Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X Vol. 5(11), 46-50, November (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 46 Estimation of Parameters of Arrhenius Equation for Ethyl Acetate Saponification Reaction Ahmad Mukhtar, Umar Shafiq, Ali Feroz Khan, Hafiz Abdul Qadir and Masooma Qizilbash Department of Chemical Engineering, NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer Research Faisalabad, PAKISTANAvailable online at:, Received 29th October 2015, revised 4th November 2015, accepted 16th November 2015 AbstractIn this scientific research a Saponification Reaction between Ethyl Acetate and caustic soda is carried out in a Batch Reactor at STP Conditions. The aim of this scientific research is to estimate the parameters of Arrhenius equation which are rate constant and activation energy for ethyl acetate saponification. For this purpose the reaction is experimentally performed in a Batch Reactor and change in Concentration (in terms of Electrical Conductivity) is measured with time at different temperatures of 25C, 30C, 35C, 40C, 45C and 50C. at each temperature different values of rate constant are obtained at various time and concentration data. Finally to analyze our experimental data graphical method is used and a graph is plotted between ln(k) and 1/T and finally results shows that the value of rate constant is find out from the graph intercept which is 2.314×1010 and the activation energy is calculated from the slope of graph which is 43.094KJmole-1. Keywords: Saponification, arrhenius equation, activation energy, rate constant. Introduction Saponification reaction is the hydrolysis of a carboxylic acid ester in a basic medium. The role of alkali in the saponification reaction is that it breaks the ester bond and releases the fatty acid salt and glycerol. Esters are usually present in the form of tri-glycerides. Industrial importance of the reaction product sodium acetate demands for process improvements in terms of maximum conversion and economical and environmental friendly usage of raw materials. Arrhenius Equation is now eighty years old continues to play a dominant role in classical studies of chemical kinetics it makes experimentally possible to express the dependence of temperature over rate constant in terms of only two variables. Activation energy is strictly combined with the kinetics of chemical reaction. The relationship is described by.  \n (1) Where K is the rate constant A is the frequency factor a temperature independent term Ea is the activation energy T is the temperature and R is general gas constant. Activation energy is the amount of energy that ensures to make the reaction happen. Usually common sense is that higher temperature causes the two molecules to collide with each other more fastly. So usually the concept is that the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the temperature and the effect of the temperature on the rate of chemical reaction is calculated by the Arrhenius equation2,3. Previous study shows that Specific rate constant and conversion increase almost linearly with temperature. Conversion increases from 50.2 % to 58.8 % corresponding to a temperature change from 25C to 30C. But for a reaction temperature more than 30 0C, behavior of conversion change became more sluggish. Further reaction rate is increased by the catalysis. Catalyst is the material that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, and for equilibrium system it increases the rate of which a chemical system approaches equilibrium without being consumed in the process. If the value of activation energy is greater than 20KJmole-1 it is possible that the process is involve in the breaking of primary chemical bond may occur. Reaction Kinetics: Saponification Reaction of Ethyl Acetate and Sodium Hydroxide is an irreversible 2nd order overall, 1storder with respect to reactants furthermore reaction order decreases and become sequential rather than 2nd order when equimolecular concentrations of both reactants are used7-10 This reaction is non-catalytic and carried out in a constant density system. This is a homogeneous phase (liquid/liquid) reaction and mild exothermic in nature. CHCOOC + NaOH CHCOONa + COH The rate of a chemical reaction is usually depend upon the two terms 1st is temperature dependent and 2nd is composition dependent and the temperature dependent term is measured by using the Arrhenius Equation11So we may write as. \r\r\r (2) \rWhere: k is rate constant and described by using the Arrhenius equation. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(11), 46-50, November (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 47  !"# Rate constant and activation energy can be calculated by solving the above equation. $$%$ \n (3) $$&'&(* +$$'&( +, %$Now compare the above equation with the equation of straight line we get. -.