Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X Vol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 32 Ultrasonic study of mixture, containing Aqueous solution of ‘NaCl’ and ‘KCl’ for different ratios of Sodium to Potassium about Vitality ratio and about Human body Temperature Manoj Kumar Praharaj and Sarmistha MishraDept. of Physics, ABIT, CDA, Sector-1, Cuttack, IndiaAvailable online at:, Received 5th May 2015, revised 1st June 2015, accepted 15th June 2015 AbstractThe Ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity have been measured for different ratios of sodium (Na) to potassium (K) about vitality ratio and about normal body temperature. The ratios are analysed in terms of the thermodynamic parameters derived from the ultrasonic data. Keywords: Thermodynamic parameters, ultrasonic velocity, vitality ratio. Introduction Ultrasonic method finds extensive application in investigating various physicochemical parameters involving molecular interactions in liquid mixtures1-10. This technique has also been used in engineering, agriculture and medicine11-13. In engineering it is used to study the structure of materials. Ultrasonic pulses can speed up certain chemical reactions and act as a catalytic agent in wheat germination. We have applied the same to study the variation in the thermodynamic parameters when the ratio of certain minerals like Na to K, Ca to Mg etc are changed. Human body needs many minerals known as essential minerals. These are further divided in two major minerals (like Na, K …) and micro minerals (like Fe, Si,…). The later is required in small amounts. However the amounts needed are not an indicator of their importance. It has been seen that mineral ratios are often more important in studying nutritional deficiencies and excesses than mineral levels alone. Mineral ratios are indicative of disease trends. Ratios also predict future metabolic dysfunction or hidden metabolic dysfunction. The basic mineral ratios that are important are i. Na; K ii. Ca:Mg iii. Na:Mg iv. Zn:Cu. Sodium to potassium ratio is referred to as the life-death ratio. Sodium is normally extra cellular and potassium is intracellular. An imbalanced sodium potassium ratio is associated with heart, liver, kidney and immune deficiency dieses. The Na:K ratio can be studied through hair analysis or blood serum analysis. Previous analysis pinpoints the development of metabolic dysfunction before symptoms manifest, but the latter does it only when the condition is advanced. The thermodynamic parameters have been studied for Na:K ratios obtained from hair analysis at different temperatures14. In this paper we do similar analysis for Na:K ratio obtained from blood serum analysis at the same temperatures. The ideal Na:K ratio from hair analysis is 2.5 : 1 and from blood serum analysis is 28.5 : 1. Material and Methods Experimental technique: The aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) with different concentrations in mole fraction were prepared. The alytical reagent grade and spectroscopic reagent grade chemicals with minimum assay of 99.9%, obtained from E-Merck Ltd (India) are used for the solutions. The density, viscosity, and ultrasonic velocity for all the aqueous solutions were measured at temperatures 298K, 303 K 308 K, 310 K, 312 K and 323 K at constant frequency of 3 MHz. Ultrasonic velocity of the mixtures were measured by using an ultrasonic interferometer (Model M-84, supplied by M/S Mittal Enterprises, New Delhi), with the accuracy of ±0.1m·s 1. The densities of the mixture were measured using a 10-ml specific gravity bottle by relative measurement method with an accuracy of ±0.01 kg·m 3, and an Oswald viscometer (10 ml) with an accuracy of ± 0.001 Ns·m 2 was used for the viscosity measurement. To maintain the constancy of temperature, an electronically operated digital constant temperature bath (Model SSI-03 Spl, supplied by M/S Mittal Enterprises, New Delhi), operating in the temperature range of 10°C to 85°C with an accuracy of ±0.1°C had been used. Theory: Following relations were used for calculating different acoustic and thermodynamical parameters Adiabatic compressibility: Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 33 Free volume: Where: ‘K’ is a dimensionless constant independent of temperature and liquid. Its value is 4.281 x 10. Internal pressure: … … (N.m-2) Where: ‘b’ stands for the cubic packing factor, which is assumed to be ‘2’ for all liquids and solutions. Acoustic impedance (Z): (Kg.m.s-1) Gibb’s free energy (G): (k.J.mol-1) Where: ‘K’ is the Boltzmann’s constant and ‘’ is the Plank’s constant. Molar volume (V): …………… (m mol-1) Rao’s constant (R): (m.mol-1.