@Research Paper <#LINE#>Environment Education: An Indian Perspective<#LINE#>Tauseef Z. @Siddiqui,Khan@Anna <#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-RJCS-2014-179.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand, INDIA @Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, INDIA<#LINE#>25/10/2014<#LINE#>11/12/2014<#LINE#>This paper focuses in developing working model of Environmental Education in the formal sector and to evaluate and statically analyze the Environmental education knowledge perception of the different sectors of the society in India through structured questionnaire surveys of 500 teachers from India, out of which 250 were working at schools and 250 at colleges. This paper aims to study the importance of the environmental education with specific emphasis on sustainability and various environmental education patterns in the educational institutions in India. With the use of questionnaire survey among. In the end the research try to device the Strategies and Framework for promoting Environmental Education. Lastly, it can be concluded that though the existing Environmental Education programs do not seem to be satisfactory, the future looks promising. Moreover in planning to develop school curricula on conservation education at the national level. It is hoped that the steps mentioned in the research work will bring desirable results in the future in sustaining precious natural resources of India.<#LINE#>Stevenson R.B.@Schooling and EnvironmentalEducation: contradications in purpose and practice :Environmental education research@13(2), 189-207(2007)@No$Tbilisi UNESCO-UNEP@First IntergovernmentalConference of Environmental Education@Final Report,USSR, (1977)@No$attitudes towards the environment through NEP: A casestudy from India@International Journal of SocialEntrepreneurship and Innovation@2(1), 42–51 (2013)@No$Agarwal R., Awasthi A., Mittal S., Singh N. and GuptaP.K.@Effects of air pollution on respiratory parametersduring the wheat-residue burning in Patiala@Journal ofMedical Engineering and Technology, 34(1), 23–28(2010)@Yes$Barnett M., Lord C., Strauss E., Rosca C., Langford H.,Chavez D. and Deni L.@Using the Urban Environment toEngage Youths in Urban Ecology Field Studies@TheJournal of Environmental Education, 37(2), 3-11 (2006)@Yes$Barnett M., Lord C., Strauss E., Rosca C., Langford H.,Chavez D. and Deni L.@Using the Urban Environment toEngage Youths in Urban Ecology Field Studies@TheJournal of Environmental Education, 37(2), 3-11 (2006)@Yes$Barraza L., Duque-Aristizabal A.M. and Rebolledo G.@EE : From Policy to Practice@Environmental EducationResearch, 9(3), 347-357 (2003)@No$Barraza Laura and Alfredo D. 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The mode of extraction applied was the batch extraction method using dried ground leaves and seeds of the plant that spans through 3, 6 and 9 hours at the end of which the filtrate were analysed for Na, Fe, Zn, Mg, K and Ca using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The study has shown the effectiveness of the extraction of Na, Fe and Zn by the seeds and leaves of the plant due to the high positive extraction efficiency of these metals. The negative extraction efficiencies of Mg, K and Ca recorded in this study indicates that the leaves and seeds of the plant are not effective in the extraction of these metals. However, there is need to carry out more investigation under controlled laboratory conditions as the plant has potentials in extracting metals.<#LINE#>Egbu A.U.@Constraints to Effective Pollution Controland Management in Nigeria@The Environmentalist, 20,3-20 (2000)@Yes$Howard I.C.@Levels and Impacts of Selected Pollutantsin Aquatic Media in the Bukuma Oilfield@Rivers State.Ph.D Thesis: River State University of Science andTechnology Port Harcourt RIVERS State, 227, (2004)@No$Guerra K., Dahm K. and Dundorf. S.@Oil and GasProduced Water Management and Beneficial Use in theWestern United States U.S. Department of the InteriorBureau of Reclamation Denver Federal Center@DenverCO 80225-0007, (2011)@Yes$Stephenson M.T.@A survey of Produced Water Studies,in Produced water@J.P. Ray and F.R. 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All the synthesized compounds (3a-h) were characterized by UV, IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and mass spectral data. The synthesized compounds were subjected to antibacterial studies against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis (gram-positive), Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis (gram-negative) bacteria and antifungal studies against Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger and the Minimum Inhibitory concentration of each compound was determined by liquid broth method. The results indicated that all the synthesized compounds 3a-h showed considerable antibacterial and antifungal activities.<#LINE#>Thekke V. Sreevidya, Badiaka Narayana and HemmigeS.Yathirajan@Synthesis and characterization ofsomechalcones and their cyclohexenone derivatives@Cent EurJChem., 8(1), 174-181 (2010)@Yes$Rahman MA.@Chalcone : A Valuable Insight into theRecent Advances and Potential PharmacologicalActivities@Chemical Sciences Journal, 29, 1-16 (2011)@Yes$Gheorge Roman@Cyclohexenones through addition ofethylacetoacetate to chalcone derived from 2-acetylthiophene@Acta Chim Slov., 51, 537-544 (2004)@Yes$Yajuvendra S. Dhala, Shiv S. 