@Research Paper <#LINE#>Assessment of water quality of Imphal West district, Manipur, India, using Water Quality Index (WQI)<#LINE#>Singh@E. Jayantakumar ,Singh@N. Rajmuhon <#LINE#>1-9<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-151.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal, India@Department of Chemistry, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal, India<#LINE#>16/12/2017<#LINE#>15/10/2019<#LINE#>The present study highlights the water quality of Imphal West district, Manipur, India and its suitability for drinking purposes. A total of fifty seven (57) water samples (both surface and groundwater) were collected, during (January –October), 2016 from different locations of Imphal West district, Manipur, and computed the values of WQI of water samples based on physico-chemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity (Turb), dissolved oxygen (DO), total hardness (TH), chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-), total alkalinity (TA), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+). About 43.85% (25), 29.80% (17) and 15.76% (9) of water samples belong to poor, very poor and unsuitability category of WQI. Some variables like conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, chloride, phosphate and sodium were exceeded their desirable limits for drinking water. This study reveals that the overall water quality of Imphal West district is poor and unsuitable for drinking, and needs proper treatment before consumption.<#LINE#>Das J. and Acharya B.C. 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Data obtained from the study area was interpreted by using multivariate statistical analysis i.e. Principal component analysis, cluster analysis, correlation matrix and one way ANOVA to ascertain source apportionment of these two heavy metals. The results of the multivariate analysis revealed iron and manganese both were associated with the lithogenic source. Groundwater iron concentration was more as compared with manganese and at a number of sampling locations, it was above the stipulated standard of BIS (0.3 mg/L).<#LINE#>Rajagopal R. (1978).@Impact of land use on groundwater quality in Grande Transverse Bay of Michigan.@J. Environ. Qual., 7(1), 93-98.@Yes$Shah T. (2004).@Groundwater and human development: Challenges and opportunities in livelihood and environment.@Proceedings of the Stockholm World Water Week. Stockholm International Water Institute, Sweden, 20-26 Aug. 14-26.@No$Shiklomanov I.A. (1993).@World fresh water resource. 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(NZ), 42(1), 11-26.@Yes <#LINE#>Heavy metals accumulation in soil and uptake by plant species: focusing phytoremediation<#LINE#>Rahman@M.S. ,Islam@M.A. ,Hossen@M.S. <#LINE#>26-37<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-011.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh@Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh@Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh<#LINE#>6/2/2019<#LINE#>12/8/2019<#LINE#>An experiment was carried out in the experimental field and laboratory of the Department of Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period of November 2016 to May 2017 to assess the quantity and extent of pollution of soils with heavy metals from industrial and municipal waste and to determine the heavy metals accumulating performance of plant species (Helianthus annuus and Amaranthusdubius) from soil. The experiment was laid out in a randomized completed block design (RCBD) for field trials. Three treatments (To= Control soil; T1= Industrial waste incorporated soil; T2= Municipal waste incorporated soil) were used for this study with three replications. In field experiment, two types of wastes (industrial and municipal) were collected from waste discharging point of Kaderia Textile Mills in Tongi and waste dumping site near to Konabari, Gazipur. Plants were grown according to the experimental design. For analytical experiment, soils of each treatment were analyzed to measure the metal contents. Plant samples were collected from fields and prepared for analysis. The initial contents of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr) in soils and the heavy metals accumulating performance of sunflower and data were evaluated in this experiment. The results revealed that heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr) contents were 31.64, 76.25, 22.14 and 30.83mg/kg in control soils respectively while municipal waste samples showed of 76.83, 165.43 53.68 and 64.09mg/kg of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cr, respectively. The initial contents of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cr in industrial waste samples were 108.38, 205.53, 101.09 and 79.28mg/kg. This experiment showed that the roots of sunflower accumulated more copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and chromium (Cr) than shoots of sunflower from all treatment combinations and the shoots of data accumulated more copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and chromium (Cr) than roots of data from all treatment combinations except control soil. Both plants (Helianthus annuus and Amaranthus dubius) showed different strategies of removing heavy metals from soils and sunflower having the greatest ability for removing the most common and toxic heavy metals from soils. It would be an important impact for management of soil pollution, especially for heavy metal pollution.<#LINE#>Ammar B.W., Nouairi I., Zarrouk M. and Jemal F. (2007).@Cadmium stress induces changes in the lipid composition and biosynthesis in tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Mill.) leaves.@Plant Growth Regulator, 53, 75-85.@Yes$Uddin N., Islam M.A. and Baten M.A. (2016).@Heavy metal determination of brinjal cultivated in soil with wastes.@Progressive Agriculture, 27(4), 453-465.@Yes$Khairiah J., Zalifah M.K., Yin Y.H. and Aminah A. (2004).@Uptake of Heavy metals by Fruit Type Vegetables Grown in selected Agricultural areas Pakistan.@Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(8), 1438-1442.@Yes$Shevyakova N.I., Il@Polyamines increase plant potential for phytoremediation of soils polluted with heavy metals.@Dokl Biological Sciences, 423, 457-460.@Yes$Nouairi I., Ammar B.W., Youssef B.N., Daoud B.M.D., Ghorbal H.M., Zarrouk M. and Deli R.S. (2006).@Comparative study of cadmium effects on membrane lipid composition of Brassica juncea and Brassica napus leaves.@Plant Sciences, 170(3), 511-519.