGPRE. (2015).@Rapport diagnostic:Étude pour l′élaboration d′une stratégie nationale d′amélioration de la qualité de l′eau potable au Sénégal.@Ministère de l′Hydraulique et de la Planification des Ressources en Eau du Sénégal. Pages 189.@No$Jean RODIER B.L., Nicole MERLET and COLL. (2009).@Analyse de l@Dunod, Paris, 1579.@No$Yidana S.M., Ophori D. and Banoeng-Yakubo B. (2008).@A multivariate statistical analysis of surface water chemistry data-The Ankobra Basin, Ghana.@Journal of Environmental Management, 86(1), 80-87.@Yes$Mahamane A.A. and Guel B. (2015).@Caractérisations physico-chimiques des eaux souterraines de la localité de Yamtenga (Burkina Faso).@International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 9(1), 517-533.@Yes$Doumbia S. (1997).@Geochimie, geochronologie et geologie structurale des formations birimiennes de la region de katiola-marabadiassa (centre nord de la cote-d@Orléans.@Yes <#LINE#>Indoor air quality in cement industries and potential effect on health<#LINE#>Al-Zboon@Kamel K. ,Matalqah@Walaa I. ,Harahshah@Adnan <#LINE#>8-13<#LINE#>2. ISCA-RJCS-2019-007.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Irbid, Jordan@Civil Engineering Department, the University of Jordan, Amman, Jorden@Chemical Engineering Department, University of Muta, Karak, Jordan<#LINE#>10/2/2019<#LINE#>6/9/2019<#LINE#>This study aimed to assess Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in a cement production plant in terms of Particulate Matters (PM2.5, and PM10), gaseous pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO2 and CO) and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs). The obtained result revealed that the higher concentration of PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2 were measured at the clinker cooling area, while the kiln area has the higher concentration of CO2, CO and TVOCs. Concentrations of pollutants ranged from 0.05-2.65mg/m3, 0.012-0.121mg/m3, 0-21ppb, 340-430ppm, 0-3ppm, 0.065- 0.215ppm and 44-122ppb for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, CO2, CO, NO2, and VOCs respectively. Control at source strategy and housekeeping are the key points in reduction of the indoor air emissions. Further studies regarding long-term effect of cement industry on the employees\' health is recommended. Periodical medical check, PPE wearing, and site management will reduce the effect of indoor emissions on the health of workers.<#LINE#>Balaji M.D.S.S., Vigneshwaran A. and Fayaz ahamed K. (2017).@Experimental Study on the Behavior of Self Compacting Self Cured Concrete Using Chemical Admixtures and Metakaolin.@International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST-2017). India, Month:18-25.@No$USGS U.S.G.S. (2014).@2014 Minerals Yearbook Cement.@[Advance Release]@No$Rampuri S. (2017).@Study and analysis of occupational & health diseases in cement industries.@Int J Adv Res Dev, 2(3), 1-7.@Yes$WBCSD W.B.C.f.S.D. (2018).@Guidelines for Emissions Monitoring and Reporting in the Cement Industry.@https://www.wbcsdcement.org/pdf/CSI_TF4%20Emissions%20monitoring_Web.pdf. Accessed 07/09 2018.@No$Akanni A., Awofadeju A. and Adeyemo B. (2014).@Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of various brands of Portland cement available in South-Western parts of Nigeria.@International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(8), 1679-1684.@Yes$Al Smadi B., Al-Zboon K. and Shatnawi K. (2009).@Assessment of air pollutants emissions from a cement plant: A case study in Jordan.@Jordan J. Civ. Eng, 3, 265-282.@Yes$USEPA U.S.E.P.A. (2010).@Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers North Carolina.@@No$IFC I.F.C. (2007).@Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Cement and Lime Manufacturing.@@No$Mishra S. and Siddiqui N. (2014).@A review on environmental and health impacts of cement manufacturing emissions.@International journal of geology, agriculture and environmental sciences, 2(3), 26-31.@Yes$Ahmad W., Nisa S., Nafees M. and Hussain R. (2013).@Assessment of Particulate Matter(PM 10 & PM 2.5) and Associated Health Problems in Different areas of Cement Industry, Hattar, Haripur.@Journal of Science and Technology, 37(2), 7-15.@Yes$Al-Zboon K.K. (2017).@Indoor air pollution due to household use of olive cake as a source of energy.@International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 19(3), 248-267.@Yes$WHO W.H.O. (2018).@Air Quality Guidelines - Second Edition, Chapter 5.5 Carbon monoxide.@http://www.euro.who.int/__data/ assets/pdf_file/0020/123059/AQG2ndEd_5_5carbonmonoxide.PDF. Accessed 28/07 2018.@Yes$Mehraj S.S., Bhat G., Balkhi H.M. and Gul T. (2013).@Health risks for population living in the neighborhood of a cement factory.@African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7(12), 1044-1052.@Yes$Mwaiselage J., Bråtveit M., Moen B.E. and Mashalla Y. (2005).@Respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among cement factory workers.@Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 31(4), 316-323.@Yes$Rai P., Mishra R. and Parihar S. (2013).@Quantifying the cement air pollution related human health diseases in Maihar City, MP, India.@Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2, 229-233.@Yes$Ahmed H.O. and Abdullah A.A. (2012).@Dust exposure and respiratory symptoms among cement factory workers in the United Arab Emirates.@Industrial health:1203250129-1203250129.@Yes$Kakooei H., Gholami A., Ghasemkhani M., Hosseini M., Panahi D. and Pouryaghoub G. (2012).@Dust exposure and respiratory health effects in cement production.@Acta Medica Iranica, 50(2), 122-126.@Yes$Poornajaf A., Kakooei H., Hosseini M., Ferasati F. and Kakaei H. (2010).@The effect of cement dust on the lung function in a cement factory, Iran.