@Research Paper <#LINE#>Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of some Clays from Coastal Sedimentary Basin of Benin used in Ceramic<#LINE#>E.@Sagbo,A.@Laibi,M.@Senou,R.@Josse,J.@Mensah,@BorschneckD.,Y.@Noack<#LINE#>1-19<#LINE#>1.ISCA-RJCS-2015-127.pdf<#LINE#><#LINE#>30/1/2015<#LINE#>24/9/2015<#LINE#>Three sites of Benin’s clays from Gbédji-Kotovi, Massi-Sèhouè and Zogbodomey were characterized in this study. Physico-chemical and mineralogical analysis were performed by X-Rays Diffraction, chemical analysis, thermal analyses ATD/ATG, infrared IR, specific surface area and granulometry. Density of clayey particles, capacity of cationic exchange (C.C.E.) and exchangeable bases were also done. It comes out from these analyses that clays of Zogbodomey are essentially kaolinitic while those of Gbédji-kotovi and of Massi-Sèhouè are with smectitic predominance. By its composition the sample of Zogbodomey is constituted by a natural mixture of the elements necessary for the production of ceramic (bricks, tiles, pottery etc). The two others series of samples from Gbédji-kotovi and Massi-Sèhouè will require some kaolinite and sand additions because of their strong proportion in smectite. Thus, they would be more useful in agronomy and environmental protection <#LINE#> @ @ Caillère S., Hénin S., Ratureau M., Minéralogie des Argiles, Tomes I, II, 2ème édition.Masson et Cie, (1982) @No $ @ @ Cases JM., Liétard O., Yvon J. and Delon JF., Etude des propriétés cristallochimiques,morphologiques, superficielles des kaolinites désordonnées. Bulletin de Minéralogie, 105, 439–455 (1982) @No $ @ @ Holtzapffel T., Les Minéraux argileux: préparation, analyse diffractiométrique et détermination, Société Géologique du Nord 12. 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Thermodynamic Analysis of Furnace/Boiler coupled with a steam power plant has been carried out in order to evaluate its performance and irreversibility’s by using the generalized mathematical formulation. This paper represents a detailed energy study and thermodynamic analysis for the calculation of ideal work of the whole plant while the work lost in Furnace/Boiler coupled with steam power plant. For this purpose an experiment is carried out in a miniature steam power plant using Methane and 30% Air in excess as a fuel of furnace the hot flue gases are used for steam generation which is further used to operate the steam power plant. After collecting useful data and by applying generalized mathematical formulation our results shows that ideal work of whole plant is (-266.758×10kW) while the work lost in Furnace/Boiler is (169.387×10kW) so the Furnace/Boiler efficiency is (63.50 %). <#LINE#> @ @ Anozie N. and Ayoola P.O., The influence of throughput on Thermodynamic efficiencies of a Thermal Power Plant, International Journal of Energy Engineering, 2(5), 266-272 (2012) @No $ @ @ Aljundi I.H., Energy and Exergy analysis of Steam Power Plants in Jordan, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 324-328 (2009) @No $ @ @ Bhatt M.S. and Rajkumar N., Performance Enhancement in Coal Fired Thermal Power Plants. 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The optical and thermal properties of pure and doped films were studied. The transmission and absorption spectra have been recorded in the wavelength range of (300-1100) nm. The experimental results for (PVA-CuCl) films show that the transmittance decreases with increasing the filler content while the absorbance increases with increasing the filler content. The absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant werefound to be increased as filler content concentration increases. Moreover, the results show that the electronic transition is allowed indirect transition, and the energy gap (E) decreases with increasing the filler content. 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The saturation magnetization for MAC was 22.80emu/g it shows super magnetic behaviour. SEM of the MAC shows the presence of different size pores, cracks and crevices. TEM of MAC produce nanoparticles with size in the range of 5-25nm. XRD of MAC indicates the presence of crystalline structure for iron oxide nanopartcles. The adsorption data show that the adsorption capacity was investigated by absorbing Malachite Green (MG) from aqueous solution, which demonstrated an excellent adsorption capacity of MAC (333 mg g-). A Langmuir kinetic model is fitted well for malachite green adsorption on MAC. <#LINE#> @ @ Akar S.T., Ozcan A.S., Akar T., Ozcan A. and KaynakZ., Bio sorption of a reactive textile dye from aqueoussolutions utilizing an agro-waste, J Desalination, (249),757–61 (2009) @No $ @ @ Aksu Z., Application of bio sorption for the removal oforganic pollutants: A review, J Process Biochem, (40),997–1026 (2005) @No $ @ @ Peruzzo L.C. and De Souza A.A.U., Numerical Study ofthe Adsorption of Dyes from Effluents, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32(9), 1711-1718 (2008) @No $ @ @ Kumar K.V., Sivanesan S. and Ramamurthi V.,Adsorption of Malachite Green onto Pithopora sp., aFresh Water Algal, Equilibrium and Kinetic Modelling,Process Biochemistry, 40(48), 2865-2872 (2005) @No $ @ @ Gupta V.K., Mittal A, Krishnan L and Gajbe V,Adsorption Kinetics and Column Operations for theRemoval and Recovery of Malachite Green from Wastewater Using Bottom Ash, Separation and Purification Technology, 40(1), 87-96 (2004) @No $ @ @ Chiou M.S. and Li H.Y., Equilibrium and Kinetic Modelling of Adsorption of Reactive Dyes on CrossLinkedchitosan Beads, Journal of Hazardous Materials,93(2), 233-248 (2002) @No $ @ @ Hameed B.H. and Khaiary M.I. Equilibrium, kinetics and mechanism of malachite green adsorption on activated carbon prepared from bamboo by K2CO3 activation and subsequent gasification with CO2, J. Hazard. Mater,(157),344-351(2008) @No $ @ @ Shabudeen Syed P.S., Study of the Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution by using SolidAgricultural Waste, Res. J. Chem. Sci., 1(1) (2011) @No $ @ @ Hachem C., Bocquillon F., Zahraa O., and Bouncy M.,Decolourization of textile industry wastewater by thephoto catalytic degradation process, Dyes Pigments,(49),117-125(2001) @No $ @ @ Crini G., Non-conventional low-cost adsorbents for dyeremoval, A review, Bioresource Technol, (97), 1061-1085 (2006) @No $ @ @ Chandra T.C., Mirna M.M., Sudaryanto Y. and Ismadji S,Adsorption of basic dye onto activated carbon prepared from durian shell, Studies of adsorption equilibrium and kinetics, Chem. Eng. J., 127-129 (2007) @No $ @ @ Hameed B.H. , Grass waste: A novel sorbent for the removal of basic dye from aqueous solution, J. 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Chem, (57), 385-470 (1906) @No <#LINE#>Phytoremediation: Investigation and Valorization of purifying power of Thalia geniculatain for Domestic Wastewater treatment<#LINE#>Franck@YOVO,Biaou@DIMON,Eni@AZANDEGBECoffi,Fidèle@SUANON,Etienne@SAGBO,Daouda@MAMA,Martin@AINA<#LINE#>44-53<#LINE#>6.ISCA-RJCS-2015-159.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Physical Chemistry (LCP), Faculty of Sciences and Technics (FAST), University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 526 Cotonou, BENIN @ Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Environment (LACIE), Faculty of Sciences and Technics (FAST), University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP @ 526 Cotonou, BENIN @ Laboratory of Applied Hydrology(LHA), Faculty of Sciences and Technics (FAST), University of Abomey-Calavi , 01 BP 526 Cotonou, BENIN @ Laboratory of Water Sciences and Techniques (LSTE), Polytechnique School of Abomey-Calavi (EPAC), University of Abomey-Calavi,Cotonou, BENIN@ Beninese Center for Scientifics Research and Tehnologies (CBRST), Cotonou, BENIN<#LINE#>8/11/2015<#LINE#>16/11/2015<#LINE#>Thalia geniculata is a widespread plant in the republic of Benin which could be valorized in domestic wastewater purification. It might help to remediate and preserve environmental pollution in Africa. Unfortunately, sufficient information’s about this plant, precisely its potential power to absorb pollutants are not available. More investigation on this plant is still needed to feel the gap of knowledge. In the present work, we have investigated Thalia geniculata’s absorption and purification power of nutrients including nitrates (NO), orthophosphates (PO3-) and Azote Kejedhal (NTK) in domestic wastewaters. We have compared it absorption capacity with Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth). The physicochemical characterization of the treated domestic wastewater is as follow: pH (~ 8), EC (1596 - 6515 µS/cm), nutrimental elements: NO (0.3 - 25 mg/L), PO3- (72.5 - 152.5 mg/L) and NTK (7.7 - 43.4 mg/L). By the end of 15 days treatment process, nutrients were considerably removed from the wastewater. The optimum removal efficiency of NO(93.33%) was achieved with the senior shoots (SS); while for PO3- (76.16%) and NTK (100%) were achieved with the young shoots (YS). With Eichhornia crassipes, the uptimal removal efficiencies were: NO (50%), PO3- (86.92%) and NTK (77.11%). As a consequence, Thalia geniculata plants possess a strong purifying power and can thus be used to purify polluted water and domestic wastewater. 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