@Yes$Adefemi O.S. and Awokunmi E.E. (2009).@The impact of municipal solid waste disposal in ado ekiti metropolis, ekiti State, Nigeria.@African Journal of environmental Science and Technology, 3(8), 186-189.@Yes$Rahman M.M., Islam M.A. and Khan M.B. (2016).@Status of heavy metal pollution of water and fishes in Balu and Brahmaputra rivers.@Progressive Agriculture, 27(4), 444-452.@Yes$Khan S., Cao Q., Zheng Y.M., Huang Y.Z. and Zhu Y.G. (2008).@Health risks of heavy metals in contaminated soils and food crops irrigated with waste water in Beijing, China.@Environmental Pollution, 152(3), 686-692.@Yes$Yu H., Wang J., Fang W., Yuan J. and Yang Z. (2006).@Cadmium accumulation in different rice cultivars and screening for pollution–safe cultivars of rice.@Total Environmental Sciences, 370, 302-309.@Yes$Alam M.G.M., Snow E.T. and Tanaka A. (2003).@Arsenic and heavy metal contamination of rice, pulses and vegetables grown in Samta village, Bangladesh.@Sciences Total Environment, 308(1-3), 83-96.@No$Mingorance M.D., Valdes B., Oliva S. and Rossini L. (2007).@Strategies of heavy metal uptake by plants growing under industrial emissions.@Environment International, 33(4), 514-520.@Yes$Fatoki O.S. (2000).@Trace zinc and copper concentration in roads side vegetation and surface soil: A measurement of local atmospheric pollution in Alice, South Africa.@International journal of Environmental Studies, 57(5), 501-513.@Yes$FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) (2001).@Crops and Drops: Making the best use of water for agricultural.@Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy, 1-22.@No$Islam M.R., Salminen R. and Lahermo P.W. (2000).@Arsenic and other toxic elemental contamination of groundwater, surface water and soil in Bangladesh and its possible effects on human health.@Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 22(1), 33-53.@Yes$Maddumapatabandi T.D., De Silva W.R.M. and De Silva K.M.N. (2014).@Analysis of textile sludge to develop a slow releasing organic fertilizer.@In SAITM research symposium on engineering advancements, 5(9), 79-82.@Yes$Bibi M.H., Ahmed F., Satter M.A., Ishiga H. and Reza M.M. (2003).@Heavy metals contamination at different soil depths at Chadpur.@Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Sciences, 9, 169-175.@Yes$Luo C., Liu C., Wang Y., Liu X., Li F., Zhang G. and Li X. (2011).@Heavy metal contamination in soils and vegetables near an e–waste processing site, south China.@Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186, 481-490.@Yes$Chowdhury M.K. (2003).@Distribution of heavy metals in soils from different land use practice.@MS Thesis. Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, 63.@Yes$Zakir H.M., Sumi S.A., Sharmin S., Mohiuddin K.M. and Kaysar S. (2015).@Heavy metal contamination in surface soils of some industrial areas of Gazipur, Bangladesh.@Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 5(2), 2191-2206.@Yes$Barman S.C., Kisku G.C. and Bhargava S.K. (1999).@Accumulation of heavy metals in vegetables, pulses and wheat grown in fly ash amended soil.@Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(1), 15-18.@Yes$Singh S., Saxena R., Pandey K., Bhatt K. and Sinha S. (2004).@Response of antioxidants in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown on different amendments of tannery sludge: its metal accumulation potential.@Chemosphere, 57(11), 1663-1673.@Yes$Fulekar M.H. (2016).@Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals by Helianthus annuusin Aquatic and Soil environment.@International Journal of Current Microbiological Applied Sciences, 5(7), 392-404.@Yes$Deng H., Ye Z.H. and Wong M.H. (2004).@Accumulation of lead, zinc, copper and cadmium by 12 wetland plant species thriving in metal-contaminated sites in China.@Environmental pollution, 132(1), 29-40.@Yes$Deepa R., Senthilkumar P., Sivakumar S., Duraisamy P. and Subbhuraam C.V. (2006).@Copper Availability and Accumulation by Portulaca Oleracea Linn. Stem Cutting.@Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 116, 185-195.@Yes$Bigaliev A., Boguspaev K. and Znanburshin E. (2003).@Phytoremediation potential of Amaranthus sp. for heavy metals contaminated soil of oil producing territory.@10th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Houston, al-Farabi Kazakh National University.@Yes$Nathan O., Njeri K.P., Ondi O.E.R. and Sarima C.J. (2005).@The potential of Zea mays, Commelina bengelensis, Helianthus annuus and Amaranthus hybridusfor phytoremediation of waste water, Narok university College.@Department of chemistry, Box 861-20500, Narok, Kenya.@No$Bulbul A.S. (2003).@Accumulation of As, Cd, Pb and subsequent release of these elements in (M.Sc thesis).@Department of Soil Science, University of Dhaka, 72.@No$Salt D.E. and Krämer U. (2000).@Mechanisms of metal hyperaccumulation in plants.@In Phytoremediation of toxic metals: using plants to clean up the environment, 231-245. John Wiley & Sons.@Yes$Brooks R.R. (2002).@Phytochemistry of hyperaccumulators.@IN BROOKS, R. (Ed.) Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals. New York, CAB International. By Lenntech, Rotterdamseweg, Netherlands.@No$Mellem A.J. (2009).@Phytoremediation of heavy metals using Amaranthus dubius.@Aquatic Toxicology, 77, 43-52.@Yes$Akay A. and Koleli N. (2007).@Interaction between Cd and Zn in barley (Hordeumvulgare) grown under field conditions.@Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36(1), 13-19.@Yes$Ahmed M.K., Bhowmik A.C., Rahman S., Haque M.R., Hasan M.M. and Hasan A. (2011).@Heavy metal concentrations in water, sediments and their bio- accumulations in fishes and oyster in Shitalakhya River.@Terrestrial Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, 3(1), 33-41.@Yes$Dushenkov S.A. and Kapulnik M.S. (2000).@Phytofiltration of metals.@In: “Phytoremediation of toxic metals using plants to clean up the environment” (eds., I. Raskin and B.D) Wiley, New York, 89-106.@Yes$Gupta N., Khan D.K. and Santra S.C. (2008).@An assessment of heavy metal contamination in vegetables grown in waste water-irrigated areas of Titagarh, West Bengal, India.@Bulletine Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 80(2), 115-118.@Yes <#LINE#>Evaluation of soil physical and chemical quality indices under different land use scenario in North Ethiopia<#LINE#>Gurebiyaw@Kassaye ,Yigzaw@Melese ,Kendie@Hailu ,Melak@Gebretsadik ,Raffi1 @Mohammed ,Hagos@Alemtsehay <#LINE#>38-47<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-031.