@International Journal of Occupational Hygiene, 74-78.@Yes$Soussia T., Guedenon P., Koumassi H., Lawani R., Edorh P. and Doutetien Gbaguidi C. (2014).@Oculopathy within workers of Beninese cement industry of Xwlacodji (BCI) in Cotonou (Benin).@International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, 1(7), 158-164.@Yes$Samuel S.V., Talukhaba A.A. and Opaleye O.S. (2016).@Identifying Hazards Facing Workersin Cement Factory in Pretoria.@Paper presented at: 9th cidb Postgraduate Conference2016; Cape Town, South Africa.@No$Gizaw Z., Yifred B. and Tadesse T. (2016).@Chronic respiratory symptoms and associated factors among cement factory workers in Dejen town, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia, 2015.@Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine; 11(1), 13.@Yes$Alam M.Z., Armin E., Haque M., Kayesh J.H.E. and Qayum A. (2018).@Air Pollutants and Their Possible Health Effects at Different Locations in Dhaka City.@International Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resource, 9(4).@Yes$Silva S., Monteiro A., Russo M.A., Valente J., Alves C., Nunes T. and Miranda A.I. (2017).@Modelling indoor air quality: validation and sensitivity.@Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 10(5), 643-652.@Yes$Muhamad-Darus F., Zain-Ahmed A. and Talib M. (2011).@Preliminary assessment of indoor air quality in terrace houses.@Health and the Environmental Journal, 2(2), 8-14.@Yes$Mirzaee R., Kebriaei A., Hashemi S., Sadeghi M. and Shahrakipour M. (2008).@Effects of exposure to Portland cement dust on lung function in Portland cement factory workers in Khash, Iran.@Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 5(3), 201-206.@Yes$OSHA O.S.a.H.A. (2018).@Permissible Exposure Limits – Annotated Tables.@https://www.osha.gov/dsg/annotated-pels/tablez-1.html. Accessed 21/04 2018.@No$TUC. (2018).@Dust in the Workplace, Guidance for Health and Safety Representatives.@https://roadmaponcarcinogens.eu/ content/uploads/2016/10/DUST-in-the-Workplace-October-2011.pdf. Accessed 26/08 2018.@No$Ibrahim H.G., Okasha A.Y., Elatrash M.S. and Al-Meshragi M.A. (2012).@Emissions of SO2, NOx and PMs from cement plant in vicinity of Khoms city in Northwestern Libya.@Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, A, 1(5A).@Yes$Oguntoke O., Awanu A.E. and Annegarn H.J. (2012).@Impact of cement factory operations on air quality and human health in Ewekoro Local Government Area, South-Western Nigeria.@International journal of environmental studies; 69(6), 934-945.@Yes$USEPA U.S.E.P.A. (2018).@Portland Cement Manufacturing.@https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ ap42/ch11/final/c11s06.pdf. Accessed 31/08 2018.@No$WHO W.H.O. (2018).@Air quality guidelines, Carbon monoxide.@http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets /pdf_file/0020/123059/AQG2ndEd_5_5carbonmonoxide.PDF. Accessed 07/09 2018.@No$HSE H.a.S.E. (2018).@Health and Safety Executive, EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits TSO, part of Williams Lea Tag.@978 0 7176 6703 1:@No$Mosca S., Benedetti P., Guerriero E. amd Rotatori M. (2014).@Assessment of nitrous oxide emission from cement plants: Real data measured with both Fourier transform infrared and nondispersive infrared techniques.@Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association; 64(11):1270-1278.@Yes$Department of Employment E.D.a.I.D. (2018).@Health effects of nitrogen oxides.@https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/ __data/assets/pdf_file/0020/212483/2-health-effects-of-nitrogen-dioxide.pdf. Accessed 21/07 2018.@No$Haag W. (2005).@Rapid, continuous TVOC measurements using ppb-level PIDs.@Paper presented at: Proceedings for the Indoor Air 2005 Conference, Beijing, China2005.@Yes <#LINE#>Behaviours of liver and kidney function markers in diabetic rats treated with Calotropis procera leaf aqueous extract<#LINE#>S.O.@Ajiboso ,J.P.@Mairiga <#LINE#>14-19<#LINE#>3. ISCA-RJCS-2019-009.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi - Nasarawa State, Nigeria@Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi - Nasarawa State, Nigeria<#LINE#>17/2/2019<#LINE#>18/8/2019<#LINE#>Long-term high blood glucose causes diabetes mellitus; this metabolic disorder is accompanied by both short – and long terms complications. In the present study, behaviours of liver and kidney function markers in diabetic rats treated with different doses of Calotropis procera leaf aqueous extract were studied. At p>0.05, the blood glucose, hepatic GOT, GPT, albumin, total bilirubin, GOT/GPT ratio, serum urea and creatinine were significantly elevated in diabetic groups (B, C, D, E and F), while hepatic glycogen was significantly reduced with induction of alloxan. Treatment with the extract at different doses of administration (25, 50 100mg/kg b.w.) particularly higher doses restored the markers back to their normal levels when compared to mean values of non-diabetic group (A). Mean values of markers in group administered 100mg/kg b.w. dose of extract, non-diabetic and metformin treated groups (A and B) were in the same range. In the present study, it can be deduced that aqueous extract of Calotropis procera leaf at 100 mg/kg b.w dose showed significant potency in amelioration of alloxan disturbances on hepatic and renal function markers.<#LINE#>World Health Organization (2005).@Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus intermediate hyperglycemia: Report of WHO/IDF Consultation.@Geneva, Switzerland.@No$Ahmed A.M. (2002).@History of diabetes mellitus.@Saudi. Med. J., 23(4), 373-378.@Yes$Okoro C.S. and Ogbera A.O. (2013).@Socio-cultural aspects of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria.@J. Soc. Health Diabetes, 1, 15-21.@No$Ajiboso S.O. (2014).@Antidiabetic activity and toxicity of aqueous extract of Calotropis procera leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic rats (Unpublished Thesis).@University of Ilorin, Kwara Nigeria.@No$Quinto L., Aponte J.J., Sacarlal J., Espasa M., Aide P., Mandomando L., Guinovart C., Macete E., Navia M.M., Thompson R., Menendez C. and Alonso P.L. (2006).@Haematological and biochemical indices in young African children: in search of reference intervals.@Trop. Med. Int. health, 11, 1741-1748.@Yes$Yakubu T.M., Akanji M.A. and Nafiu M.O. (2010).@Anti-diabetic activity of aqueous extract of Cochlospermum planchonii root in alloxan-induced diabetic Rats.@Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology, 6(2), 91-100.@Yes$European Treaty Series (2005).@European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes.@Strasbourg: ETS - 123.@No$Grant G.H. and kacchman J.F. (1987).@Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry.@In: N.W. Tiez (Edn.), , 3rd. W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, 298-320.@No$Blass K.G., Thiebert R.J. and Lam L.K. (1974).@Study of mechanism of Jaffe reactions.@Clin. Chem., 12(7), 336- 343.@Yes$Veniamin M.P. and Varkitzi C. (1970).@Chemical basis of the cabamidodi-acetyl micro-method for estmation of urea, citrulline and carbamyl derivatives.@Clin. Chem., 16, 3-6.@Yes$Ong K.C. and Khoo H.E. (2000).@Effects of Myricetin on glycemia and glycogen metabolism in diabetic rats.@Life Sciences, 67, 1695-1705.@Yes$Ajiboso S.O., Yakubu T.M. and Oladiji A.T. (2016).@Antidiabetic activity of aqueous extract of Calotropis procera leaf in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.@European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(7), 67-74.@No$Ajiboso S.O. and Tarfa F.D. (2018).@Evaluation of hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activities of Calotropis procera leaf in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.@World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7(18), 250-262.@No$Taubert D., Roesen R. and Schömig E. (2007).@Effect of cocoa and tea intake on blood pressure: a meta-analysis.@Archives of internal medicine, 167(7), 626-634.@Yes$Shaffiee G., Khaseh M.E., Rezaei N., Aghili R. and Malek M. (2013).@Alteration of pulmonary function in diabetic nephropathy.@Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, 12, 15.@Yes$Mori D.M., Baviera A.M., Ramalho L.T.D.O., Vendramini R.C., Brunette I.L. and Pepato M.T. (2003).@Temporal response pattern of biochemical analytes in experimental diabetes.@Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 38, 183-191.@Yes$Ohaeri O.C. (2001).@Effect of garlic oil on the levels of various enzymes in the serum and tissue of streptozotocin diabetic rats.@Bioscience Reports, 21, 19-24.@Yes$Mukai M., Ozasa K., Hayashi K. and Kawai K. (2002).@Various SGOT/SGPT ratios in nonviral liver disorders and related physical conditions and life-style.@Dig. Dis. Sci., 47(3), 549-555.@Yes$Grover J.K., Van V. and Rathi S.S. (2000).@Anti-hyperglycemic effect of Eugenia jambolana and Tinospora cordifolia in experimental diabetes and their effects on key metabolic enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.@Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 73, 461-470.@Yes <#LINE#>Elementary composition of ashes from three plants used as a condiment in the Republic of Congo<#LINE#>N.N.J.@Awah-Lekaka , J.@Mpika,R.@Moyen ,M.-G.@Okiemy-Akeli , @Attibayeba <#LINE#>20-25<#LINE#>4. ISCA-RJCS-2019-014.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Marien Ngouabi University, B.P. 69 Republic of Congo @Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Marien Ngouabi University, B.P. 69 Republic of Congo @Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Marien Ngouabi University, B.P. 69 Republic of Congo@Laboratory of Biochemistry, High Normal School of Forestry and Agriculture@Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Marien Ngouabi University, B.P. 69 Republic of Congo <#LINE#>15/3/2019<#LINE#>23/8/2019<#LINE#>A condiment can be regarded as an ingredient to be added to the food to improve its taste. While the sodium chlorure has been the oldest and most used salt in cooking and the its use raises some human health problems, african traditions have been using ashes from vegetable to improve the taste and quality of food and serve as remedy for some diseases. This study aims to determinate elementary chemical composition of ashes used as a vegetable condiment in the Republic of Congo. Various plant parts such as stem and fruit skin of Musa paradisiaca, empty bunch and male inflorescence of Elaeis guineensis as well as as whole individuals of Sesamum indicum were first fragmented, dried in a sterilizer during 72 hours and then incinerated in a mitten oven at 550°C during five hours. Resulting ashes were analyzed using X-Ray Fluorescence method. The elementary composition of ashes from the five vegetable samples is dominated by potassium with contents ranging from 34.54%, 30.33%, 29.40%, 21.78% and 21.77% respectively for fruit skin of M. paradisiaca, stem of M. paradisiaca tree, empty bunch of E. guineensis, male inflorescence of E. guineensis and whole individuals of S. indicum. All of the five tested samples have sodium content lower than 3 % and heavy metals are only present as traces. Potassium dominance, lower content in sodium and the absence heavy metals can justify the use of ashes in Congolese cooking.<#LINE#>Arvy Marie-Pierre and Gallouin FranÇois (2003).@Epices, aromates et condiments.@Belin, Paris, 1-416. ISBN: 978-27-01130-63-7@Yes$Couplan FranÇois (1999).@Guide des condiments et épices du monde.@Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne, 1-191. ISBN: 978-26-03011-38-6@No$Godelier M. (1969).@La «monnaie de sel» des Baruya de Nouvelle-Guinée.@Homme, 9(2), 5-37. https://doi.org/10.3406/hom.1969.367046@Yes$Khodakov Y.B., Epstein Daniel A. and Glorissov P.A. (1989).@Chimie minérale.@T.2, Mir, Moscou, 208.@No$Mianpeurem T., Mbaiguinam M., Ngaram N., Mahmout Y. and Allaramadji N. (2012).@Elemental composition of vegetable salts from ash of four common plants species from Chad.@Int. J. Pharmacol., 8(6), 582-585. http://dx.doi.org/10.3923/ijp.2012.582.585@No$Porteres R. (1950).@The alimentary salts, vegetal ashes, ash salts as substitute of sodium chloride and catalogue of saliferous plants of occidental Africa and Madagascar.@General Direction of Public Health, General Government of Occidental Africa, Dakar, Senegal.@Yes$Porteres R. (1957).@Alimentary salt and vegetal ashes not from Africa.@J. Trop. Agric. Applied Bot., 4, 157-158.@Yes$Alexandre D.Y. (1989).@Sodium richness of ash from some Guyanese palm trees.@http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010004381. Accessed on 8/03/2018.@Yes$Awah-Lekaka N.N.J., Mpika J., Okiemy-Akeli M.G. and Attibayéba (2016).@Effets de la potasse de la hampe du régime de plantain Corn 1 (Musa esculenta) sur la préservation de la chlorophylle des légumes verts après cuisson : cas des feuilles de manioc.@J. Appl. Biosci., 102, 9777-9783. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v102i1.13@Yes$Afnor (1998).@Détermination de la teneur en huile (méthode de référence).@10.@No$Echeverri J.A. and Roman-Jitdutjaano O.E. (2011).@Witoto ash salts from the Amazon.@J. Ethnopharmacol., 138, 495-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2011.09.047@No$Ward D.E. (1990).@Factors Influencing the Emissions of Gases and Particulate Matter from Biomass Burning.@In Goldammer, J. G. (Ed.), Fires in Tropical Biota. Ecological studies (Analysis and Synthesis), 84, 418-436. Spinger, Berlin.@Yes$Garivait S. (1995).@Approche physico-chimique de la formation des composés produits par les feux de savane-developpement d@Université Paris 7, Paris.@Yes$Stan C. (2006).@Codex 150 standard for food grade salt. CX STAN 150-1985, Rev. 1-1997 Amend. 1-1999, Amend. 2-2001, Amend. 3-2006.@@Yes$Bienvenu M.J. and Marcel A. (2014).@Evaluation of proximate, mineral and phytochemical compositions of Carapa procera (family Meliaceae).@Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 13(6), 359-365.@Yes$Lavedrine F., Ravel A., Villet A., Ducros V. and Alary J. (2000).@Mineral composition of two walnut cultivars originating in France and California.@Food Chemistry, 68(3), 347-351.@Yes$Akca Y., Sutyemez M., Ozgen M., Tuzen M. and Mendil D. (2005).@Determination of chemical properties of walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars grown in Turkey.@Asian J. Chem., 17, 548-552.@Yes$Enechi O.C. and Odonwodo I. (2003).@An assessment of the phytochemical and nutrient composition of pulverized root of Cissus quadrangularis.@J. Biol. Res. Biotech, 1, 63-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/br.v1i1.28519@Yes$Ujowundu C.O., Okafor O.E., Agha N.C., Nwaogu L.A., Igwe K.O. and Igwe C.U. (2010).@Phytochemical and chemical composition of Combretum zenkeri leaves.@J. Med. Plants Res., 4, 965-968. http://doi.org/10.5897/ jmpr10.170@Yes$Balogun I.O. and Olatidoye O.P. (2012).@Chemical composition and nutritional evaluation of Velvet bean seeds (Mucuma utilisis) for domestic consumption and industrial utilization in Nigeria.@Pak. J. Nutr., 11, 116-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.3923/pjn.2012.116.122@Yes <#LINE#>Estimation of solar energy at seven lake city Pokhara Nepal<#LINE#>Joshi@Umakanta ,Poudyal@Khem N. ,Koirala@Ishwar ,Karki@Indra B <#LINE#>26-29<#LINE#>5. ISCA-RJCS-2019-023.pdf<#LINE#>Amrit Science Campus Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Institute of Engineering Pulchowk Campus Tribhuvan, Lalitpur, Nepal@Centeral Department of Physics Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Nepal Open University, Lalitpur, Nepal<#LINE#>11/5/2019<#LINE#>4/8/2019<#LINE#>The main aim in this research work is to predict the daily global solar radiation (GSR) using the instrument CMP6 Pyranometer at mid-land altitude of Pokhara (〖28.22〗^0N, 〖83.32〗^0E, 800m) Nepal. The solar radiation primarily depends on rainfall, temperature, sunshine hour and local weather condition. The regression technique is used on the basis of empirical models and metrological parameters, this empirical model can be used several parameters like temperature, rainfall and sunshine hour. The average global solar radiation (GSR) in Pokhara was 15.90 MJ/m2 /day for the year of 2016. The regression technique was used on the basic of empirical models and metrological parameter and found to be (0.43, 0.20) and (0.11, 0.55) empirical constant are found at modified Angstrom model and gariepy empirical coefficient respectively at the year of 2016. This empirical constant can be predicated to year to come, At the end the measured GSR and predicted GSR are utilized on statistical tools and all the error are very low and within the range likewise the value of R^2 are 0.89 and 0.84 in modified Angstrom model and gariepy empirical coefficient are significant.<#LINE#>Ghosh G. (2010).@Solar energy.@New Delhi: A P H Pub. Corp.@No$Khan B.H. (2006).@Non-conventional energy resources.@Tata McGraw-Hill Education.@Yes$Chen Ji-Long and Guo-Sheng Li (2013).@Estimation of monthly average daily solar radiation from measured meteorological data in Yangtze River Basin in China.@International Journal of Climatology, 33(2), 487-498.@Yes$Wework J. and Chancham C. (2010).@The clearness index model for estimation of global solar radiation in Thailand.@Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology, 15(2), 54-61.@Yes$Book R.E.D. (2014).@NREL.@US Department of Energy.@Yes$Surendra K.C., Khanal S.K., Shrestha P. and Lamsal B. (2011).@Current status of renewable energy in Nepal: Opportunities and challenges.@Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(8), 4107-4117.@Yes$Shrestha J.N., Rimal R. and Pradhan S. (2002).@Solar Hot Water System: Nepalese Prospect.@Internal Energy Journal, 3.@No$Namrata K., Sharma S.P. and Saksena S.B.L. (2012).@Comparison of Estimated Daily Global Solar Radiation Using Different Empirical Models.@Int J of Sci and Adv Tech, 2(4), 132-137.@Yes$International Energy Association (2010).@Key world energy statistics (2014).@International Energy Agency, Paris.@No$Katiyar A.K., Kumar A., Pandey C.K. and Das B. (2010).@A comparative study of monthly mean daily clear sky radiation over India.@International Journal of Energy and Environment, 1, 177-182.@Yes$Namrata K., Sharma S.P. and Sakseena S.B.L. (2012).@Comparison of estimated daily global solar radiation using different empirical models.@International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2(4), 132-137.@Yes$Pondyal K.N., Bhattarai B.K., Sapkota B. and Kjeldstad B. (2011).@Solar radiation potential at four sites of Nepal.@Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 8(3), 189-197.@Yes$Martinez J.A., Tena F. and Onubia J.E. (1984). Rev. B 33 , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 33, 2-3, 109-128.@undefined@undefined@No$Akinoğlu B.G. and Ecevit A. (1990).@A further comparison and discussion of sunshine-based models to estimate global solar radiation.@Energy, 15(10), 865-872. doi:10.1016/0360-5442(90)90068-d@Yes$Iqbal M. (2019).@Solar Energy, An Introduction To Solar Radiation.@Google Books. Retrieved 3 August 2019, from.@No$Rehman S. (1999).@Empirical model development and comparison with existing correlations.@Applied Energy, 64(1-4), 369-378.@Yes$Türk Toğrul Inci and Onat Emin (1999).@A study for estimating solar radiation in Elaziğ using geographical and meteorological data.@Energy Conversion and Management, 40(14), 1577-1584.@Yes <#LINE#>A selective complexometric method of determination of manganese(II) using L-Cystine as masking agent<#LINE#> @Ashwini,Nellikaya@Gopalakrishna Bhat ,Nazareth@Ronald Aquin <#LINE#>30-33<#LINE#>6. ISCA-RJCS-2019-027.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore-575003, Karnataka, India@Department of Chemistry, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangalore-574143, Karnataka, India@Department of Chemistry, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore-575003, Karnataka, India<#LINE#>18/6/2019<#LINE#>6/9/2019<#LINE#>The determination of manganese(II) in the existence of various other different metal ions, a transparent speedy and accurate complexometric method is explained, depending on the selective masking ability of L-Cystine against Mn(II). Along with other associated metal ions, Mn(II) present in a given sample solution is first complexed with the surplus of EDTA and the leftover EDTA is then titrated against Zinc sulphate solution in the presence of Xylenol Orange as an indicator at pH5.0-6.0.A known excess of 1% L-Cystine solution is then supplemented to discharge the EDTA from Mn(II)-EDTA complex and mixed well. The displaced EDTA is again titrated with Zinc sulphate solution. The method goes well in the range 2.19-15.39mg of manganese(II) with the relative error ±0.5 and standard deviation ≤0.03mg The issue of the existence of various other metal ions on the exactitude of the results has been studied. And the method can be used for the determination of Manganese in alloys.<#LINE#>Sharma Puri and Kalia (2006).@Principles of inorganic chemistry, Pearson Education, India.@1-826.ISBN8177581309.@No$Oliver R.T. and Cox E.P. (1967).@Nonferrous metallurgy. I. Light metals.@Analytical Chemistry, 39(5), 102-110.@Yes$Bacon F.E. (1967).@Manganese and Manganese alloys in Krik-Othmer Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology.@2nd ed., Interscience, 887.@No$Bhat K. S. (1999).@Studies on complexing and analytical behaviour of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen donor heterocyclic compounds and allied reagents.@Mangalore University, India, 1-196. ISBN:10603131564@Yes$Bhat N. Gopalakrishna (2002).@Studies on the complexing behaviour and analytical application of nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulphur donor heterocyclic ligands and allied reagents.@Mangalore University, India. 1-300. SBN:10603132261@No$CH R.N. (2001).@Studies on some sulphur and nitrogen donor ligands in complexometry and spectrophotometry.@@Yes$Perdur N., Nellikalaya G.B. and Gopalakrishnayya C.K. (2015).@Ammonium oxalate as a masking agent for the complexometric determination of manganese (II).@Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 53(2), 151-155.@Yes$Vogel A.I. (1991).@A textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis.@Longmans, 5th edn., London, 475.@No$Patnaik Pradyot (2004).@Deen@2nd edition, New York, McGraw –Hill, 2.6-2.7@Yes$Lange@Handbook of Chemistry.@ed. John A.Dean,13th ed., McGraw Hill Book Company.@No$Nagaraj P., Gopalakrishna N., Bhat and Chandrashekhara K.G. (2015).@Indirect complexometric determination of Mercury(II) using L-Cystine as a selective masking agent.@International Journal of Chemical Studies, IJCS, 3(1), 27-29.@No$Chandrashekhara K.G., Bhat Gopalakrishna N. and Nagaraj P. (2015).@Selective complexometric determination of Palladium by using L-Cystine as releasing agent.@Asian Journal of Chemistry, 27(3), 882-884.