Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ ______________________________ ______ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 51 - 56 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci. International Science Congress Association 51 Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Alkaloid Extract of Ocimum Sanctum in HCl and HNO 3 Solution Nutan Kumpawat, Alok Chaturvedi * and R.K. Upadhyay Synthetic and Surface Science Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Govt. College, Ajmer , Raj., INDIA Available online at: (Received 6 th March 201 2 , revised 25 th March 201 2 , accepted 5 th April 201 2 ) Abstract Corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric and nitric acid solution was studied by weight loss and thermometric methods in presence of ocimum sanctum extract. From weight loss data it was observed that the inhibition efficiency increases with the inc reases in the concentration of the extract of stem in HCl and HNO 3 solution as compare to extract of leaves of ocimum sanctum. Maximum inhibition efficiency was found (98.67%) in 0.5N HCl acid with 1.2% stem extract, whereas it was (71.62%) in 2N HNO 3 acid with same concentration i.e. 1.2%. The corrosion rate was found to decrease with the increases in concentration of extract up to 0.3% to 1.2%. In the case of thermometric method it was observed that the reaction number decreases with the increases in the concentration of extract while inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of extract of ocimum sanctum in HCl and HNO 3 solution. Keywords: Ocimum sanctum, corrosion inhibition, reaction number, weight loss, surface coverage. Introduction Mild steel is widely used for mechanical and structural engineering purpose, boiler, plates, steam engine parts and automobile etc. it finds a variety of uses in most of chemical industries due to its low cost and easy availabi lity for fabrication of various reaction vessel, tanks and pipes etc. In acidic medium metal tends to corrode. HCl and HNO 3 acids have been used for drilling operation. The present study is based on the fact that some nitrogen and sulphur containing natur al products like Tarmerind tea leaves, Beet root 1 - 2 , Saponin 3 , Terminalia bellerica 4 , Oxandra asbeckii 5 , Argemone mexicana 6 , Betanin 7 , Henna 8 , Wheat 9 , Ginger 10 , Marraya koeningii 11 , Garlic extract 12 , Ananas sativum 13 have been found effective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel. The importance of the study lies in the fact that naturally occurring plant products are non - polluting, ecofriendly, less expensive, less toxic and easily available. They are biodegradable so can widely be used without side effect. Various heterocyclic compounds synthesized in laboratory 14 - 18 having heteroatom O, N and S are found to have higher basicity and electron density thud assist corrosion inhibition. N, O and S are active centre for the process of absorption on the metal surface. The electric charge, orientation, shape and size of the molecule play an important role in the effectiveness of inhibition. They are used as corrosion inhibitor since they are get adsorbed on the metal surfac e which essentially block the discharge of H + and dissolution of metal ion in acidic environment, the extract of different parts of plant like seeds, stem, bark and leaves can be used as inhibitor to reduce the corrosion rate of mild steel. Ocimum sanctum is a very common plant in Indian system, which has been used as antimaterial and antibacterial, air purifier from ancient time in Indian omes. It’s stem and leaves powders are used as medicine in many diseases viz. useful in blood glucose management, mai ntain a healthy digestive system, encourage efficient use of oxygen, enhance the efficacy of many therapeutic treatments etc. The chemical composition of ocimum sanctum is highly complex, containing many vitamins like A and C, calcium, zinc, iron, chlorop hyll and many other phytonutrients are