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia@Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia@Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI), Soil and Water Conservation Directorate, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia@Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia@Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia@Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia<#LINE#>8/4/2019<#LINE#>19/9/2019<#LINE#>Alteration of land use system can potentially influence soil quality. Appraisal of soil quality indexes in different land use scheme is appropriate to design sustainable soil resource conservation strategies. In this study, three commonly used land use scheme (grazing land, crop land and forest land) were considered for soil quality evaluation. Aiming for representative soil sample, thirty-six sub composites soil sample were collected for each land use. Laboratory analysis was made following standardize procedures for soil physical and chemical properties. Some soil quality indicators were significantly influenced (p≤0•05) by the land use systems. Highest proportion of silt was observed in forest land (29.7%) followed by grazing land (27%). Field capacity value was recorded high in crop land (25.6%) followed by forest land (24%) and grazing land (23.33). The highest permanent wilting point was recorded in crop land (13.97%) followed by grazing land (12.8%) and forest land (12.13%). Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) value of the soils range from 6.32-6.54. The highest soil pH value (6.54) was found in forest land followed by grazing land with pH value of 6.51. Highest mean electron conductivity was recorded in crop land (0.12dSm) followed by grazing land (0.11dSm), and the lowest value recorded in forest land (0.10dSm). The highest soil organic carbon is occurred in grazing land (2.02%) followed by forest land (1.85%) and crop land (1.42%). Total nitrogen was highest in grazing land (0.16%) followed by FL (0.15%). The soil quality measurements signposted that soils in grazing land and forest characterized by better soil physical quality and high soil nutrients when compared with the critical values. The soil physical and chemical quality indicator betterment in forest land and grazing area is result of presence of trees.<#LINE#>Raiesi F. (2017).@A minimum data set and soil quality index to quantify the effect of land use conversion on soil quality and degradation in native rangelands of upland arid and semiarid regions.@Ecological Indicators, 75, 307-320.@Yes$Thoumazeau A., Bessou C., Renevier M.S., Panklang P., Puttaso P., Peerawat M. and Chantuma P. (2019).@Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part B: investigating the impact of land management of rubber plantations on soil quality with the Biofunctool® index.@Ecological Indicators, 97, 429-437.@Yes$Moncada M.P., Penning L.H., Timm L.C., Gabriels D. and Cornelis W.M. (2017).@Visual examination of changes in soil structural quality due to land use.@Soil and Tillage Research, 173, 83-91.@Yes$Sun D., Yang H., Guan D., Yang M., Wu J., Yuan F. and Zhang Y. (2018).@The effects of land use change on soil infiltration capacity in China: A meta-analysis.@Science of the Total Environment, 626, 1394-1401.@Yes$Vincent Q., Auclerc A., Beguiristain T. and Leyval C. (2018).@Assessment of derelict soil quality: Abiotic, biotic and functional approaches.@Science of the Total Environment, 613, 990-1002.@Yes$Bünemann E.K., Bongiorno G., Bai Z., Creamer R.E., De Deyn G., de Goede R. and Pulleman M. (2018).@Soil quality–A critical review.@Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 120, 105-125.@Yes$Comino F., Aranda V., García-Ruiz R., Ayora-Cañada M. J. and Domínguez-Vidal A. (2018).@Infrared spectroscopy as a tool for the assessment of soil biological quality in agricultural soils under contrasting management practices.@Ecological Indicators, 87, 117-126.@Yes$Liu D., Huang Y., An S., Sun H., Bhople P. and Chen Z. (2018).@Soil physicochemical and microbial characteristics of contrasting land-use types along soil depth gradients.@Catena, 162, 345-353.@Yes$Zuber S.M., Behnke G.D., Nafziger E.D. and Villamil M. B. (2017).@Multivariate assessment of soil quality indicators for crop rotation and tillage in Illinois.@Soil and Tillage Research, 174, 147-155.@Yes$Castioni G.A., Cherubin M.R., Menandro L.M.S., Sanches G.M., de Oliveira Bordonal R., Barbosa L.C. and Carvalho J.L.N. (2018).@Soil physical quality response to sugarcane straw removal in Brazil: a multi-approach assessment.@Soil and Tillage Research, 184, 301-309.@Yes$Hanauer T., Pohlenz C., Kalandadze B., Urushadze T. and Felix-Henningsen P. (2017).@Soil distribution and soil properties in the subalpine region of Kazbegi; Greater Caucasus; Georgia: Soil quality rating of agricultural soils.@Annals of Agrarian Science, 15(1), 1-10.@Yes$Yu P., Han D., Liu S., Wen X., Huang Y. and Jia H. (2018).@Soil quality assessment under different land uses in an alpine grassland.@Catena, 171, 280-287.@Yes$Valle S.R. and Carrasco J. (2018).@Soil quality indicator selection in Chilean volcanic soils formed under temperate and humid conditions.@Catena, 162, 386-395.@Yes$Zuber S.M., Behnke G.D., Nafziger E.D. and Villamil M. B. (2017).@Multivariate assessment of soil quality indicators for crop rotation and tillage in Illinois.@Soil and Tillage Research, 174, 147-155.@Yes$Liu J., Wu L., Chen D., Li M. and Wei C. (2017).@Soil quality assessment of different Camellia oleifera stands in mid-subtropical China.@Applied Soil Ecology, 113, 29-35.@Yes$Zhang Y., Xu X., Li Z., Liu M., Xu C., Zhang R. and Luo W. (2019).@Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in degraded karst landscapes of southwest China.@Science of The Total Environment, 650, 2657-2665.@Yes$Guo S., Han X., Li H., Wang T., Tong X., Ren G. and Yang G. 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(2019).@Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part A: concept and validation of the set of indicators.@Ecological Indicators, 97, 100-110.@Yes$Bindraban P.S., Stoorvogel J.J., Jansen D.M., Vlaming J. and Groot J.J.R. (2000).@Land quality indicators for sustainable land management: proposed method for yield gap and soil nutrient balance.@Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 81(2), 103-112.@Yes$Bouma J. (2002).@Land quality indicators of sustainable land management across scales.@Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 88(2), 129-136.@Yes$Tesfahunegn G.B. (2014).