@Yes <#LINE#>A study on acceptability of fortification of rice flour in Sri Lankan practice - a pilot scale study<#LINE#>Herath@Herath Mudiyanselage T. ,Samaranayake@Madara D.W. <#LINE#>34-38<#LINE#>7. ISCA-RJCS-2019-028.pdf<#LINE#>Food Technology Section, Modern Research & Development Complex (MRDC), Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), 503A, Halbarawa Gardens, Malabe, Sri Lanka@Food Technology Section, Modern Research & Development Complex (MRDC), Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), 503A, Halbarawa Gardens, Malabe, Sri Lanka<#LINE#>24/6/2019<#LINE#>15/9/2019<#LINE#>Iron deficiency anaemia is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in Sri Lanka. The recent nutritional surveys highlighted, significant differences exist in the prevalence of anaemia with relation to geographic areas and socio-economic groups indicating the higher proportion of children at age of 6-59 months (25.2%) and women; pregnant, non pregnant and lactating (8.3%, 33.6% and 30.2% respectively) in the estate sector. The aim of present study is to popularize and increase the consumption of iron fortified rice flour among the estate population, who suffers from high rate of anaemic. Present study focuses to determine if rice flour, fortified as per WHO recommendations (i.e. 40 ppm of iron as a sodium iron EDTA and 2.6 ppm of folic acid), could be used to make common traditional Sri Lankan rice flour-based food products such as roti, string hoppers and hoppers, without negative impact on colour, texture, flavour, taste and consumer acceptability. Mixing of mineral and vitamin premix into rice flour was carried out at pilot scale in a ribbon blender (pilot Model; Gardner) and physico-chemical properties of fortified flour, iron content and sensory evaluation of products were investigated. Results were shown that the mixing time for homogenous distribution of fortificant could be achieved after 15 min blending in a ribbon blender. The percent iron losses during processing of products, roti had shown a significant higher value (34.2%, on db) than string hoppers and hoppers (-3.8% and 4.3%, on db) from the original fortified flour at 40 ppm level. Products prepared from fortified flour were accepted by the sensory panel and processing with fortified flour has not imparted any significant organoleptic changes on products. Therefore the fortification of iron into rice flour at level of 40 ppm can be recommended for formulation of products. Further, fortified flour was kept under the normal room temperature for three months from the initial time of fortification.<#LINE#>Dipti S.S., Bergman C., Indrasari S.D., Herath T., Hall R., Lee H., Habibi F., Bassinello P.Z, Graterol E., Ferraz J.P. and Fitzgerald M. (2012).@A Review Article: The potential of rice to offer solutions for malnutrition and chronic diseases.@Rice, 5, 16. ISSN No: 1939 - 8433.@Yes$Haas J.D., Beard J.L., Murray-Kolb L.E., Del Mundo A. M., Felix A. and Gregorio G.B. (2005).@Iron-biofortified rice improves the iron stores of nonanemic Filipino women.@The Journal of nutrition, 135(12), 2823-2830.@Yes$Nantel G. and Tontisirin K. (2001).@Human vitamin and mineral requirements.@Report of a joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Bangkok, Thailand. Food and Nutrition Division FAO, Rome, Italy. Available at: http://www. fao. org/3/a-y2809e. pdf.@Yes$Wardlaw G.M., Hampl J.S. and DiSilvestro R.A. (1999).@Trace minerals. Perspectives in Nutrition.@4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 501-535.@Yes$Wikramanayake T. (2002).@Minerals.@In: Food and Nutrition (Ed. T. Wickamanayake), Third Edition, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Centre, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07, 111-140.@No$Medical Research Institute (MRI) (2001).@A Survey Report, Assessment of Aneamia Status in Sri Lanka.@Department of Health Service, Colombo, Sri Lanka.@No$Jayatissa R. and Hossaine S.M.M. (2010).@Report on Nutrition and Food Security Assessment in Sri Lanka.@Medical Research Institute, Sri Lanka, 1-3.@Yes$Juliano B.O. (2003).@Structure and gross composition of the rice grain.@In: Rice Chemistry and Quality. (Ed .B. O. Juliano), Philippine Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 25-173.@No$Herath H.M.T., Rajapakse D., Wimalasena S. and Weerasooriya M.K.B. (2011).@Iron content and bio-availability studies in some Sri Lankan rice varieties.@International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46, 1679-1684.@Yes$Bounphanousay C. (2007).@Use of phenotypic characters and DNA profiling for classification of the genetic diversity in black glutinous rice of the Lao PDR.@Ph. D Thesis, Agriculture Agronomy, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 118.@Yes$Association of Official Analytical Chemists (2000).@AOAC Ed, Official methods of analysis.@17th Edition, Washinton DC.@No <#LINE#>Impact of remediation on the physicochemical characteristics and heavy metal concentration of crude oil contaminated water samples<#LINE#>T.N. @Chikwe ,O.O.@Mac-Arthur <#LINE#>39-45<#LINE#>8. ISCA-RJCS-2019-030.