present in extract of ocimum sanctum. Major chemical constituents responsible for physico - chemical action of ocimum sanctum are volatile oil (0.1 to 0.9% ), eugenol (60 - 70%), cavacrol (about 3.0%), eugenol methyl et her (20%) and other minor chemical constituents of ocimum sanctum are alkaloids, glycoside, saponin, tannin, maleic acid, ursolic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid. Eugenol Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 51 - 56 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 52 Ursolic Acid β - bisabolene (13 - 20%), methyl chavicol (3 - 19%), 1 - 8 cineole (9 - 33%), α - bisabolene (4 - 7%), α - terpineol (1.7 - 7%), campestrol, cholesterol, stigm a sterol, β - sisterol and methyl ester of common fatty acid were the main constituents of the oil during observation period. In continuation to our earlier investigation 19 - 20 on mild steel in acid media with extract of ocimum sanctum as corrosion inhibito r the present work deals with corrosion inhibition of mild steel by alkaloid of ocimum sanctum in HCl and HNO 3. Material and Methods The mild steel, which was used for the experiment having elemental composition: Fe 98.5%, carbon 1 - 2%, manganese 0.1 - 0.2%, phosphorus 0.4 - 0.5% and sulphur 0.02 - 0.03%. Specimens were prepared by cutting the mild steel into square shaped pieces having dimens ion of 2.0cm 2.0cm 0.03cm with a small hole of about 2 mm diameter near the upper edge. Specimens were polished to mirror finish by using emery paper. The extract of stem and leaves of o cimum sanctum obtained by refluxing the dried leaves and stem in s oxhlet in ethanol by heated at about 80hrs. The solution of HCl and HNO 3 were prepared by using double distilled water. All chemicals used were of AR grade. Solution of different concentration of extract was prepared in ethanol. Each specimen was suspend ed by a V shaped glass hook made of capillary and plunge into a beaker containing 50mL of the test solution at room temperature, after the sufficient exposure, test specimens were washed with running water. Duplicate experiments were performed in each case and mean value of weight loss was determined. The percentage inhibition efficiency was calculated as 21 .  % = 100 (  W u -  W i )/  W u Where  W u and  W i are the weight loss of the metal in uninhibited and inhibited solution, respectively. The degree of surfa ce coverage (  ) was calculated as 22 .  = (  W u -  W i )/  W u Inhibition efficiency was also determined by thermometric method. The specimen was plunge into test solution and initial temperature was noted. As soon as the reaction started temperature increased slowly at first, then rapidly and achieved a maximum value before falling. The maximum temperature was noted. Percentage inhibition efficiencies were calculated as  % = 100 (RN f – RN i )/RN f Where RN f and RN i are the reaction number in the free solution and in presence of inhibitor. RN is defined as – RN = (T m - T i )/t Where T m and T i are maximum and initial temperature, respectively and t is the time in minutes required to attain maximum temperature. The corrosion rate (CR) in mm/yr can be obtained by the following equation 23 .  W 87.6 Corrosion rate (mm/yr) =      A T d Where,  m is weight loss in mg, A is area of specimen in cm 2 , T is time of exposure in hours, d is density of metal in gm/cm 3 . Results and Discussion Weight loss data, percentage inhibition efficiency, corrosion rate and surface coverage for different concentration of HCl and HNO 3 solution with different concentration of inhibitor are given t a ble - 1. It is observed from the t able 1 that inhibition efficiency decreases with increasing strength of HCl solution and inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of extract in each strength of acid solution. The maximum efficiency has been observed in lowest acid concentration i.e. 0.5N HCl acid with highest concentration of inhibitor i.e. 1.2% (98.67%) for stem extract. Whereas it is (96.02%) for