@Soil quality assessment strategies for evaluating soil degradation in Northern Ethiopia.@Applied and Environmental Soil Science.@Yes$Ayoubi S., Khormali F., Sahrawat K.L. and De Lima A.R. (2011).@Assessing impacts of land use change on soil quality indicators in a loessial soil in Golestan Province.@Iran.@Yes$Nunes A.N., De Almeida A.C. and Coelho C.O. 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(1994).@The influence of trees on soil fertility on two contrasting semi-arid soil types at Matopos, Zimbabwe.@Agroforestry systems, 28(2), 159-172.@Yes$Paudyal B.K. (2003).@Agroforestry and soil fertility improvement: A review.@Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 101-106.@Yes$Tesfaye M.A., Bravo‐Oviedo A., Bravo F., Kidane B., Bekele K. and Sertse D. (2015).@Selection of tree species and soil management for simultaneous fuelwood production and soil rehabilitation in the Ethiopian central highlands.@Land Degradation & Development, 26(7), 665-679.@Yes$THORNE C.R. (1990).@Effects of vegetation on riverbank erosion and stability.@Vegetation and erosion.@Yes @Research Article <#LINE#>Numerical simulation of oil hydrocarbons and heavy metals transport in soil<#LINE#>Rezai@M. <#LINE#>48-60<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-029.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Engineering, Ibn-e-Sina University, Kabul, Afghanistan<#LINE#>27/3/2019<#LINE#>26/8/2019<#LINE#>Extensive entrance of oil hydrocarbons and heavy metals into subsurface soil and groundwater resources and characteristics of their propagation has become an important matter. The aim of this study is investigating the factors affecting the propagation of the contaminants in the soil using a numerical model called CTRAN/W. Hence a soil environment with 20 meters depth and 45 meters length analyzed. Boundary condition, initial condition and material properties in these simulations varied in every section. According to analyses, in coarse soils, the emission pattern is vertical and downward; however in fine soils horizontal distribution pattern is dominant. In other words generally in coarse soil the emission depth of soil pollution is more than emission length and in fine-grained the length of pollution is greater. With an increase in the density of contaminants, it has penetrated further into the aquifer and this makes it less spread on the surface of the aquifer. In both fine and coarse, the mainstream emission is vertical with an increase in transverse dispersion coefficient, the extent of pollution in the horizon increases. With an increase in longitudinal dispersion coefficient in both fine and coarse soil environment, a broader pattern of propagation is reached and other words in both horizontally and vertically, the emissions will increase. It was also observed that by increasing the ion exchange capacity, the arrival time of pollutants in the soil column increases and steep rise in emissions to reach its maximum is reduced. By increasing alkalinity, ion exchange capacity increases and therefore much more polluting soil adsorbs.<#LINE#>Ovaysi S. and Piri M. (2011).@Pore-scale modeling of dispersion in disordered porous media.@Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 124(4), 68-81.@Yes$Jacques D., Simunek J., Mallants D. and Van Genuchten M. (2008).@Modelling coupled water flow, solute transport and geochemical reactions affecting heavy metal migration in a podzol soil.@Geoderma, 145(4), 449-461.@Yes$Javadi A.A. and Al-najjar M.M. (2007).@Finite element modeling of contaminant transport in soils including the effect of chemical reactions.@Journal of Hazardous Materials, 143(3), 690-701.@Yes$Kartha S.A. and Srivastava R. (2008).@Effect of immobile water content on contaminant transport in unsaturated zone.@Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 1(3-4), 206-215.@Yes$Bandilla K.W., Rabideau A.J. and Jankovic I. (2009).@A parallel mesh-free contaminant transport model based on the Analytic Element and Streamline Methods.@Journal of Advances in Water Resources, 32, 1143-1153.@Yes$Mousavi Nezhad M., Javadi A.A. and Rezania M. (2011).@Modeling of contaminant transport in soils considering the effects of micro- and macro-heterogeneity.@Journal of Hydrology, 404, 332-338.@Yes$Pan F., Zhu J., Ye M., Pachepsky Y.A. and Wu Y.Sh. (2011).@Sensitivity analysis of unsaturated flow and contaminant transport with correlated parameters.@Journal of Hydrology, 397(4), 2380-249.@Yes$Chotpantarat S., Ong S.K., Sutthirat C. and Osathaphan K. (2012).@Competitive modeling of sorption and transport of Pb2+, Ni2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ under binary and multi-metal systems in lateritic soil columns.@Geoderma Journal, 189, 278-287.@Yes$Elbana T.A. (2013).@Heavy metals accumulation and spatial distribution in long term wastewater irrigated soils.@Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1(4), 925-933.@Yes$Bai B., Li H., Xu T. and Chen X. (2015).@Analytical solutions for contaminant transport in a semi-infinite porous medium using the source function method.@Computers and Geotechnics, 69, 114-123.@Yes$Gharamti M.E., Ait-El-Fquih B. and Hoteit I. (2015).@An iterative ensemble Kalman filter with one-step-ahead smoothing for state-parameters estimation of contaminant transport models.@Journal of Hydrology, 527, 442-457.@Yes$Ngo-Cong D., Mohammed F.J., Strunin D.V., Skvortsov A.T., Mai-Duy N. and Tran-CongT. (2015).@Higher-order approximation of contaminant transport equation for turbulent channel flows based on centre manifolds and its numerical solution.@Journal of Hydrology, 525, 87-101.@Yes$Mustafa Sh., Bahara A., Abdul Aziza Z. and Suratman S. (2016).@Modelling contaminant transport for pumping wells in riverbank filtration systems.@Journal of Environmental Management, 165, 159-166.@Yes$Yin Y., Sykes J.F. and Norman S.D. (2015).@Impacts of spatial and temporal recharge on field-scale contaminant transport model calibration.@Journal of Hydrology, 527, 77-87.@Yes$Wu Z., Fu X. and Wang G. (2015).@Concentration distribution of contaminant transport in wetland flows.@Journal of Hydrology, 525, 335-344.@Yes$Rachwal M., Magiera T. and Wawer M. (2015).@Coke industry and steel metallurgy as the source of soil contamination by technogenic magnetic particles, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.@Chemosphere, 138, 863-873.@Yes$Krahn J. (2007).@C-Tran Engineering Book.@manual of Geo Studio software.@No$Frind E.O. (1988).@Solution of the Advection-Dispersion Equation with Free Exit Boundary.@Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 4(4), 301-313.@Yes$Bond W.J. and Wierenga P.J. (1990).@Immobile water during solute transport in unsaturated sand columns.@Water Resources Research, 26(10), 2475-2481.@Yes$Kamon M.K., Junichi Inui T. and Katsumi T. (2004).@Two-dimensional DNAPL migration affected by groundwater flow in unconfined aquifer.@Journal of Hazardous Materials, 110, 1-12.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Treatment of textile wastewater with banana stem pith juice as natural coagulants<#LINE#>Thakare@Nihal ,Ingavale@Bharat <#LINE#>61-63<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-054.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Engineering, K.I.T.′s College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kolhapur, India@Department of Environmental Engineering, K.I.T.′s College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kolhapur, India<#LINE#>25/5/2019<#LINE#>31/10/2019<#LINE#>In India, textile industry is the eldest and major manufacturing industry in the country. Gradually increasing demand of products causes increase in wastewater generation. Textile wastewater is a combination of types of dyes used and additives such as oxidizing agents, surfactants, salts, heavy metals, dispersing agents and finishing agents comprising compounds that are persistent and lethal. Physico-chemical treatment processes of textile wastewater such as chemical coagulation processes are cost effective but lead in significant sludge volume generation. Such sludge production requires appropriate treatment and disposal. Natural coagulants be naturally occurring low cost products, biodegradable and so environment friendly. This study is based on the relevance of Banana Stem Pith Juice as an organic coagulant for textile wastewater treatment and their comparison for treatment efficiency. Jar tests were conducted using varying dosages and pH adjustment of raw wastewater. Appropriate pH and dosage of the natural coagulant was observed to be 4 and 1000mg/L respectively. Coagulant Banana Pith Juice showed results of treatment efficiency for parameters COD, BOD, TS and TSS as 14.04%, 13.12%, 18.52% and 40.37% respectively.<#LINE#>Adugna A.T. and Gebresilasie N.M. (2018).@Aloe steudneri gel as natural flocculant for textile wastewater treatment.@Water Practice & Technology, 13(3), 495-504.@Yes$Anupriya J., Naufal Rizwan P.S., Jansi Sheela S., Muthu Prema K. and Chella Gifta C. (2018).@Waste Water Treatment Using Banana Stem Extract From Textile Industries.@International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ISSN 0973-6077, 13(1), 105-119.@No$Kian-Hen C. and Peck-Loo K. (2017).@Potential of Banana Peels as Bio-Flocculant for Water Clarification.@@Yes$Vijayaraghavan G., Rajasekaran R. and Kumar S.S. (2013).@Removal of reactive yellow dye using natural coagulants in synthetic textile waste water.@International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 11(4), 1824-1830. ISSN 0972-768X@Yes$Gopika G.L. and Kani K.M. (2016).@Accessing the Suitability of Using Banana Pith Juice as a Natural Coagulant for Textile Wastewater Treatment.@International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(4), ISSN 2229-5518@Yes$Hemali Kukadia, Dishant Khatri, Vijay Baraiya, Rajan Patel and Kunal Majmudar (2017).@Removal of colour from textile wastewater by different methods.@International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 4(7).@No$Roussy J., Van Vooren M., Dempsey B.A. and Guibal E. (2005).@Influence of chitosan characteristics on the coagulation and the flocculation of bentonite suspensions.@Water research, 39(14), 3247-3258.@Yes$Muralimohan N. and Palanisamy T. (2014).@Treatment of Textile Effluent by Natural Coagulants in Erode District.@Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26(3), 911-914.@Yes$Muralimohan N., Palanisamy T. and Vimaladevi M.N. (2014).@Experimental study on removal efficiency of blended coagulants in textile wastewater treatment.@IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology, 2(2), 15-20.@Yes$Kumar P., Prasad B., Mishra I.M. and Chand S. (2008).@Treatment of composite wastewater of a cotton textile mill by thermolysis and coagulation.@Journal of hazardous materials, 151(2-3), 770-779.@Yes$Mane R.S. and Bhusari V.N. (2012).@Removal of colour (dyes) from textile effluent by adsorption using orange and banana peel.@International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2(3), 1997-2004.@Yes$Unnisa S.A., Deepthi P. and Mukkanti K. (2010).@Efficiency studies with Dolichos lablab and solar disinfection for treating turbid waters.@Journal of Environmental Protection Science, 4, 8-12.@Yes @Case Study <#LINE#>Alternative energy sources used by Nkulumane residents in Bulawayo, the case study of Nkulumane 12, Zimbabwe<#LINE#>Dube@Noel <#LINE#>64-68<#LINE#>7.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-025.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Zimbabwe Open University, Box 346, Gwanda, Zimbabwe<#LINE#>14/3/2019<#LINE#>10/8/2019<#LINE#>The purpose of the study was to establish the coping strategies adopted by the residents of Nkulumane in light of the introduction of the pre-paid system of payment for electricity. For this study the author opted for the descriptive survey research. The subjects of the study were 120 household heads in 100 randomly selected houses of Nkulumane 12 from a population of 1000 houses. The major sources of energy used for cooking by the Nkulumane 12 residents are firewood, electricity, gas gel and paraffin, however with most residents using a variety of sources. The most widely used source of energy for cooking is electricity which is used by 92.5% of the residence in combination with other sources of energy. Most residents (31.7%) use electricity and paraffin for cooking followed by those who use electricity, firewood and paraffin (19.2%). There was a surprisingly low use of gas in all age groups with most residents claiming to use gas when there was no electricity. Only 9 out of the 120 households interviewed said they use solar for lighting and all of them were in the above US$600 per month level of income. The major reason given for not using solar energy was that it was expensive. When asked about the costs of solar lighting units 90% of the residents said they had never bothered to find the cost of solar lighting units. From the interviews it was estimated that households spend on average US$1.43 on candles. Based on the 2012 costs of solar lighting units it was estimated that residents would spend on average US$0.12 per month based on a 25 year lifespan for solar panels and US$0.58 based on a 5 year life span for solar panels. The results indicate that the residents of Nkulumane spend most of their money on electricity with 33.3% spending more than US$20 a month whilst 34.2% spend between US$11 and US$20 and about 32.5% spending less than US$10 on electricity per month.