Table of Contents

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 8, Issue (9), Pages 1-25, September (2018)

Research Paper

1. Use of Al2O3-Areca nut activated carbon composite as an adsorbent for defluoridation of water
Joshi Sahira (2018). Res.J.chem.sci., 8(9), 1-6.

Research Paper

2. In silico DFT and ADME studies of Dehydrostenine A
TIWA Axel LONTSI,NGA Emmanuel NNANGA,TCHINDA Alembert TIABOU (2018). Res.J.chem.sci., 8(9), 7-11.

Research Paper

3. Synthesized Schiff bases from linoleic and benheric acids as inhibitor of mild steel corrosion in HCl medium
F.K. Ekuma,S.A. Odoemelam ,U.I. Ekanem,A. Okoyeagu (2018). Res.J.chem.sci., 8(9), 12-25.