leaves extract in same HCl concentration. The corrosion rate has be en observed maximum in bark solution and it decreases with the increasing concentration of inhibitor in HCl solution of different strength. Corresponding variation of inhibition efficiencies with concentration of inhibitor are shown in fig ure 1 for differe nt concentration of HCl solution. Table 2 shows results of HNO 3 solution. From the table it is observed that inhibition efficiency increases with increasing strength of HNO 3 solution and it also increases with increasing concentration of extract in each s trength of acid solution. The maximum inhibition efficiency has been observed in highest acid concentration i.e. 2N HNO 3 with highest concentration of inhibitor i.e. 1.2% (71.62%) for stem extract, whereas it is (59.04%) for leaves extract in same acid con centration. The corrosion rate has been observed maximum in blank solution and it decreases with increasing concentration of inhibitor in HNO 3 solution of different strength. Corresponding variation of inhibition efficiencies with concentration of inhibito r are shown in fig ure 2 for different concentration of HNO 3 solution. Table 3 shows the corresponding data of reaction number (RN) with concentration of inhibitor in 1N, 2N and 3N HCl solution. No significant temperature change were observed in lower conc entration of HCl i.e. 0.5N acid. Therefore use of the thermometric method was restricted to 1 - 3 N acid solution. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 51 - 56 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 53 Table 3 indicates that reaction number increases with increasing strength of HCl solution as well as it decreases with increasing concentration of inhibitor in each solution. Inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of inhibitor in each solution as well as it decreases with increasing strength of HCl solution. Corresponding curves for the variation in reaction number with con centration of inhibitor are in fig ure 3 for different concentration of HCl solution. Results for HNO 3 solution of reaction number shown in t able 4 indicate that reaction number increases with increasing strength of acid solution as well as it decreases with increasing concentration of inhibitor of each solution. Inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of inhibitor in each acid solution as well as also increases with increasing strength of HNO 3 solution. Corresponding curves for the variation in reaction number with concentration of inhibitor are shown in fig. 4 for different concentration of HNO 3 solution. In case of HCl solution. Inhibition efficiency of inhibitor is maximum at lower concentration i.e. 0.5N but in HNO 3 solution inhibition efficiency of inhibitor is maximum at highest concentration i.e. 2.0N HNO 3 . This is because of fact that in the case of HNO 3 oxygen atom formed a protective layer on the metal surface, which essentially block the discharge of H + and di ssolution of metal ion in acid media so they are reduce the corrosion rate of mild steel with inhibitor. Conclusion Both weight loss and thermometric method show that ocimum sanctum is a good corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in HCl solution. It was conc lude that extract of stem is better corrosion inhibitor than that of leaves. The maximum inhibition efficiency shown by stem extract was 98.67% for 1.2% concentration in 0.5N HCl. Both method show same trend for corrosion inhibition efficiency. Both method s are in good agreement with each other. Acknowledgement One of author (Nutan Kumpawat) is greatful to R.G.N. fellowship from U.G.C. Govt. of India as J.R.F. References 1. Trabanelli G. and Carassiti V., Achane in Corros. Sci. and Techno. Eds. M.G. Fontana and R.W.Stachle, Plenum Prees, New York , 6 (1976) 2. El - Hossary A.A., Garwish M.M. and Shaleh R.M., Proc.2 Intl. Symp. Indl and Orient , Basic Electrochem. Techno. Madras, ( SAEST, CECRI Karaikudi ), 681 (1980) 3. The