%/ (4) Hence by plotting the graph between 1/T on x-axis and lnk on y-axis then antilog of intercept gives the value of rate constant and the slope of straight-line will give the value of –/R. Experimental Details: The reaction is carried out in a batch apparatus at STP conditions and the change in concentration (in terms of Electrical Conductivity) with time is measured. The experimental setup is shown in figure-1. Apparatus: Thermostatted Bath, Volumetric Flask, Stopwatch, Conductivity Meter, reaction Vessel, Jacketed Beaker, Graduated Cylinder, Pipettes of Assorted Sizes and Burette. Chemicals: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Ethyl Acetate (CHCOOC) Procedure: For batch experimental equal volume of both reactants is used. Concentrations of both reactants are taken to be 0.1M. Reactants should be as close to same temperature as possible before starting the experiment. Note down the conductivity meter readings (Conductivity in µs) of the reaction mixture after equal intervals of time. The procedure is continued until no change in the value of conductivity meter reading is observed. Repeat the experiment without agitation at different temperatures of 25C, 30C, 35C, 40C, 45C and 50C. Observations and Calculations: The observations and calculation which are given below are without agitation. Because previous research shows that At STP Conditions in a Bath Reactor we got high conversion without agitation as compared to with agitation. The value of rate constant at a given time-concentration data can be calculated by using this relationship110102 3 3 (5) Figure-1 Experimental Setup Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(11), 46-50, November (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 48 The different values of rate constant at different temperatures for different time and concentration date are given below in tables for temperatures of 25C, 30C, 35C, 40C, 45C and 50C. Table-1 At Temperature 25CSr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 1001 0 2 1 480 336.12 3 2 443 236.44 4 3 417 211.59 5 4 398 206.50 6 5 383 213.10 7 6 366 258.13 8 7 356 297.23 9 8 350 325.50 10 9 346 346.56 11 10 341 412.50 12 11 338 463.63 13 12 335 555.00 14 13 333 642.30 15 14 330 958.57 16 15 328 1495.56 17 16 327 2106.25 18 17 325 Table-2 At Temperature 30Sr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 974 0 2 1 529 505.68 3 2 486 542.22 4 3 473 521.87 5 4 463 580.68 6 5 455 741.42 7 6 450 970.37 8 7 445 1889.28 9 8 442 6650.00 10 9 441 Table-3 At Temperature 35Sr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 971 0 2 1 590 253.33 3 2 518 289.74 4 3 474 487.25 5 4 462 578.40 6 5 453 795.38 7 6 450 868.33 8 7 446 1250.00 9 8 445 1315.00 10 9 443 1955.55 11 10 442 2645.00 12 11 441 4818.18 13 12 440 Table-4 At Temperature 40Sr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 905 0 2 1 661 117.308 3 2 579 129.36 4 3 538 143.29 5 4 491 272.36 6 5 463 884.00 7 6 456 2494.44 8 7 453 Table-5 At Temperature 45Sr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 982 0 2 1 623 208.721 3 2 498 514.894 4 3 479 598.80 5 4 172 607.14 6 5 462 945.45 7 6 457 1458.33 8 7 453 3778.57 9 8 451 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(11), 46-50, November (2015) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 49 Table-6 At Temperature 50Sr. No. t C k Units (min.) (µs) min-1 1 0 C= 962 0 2 1 532 741.37 3 2 479 9660 4 3 474 Table-7 At each temperature the average value of rate constant is given Sr. No. T k Units (C) min-1 1 25 566.56 2 30 1550.19 3 35 1386.92 4 40 673.56 5 45 1157.5 6 50 5200.68 Table-8 Values of 1/T and Ink Sr. No. T T 1/T Kavg. ln(K) Units (C) (K) T (K-1) min-1 1 25 298.15 0.003 566.56 6.33 2 30 303.15 0.0033 1550.19 7.34 3 35 308.15 0.0032 1386.92 7.23 4 40 313.15 0.0032 673.56 6.51 5 45 318.15 0.0031 1157.5 7.05 6 50 323.15 0.0031 5200.68 8.55 Results and Discussion Hence by plotting the graph between 1/T on x-axis and lnk on y-axis by using above data then antilog of intercept gives the value of rate constant and the slope of straight-line will give the value of –E/R. Figure-1 At Temperature 50The result shows that. -&5,6718.%9716:5Compare above equation with the equation of straight line we get. -.%/& &5,6718&5,6718617,8871;8=&#x-1.5;癲$ And $9716:5?1@AB917,8,;0 ConclusionIn this research paper a saponification reaction of ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide is carried out in a Batch Reactor and change in Concentration (in terms of Electrical Conductivity) is measured with time at different temperatures of 25C, 30C, 35C, 40C, 45C and 50C. at each temperature different values of rate constant are obtained at various time and concentration data in order to estimate the parameters of Arrhenius equation which are rate constant and activation energy. The results show that the value of rate constant is 2.314×1010 and the value of activation energy is 43.094KJmole-1. 0.0030.00310.00320.00330.0034 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 5(11), 46-50, November (2015) Res. J. Chem. 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