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Boyd@Feasibility of high flux anticancer drug Screenusing a diverse panel of cultured human tumor cell lines,Journal of the National Cancer Institute@83, 757-766(1991)@Yes <#LINE#>Physicochemical Characteristics of Biocarbons obtained from Nipa Palm (Nypa Fruiticans Wurmb) Leaves<#LINE#>Adowei @P, A.I.@ Spiff <#LINE#>18-26<#LINE#>4.ISCA-RJCS-2014-210.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA @2Department of Chemical Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, P.M.B., 071, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, NIGERIA<#LINE#>12/12/2014<#LINE#>22/12/2014<#LINE#>Physicochemical characteristics are essential in assessing the performance indices of potential biocarbons. In an attempt to find the feasibility of developing an eco-friendly and economically sustainable adsorbent for the removal of contaminants from industrial wastewater; the physicochemical characteristics of biocarbons generated from Nipa palm (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) leaves at the same carbonization temperature with differential chemical - modifications were investigated using standard testing methods. The differentially modified biocarbons were obtained through single step pyrolysis after saturating the biocarbons with H2O, H2SO4 and KOH. The domino-effects obtained show that maximum biocarbon yield of 46.6 ± 0.21 % was recorded for basic reagent surface-modified biocarbon (BAC) followed by acidic reagent modified biocarbon (AAC) with a value of 35.1 ± 0.19%) and physically carbonized biocarbon (PCC) respectively. The data showed that, amongst the Nipa palm derived biocarbons, the BAC had the highest fractional burn-off. The percent ash and moisture contents of biocarbons (PCC: 5.8, AAC: 4.3, BAC: 3.7 for ash content and PCC: 6.5, AAC: 6.4, BAC: 7.1 for moisture content) produced from Nipa palm leaves was relatively low; while pH values of the biocarbons produced and characterized have basic characteristics with pH between 6.41 ± 0.11 to 7.81 ± 0.12 which is within the acceptable pH range of 6 - 8. The density of the biocarbons was in the range of 0.64 – 0.89 g/cm3, while porosity ranged from 66 – 79 % with BAC recording the utmost bulk density (0.89 g/cm3) and porosity (79 %). The BAC biocarbons exhibit lower attrition values and showed higher surface area. The iodine number in mg/g follows the order: BAC (814.5 mg/g) > PCC (622.8 mg/g) > AAC (431 mg/g). The overall results indicate that the type of chemical activating reagent plays a significant role in the physicochemical properties of a particular biocarbon and that impregnating the biomass of Nipa palm with KOH produced the best biocarbon amongst the activating reagents used in this work. This implies that, BAC biocarbon will be a superior adsorbent with high micropore content needed for liquid phase adsorption. The inexpensive Nipa palm leaves biocarbons has characteristics comparable to commercial granulated activated carbon.<#LINE#>Mohamad R., Salmah H. and Teh P. L.@Chemicalcomposition of Nypa fruticans filled polylactic acid/recycled low-density polyethylene biocomposts@BioRes., 9(2), 2033–2050 (2014)@No$Hutton W.@Tropical Fruits of Malaysia and Singapore@Periplus Edition (UK) Ltd., 18-25 (1996)@Yes$Wankasi D., Spiff A.I. and Horsfall M., Jnr.@Sorptionkinetics of Pb2+ and Cu2+ from aqueous solution by Nipapalm (Nypa fructicans Wurmb) shoot biomass@Elect. 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Sci., 3(7), 54 -61 (2013)@Yes$Qureshi K., Bhatti I., Kazi R. and Ansari A.K.@Physicaland chemical analysis of activated carbon prepared fromsugarcane bagasse and use for sugar decolorisation@Inter. J. Chem. Bimolecular. Engnr., 1(3), 145- 149(2008)@Yes$Joshi S., Adhikari M., Pokharel B. P. and PradhanangaR.R.@Effects of Activating Agents on the ActivatedCarbons Prepared from Lapsi Seed Stone@Res. J. Chem.Sci., 2(10), 80-86 (2012)@Yes$Ash B., Satapathy D., Mukherjee P.S., Nanda B.,Gumaste J.L., and Mishra B.K.@Characterization andapplication of activated carbon prepared from coir pith@J. Sci. Ind. Res., 65 1008-1012 (2006)@Yes$Cui H., Cao Y. and Pan W.P.@Preparation of activatedcarbon for mercury capture from chicken waste and coal@Anal. Appl. 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Enginr, 1(3), 145-149(2008)@Yes <#LINE#>Physical Properties of Zinc chloride in Aqueous Dextrose Solution<#LINE#>Sarkar @Kalipada <#LINE#>27-32<#LINE#>5.ISCA-RJCS-2014-211.pdf<#LINE#>Assistant Professor, Islampur College, Islampur, Uttar Dinajpur: 733202, INDIA<#LINE#>13/12/2014<#LINE#>23/12/2014<#LINE#>The apparent molar volume (?V), viscosity B-coefficient have been determined of zinc chloride in 2%, 4% and 6% aqueous solution of dextrose at 303.15K, 308.15K and 313.15 K from density (?) and viscosity (?) measurements respectively. The limiting apparent molar volumes (?V0) and experimental slopes (SV*), derived from the Masson equation, have been interpreted in terms of solute–solvent and solute–solute interactions respectively. The viscosity data were analyzed using the Jones–Dole equation and the derived parameter B has also been interpreted in terms of solute–solvent interactions in the solutions. The structure making/breaking behavior of Zinc chloride is inferred from the sign of (d2?V0/dT2)P and dB/dT.