<#LINE#>REN21. (2013).@Renewables Global Futures Report (Paris: REN21).@@Yes$International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2012).@Renewable Energy Technologies: Cost Analysis Series.@Hydropower, 1, 3/5.@No$Robson C. (1995).@Real World Research, Blackwell.@Oxford@No$Nisbet J. and Watt J. (1984).@Case Study, Chapter 5 in Bell, K., et al (eds), Conducting Small-Scale Investigations in Educational Management.@London: Harper & Row.@Yes$Flick Uwe (2009).@An Introduction to Qualitative Research.@4th Edition. Thousand Oaks CA, SAGE Publications Ltd.@No$Cohen L. and Manion L. (1989).@Research Methods in Education.@(3rd Edition), London: Routledge@No$Keyton Joann (2001).@Communication Research: Asking Questions.@Finding Answers. 1st Edition@No$Babbie Earl R. (1989).@The Practice of Social Research(5th Ed.).@Belmont, C.A. Wadsworth.@Yes$Tuckman B.W. (1994).@Conducting Educational Research.@New York. Harcout Publishers@No$Best J.W. and Kahn J.V. (1993).@Research and Education.@Boston; Ally and Baccon.@No$Borg W.R. and Gall M.D. (1989).@Educational Research.@An Introduction (5th Ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.@No$Hancock Beverley (1998).@An Introduction to Qualitative Research.@Trent Focus Group.@Yes$Gwimbi P. and Dirwai C. (2003).@Research Methods in Geography and Environmental Studies.@Module GED 302. Zimbabwe Open University.@Yes$Seaman C.H. (1987).@Research methods: principles, practice, and theory for nursing.@Appleton & Lange.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of downstream pollution influence of urbanization on stream physicochemical characteristics and Macroinvertebrate community structure: in case of Woliata Sodo Town, Ethiopia<#LINE#>Yasin@Hussen ,Asfaw@Biniam ,Chama@Eyasu <#LINE#>69-77<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-034.pdf<#LINE#>Departments of Biology, Werabe University, Ethiopia@Departments of Biology, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia@Departments of Biology, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia<#LINE#>27/4/2019<#LINE#>9/7/2019<#LINE#>Woliata Sodo Town (6048′N to 37047′E) is an important commercial town in southern region, Ethiopia. The aim of the present work was to assess the downstream pollution influence of Sodo Town on water quality and macroinvertebrate community structure. Among four sampling sites, three sites were at downstream of the town whereas a reference site was at upstream. Physicochemical data with sample of macroinvertebrates was taken at upstream, midstream and downstream of the sampling sites from September to January 2016/17. Water quality test including temperature, electrical conductivity, TDS and salinity were measured in-situ and the recorded result in ranges 7.385 to 8.46 pH meters, 20.25 to 22.28 ˚C, 104.38μS/cm to 280μS/cm, 71.73mg/L to 203.25mg/L and 0.07ppt to 0.17ppt, respectively. A total of 3927 individuals belonging to 15 families in different orders including Diptera (97%), Ephemeroptera (1.3%), Hemiptera (0.35%), odonata (0.3%), Coleoptera (0.28%), and other non-insect taxa comprising (0.5%) were recorded. Dipterans were the most abundant taxon. Family Chironomidae alone in this order has an abundance of 89.8% of the total count which is highest in downstream sites. Somewhat, good water quality in station one is manifest by the presence of pollution sensitive taxa. Whereas, poor water quality in downstream specifies by enormous pollution tolerance macroinvertebrate abundance like blood-red chironomidae. So in the study area the various disturbances like mismanagement of Abattoir effluent and other anthropogenic activities should not be overlooked.<#LINE#>Booth D.B. and Bledsoe B.P. (2009).@Streams and urbanization. In The water environment of cities.@Springer, Boston, MA, 93-123.@Yes$Booth D.B. and Jackson C.R. (1997).@Urbanization of aquatic systems: Degradation thresholds, stormwater detection, and the limits of mitigation 1.@JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 33(5), 1077-1090.@Yes$Cohen J.E. (2003).@Human population: the next half century.@science, 302(5648), 1172-1175.@Yes$Giri N. and Singh O.P. (2013).@Urban growth and water quality in thimphu, Bhutan.@Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 7(1), 82-95.@Yes$Burres E. (1997).@What Are Bioassessments? California′s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Clean Water Team.@@No$Gahl A. (2002).@Benthic Macro invertebrate and Riparian Habitat Assessment.@Watershed@No$Greenway M. (2010).@Wetlands and ponds for stormwater treatment in subtropical Australia: their effectiveness in enhancing biodiversity and improving water quality?.@Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 146(1), 22-38. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2010.00389.x@Yes$Bennetti C.J., Perez-Bilbao A. and Garrido J. (2012).@Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Water Quality in Running Waters: 10 Years of Research in Rivers with Different Degrees of Anthropogenic Impacts, Ecological Water Quality-Water Treatment and Reuse.@Dr. Voudouris (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0508-4. InTech editor, 95-122.@Yes$Water and river commission [WRC] (2001).@Water facts.@2nd ed., Western Australia. ISBN: 0-7309-7564-9@No$Zinabu G.M. and Elias D. (1989).@Water resources and fisheries management in the Ethiopian rift valley Lake.@SINET. An Ethiopian journal of science, 12(2), 95-109.@Yes$Matusala T. (2015).@Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis for Abattoir Site Selection: the Case of Wolaita Soddo Town, Ethiopia.@Addis Ababa University. Unpublished MA Thesis.@Yes$Barbour M.T., Gerritsen J., Snyder B.D. and Stribling J.B. (1999).@Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish.@Second Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water; Washington, D.C. http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/monitoring/techmon.html@Yes$Bouchard R.W. (2004).@Guid to aquatic macroinvertebrate of the upper Midwest.@Water resources Center, university of Minnesota, st.paul, 208.@Yes$Sarda P. and Sadgir P. (2015).