(m/s)1/3) Surface tension (S): (N.m-1Where: the symbols have their usual meaningsResults and Discussion Experimental values of density, viscosity are presented in table - 1, ultrasonic velocity is given in table-2. Calculated values of adiabatic compressibility, Gibb’s free energy, internal pressure, free volume, molar volume, acoustic impedance and surface tension are reported in table - 3 to table - 9. Variation of some of these parameter’s with mole fraction of NaCl are shown in figures-1 to 8. Sodium ions are largely hydrated and hence are less mobile than potassium ions hence density increases as sodium potassium ratios increases. As the temperature increases, the mobility of ions increases, hence density decreases. Viscosity changes in the same way as density. Ultrasonic velocity increases and adiabatic compressibility decreases as temperature increases. The same nature of change also occurs when the ratio Na : K increases. This confirms that in both the cases, the intermolecular force increases. Table–1 Values of Density () and Viscosity () of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Density ( (Kg.m-3) Viscosity ( (x10-3 N.s.m-2) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 1145. 9 1141.9 1138.8 1138.7 1137.9 1134.5 1.28 1.13 1.01 0.89 0.84 0.71 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 1175.8 1171.2 1169.8 1168.7 1167.8 1164.7 1.34 1.20 1.06 1.01 0.95 0.78 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 1179.9 1175.1 1173.5 1171.5 1170.6 1167.4 1.39 1.22 1.08 1.02 0.96 0.81 0.08 06 0.0022 28.5:1 1182.8 1179.1 1178.1 1177.5 1176.6 1173.3 1.41 1.26 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.84 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 1186.2 1184.7 1182.8 1180.8 1179.4 1176.9 1.45 1.27 1.12 1.05 0.98 0.78 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 1198.0 1196.9 1194.8 1192.7 1190.1 1187.5 1.49 1.34 1.1 7 1.01 0.93 0.84 Table–2 Values of Velocity (V) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323K Mole fraction Na/K Velocity(V) ms - 1 NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 1713.0 1721.5 1725.7 1729.2 1730.7 1737.4 0.0767 0 .0022 27:1 1747.1 1752.1 1754.1 1755.5 1757.3 1764.2 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 1756.7 1762.4 1764.3 1766.9 1768.7 1776.9 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 1766.2 1773.8 1775.8 1777.9 1780.5 1786.2 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 1774.2 1776.9 1779.5 1782.0 1783.8 1788.7 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 1789.1 1795.6 1802.5 1814.7 1822.3 1828.5 Table–3 Values of Adiabatic compressibility () of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323K Mole fraction Na/K = Inv( U 2 . ) x 10 - 10 NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 2.974 2.954 2.948 2.937 2.934 2.920 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 2.786 2.781 2.778 2.776 2.773 2.758 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 2.746 2.74 2.737 2.734 2.731 2.713 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 2.710 2.695 2.691 2.687 2.681 2.671 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 2.678 2.673 2.670 2.667 2. 665 2.656 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 1.49 1.34 1.17 1.01 0.93 0.84 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 34 Figure-1 Variation of Ultrasonic velocity with mole fraction of NaCl Figure-2 Variation of Adiabatic compressibility with mole fraction of NaCl Table–4 Values of Gibb’s free energy ( G ) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Gibb’s free energy ( G ) ( x 10- 20 k.J.mol-1) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 0.4573 0.4320 0.3958 0.3489 0.3272 0.2772 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 0.4509 0.4306 0.3932 0.3769 0.3554 0.2936 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 0.4581 0.4335 0.3953 0.3750 0.3517 0.3033 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 0.4601 0.4378 0.3972 0.3770 0.3525 0.3113 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 0.4662 0.4395 0.3988 0.3779 0.3540 0.2743 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 0.4671 0.4498 0.4032 0.3399 0.3072 0.2863 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 35 Increase in Gibb’s free energy (G) suggests closer approach of molecules in the mixture and vice versa15. ‘G’ in this case decreases as temperature increases for a fixed Na : K ratio. Temperature remaining constant, ‘G’ increases slowly with increasing Na : K ratio. However at temperatures 310 K and 312 K, ‘G’ becomes minimum for the Na : K ratio equal to 28:1. Minimum value of ‘G’ indicates good flow of the mixture. Figure-3 Variation of Gibb’s free energy with mole fraction of NaClTable–5 Values of Internal pressure ( i ) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Internal pressure ( i ) (x 10 6 N.m - 2 ) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 2780.5 2688.2 2570.9 2436.3 2376.6 2253.1 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 2786.8 2706.9 2587.9 2537.9 2475.4 2314.7 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 2814.4 2719.1 2596.4 2532.9 2465.4 2341.0 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 2828.9 2744.9 2615.3 2554.8 2483.7 2375.6 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 