<#LINE#>Bonner O.D., J Sol Chem.@@11, 315-324 (1982)@No$Rajeswari V., Kesavan D., Gopiraman M.and Viswanathamurthi P.@Physicochemical studies ofglucose, gellan gum, and hydroxypropyl cellulose—Inhibition of cast iron corrosion@Carbohydrate Polymers,95, 288–294 (2013)@Yes$Gangwar M.K. and Saxena A.K.@Ultrasonic study ofmolecular interactions in binary mixtures ofisopropylbenzene (Cumene) with Benzene@Toluene andAcetone at 303K, Research Journal of ChemicalSciences, 3(2), 27-30 (2013)@Yes$Patil Sujata S. and Mirgane Sunil R.@Thermo acousticstudy of acrylates with decane-1-ol@Research Journal ofChemical Sciences, 3(2), 73-78 (2013)@No$Sridevi G.@Ultrasonic Study of Acoustical Parameters ofBinary Liquid Mixtures of Methyl Benzoate with 1-Octanol at 303.15K, 308.15K 313.15K and 318.15K,Research Journal of Chemical Sciences@3(3), 14-19(2013)@No$Roy M.N., Dewan R., Roy P.K. and Biswas D.@ApparentMolar Volumes and Viscosity B-Coefficients ofCarbohydrates in Aqueous Cetrimonium BromideSolutions at (298.15, 308.15, 318.15) K@Journal ofChemical & Engineering Data, 55, 3617–3624 (2010)@Yes$Roy M.N., Bhattacharjee A. and Chakraborti P.@Investigation on Molecular Interactions of Nicotinamidein Aqueous Citric Acid Monohydrate Solutions withReference to Manifestation of Partial Molar Volume andViscosity B-Coefficient Measurements@ThermochimicaActa, 507–508, 135–141 (2010)@Yes$Zhao C., Ma P. and Li J.@Partial molar volumes andviscosity B-coefficients of arginine in aqueous glucose@sucrose and L-ascorbic acid solutions at T = 298.15 K,Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 37, 37–42 (2005)@Yes$Roy M.N. and Sinha A., Studies of viscous antagonism,excess molar volume and isentropic compressibility inaqueous mixed solvent systems at different temperatures@Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 44(3), 303-314, (2006)@undefined@No$Ayranci E.@Apparent Molar Volume and Viscosity ofCompounds with Asymmetric Carbon Atoms@Journal ofChemical and Engineering Data, 42(5), 934–937 (1997)@Yes$Malasane P.R@Study of Interactions of Tryptophanthrough Acoustic and Thermo dynamic Properties@Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 3(8), 73-77,(2013)@No$Roy M.N., Ekka D. and Dewan R.@Physico-ChemicalStudies of Some Bio-active Solutes in Pure MethanoicAcid@Acta Chim. 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S.,Jha @ D.K., Sarkar@ D. <#LINE#>33-40<#LINE#>6.ISCA-RJCS-2014-212.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Physics, Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati-781001, INDIA @Department of Botany, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, INDIA @Department of Physics, Gauhati University, Guwahati- 781014, INDIA<#LINE#>15/12/2014<#LINE#>26/12/2014<#LINE#>A green synthesis approach to the fabrication of zinc sulphide (ZnS) nanoparticle is carried out using the extract of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), a naturally occurring edible mushroom. The XRD analysis show that ZnS nanoparticles are of cubic structure with average crystallite size of 2.9 nm – 2.1 nm which is in good agreement with the data found from TEM analysis. Direct band gap of the samples is estimated from UV-Vis absorption and found to lie in the range of 4.9eV-5.3eV. Photoluminescence (PL) of the samples is due to the presence of zinc vacancies and recombination of electron-hole pair at the surface traps of the materials. The FTIR study confirms the presence of protein, the guiding material for biosynthesis of nanomaterial. The thermal stability of the samples is studied with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Impedance analysis of the samples reveals the potential applications of the materials in nanotuned devices.<#LINE#>Senapati U.S., Jha D.K. and Sarkar D.@Green Synthesisand Characterization of ZnS nanoparticles@Res. J.Physical Sci., 1(7), 1-6 (2013)@No$Senapati U.S. and Sarkar D.@Characterization ofbiosynthesized zinc sulphide nanoparticles using ediblemushroom pleuratuss ostratu@Indian J. Phys., 88, 557-562 (2014)@No$Farooqi M.M.H. and Srivastava R.K., Structural@opticaland Photoconductivity study of ZnS nanoparticlessynthesized by a low temperature solid state reactionmethod@Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 20, 61-67(2014)@Yes$Chai L., He Wen., Sun L., Jin F., Hu Xiang Yang. andMa J.@Solvothermal synthesis of wurtzite ZnS complexspheres with high hierarchy@Mater. Lett., 120, 26-29(2014)@Yes$Mohanpuria P., Rana N.K. and Yadav S.K.@Biosynthesisof nanoparticles: technological concepts and futureapplications@J. Nanopart. Res., 10, 507-517 (2008)@Yes$Bai Hong-Juan., Zhang Zhao-Ming. and Gong J.@Biological synthesis of semiconductor zinc sulfidenanoparticles by immobilize Rhodobacter sphaeroides@Biotechnol. Lett., 28, 1135-1139 (2006)@Yes$Malarkodi C. and Annadurai G.@A novel biologicalapproach on extracellular synthesis and characterizationof semiconductor zinc sulfide nanoparticles@Appl.Nanosci., 3, 389-395 (2013)@Yes$Philip D., Biosynthesis of Au@Ag and Au-Agnanoparticles using edible mushroom extract,Spectrochimica Acta Part A.@73, 374-381 (2009)@No$Dhanasekaran D., Latha S., Saha S., Thajuddin N. andPanneerselvam A.