@Assessment of Multi Parameters of Water Quality in Surface Water Bodies-A Review.@Int J Res Appl Sci Eng Technol, 3(8), 331-336.@Yes$Köse E., Tokatli C. and Çiçek A. (2014).@Monitoring Stream Water Quality: A Statistical Evaluation.@Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 23(5), 1637-1647.@Yes$Clean Water Team (CWT). (2004).@Electrical conductivity/salinity.@Fact Sheet, FS- (EC). https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issue@No$Parsons B.G., Watmough S.A., Dillon P.J. and Somers K. M. (2010).@Relationships between lake water chemistry and benthic macro invertebrates in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta.@Journal of Limnology, 69(1), 118-125.@Yes$Love N., Ellis S. and Corning B. (2007).@An ecological assessment comparing three unique sites along the South Platte River.@@No$Villantes Y.I. and Nuñeza O.M. (2015).@Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality in Labo and Clarin rivers, Misamis Occidental, Philippines.@International Journal of Biosciences | IJB | 6(9), 62-73.@No$Selvanayagam M. and Abril R. (2015).@Water Quality Assessment of Piatua River Using Macro invertebrates in Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador.@American Journal of Life Sciences, 3(3), 167-174.@Yes$Reif A.G. (2002).@Assessment of stream quality using biological indices at selected sites in the Schuylkill River basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1981-97.@US Geological Survey.@Yes$Bauernfeind E. and Moog O. (2000).@Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) and the assessment of ecological integrity: a methodological approach.@Hydrobiologia, 422/423: 71-83, Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.@Yes$Petrovic A., Milosevic D., Paunovic M., Simic S., Dordevic N., Stojkovic M. and Simic V. (2015).@New data on the distribution and ecology of the mayfly larvae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Serbia (central part of the Balkan Peninsula).@Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39(2), 195-209.@Yes$Dacayana C., Hingco J. and Del Socorro M. (2013).@Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblage in Bulod River, Lanao del Norte, Philippines.@J Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(1).@Yes$Reif A.G. (2002).@Assessment of stream quality using biological indices at selected sites in the Brandywine Creek basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1981-97.@U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2002–0117. https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/fs11702@Yes$Eco Spark (2013).@Water Quality Monitoring with Benthic Macro invertebrates Field Manual, Toronto.@@No$Sarver R., Harlan S., Rabeni C. and Sowa S.P. (2002).@Biological criteria for wadeable/perennial streams of Missouri.@Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson City, Missouri.@Yes <#LINE#>An assessment of weather and climate change impact on human health in the case of Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia<#LINE#>Arsiso@Bisrat Kifle <#LINE#>78-86<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-074.pdf<#LINE#>Ethiopian Civil Service University, College of Urban Development and Engineering, Department of Environment and Climate Change Management, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, P O Box 5648<#LINE#>19/7/2019<#LINE#>2/11/2019<#LINE#>It is well known that weather conditions could aggravate factors for climate-sensitive disease. This paper assesses on the effects of extreme temperature and rainfall events on human health in Addis Ababa City. Health statistics of different seasons was utilized for the assessment of health impact on urban population in Addis Ababa. Surface temperatures pattern were analyzed to investigate the urban warming effect. Finding of this study indicates that, in every ten year, increase in anomalies of annual mean maximum temperature is larger than minimum temperature. The spatial variation of malarial case treated in Addis Ababa by sub-cities health centers shows that, lowland areas of the city like; Akaki sub-city have highest proportion of malaria morbidity. In the city during major rainy season (June-September) malaria transmission increase and reduce during October to February months. The morbidity of malaria also increases during short rainy seasons (February to May). The increasing rate of maximum temperature anomalies was higher at urban Addis Ababa Observatory (OBS) station than Bole International Airport station (0.550C and 0.270C respectively), the Epidemic Typhus after rainy season (September to November) was very high. The study recommends adaptation measures for the identified vulnerable areas in Woreda or local city administration level is essential for the control of outbreaks infectious or epidemics preparedness.<#LINE#>Analitis A., Katsouyanni K., Biggeri A., Baccini M., Forsberg B. and Bisanti L. (2008).@Effects of cold weather on mortality results from 15 European cities within the PHEWE project.@Am J Epidemio, 168(12), 1397-1408. https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwn266@Yes$Basu R. and Samet J.M. (2002).@Relation between elevated ambient temperature and mortality a review of the epidemiologic evidence.@Epidemiol Rev, 24(2), 190-202. https://doi.org/10.1093/epirev/mxf007@Yes$Schmeltz M.T. (2015).@Risk factors and costs influencing hospitalizations due to heat-related illnesses: patterns of hospitalization.@CUNY Academic Works. URL (https://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/621) accessed 05/09/2018.@Yes$Huang C.R., Barnett A.G., Wang X.M. and Tong S.L. (2012).@The impact of temperature on years of life lost in Brisbane Australia.@Nat Clim Chang, 2(4), 265-270. DOI:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000066@Yes$World Health Organization (WHO) (2003).@Climate Change and Human Health - Risks and Responses.@Collective views of an international group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, or the United Nations Environment Programme. https://www.who.int/ globalchange/publications/climchange.pdf. accessed 05/09/2015@Yes$Bouma M.J., Poveda G., Rojas W., Chavasse D., Quinones M., Cox J. and Patz J. (1997).@Predicting high‐risk years for malaria in Colombia using parameters of El Niño Southern Oscillation.@Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2(12), 1122-1127. https://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9438466 accessed 05/09/2018@Yes$Toy S. and Yilmaz S. (2010).