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria@Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria<#LINE#>12/7/2019<#LINE#>3/10/2019<#LINE#>The adsorption characteristics of three terrestrial plants; Bitter Leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina), Water Leaf (Talinum Triangulare), and Vetiver Grass (Vetiveria Zizanioides) were used in the remediation of crude oil contaminated water samples. The phytoremediation characteristics of these plants where determined through their ability to clean up crude oil contaminated water samples and bring their physicochemical parameters and heavy metal concentrations within World Health Organization (WHO) acceptable limits. The leaves of these plants were dried at a temperature of 65 0C, ground and sieved to a mesh size of 30 µm. Physicochemical characteristics and Heavy metal concentration of the oil contaminated water samples were determined before and after phytoremediation using American Standard for testing and Materials (ASTM) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) respectively. Results obtained showed that apart from the pH, the other physicochemical parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and salinity were within WHO acceptable limits (before and after remediation). Apart from Lead (Pb), the concentration of the other heavy metals (Zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu)) were within acceptable WHO limit after the simulated spill on water, though consistent exposure to crude oil contamination through spillage may result in the accumulation of these heavy metals within the environment. The concentration of Lead (Pb) was above WHO acceptable limit even after remediation with bitter leaf, water leaf and vetiver grass hence the plants lack the ability to clean up Lead (Pb) from the water body. High concentration of Lead (Pb) has a lot of catastrophic effect on the ecosystem such as retardation of growth in animals, negative impact on photosynthesis, destruction of microbial activity in the soil etc. The total percentage reduction of heavy metal concentration after remediation with bitter leaf, water leaf and vetiver grass were 55.00 %, 45.00 % and 30.80 % indicating that bitter leaf is the best amongst the other plants in the cleanup of heavy metal from the water samples.<#LINE#>Si-Zhong Y., Hui-Jun J.I.N., Zhi W., Rui-Xia H.E., Yan-Jun J.I., Xiu-Mei L.I. and Shao-Peng Y.U. (2009).@Bioremediation of oil spills in cold environments: a review.@Pedosphere, 19(3), 371-381.@Yes$Agwaramgbo L., Thomas C., Grays C., Small J. and Young T. (2012).@An Evaluation of Edible Plant Extracts for the Phytoremediation of Lead Contaminated Water.@Journal of Environmental Protection, 3, 722-730.@Yes$Günther T., Dornberger U. and Fritsche W. (1996).@Effects of ryegrass on biodegradation of hydrocarbons in soil.@Chemosphere, 33(2), 203-215.@Yes$Gerhardt K.E., Huang X.D., Glick B.R. and Greenberg B. M. (2009).@Phytoremediation and rhizoremediation of organic soil contaminants: potential and challenges.@Plant science, 176(1), 20-30.@Yes$Bonetti A., Leone R., Muggia F. and Howell S.B. (2009).@Platinum and Other Heavy Metal.@35-40.@Yes$Nardini E., Kisand V. and Lettieri T. (2010).@Microbial Biodiversity and Molecular Approach. Aquatic microbial world and biodiversity: Molecular Approach to improve the knowledge.@JRC Scientific and Technical Report. European commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability. Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications. Humana Press, New York, ISBN 978-1-60327-458-6@Yes$Lin Q. and Mendelssohn I.A. (1998).@The Combined Effects of Phytoremediation and Bio Stimulation in Enhancing Habitat Restoration and Oil Degradation of Petroleum Contaminated Wetlands.@Ecological Engineering, 10, 263-274.@Yes$Susarla S., Medina V.F. and McCutcheon S.C. (2002).@Phytoremediation: an ecological solution to organic chemical contamination.@Ecological Engineering, 18(5), 647-658.@Yes$Van Aken B. (2008).@Transgenic plants for phytoremediation: helping nature to clean up environmental pollution.@Trends in biotechnology, 26(5), 225-227.@Yes$Ndimele P.E. (2010).@A Review on the Phytoremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pak.@Journal Biological Science, 13(15), 715-722.@Yes$Wilberforce J.O. (2016).@Phytoremediation of Metal Component of Oil Spill Site Using Common Vegetables.@Middle-East Journal Science Research, 24(3), 962-966.@Yes$American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1293, 2018).@Standard Test Methods for pH of Water.@11, 8.@No$American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6764, 2013).@Standard Guide for Collection of Water Temperature.@1, 8.@No$American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1125, 2014).@Standard Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of Water.@11, 14.@No$American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1125, 2014).@Standard Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water.@11, 14.@No$Hill S.J. and Fisher A.S. (2017).@Atomic Absorption Methods and Instrumentation.@Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, 46-53.@No$Chapman D. (1996).@Water Quality Assessments—A Guide to Use of Biota, Sediments and Water in Environmental Monitoring.@2nd edition.; E&FN Spontaneous: Great Britain, 40-133.@Yes$Uysal Y. and Taner F. (2009).@Effect of pH, temperature, and lead concentration on the bioremoval of lead from water using Lemna minor.@International journal of phytoremediation, 11(7), 591-608.@Yes$Brooks R.R. and Robinson B.H. (1998).@Aquatic Phytoremediation by Accumulator Plants.@In: Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals: Their Roles in Phytoremediation, Microbiology, Archaeology, Mineral Exploration and Phyto mining. Brooks, R.R. (Ed.).CAB International, Oxon, UK. 203-226.@Yes$Dirilgen N. and Inel Y. (1994).@Effects of zinc and copper on growth and metal accumulation in duckweed, Lemna minor.@Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 53(3), 442-449.@Yes$World Health Organization -WHO (1983).@Guidelines for drinking water quality, technical report series 505, Geneva.@@No$Vodela J.A., Renden S.D., Lenz W.H., Henney M. and Kemppainen B.W. (1997).@Drinking water contaminants.@Poultry Science, 76, 1474-1492.@Yes$Momodu M.A. and Anyakora C.A. (2010).@Heavy Metal Contamination of Ground Water: The Surulere Case Study.@Research Journal Environmental and Earth Sciences, 2, 39-43.