@Extracellular biosynthesis,characterization and in-vitro antibacterial potential ofsilver nanoparticles using Agaricus bisporus@J.Expt.Nanosci., 8(4), 579-588 (2013)@Yes$Bhat R., Sharanabasava V.G., Deshpande R., Shetti U.,Sanjeev G. and Venkataraman A.@Photo-bio-synthesis ofirregular shaped functionalized gold nanoparticles usingedible mushroom pleurotus florida and its anticancerevaluation@J. Photochem. Photobio. B: Bio., 125, 63-69(2013)@Yes$Nasiri F., Tarzi B.G., Bassiri A. and Hoseini S.E.@Comparative study on some chemical compounds ofbutton mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus) cap and stipeduring the first and third flushes@Annals Bio. Res., 3(12),5677-5680 (2013)@Yes$Kripal R., Gupta A.K., Mishta S.K., Srivastava K.,Pandey A. C. and Prakash S.G.@Photoluminescence andphotoconductivity of ZnS:Mn+2 nanoparticles synthesizedvia co-precitation method@Spectrochimica Acta Part A.,76, 523-530 (2010)@No$Bilgin V., Kose S., Atay F. and Akyuz I.@The effect ofsubstrate temperature on the structural and some physicalproperties of ultrasonically sprayed CdS films@Mater.Chem. phys., 94, 103-108 (2005)@Yes$Hudlikar M., Joglekar S., Dhaygude M. and Kodam K.@Latex-mediated synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles: greensynthesis approach@J.Nanopart. Res., 14, 865 (2012)@Yes$Vogel W., Borse P. 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Asaduzzaman., Amin S.M.Ruhul., Uddin Md.Nazim., Tania M. and Alam N.@Composition of oystermushrooms cultivated in Bangladesh@Bangladesh J.Mushroom., 2(1), 9-14 (2008)@No <#LINE#>Kinetic Study of Arsenite Adsorption onto Dried Hyacinth Root Powder<#LINE#>Anamika@Srivastava,Pathak@Gopal<#LINE#>41-48<#LINE#>7.ISCA-RJCS-2014-213.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, INDIA<#LINE#>15/12/2014<#LINE#>14/1/2014<#LINE#>The potential use of dried hyacinth root (DHR) as biosorbent for mitigating arsenic from aqueous solution is studiedcombining kinetic model and elovich model, using scanning electron microscope coupled with energy dispersive X-ray(SEM-EDX). This analysis suggested the suitability of pseudo-second order type II and type IV kinetic model followed byelovich model for describing the adsorption process of Arsenic-DHR system. The validity of model was further justifiedbased on normalized standard deviation percentage. Also, the applicability of the kinetics models was analyzed with thecloseness of the experimental and modeled values of equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe).The SEM images of dried hyacinthroots before and after exposure indicates the adsorption of arsenic onto DHR. EDX spectrum analysis initially did not showany characteristic signal of arsenic but after exposing to an initial concentration of 2 ppm arsenic gives the characteristicpeak for arsenic at 1.12, 1.15, 1.28, 10.54, and 11.72 KeV. This confirms the binding of the arsenite ion onto dried hyacinthroot. This research concludes that chemisorptions is the rate-limiting step on the basis of highest coefficient ofdetermination, R2, and also on the lowest normalized standard deviation percentage, ? qt(%). @Yes <#LINE#>Organic Pollution Indication as Tracer for the pollution of Well Water: Theexample of the District of Abomey-Calavi(Benin)<#LINE#>Parfait@Hounsinou,Daouda@Mama,Flavien@Dovonou,Achille@Dedjiho,Dominique@Sohounhloue<#LINE#>49-54<#LINE#>8.ISCA-RJCS-2014-218.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratoire d’Hydrologie Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université d’Abomey – Calavi, BÉNIN @ Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche en Chimie Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey – Calavi, BÉNIN<#LINE#>23/12/2014<#LINE#>11/1/2014<#LINE#>The organic pollution represents a serious problem for the environment; the worn-out waters domesticated and non-purifiedrepresent the main source of organic pollution of waters. Followed it of analysis in the different points of observation madethe object of a treatment of data by the establishment of a card of organic pollution of 20 traditional well water, 1 deepboring and 4 surface water of the region, that informs us on the influence of the dismissals and the quality of waters by theslant of an organic pollution indication that himself calculation according to the method of Leclercq, Maquet (1987) whoseprinciple is to distribute the values of the polluting elements in 05 classes, to determine from his own measures, the numberclass correspondent for every parameter to make the average of it. The interpretation of the card representing the differentparameters of organic pollution of the 20traditional well water, the boring water and the 4 surface water gives some resultson the contamination or not of the naturel waters. The card shows that the different traditional well water in the district ofAbomey-Calavi pass from a quality to another but they are more polluted than the deep boring water. <#LINE#>@ @ Mahmond A.A; Water and Sustainable development: the vision for world water life and the environment, Water policy, 1(1), 9-19 (1998) @No $ @ @ Dégbey C; La qualité de l’eau de puits dans la commune d’Abomey-Calavi et les facteurs exogènes de sa pollution. Mémoire de fin de formation de DEA, Environnement et Santé Publique FLASH, UAC, Bénin, (2004) @No $ @ @ Derradji F., Bousnoubra H., Kherici N., Romeo M. and Caruba R., Impact de la pollution organique sur la qualité des eaux superficielles dans le Nord-Est algérien, Revue sécheresse, 18(1), 23-27 (2007) @No $ @ @ Bahroun Sofia, Kherici Bousnoubra Houria ; Evaluation de l’indice de pollution organique dans les eaux naturelles: Cas de la région d’el tarf (nord-est algerien), Larhyss Journal, 09, 171-178 (2011) @No $ @ @ El Mostafa H., Effet des rejets liquides domestiques et industriels sur la qualité des eaux souterraines au nord de la ville de Settat (Maroc), Bulletin de l’institut scientifique, Rabat, Section sciences de la vie, N°28, 61- 71 (2006) @No $ @ @ Dovonou F.E., Diagnostic qualitatif et environnemental de l’aquifère superficiel du champ de captage intensif de Godomey au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest): Eléments pour un plan d’actions stratégiques de protection des ressources en eau souterraine exploitées. Thèse de doctorat, spécialité hydrologie, Cipma, Fast, Uac, (2012) @No $ @ @ Hounsinou P., Pollution chimique et bactérienne des eaux de pluie, des eaux de surface et des eaux souterraines dans la commune d’Abomey-Calavi (sud Bénin) : Transfert de polluants entre l’air, le sol et l’eau. DEA en chimie minérale /FAST/Université d’AbomeyCalavi, (2012) @No $ @ @ Adour G., Le nouveau système d’évaluation de la qualité de l’eau des rivières : le seq-eau François SIMONET, revue de l’Agence de l’Eau, 81, 7-8 (2001) @No $ @ @ Castany G., Principes et méthodes de l'hydrogéologie, Ed. Bordas, Paris., (1982) @No $ @ @ Mama Daouda, Méthodologie et résultats du diagnostic de l’eutrophisation du lac Nokoué (Bénin), Thèse de doctorat, spécialité sciences appliquées, Université de Limoge, France, (2010) @Yes <#LINE#>Physico-Chemical Study of Groundwater at Shahjahanpur city, UttarPradesh, India <#LINE#>A.@Khan,Arbab1,Mohd Nawaz@Khan <#LINE#>55-59<#LINE#>9.ISCA-RJCS-2014-219.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, INDIA @ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow 226026, INDIA<#LINE#>20/11/2014<#LINE#>4/1/2015<#LINE#>Today, it is a known fact that the groundwater quality is degrading day by day which is a serious concern nowadays, aswater with poor quality pose threats to human health and hygiene. Good quality of water is of utmost importance for survivalof man and animals, and as we know because the groundwater aquifers are the largest source of fresh water, theircontamination will prove to be havoc. In the light of aforesaid facts it becomes necessary to assess the current groundwaterquality of Shahjahanpur city, in terms of pH value, total dissolved solids, Chlorine, Calcium, Magnesium, Fluorine andNitrate levels, by taking samples from bore wells. In terms of Ph value, TDS, Cl, Ca, and Mg, the values were within theacceptable limits as prescribed by W.H.O, while the levels of F and NO3 were detected to be exceeding their permissiblelimits. Thus, the study reveals the need for proper and timely evaluation of groundwater quality and simultaneouslyhighlights the urgency of the necessary steps to be taken for the preservation and up gradation of water quality to managethe present water resources. <#LINE#>@ @ Venkata Mushini, Rao Subba, Rao Vaddi Dhilleswara and Bethapudi Samuel Anand Andrews, Assessment of Quality of Drinking Water at Srikurmam in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India, International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 1(2), 13-20 (2012) @No $ @ @ Murhekar Gopalkrushna Haribhau, Trace Metals Contamination of Surface Water Samples in and around Akot City in Maharashtra, India, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(7), 5-9 (2012) @No $ @ @ Patil Shilpa G., Chonde Sonal G., Jadhav Aasawari S. and Raut Prakash D., Impact of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Shivaji University lakes on Phytoplankton Communities, Kolhapur, India, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(2), 56-60 (2012) @No $ @ @ Antony Ravindran A., Azimuthal Square Array Resistivity Method and Ground water Exploration in Sanganoor, Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu, India, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(4), 41-45 (2012) @No $ @ @ Ramesh K. and Bhuvana Jagadeeswari. P, Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater for Domestic and Irrigation Purposes in Periyakulam Taluk of Theni District, Tamil Nadu, International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 1(1), 19-27 August (2012) @No $ @ @ Shivayogimath C.B, Kalburgi P.B, Deshannavar U.B and Virupakshaiah D.B.M, Water Quality Evaluation of River Ghataprabha, India, International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 1(1), 12-18 (2012) @No $ @ @ N.J. Raju. Hydrogeochemical parameters for assessment of groundwater quality in the upper Gunjanaeru River basin, Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, South India, Environmental Geology, 52, 1067–1074 (2007) @No $ @ @ APHA, American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for Estimation of water and Wastewater, AWWA, Water Pollution Control Federation, New York, 19 (1995) @No $ @ @ WHO, International standards for drinking water, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (1992) @No $ @ @ Koul Nishtha, Lokhande R. S. and