Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ ______________________________ ______ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 35 - 39 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci. International Science Congress Association 35 Biomethanation of Dairy Waste Deshpande D.P., Patil P.J. and Anekar S.V. Dept of Chemical Engg., TKIET, Warananagar, Kolhapur, INDIA Available online at: (Received 3 rd February 201 2 , revised 8 th February 201 2 , accepted 13 th March 201 2 ) Abstract The treatment of waste water emerging from industries has always proved to be difficult task for disposal because of its typi cal characteristics. The careless discharge of industrial effluent and sewage in land surface waters has created environmental hazards. To meet the standards specified by the water pollution control authorities, of waste - water if treated properly and efficiently it could be a source of energy. Hence the innovative and alternative technology for the treatment of industrial wastes has become main challenge for environmental prevention and protection of public health. The UAPBR is a recent and advanced technique for waste water tr eatment. It proves to be very useful for the dilute wastes containing significant amount of suspended solids. In present work an attempt has been made to study the performance, evaluation of UAPBR for the treatment of dairy waste (whey). Key w ords: Biomass , m ethanogenic b acteria , d airy w aste, UAPB r eactor . Introduction The rapid growth in the size of dairy operations has resulted in new laws and regulations governing the handling and disposal of manure. Requirements for nutrient management plans, manure solids dispo sal, and odor control make it necessary that new manure management approaches be considered. One of the more promising methods is anaerobic digestion 1 . The biggest advantage is energy recovery in the form of methane and up to 95% of the organic matter in a waste stream can be converted into biogas 2 . The anaerobic process removes a vast majority of the odorous compounds. It also significantly reduces the pathogens present in the slurry. Over the past 25 years, anaerobic digestion processes have been develope d and applied to a wide array of industrial and agricultural wastes. G. Srinivasan 2 have carried out experiments on Diphasic Fixed Film Fixed Bed (FFFB) . Anaerobic digester using waste water in order to reduce the COD of dairy waste water and for th e production of g as. They have reported maximum removal of COD as 70.40 % at a flow rate of 0.006 m3/day for an o verall OLR of 1.265 Kg COD/ E . V . Ramasamy 3 have studied treatment of low - strength effluents by using upflow anaerobic sludge bla nket(UAPB) reactor. They have reported that the reactors achieved treatment efficiency of the order of 75 - 85%. A. A. Azimi 4 has investigated the design principal for the UAPB reactor by studying the pilot plant for dairy waste water. H.N. Gavala et. al 5 has studied the digester efficiency of treating cheese whey at various organic loading rates using UAPB reactor. They have reported that the operation at an organic loading rate of 6.2 g COD/l d found to be satisfactory and could be increased to a maxi mum of 7.5 g COD/l d with 85 - 90% of reactor efficiency. T.H. Ergudcr 6 have investigated the effect of nutrient and trace metal supplementation on the batch anaerobic treatment, and the high - rate anaerobic treatability of cheese whey in Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UAPB) reactors. Operational parameters such as hydrauli c retention time (HRT), Influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and loading rate has also investigated. Sunil Anekar and C.R. Rao reported that dairy waste water can be treated by ultra filtration. They have studied u ltra filtration using flat sheet poly ether sulfone (PES) to recover valuable constituent from dairy waste water. S. Venkata Mohan 7 s tudied biological hydrogen (H 2 ) production in conjugation with wastewater treatment in a suspended growth sequencing batch reactor (AnSBR ). D.E. Akretche 8 has studied the purification of water by ultra filtration using both gamma alumina and TiO 2 membranes. They have reported that, the influence of the pressure and the variations of the water flux have shown an improvement of the pr ocess through the use of the local clay support. Material and Methods The whey used in the study was obtained from “Warna Milk Dairy”. The sample were provided from factory in 20 lit containers and transported to the laboratory and maintained to avoid t he acidification and the change of the chemical composition of the whey. At the adaptation phase dilute whey at pH 5.5 was fed into the reactor .Based on the necessity of the experiment various dilute solution of whey were prepared using distilled water. T he characteristic and chemical composition of the whey is shown in t able - 1. The effluent possessed high COD content of the cheese way . Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 35 - 39 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 36 Table - 1 Characteristic and chemical composition of the whey Volume of milk processed 600000 l/Day (Average) Waste volume 3.6 l/lit of milk pH 4.1 Total solids 56782 mg/lit Volatile solids 34732 mg/lit Suspended solids 22050 mg/lit COD 71526 mg/lit BOD 20000 mg/lit COD : BOD 3.57 Experimental Set u p : Figure - 1 represent the schematics diagram of the pilot scale UAPB bio - reactor was fabricated with an internal diameter of 20cm and a height of 45 cm. The total volume of reactor was 30 lit. The column was packed with packed with a seashell. The void volume of the packed reactor was 65%. A 1000 ml funnel shaped gas separator was used to liberate the generated biogas from the effluent, and then the gas was led to the gas collector tank. The gas tank was cylindrical glass pipe with an internal diameter of 80mm and height of 1m. The liberated gas frequently measure d at constant HRT and the gas volume was recorded with respect to time. The gas tank was initially filled with water which was saturated with methane. The volume of librated gas was demonstrated by the displacement of water in the gas tank. The UAPB react or was operated at room temperature (20C). Whey as a suitable substrate was continuously fed to the reactor using a peristaltic pump; the fed was introduced from the bottom of the column and the uniformly distributed through the column using a perforated plate. The effluent sample was collected from the top