2858.1 2760.4 2627.3 2561.5 2490.0 2282.4 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 2827.5 2765.4 2616.4 2433.5 2343.0 2298.7 Figure-4 Variation of Internal pressure with mole fraction of NaCl Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 36 Na: K ratio remaining constant, internal pressure () decreases as temperature increases. At any particular temperature, internal pressure increases slowly as the Na : K ratio increases. However ’ becomes minimum for the ratio 28:1 at temperatures 310 K and 312 K. Minimum internal pressure indicates minimum cohesive force which is also observed while studying ‘G’. Free volume is the average volume in which the center of a molecule can move due to the repulsion of the surrounding molecules16. For a particular ratio of Na : K , free volume increases as temperature increases. This may be due to the fact that, effective free volume changes due to the transmission of collision effect through the molecules. At a fixed temperature, free volume decreases as the ratio of Na : K increases. However at temperatures 310 K and 312 K free volume becomes maximum for the ratio 28:1. Free volume is maximum when internal pressure is minimum. Table–6 Values of Free volume (V) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Free volume (V f ) (10 - 7 m 3 .mol - 1 ) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 0.1648 0.2003 0.2392 0.2865 0.3143 0.4067 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 0.1638 0.1961 0.2351 0.2537 0.2783 0.3757 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 0.1585 0.1928 0.2320 0.2539 0.2803 0.3612 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 0.1561 0.1878 0.2277 0.2487 0.2756 0.3475 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 0.1515 0.1855 0.2252 0.2470 0.2734 0.3923 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 0.1522 0.1796 0.2219 0.2803 0.3187 0.3728 Figure-5 Variation of Free volume with mole fraction of NaClTable–7 Values of Molar volume (V) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Molar volume (V) (m·mol 1) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 0.0181 0.0181 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0183 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 0.0181 0.0181 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 0.0181 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0183 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 0.0181 0.0181 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 0.0181 0.0181 0.0181 0.0182 0.0182 0.0182 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 0.0183 0.0184 0.0184 0.0184 0.0185 0.0185 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 37 Molar volume should increases with increase in temperature as thermal energy facilitates increases in molecular separation. The change is however slow as the effect due to thermal energy is restricted by strong electrostatic force between molecules. Molar volume appears to be practically constant for the Na: K ratios 28:1, 28.5:1 and 29:1 at temperatures 308 K, 310 K, 312K, indicating no change in intermolecular interaction. This is also confirmed by the constancy of the Rao;s constant at the same temperatures and for the same ratios. Figure-6 Variation of Molar volume with mole fraction of NaClTable–8 Values of Acoustic impedance (Z) of mixtures at 293K, 303K, 308k, 310K, 312K and 323KMole fraction Na/K Acoustic impedance (Z) NaCl KCl 293 K 303 K 308K 310 K 312 K 323 K 0.0634 0.0022 22:1 1.963 1.966 1.965 1.969 1.970 1.971 0.0767 0.0022 27:1 2.054 2.052 2.052 2.052 2.052 2.055 0.0793 0.0022 28:1 2.073 2.071 2.070 2.070 2.070 2.074 0.0806 0.0022 28.5:1 2.089 2.091 2.092 2.093 2.095 2.096 0.0819 0.0022 29:1 2.105 2.105 2.105 2.104 2.104 2.105 0.0947 0.0022 34:1 2.143 2.149 2.154 2.164 2.169 2.171 Figure-7 Variation of Acoustic impedance with mole fraction of NaCl Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(6), 32-39, June (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 Acoustic impedance remains practically constant, as temperature increases for a particular ratio of Na :K, but increases as Na : K ratio increases when temperature remains constant. The former is true as cohesive force remains practically constant for a fixed Na : K ratio. Temperature remaining constant when Na : K ratio increases cohesion force increases, hence ‘Z’ increases. With increase in temperature, surface tension increases very slowly. This is also confirmed by the fact that the ultrasonic velocity increases slowly with temperature. Surface tension also increases with increasing Na : K ratio. However it practically remains constant over the ratio range 27:1 to 29:1 which is near the vitality ratio. Conclusion Results indicate that, ultrasonic velocity and other derived parameters depend on the Na : K ratio as well as temperature. The parameters do not show much variation about vitality ratio and near body temperature. 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