Dhar J. K., PhysicoChemical, Bacteriological and Pesticide analysis of Tap Water in Millennium City Gurgoan, Haryana, India, International Research Journal of Environment Sciences 1(2), 1-7 (2012) @No $ @ @ Mangale Sapana M., Chonde Sonal G. and Raut P.D. Use of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) seed as Natural Absorbent and an Antimicrobial agent for Ground water Treatment, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(3), 31-40 (2012) @No $ @ @ Basic Information in Nitrates in Drinking Water, Basic information about Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants, US-EPA-Environment Protection Agency (2012) @No $ @ @ @Yes <#LINE#>Iodometric Determination of the Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) content of someFruits consumed in Jimma Town Community in Ethiopia<#LINE#>Dereje@Alemu,Bekele@Girma, Selale@Geleta <#LINE#>60-63<#LINE#>10.ISCA-RJCS-2014-190.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Jimma University, P.O. Box 378, Jimma, ETHIOPIA<#LINE#>12/11/2014<#LINE#>22/12/2014<#LINE#>The objective of this study was to determine the ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Content of Some Fruits Consumed in Jimma TownCommunity in Ethiopia. Representative commercial fruits such as orange, lemon, papaya, mango and tomato werepurchased randomly from local market found in Jimma Town community in Ethiopia and brought to Chemistry Departmentin Jimma University and preserved in Refrigerator. The fruit samples were first washed with water; the juice from each fruitwas squeezed out, and filtered. Then, the obtained juice was centrifuged until a clear sample was obtained, which wassubsequently analyzed for Ascorbic acid content of fresh fruit juices by volumetric method. The results of present studyindicated that the concentration of ascorbic acid in each fruits found to be: Papaya (1673.018 ±136.1096 mg/100 mL),Orange (141.34 ± 22.07 mg/100 mL), Lemon (199.8133 ± 126.5819 mg/100 mL), Mango (1104.459±204.5954 mg/100 mL)and Tomato (542.002± 101.55 mg/100 mL). From the results it can be concluded that the ascorbic acid content of fruits juice(fruit pressing) were found to be in the order of Papaya> Mango > Tomato > Lemon > Orange. <#LINE#>@ @ Jose L.S.B. and María Del S.S.S., Antioxidant Role of Ascorbic Acid and His Protective Effects on Chronic Diseases, http://www.intechopen.com/books/oxidativestr (2014) @No $ @ @ Nagamani k., Miracle Nutrient, IJPT, 3(2), 1140-1164 (2011) @No $ @ @ Akhilender N.K., Vitamin C in human health and disease is still a mystery? 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Bachelor Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 1-24 (2009), SHAMSUL_AZRIN_BIN_MD._KANAFE_09_24.pdf (2014) @Yes <#LINE#>New Unsymmetrical Schiff base as Inhibitor of Carbon steel Corrosion andAntibacterial Activity<#LINE#>Chaisab@K.,Bhkahk@abbar,S.@Hadi <#LINE#>64-70<#LINE#>11.ISCA-RJCS-2015-002.pdf<#LINE#>University of Basrah, Collage of Education for pure Science , Dept. of Chemistry, Basrah, IRAQ<#LINE#>3/1/2015<#LINE#>14/1/2015<#LINE#>New unsymmetrical Schiff base namely (2-hydroxy-3-((E)-(2-((E)-(4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl) methyleneamino) phenylimino)methyl) Benzoic acid) was prepared and characterized by IR, HNMR,C13NMR and EI-mass .The inhibition effect on thecorrosion of carbon steel in industrial water have been investigated at different temperature using weight loss and Tafelpolarization measurements. The effect of time and temperature on activity were studies and compared with standardcommercial inhibitor also the antibacterial activity of synthesized Schiff base against four types of bacteria which iscommonly known in oilfield were tested. <#LINE#>@ @ Kumar D., Synmal A., Jaipal and Sharma L.K., Synthesis, magnetic and spectral studies on polystyreneanchored coordination complexes of bi-, tri-, tetra- and hexa valent metal ions with unsymmetrical dibasic tetradentate ONNO donor Schiff base derived from 3- formylsalicylic acid, ethylenediamine and 2- benzoylacetanilide, J. Chem. Sci., 1, 57-64 (2009) @No $ @ @ Boghaei D.M. and Lashanizadegan M., Template synthesis, Characterization of highly unsymmetrical tetradentate Schiff base complexes of Nikel (II) and Copper (II), J. Sci. I.R.Iran, 11(1), 301-308 (2000) @No $ @ @ Munde A.S., Shelke V.A., Jadhav S.M., Kirdant A.S., Vaidya S.R., Shankarwar S.G. and Chondhekar T.K., Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of some Transition Metal Complexes of Biologically Active Asymmetrical Tetradentate Ligands, Advances in Applied Science Research, 3 (1), 175-182 (2012) @No $ @ @ Munde A.S., JagdaleA.N., Jadhav S.M. and Chondhekar T.K., Synthesis and Characterization of Some Transition Metal Complexes of Unsymmetrical Tetradentate Schiff Base Ligand, Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 53(4), 407-414 (2009) @No $ @ @ Shelke V.A., Jadhav S.M., Shankarwar S.G. and Chondhekar T.K., Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of some Rare Earth Metal Complexes of Biologically Active Asymmetrical Tetradentste ligand, J. of Chem. Sci. and Technology, 2(2), 61-69 (2013) @No $ @ @ Al Zoubi W., Biological Activities of Schiff Bases and Their Complexes : A Review of Recent Works, International Journal of Organic Chemistry, 3, 73-95 (2013) @No $ @ @ Elsayed H. EIashry, Ahmed ElNemi , Samy A. 