@Research Paper <#LINE#>Dispersion Modeling of Jaipur Fire, India<#LINE#>D.K.@Biswal,V.@Kumar,K.@Barik<#LINE#>1-9<#LINE#>1.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, INDIA @ Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, INDIA<#LINE#>13/7/2011<#LINE#>16/1/2012<#LINE#> The continental model equations take the form of partial differential equations which are very difficult to solve analytically. In the present work emphasis is given on the modeling of the horizontal transport of pollutant by taking basic assumptions for the wind velocity, mass burning rate of pollutant from the source etc. Model equations have been developed by taking suitable control volume and are solved by using finite volume method. MATLAB Simulation results give the idea about concentration profile of a pollutant along X and Y co-ordinate of horizontal direction in different time period. Then the model has been used to predict the concentration of SPM at various meteorological stations and is compared with the observed concentration in those stations for the Jaipur Indian Oil Corp. Fire Episode, 2009. 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Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana 125 055, INDIA<#LINE#>5/8/2011<#LINE#>13/10/2011<#LINE#> Four new vapour phase corrosion inhibitor (VPCI) i.e. 3,3-diaminodipropylamine (DAPA), ethylamine (EA), thiourea (TU), and benzimidazole (BI)were tested for mild steel in different atmospheric conditions at 50C by weight loss, Eschke test, salt spray method, SO2 test and metallurgical research microscopy technique. All investigated VPCIs exhibited very good corrosion inhibition efficiency for mild steel. DAPA showed the best corrosion inhibition efficiency. The result obtained from weight loss technique, Eschke test, salt spray method, SO2 test were supported by metallurgical research microscopy technique. 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Univ., 11, 465 (2000) @No <#LINE#>Corrosion Inhibitory Effects of Some Substituted Thiourea on Mild Steel in Acid Media<#LINE#>R.@Tripathi,A.@Chaturvedi,R.K.@Upadhayay<#LINE#>18-27<#LINE#>3.pdf<#LINE#> Department of Chemistry, Government College, Ajmer – 305001, INDIA<#LINE#>17/9/2011<#LINE#>6/1/2012<#LINE#> Mass loss and thermometric methods have been used to study the inhibition of mild steel corrosion in HCl and HSO solution by the pyridyl substituted thiourea compound 1-(2,6-diazene)–3–benzyl thiourea (ST), 1–(3’-pyridyl) – 3 – benzyl thiourea (ST), 1 – (3’- pyridyl) – 1 –phenyl thiourea (ST), 1–(2’- pyridyl)–3–phenyl thiourea (ST). Values of inhibition efficiency obtained from the two methods are in good agreement with each other and are dependent upon the concentration of inhibitor and acid. The difference in the inhibition behaviour of the compounds have been explained in terms of the solubility of the substituted thiourea compounds and strength of the inhibitor-metal bond. Inhibition efficiency of all inhibitors increas with increasing concentration of inhibitor. Inhibition efficiency is more in case of HSO rather than in HCl. Inhibition efficiency was found maximum upto 99.26% for mild steel in HSO solution. Inhibition efficiencies of synthesised substituted thiourea have been found much more than their parent thiourea. <#LINE#> @ @ Quarishi M.A., Rawat J. and Ajmal M., Corros., its control, Proc. Int Conf. Corros., 2, 634, (1997) @No $ @ @ Laskawiec J., Sozanska B., Trzcionka J., Koroz Sukurczynska, 38, 249 (1995) @No $ @ @ Shibad P.R. and Adhe K.N., Electrochem J. Sec. (India), 30, 103 (1981) @No $ @ @ Shibad P.R., Electrochem J. Soc. (India), 27, 55, (1987) @No $ @ @ Yadav P.N. and Wadhwani R., Trans. SAEST, 25, 134, (1993) @No $ @ @ Edwards B.C., Corros. Sci., 9, 395 (1969) @No $ @ @ Abdennabi A.M.S. and Addulhadi A.I. Abu-orabis, Anti Corrros. Meth. and Mat., 45, 103 (1998) @No $ @ @ SciInternational Science Congress Association 278. 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Also glass – ceramic of lead silicate with three composition ratio C1, C2, and C3 of (SiO, Al, NaO, O, PbO, and TiO) were prepared by conventional melt quenching technique as a first stage, and then converted to glass – ceramic by heat treatments of the parent glass as a first step and render nucleation and crystallization as a second step. 5 wt.