of the column in a polyethylene container. Reactor Operation : The reactor was started with a 20 lit culture contained anaerobic sludge which was originated from the waste - water treatment plant, Warna - M ilk dairy. In the packed bed bioreactor, to create sticky surface on seashell, 250ml of 1g/l nutrient agar was introduced from top of the column for the fast development of bacteria. In order to accumulate the sludge with whey the reactor was batch wise wi th diluted whey (5000 - 18000mg COD/l). For first three days operation, the bio - reactor was continuously fed in full recycle mode. Then the feed tank was gradually loaded with fresh whey. Continuous feeding the reactor was started with an initial organic loa ding rate (OLR) of 0.66g COD/(lh) and the HRT was maintained constant throughout the start up period for duration of 5 days. The influent COD concentration was 15000mg/l for the first 5 days, and then it was stepwise increase to 60000 mg/l (OLR=2.47g - COD/( lh)) from 5 to 15 days of operation. The reactor was continuously operated for 65 days. Figure - 1 Methane Production from Dairy waste Results and Discussion The run was carried for the period of 56 days. The variations of COD, BOD, pH , % f at content, t otal d issolved s olids, t otal s uspended s olids, p rotein c ontent and m ethane have been determined. The Following t ables gives the variation of COD, BOD, p H , % f at content, t otal d issolved s olids, t otal s uspended s olids, p rotein c ontent and m eth ane along with time, time taken is in day. The run was carried for the period of 56days for first Reactor and Second reactor . Table - 2 Variation of COD, BOD, Ph, and % Fat content, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Protein Content and Methane along with time Time in Days COD Mg/ Lit BOD Mg/ Lit % lactic Acid pH % Fat content Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Protein Content Methane 0 71526 20000 0.394 7.20 0.389 56782 5423 3.265 0 7 70654 19882 0.435 6.90 0.385 54351 5648 3.259 0.05 14 68492 19675 0.463 6.73 0.379 51987 5956 3.221 0.113 21 66987 19556 0.482 6.40 0.368 47233 6423 3.064 0.183 28 64322 19502 0.495 6.10 0.354 40567 7011 2.867 0.236 35 60520 19495 0.494 6.84 0.324 33678 8845 2.514 0.297 42 54125 20354 0.492 6.71 0.28 23854 9321 2.164 0.374 49 47365 21700 0.491 6.60 0.2 15224 10121 1.665 0.412 56 42200 22500 0.490 6.40 0.11 8270 10870 1.067 0.472 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 35 - 39 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 37 Variation of COD and BOD with Time (in Days) : The graph no. 1 gives the variation of BOD and COD with t ime (in d ays). From the graph it is observed that the value of COD decreases from 71526mg/lit to 42200mg/lit as the time increases from first day to the 56 th day of the experiment. While value of BOD is almost const ant up to 40 th day of experiment and after that BOD value is slightly increase from 19495Mg/lit to 22500mg/lit . Variation o f Lactic Acid and Protein with Time : The graph 2 shows the variation of removal of lactic acid and protein with ti me in d ays. It observed that Percent of lactic acid increases from 0.394 to 0.495as the time passes from 1 st day to 28 th days of experiment and then remain all most constant in the remaining part of the experiment. Whereas the protein content decreases fro m 3.265 to 1.067 from 1 st day to 56 th days of experiment. Graph - 1 Variation of BOD and COD with time Graph - 2 Variation of Lactic Acid and Protein with Time 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 BOD and COD, Mg|lit Time in Days BOD And COD Vs Time COD BOD 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Removal of lactic acid and protin Time in Days Removal of Lactic Acid and Protin Vs Time Removal Of Lactic Acid Protein Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 35 - 39 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 38 Variation of Lactic Acid and Protein with Time : The graph no. 3 shows that total dissolved solid decreases from 56782 to 8270 during 1 st day to 56 th day of experiment, while amount of suspended solid is almost increases from 5423 to 10870 from 1 st day to 56 th day of experiment. Variation of Methane with time: The graphs no. 4 deals with the rate of production of methane; it is observed that during the course of experiment the methane production increases from 0 to 0.457lit from 1 st day to 56 th day of experiment. Maximum production of methane is observed as 0.45 7lit at 56 th day of experiment . Graph - 3 Variation of Lactic Acid and Protein with Time Graph - 4 Variation of Methane with time 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 0 20 40 60 Solid Content Time in days Total solid and Suspanded Solid Vs Time total dissolved Solid suspended Solid 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Methane production lit Time in Days Methane with Time Methane Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______ _ _ _______________________________ ______________ _ ____ ISSN 2231 - 606X Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 35 - 39 , April (201 2 ) Res.J.Chem.Sci International Science Congress Association 39 Variation of Methane with COD : It is observed from graph 5 that the methane production is increases from 0lit to 0.457lit as the value of COD decrease from 71526mg/lit to 42200 mg/lit. It’s observed that, the maximum production of methane occurred at 56 th day as 4.57lit, while the value of COD is minimum at 56 th d ay of experiment. The value of COD at 56 th day is 42200 mg/lit. Graph - 5 Variation of Methane with Conclusion From Above discussion it can be concluded that as the time passes the methane production goes on increasing with decreasing of COD value. The maximum methane production is observed to be 0.457lit at the End of 56 th day of the experiment. Also the COD vale at 56 th day is found to be 42200mg/lit. As the process of anaerobic digestion is slow process still it have the beigest advantage of produ ction of methane and also this process reduces the COD of the effluent. From above discussion one can say that, t he effluent from dairy industry is very good raw material for p roduction of m ethane g as, commercially known as BIO - GAS, which can be use as a f uel and can replace the other fuel Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge authorities of Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar Kolhapur for providing laboratory facilities. References 1. 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