Useful Plant of India, CSIR New Delhi. The Wealth of India Raw Mat. CSIR , New India (1986) 4. Sanghavi M.J., Shukla S.K., Mishra A.N., Padh M.R. and Mehta G.N., National Congress on Corros. Control, New Delhi (1995) 5. Lebrini M., Robert F., Lecante A. and Roaos C., Corrosion inhibition of C - 38 steel in 1M HCl acid medium by alkaloids extract from Oxandra askeckii plant , J. of Corros. Sci ., (53), 687 (2011) 6. Sharma P., Chaturvedi A., Upadhyay R.K. and Parashar P.,Study of corrosion inhibition efficiency of naturally occurring Argenmone Mexicana on Al in H Cl solution, J.T.R. Chem ., 15 ( 1), 21 (2008) 7. 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(%)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr) Uninhibited 377.0 8.98 260.0 6.47 238.0 8.39 302.0 20.44 Stem Extract 0.3 19.0 94.96 0.45 24.0 90.77 0.59 22.0 90.75 0.77 32.0 89.4 2.16 0.6 14.0 96.29 0.33 19.0 92.69 0.47 16.0 93.28 0.56 23.0 92.38 1.55 0.9 10.0 97.35 0.23 15.0 94.23 0.37 15.0 93.7 0.52 21.0 93.04 1.42 1.2 5.0 98.67 0.11 10.0 97.35 0.24 9.0 96.82 0.31 13.0 95.00 0.88 Leaves Extract 0.3 25.0 93.36 0.59 37.0 86.54 0.92 41.0 82.77 1.44 97.0 67.88 6.56 0.6 22.0 94.16 0.52 25.0 90.38 0.62 23.0 90.33 0.81 94.0 68.87 6.36 0.9 20.0 94.69 0.47 21.0 91.92 0.52 21.0 91.17 0.74 85.0 71.85 5.75 1.2 15.0 96.02 0.35 15.0 94.23 0.37 20.0 91.59 0.70 61.0 79.80 4.12 Table - 2 Inhibition efficiencies (  %) for mild steel in HNO 3 solution with Ocimum sanctum extract Temperature: 25 + 0.1 0 C Area of specimen: 8cm 2 Conc. of inhibitor 0.5 N HNO 3 (160 min.) 1N HNO 3 (45 min.) 1.5N HNO 3 (30 min.) 2N HNO 3 (20 min.) (%)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr)  m (mg)  % C.R. (mm/yr) Uninhibited 505.00 320.50 567.00 1279.47 663.00 2244.15 747.00 3792.72 Stem Extract 0.3 282.00 44.16 178.97 311.00 45.15 701.79 328.00 50.53 1110.23 327.00 56.22 1660.27 0.6 280.00 44.55 177.70 283.00 50.09 638.60 255.00 61.54 863.13 270.00 63.86 1370.86 0.9 244.00 51.68 154.85 259.00 54.32 584.45 242.00 63.49 819.13 260.00 65.19 1320.09 1.2 238.00 52.87 151.04 241.00 57.50 543.83 197.00 70.29 666.81 212.00 71.62 1076.38 Leaves Extract 0.3 435.00 13.86 276.07 406.00 28.39 916.16 477.00 28.05 1614.57 504.00 32.53 2558.94 0.6 423.00 16.23 268.46 396.00 30.15 893.60 441.00 33.48 1492.72 429.00 42.57 2178.15 0.9 385.00 23.76 244.34 377.00 33.51 850.72 377.00 43.13 1276.08 411.00 44.98 2086.76 1.2 365.00 27.72 231.65 316.00 44.26 713.07 347.00 47.66 1174.54 306.00 59.04 1553.64 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 51 - 56 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 55 Table - 3 Reaction Number and Inhibition efficiency (  %) for mild steel in HCl solutions with Ocimum sanctum extract Temperature: 25 + 0.1 0 C Conc. Of Inhibitor 1N HCl (240 min.) 2N HCl (210 min.) 3N HCl (120 min.) (%) RN (K Min - 1 )  % RN (K Min - 1 )  % RN (K Min - 1 )  % Uninhibited 0.10 0.063 0.050 Stem Extract 0.3 0.034 66 0.028 55.55 0.026 48.0 0.6 0.028 72 0.024 61.90 0.021 58.0 0.9 0.021 75 0.021 66.66 0.018 64.0 1.2 0.018 81 0.018 71.42 0.015 70.0 Leaves Extract 0.3 0.040 60 0.036 42.85 0.030 40.0 0.6 0.038 62 0.031 50.79 0.028 44.0 0.9 0.031 65 0.026 58.73 0.025 50.0 1.2 0.029 71 0.022 65.07 0.020 60.0 Table - 4 Reaction Number and Inhibition efficiency (  %) for mild steel in HNO 3 solutions with Ocimum sanctum extract Temperature: 25 + 0.1 0 C Conc. o f Inhibitor 1N HNO 3 (240 min.) 2N HNO 3 (210 min.) 3N HNO 3 (120 min.) (%) RN (K Min - 1 )  % RN (K Min - 1 )  % RN (K Min - 1 )  % Uninhibited 0.170 0.830 1.190 Stem Extract 0.3 0.100 41.18 0.390 53.01 0.430 63.86 0.6 0.090 47.05 0.340 59.03 0.400 66.38 0.9 0.080 52.94 0.300 63.85 0.370 68.90 1.2 0.070 58.82 0.270 67.46 0.320 73.10 Leaves Extract 0.3 0.140 17.64 0.580 30.12 0.720 39.49 0.6 0.130 23.52 0.520 37.33 0.670 43.69 0.9 0.120 29.41 0.480 42.21 0.500 57.98 1.2 0.100 41.18 0.450 45.78 0.480 59.66 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 5 ), 51 - 56 , May (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 56