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Soc., 75b(3) 349–359 (2010) @No $ @ @ Sousa C., Freire C. and Castro B., Synthesis and Characterization of Benzo-15-Crown-5 Ethers with Appended N2O Schiff Base, Molecules, 8, 894-900 (2003) @No $ @ @ Boghaei D.M. and Mohebi S., New-symmetrical tetradentate vanadyl Schiff base complexes derived from 1,2-phenylene diamine and 1,3-naphthalene diamine as catalysts for the oxidation of cyclohexene, Tetrahedron, 58, 5327–5366 (2002) @No $ @ @ Thamaraiselvi N., Parameswari K. and Chitra S., Synthesis and Comparative study of 1nhibitive properties of isomeric Schiff base and its cyclisation products, The Journal of corrosion and Engineering, 10, 1466-8858 (2007) @No $ @ @ Aal M and Morad M.M.S. Abdel-Aal M.S. Morad, Inhibiting effects of some quinolines and organic phosphonium compounds on corrosion of mild steel in 3M HCl solution and their adsorption characteristics, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 36(4), 253-260 (2001) @No $ @ @ da Silva C.M., da Silva D. L., Modolo V.b., Alves R.B., de Resende M.A., Martins V.B. and de Fatima A.N., Schiff bases : A short review of their antimicrobial activities, Journal of Advanced Research, 2, 1–8 (2011) @Yes <#LINE#>Measurements of Ambient Air Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in tenSouth-East Nigerian cities<#LINE#>Ngele@S.O,Onwu@F.K<#LINE#>71-77<#LINE#>12.ISCA-RJCS-2015-004.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Industrial Chemistry, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053 Abakaliki, NIGERIA @ Department of Chemistry, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, P.M.B 7267, Umuahia, Abia State, NIGERIA <#LINE#>4/1/2015<#LINE#>16/1/2015<#LINE#>This study monitored fine particulate matter (PM) load with aerodynamic diameter ten micrometer or less (PM10) and twoand half micrometer or less (PM2.5) in ten urban centres in South-Eastern Nigeria in the dry and wet seasons fromDecember, 2008 to September, 2009 using photometric laser-based particle counter instrument. The results showed that theseasonal mean varied in the range of 55.81±17.09 to 921.34±532.60 µg.m-3 for the PM10 in the dry season and 14.38±3.01 to266.06±129.79 µg.m-3 for the wet season. The seasonal mean of (PM2.5) ranged from 21.69±9.93 to 122.88±33.90 and3.31±2.36 to 11.44±4.57 µg.m-3 for the dry and wet seasons respectively. Comparatively, the cities’ PM10 load in the dryseason followed the order: Onitsha > Aba > Umuahia > Owerri > Enugu > Nsukka >Abakaliki > Afikpo > Orlu > Nnewi,while the order for dry season means of PM2.5 followed: Onitsha> Aba > Owerri > Umuahia > Abakaliki > Afikpo > Orlu >Enugu > Nsukka. The dry seasonal mean of PM10 and PM2.5 levels in all the cities exceeded the US annual National AmbientAir Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 50 µg.m-3 and 15 µg.m-3 respectively. The student t-test statistics revealed significantdifference between the dry and wet seasonal means of PM10 and PM2.5 (p<0.05) while correlation matrix showed that thePM10 and PM2.5 seasonal mean concentrations correlated positively (p<0.05). The study concluded that having 100% ofthese cities in the dry season for PM10 and PM2.5 and 60 % for PM10 in wet season exceeding the recommended annualguideline limit, portends public health risk particularly to people dwelling in the affected cities.<#LINE#>@ @ Philip R.S and Graham J.J., Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Public Health Impact on Populations in the North Eastern United States, Environ. Health Persp., 113(9), 1140-1147 (2005) @No $ @ @ Norris G., Youngpong S.N., Koening J.O., Larson T.V., Sheppard L and Stout J.W., An Association Between Fine Particles and Asthma Emergency Department Visits for Children in Seattle, Environ. 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Although commercialactivated carbon is an effective adsorbent, it’s widespread used is restricted due to its high cost and substantial lost duringregeneration. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of flyash as an alternative adsorbent for phenol removalfrom aqueous solution .The removal of phenol from aqueous solution by flyash were investigated under various conditions ofontact time, particle size, pH, concentration and temperature. The level of uptake of phenol by flyash decreased withincreasing particle size and pH but increases with temperature. Rate constants for different conditions were evaluated interms of first-order kinetics. The study is followed the pseudo-first-order rate kinetics and is found that the sorption data fitwell the Lagergren equation.The main mechanisms involved in the removal of phenol from solution by flyash were theinteraction between lone pair of electron present on oxygen atom of OH group of the phenol and the silica an d aluminapresent as major constituent at the surface of the flyash. It was found that these low cost flyash adsorbent demonstratedgood removal capability of phenol and hence can be used economically on large scale. <#LINE#>@ @ Oyedepo TA, Biosorption of lead (II) and copper (II) metal ions on alotropisprocera(ait.), Sci. J. Pure and Appl. Chem., 1-6 (2011) @No $ @ @ Netai M, Lydia C, David S and Mathew M, Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solution using Carbonized Maize Tassels, Bristish Appl. Sci. and Technol., 3(3), 649–661 (2013) @No $ @ @ Siva KN and Min K, Removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions by biosorption onto acacia leucocephala bark powder: Equilibrium and kinetic studies, J. Chilean Chem. Soc., 56(1), 539–545 (2011) @No $ @ @ O'Connell DW, Birkinshaw C and O'Dwyer TF, Heavy metal adsorbents prepared from the modification of cellulose: A review, Bioresource Technol., 99(15), 6709- 6724 (2008) @No $ @ @ Kermani M, Pourmoghaddas H, Bina B and Khazaei Z, Removal of Phenol from Aqueous solutions by Rice Husk and Activated Carbon, Pak. J. Bio. Sci., 9(10), 1905–1910 (2006) @No $ @ @ Obi C, Okoye IP, Kinetic Evaluation of Naphthalene Removal Using Acid–Modified and Unmodified Bentonite Clay Mineral., J. Appl. Sci. and Environ. 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Sci.Technol., 38, 1195-1200 (2004)@Yes <#LINE#>Physico-Chemical Quality of Different Brands of Sachet Water Sold inFederal University of Technology Campus Imo State, Nigeria<#LINE#>Okechukwu@R.I.1,Ogukwe@C.E.2and Igboasoiyi O.O<#LINE#>83-87<#LINE#>14.ISCA-RJCS-2014-202.pdf<#LINE#>1Department of Biological Sciences, @ Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Owerri Imo State, NIGERIA<#LINE#>29/11/2014<#LINE#>15/1/2015<#LINE#>Safe drinking water is essential to humans; hence the quality of drinking water is of paramount importance. The quest forsachet water consumption amongst Nigerian students makes the quality analysis of the different brands of sachet wateravailable, an area of interest. Six different brands of sachet water namely: Wilnelly, prephil, apex, lephzzy aljonlife andmayln collected from different parts within the Federal University of Technology, Owerricampus were sampled usingstandard methods. Physiological and microbiological analysis were carried out according to Nigeria standard of drinkingwater quality (NSDWQ) and World Health Organization (WHO), the five brands of sachet drinking water had their Phvalues below the lower permissible limit, ranging from 5.21 to 5.93. Only hephzzy sachet water brand had Ph valued withinthe permissible limit. Turbidity result ranged from 0.24 to 0.43, which could be sad to be acceptable. The total dissolvedsolids result of the brands of sachet water ranged from 21.00 to 156.00. The different brands of sachet water had close rangeresults in most of the parameters analysed and satisfactorily met the set standards. However some parameters such asdetection of various elements, Barium were found above its permissible limit in five out of the six samples ranging from 1.00to 2.00, while lophzzy sachet water had its value below detection level. From the ANOVA test, Ph, total dissolved solids andBarium had significant difference (P < 0.05), while other physicochemical parameters tested were insignificant (P>0.05)among the various sachet water sampled. Based on these results, there is need to observe good quality control analysis toensure conformity with the set standards. Also random testing of market samples will be a good way of detecting whether thequality is meeting the required standards.<#LINE#>@ @ Franklin A, The Human Heart, The Franklin A. Institute Inc. Retrieved 2014, 25th August, (2009) @No $ @ @ Kulshreshtha S.N., A Global outlook for water resources to the year 2025, Water Resources Management 12(3), 167-184 (1998) @No $ @ @ World Health Organization, Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. 2nd ed. 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These derivatives are characterized byelemental analyses, IR spectral analyses, PMR spectral analyses and molar conductance measurements. The products arescreened for pesticidal activities against the pest ‘Red Flour Beetle’ (Tribolium castaneum). The derivatives so formedexhibited enhanced pesticidal activities compared to the ligand. <#LINE#> @@ Arakawa Y., Main Group Metal Chem., 12, 1 (1989) @No $ @ @ Saxena A.K., Appl. Organometal. Chem., 1, 39 (1987) @No $ @ @ Dey K. and Mukhopadhyay S., J. Indian Chem. Soc., 78, 73 (2001) @No $ @ @ Gupta P.R., Mishra R.C. and Dogra G.S., Indian J. Agric. Sci., 51, 514 (1981) @No $ @ @ Mittal P., Pachouri M.K. and Sharma R.C., Studies on monobutyltin (IV) derivatives of 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, Asian J. of Chemistry, 18(1), 737-739 (2006) @No $ @ @ Mittal P., Pachouri M.K. and Sharma R.C., Pesticidal behavior of monobutyltin (IV) derivatives of salicylic acid against Red Flour Beetle, J. Ind. Council Chem., 23(2), 23-26 (2006) @No $ @ @ Mittal P. and Pachouri M. K., Characterization and Pesticidal studies of some new Dibutyltin (IV) derivatives of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, Res. J. Chem. Sci., 2(4), 61-63 (2012) @No $ @ @ Mittal P., Pachouri M. K. and Singh N. P., Synthetic, Characterization and Pesticidal studies of Dibutyltin (IV) derivatives of salicylic acid, Res. J. Chem. Sci., 3(3), 79- 81 (2013) @No $ @ @ Pachouri M.K. and Mittal P., Characterization and Pesticidal studies of Dibutyltin (IV) derivatives of diphenylamine-2-hydroxy-2’-carboxylic acid, Res. J. Chem. Sci., 4(1), 75-77 (2014) @No $ @ @ Gaur D.P., Srivastava G. and Mehrotra R.C., J. Organometal. 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