% of TiO is used as a nucleation agent in preparing of glass – ceramic. Physical and electrical properties for all prepared specimens were investigated; we have noted increasing of dielectric strength with increasing of sintering temperatures for glass samples, where they have maximum value at 600°C. Whereas the glass – ceramics samples have a maximum value at C3 composition. Dissipation factor for glass and glass-ceramic samples have been decreased with increasing of KO content at all sintering temperatures. Dielectric constant () for glass samples at low frequencies has a maximum value at B1 composition and for sintering temperatures of 525 and 550 °C. At high frequencies, it has maximum value at B3 composition and for sintering temperature of 550°C. 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The results of proximate analysis showed that melon husks contained crude protein (19.14% ±0.46), carbohydrate (61.01% ±0.35), crude fibre (8.12% ±0.85), ash (7.73% ± 0.12), crude fat (1.71% ±0.04) and fatty acid (1.37% ± 0.03). The minerals detected include, Ca (2.1% ±0.13), K (1.3% ±0.04), Mg (0.42% ±0.1) and Na (259.85±1.78), Fe (98.42±1.55), Mn (58.83±0.54), Zn (47.77±1.06), P (30.11±0.2) and Cu (5.94±0.3) in parts per million (ppm). The results of phytochemical and anti-nutrients analysis showed the presence of tannins (15.15% ±0.24), phytates (2.05% ±0.12), trypsin inhibitor (2.01% ±0.10), saponins (1.47% ±0.23), oxalates (0.71% ±0.16) and cyanide ((0.06% ±0.01). The level of anti-nutrients and cyanide detected in the melon husks were low. The presence of essential nutrients and minerals imply melon husks could be utilized as a potential feed ingredient in poultry diets. The benefits of essential nutrients and minerals in maintaining health and growth performance were highlighted. It was therefore recommended that melon husks (shells), which are either burnt as agricultural waste materials or discarded in large quantities to pollute the environment in some parts of Nasarawa State, could be utilized as a possible feed ingredient in poultry diets. <#LINE#> @ @ Mutayoba S.K., Dierenfield E., Mercedes V.A., Frances Y. and Knight C.D. Determination of chemical composition and anti-nutritive components for Tanzanian locally available poultry feed ingredients, International Journal of Poultry Science,10(5), 350-357 (2011) @No $ @ @ Abiodun O.A. and Adeleke R.O., Comparative studies on nutritional composition of four melon seeds varieties, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9(9), 905-908 (2010) @No $ @ @ Moerman D., Native American Ethnobotany, Timber press, Oregon, 453-459 (1998) @No $ @ @ Fagbohun E.D., Lawal O.U. and Hassan O.A. 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Influence of various process parameters such as initial metal concentration, pH, adsorbent dose, contact time, and type of adsorbent on adsorption process was investigated. From the analysis of variance (ANOVA) results, the significance of various factors and their influence on the response were identified. The regression coefficients (R) of the models developed and the results of validation experiments conducted at optimum conditions for the removal of both Cr(III) and Cr(VI) indicate that the predicted values are in good agreement with the experimental results. 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Significant decrease in atherogenic index was noted in these rats treated with the different flavonoids . There was an increased concentration of total bile acids in the liver and also increase in the fecal excretion of bile acids and neutral sterols in the rats fed cholesterol containing diet as compared to those fed normal diet. Feeding the flavonoids further significantly increased the concentrations of hepatic bile acids and the fecal excretion of bile acids and neutral sterols as compared to the control cholesterol diet fed group. The activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase was not inhibited by the flavonoids, instead there was an increased cholesterogenesis as was evident by an increased incorporation of labeled acetate into both free and esterfied cholesterol on treatment with leucodelphinidin and quercetin. 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