@Yes$Chikwe T.N. and Ogwumike P.C. (2018).@An Appraisal on Water Injection Properties From Water Wells In The Niger Delta Area Of Nigeria.@Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, 43, 471-482.@Yes <#LINE#>Secondary metabolite analysis of the pith of selected local banana varieties as a constituent in bio-batteries<#LINE#>Nupearachchi@C.N. ,Perera@V.P.S. ,Samarasingha@K.A. ,Arawwawala@L.D.A.M. <#LINE#>46-49<#LINE#>9. ISCA-RJCS-2019-031.pdf<#LINE#>1Department of Physics, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka@1Department of Physics, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka@Research & Development Complex, Industrial Technological Institute, 503 A, Halbarawa Gardens, Thalahena, Malabe, Sri Lanka@Research & Development Complex, Industrial Technological Institute, 503 A, Halbarawa Gardens, Thalahena, Malabe, Sri Lanka<#LINE#>29/7/2019<#LINE#>5/10/2019<#LINE#>Innovative solutions are needed as a pre-requisite to address the challenges in bio-batteries where electrolytic materials play a major role in its performance. Therefore, the current investigation had focused to study the banana pith applicability as an electrolyte with an intention to find the best local banana variety among three selected varieties [Musa AAB Group (Plantain Subgroup) \'alukesel′, Musa AAB Group (Mysore Subgroup) \'ambul′ and Musa AAA Group (Cavendish Subgroup) \'ambun′]. This was conducted by qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis on pith of 3 banana varieties. The trunks of three banana varieties were chopped using an electric blender and were kept on a hot plate set at 120 oC for 30 minutes which were used for phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatography (TLC) afterwards. The presence of saponins, tannins, flavonoids and phenolics were revealed from the preliminary phytochemical screening while terpenoids, alkaloids and steroids were absent in all 3 varieties. Among the three varieties ambun variety exhibited highest amount of total phenol (2.27 ± 0.09 mg gallic acid equivalents/g of extract) and total flavonoid (1.50 ± 0.04 mg quercetin equivalents/g of extract) contents. Although the pith of ambun headed among the selected varieties from its galvanic battery performance indicators in an acidic medium, the secondary metabolites do not seem to facilitate the efficacy of the bio-battery with a profound relationship. Hence, additional research work is required to elucidate the possible mechanism of action of these found secondary metabolites with further quantification methods.<#LINE#>Galvani L. (1791).@De viribus electricitatis in motu muscolari. Commentarius.@Bon. Sci. Art. Inst. Acad. Comm., 7, 363-418. [English translation by M. G. Foley, 1953, Burndy available in http://www.bo.infn.it/galvani/de-vir-eng.html (accessed on 21st November 2018)]@Yes$Baptista A.C., Martins J.I., Fortunato E., Martins R., Borges J.P. and Ferreira I. (2011).@Thin and flexible bio-batteries made of electrospun cellulose-based membranes.@Biosens. Bioelectron., 26(5), 2742-2745.@Yes$Hoffman A.B., Suresh S., Evitts R.W., Kennell G.F. and Godwin J.M. (2013).@Dual-chambered bio-batteries using immobilized mediator electrodes.@J. Appl. Electrochem., 43(7), 629-636.@Yes$Golberg A., Rabinowitch H.D. and Rubinsky B. (2010).@Zn/Cu-vegetative batteries, bioelectrical characterizations and primary cost analyses.@J. Renew. Sustain. Ener., 2, 033103.@Yes$Muske K.R., Nigh C.W. and Weinstein R.D. (2007).@A Lemon Cell Battery for High Power Applications.@J. Chem. Educ., 84, 635-638.@Yes$Jayashantha N., Jayasuriya K.D. and Wijesundara R.P. (2012).@Biodegradable Plantation Pith for Galvanic Cells.@Proceedings of 28th Technical Sessions of IPSL. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 31st Mar. 92-99.@Yes$Nupearachchi C.N., Perera V.P.S., Samarasingha K.A. and Arawwawala L.D.A.M. (2017).@Analysis of Selected Varieties of Banana Piths as Electrolyte in Bio Batteries.@Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27th-29th Oct. 217.@No$Nupearachchi C.N., Wickramasinghe G.C. and Perera V.P.S. (2017).@Investigation of Applicability of Banana Pith as Electrolytic Media for Bio-Batteries.@Proceedings of 15th Open University Research Sessions. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16th-17th Nov. 509-512.@Yes$Goveas S.W. and Abraham A. (2014).@Extraction and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr: An Important Medicinal Plant of Western Ghats.@Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 5(8), 3484-3489.@Yes$Karunakaran R., Thabrew M.I., Thammitiyagodage G.M., Galhena B.P. and Arawwawala L.D.A.M. (2017).@The gastroprotective effect of ethyl acetate fraction of hot water extract of Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn and its underlying mechanisms.@BMC Complement. Altern. Med., 17, 312.@Yes$Singleton V.L., Orthofer R. and Lamuela-Raventos R.M. (1999).@Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent.@Methods Enzymol., 299, 152-178.@Yes$Meda A., Lamien C.E., Romito M., Millogo J. and Nacoulma O.G. (2015).@Determination of the total phenolic, flavonoid and proline contents in Burkina Fasan honey, as well as their radical scavenging activity.@Food Chem., 91, 571-577.@Yes$Siji S. and Nandini P.V. (2016).@Phytochemical Analysis of Selected Banana Varieties.@Int. J. Adv. Eng. Manag. Sci., 2(7), 964-968.@Yes$Onyenekwe P.C., Okereke O.E. and Owolewa S.O. (2013).@Phytochemical Screening and Effect of Mussa paradisiaca Stem Extrude on Rat Haematological Parameters.@Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 5(1), 26-29.@Yes$Ehiowemwenguan G., Emoghene A.O. and Inetianbor J.E. (2014).@Antibacterial and phytochemical analysis of Banana fruit peel.@ISOR J. Pharm., 4(8), 18-25.@Yes