@Evaluation of 10-Year Temperature Differences between Urban and Rural Areas of a Well-Planned, Unindustrialized, and Medium-Sized Turkish Town, Erzincan.@Urban Plann. Dev., DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) UP. 1943-5444.0000022, 136(4), 349-356. http://www.ejournal.unam.mx/atm/Vol23-4/ATM002300406.pdf accessed 03/07/2018@Yes$Kotharkar R. and Surawar M. (2015).@Land Use, Land Cover, and Population Density Impact on the Formation of Canopy Urban Heat Islands through Traverse Survey in the Nagpur Urban Area, India.@Journal of Urban Planning and Development, https:// doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000277@Yes$Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia (CSA) (2011).@Demographic survey for the city of Addis Ababa.@CSA, Ethiopia.@No$Addis Ababa Bureau of Finance and Economic Development (AABoFED) (2013).@Population Projection.@AABoFED, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@No$Addis Ababa City Administration Integrated Land Information Centre (AACAILIC) (2015).@Addis Ababa City Administration map.@City government of Addis Ababa AACAILIC. http://www.ilic.gov.et/index.php/en/subcities. accessed 05/09/2018@No$United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2008).@Vital Water Graphics an Overview of the State of the World′s Fresh and Marine Waters.@2nd edition; Nairobi, UNEP. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/20624/Vital_water_graphics.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. accessed 03/09/2018@No$NMA (National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia). (2007).@Climate Change National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) of Ethiopia.@The World Bank. https://unfccc.int/resource/docs/napa/eth01.pdf. accessed 25/09/2019@Yes$Arsiso B., Mengistu Tsidu G., Stoffberg G., Tadessee T. (2018).@Influence of urbanization driven land use/cover change on climate the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@Phys. Chem. Earth Parts A/B/C.105, 212-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2018.02.009@Yes$UNFCCC. (2007).@Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerabilities And Adaptation In Developing Countries.@UNFCCC Press Secretariat; Bonn, Germany, 01-68 https://unfccc.int/resource/docs/publications/impacts.pdf accessed 09/09/2019@No$IPCC (2014).@Summary for Policymakers.@In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Edenhofer, O., R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, E. Farahani, S. Kadner, K. Seyboth, A. Adler, I. Baum, S. Brunner, P. Eickemeier, B. Kriemann, J. Savolainen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow, T. Zwickel and J.C. Minx (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/ipcc_wg3_ar5_summary-for-policymakers.pdf. (accessed: 15/09/2019)@No$Kifle A.B. (2003).@Urban Heat Island and Its Feature in Addis Ababa (a Case Study).@Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, Lodz, Poland. Available at: http://nargeo.geo.uni.lodz.pl/~icuc5/text/P_6_11.pdf@Yes$Kifle B. (2013).@Climate Change and Human Health in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@Ethiopian Journal of Business & Development, Unity University, 7(1), 39-65.@No$Arsiso B., Mengistu Tsidu G. and Stoffberg G. (2018).@Signature of present and projected climate change at an urban scale The case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@Phys. Chem. Earth Parts A/B/C. 105 (104-115). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2018.03.008.@Yes$Arsiso B.K. (2017).@Trends in Climate and Urbanization and Their Impacts on Surface Water Supply in the City of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@UNISA unpublished PhD thesis. Avelabe at: http://uir.unisa.ac.za/handle/10500/23496. Aceeded 12/08/2019.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>Current trends in enzymatic biosensors for pesticides determination<#LINE#>Tehri@Nimisha ,Kumar@Naresh ,Vashishth@Amit <#LINE#>87-107<#LINE#>10.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-061.pdf<#LINE#>Microbial Biosensors and Food Safety Laboratory, DM Division, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal 132001, Haryana, India and Biosensors and Nanotechnology Laboratory, Centre for Biotechnology, MDU, Rohtak, 124001, Haryana, India@Microbial Biosensors and Food Safety Laboratory, DM Division, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal 132001, Haryana, India@Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, IIVER, Rohtak, 124001, Haryana, India<#LINE#>18/6/2019<#LINE#>21/11/2019<#LINE#>Owing to the documentation of worldwide surveys of pesticides in different food products and high mortality rate associated with its exposure to environment and human, pesticides has become a serious public health concern. Maximum residual limits for pesticides as a legal requirement have been laid down by several regulatory bodies throughout the world. It is very important to quantify pesticide residues by using different analytical methods which are extremely susceptible and accurate due to the trace level of pesticides. Although conventional analytical methods, based on different chromatographic techniques like GC, HPLC coupled with mass selective detectors, fulfil these requirements. Despite, these have intrinsic demerits e.g. limited scope of application under field conditions, time-consuming, cost-effective and are not ease for the direct analysis of pesticides residue in real samples. To address this issue, development of biosensors as rapid alternative techniques for pesticides determination is predominant goal. Enzyme based biosensors has become very popular for their sensitivity and high efficient analysis of pesticides over few past decades. The present article mainly demonstrates the recent advancement in the development of enzymatic biosensors for pesticides determination. Enzyme based biosensors have been classified according to their catalytic and inhibition mechanism for sensing of pesticides. Their construction, mode of immobilization and analytical characteristics are discussed. Applications in the field of environmental safety, food safety and future prospects for development of more superior enzyme based sensing technologies for pesticides determination are also delineated.<#LINE#>Aktar W., Sengupta D. and Chowdhury A. (2009).@Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards.@Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2(1), 1-12.@Yes$Stocka J., Tankiewicz M., Biziuk M. and Namiesnik J. (2011).@Green aspects of techniques for the determination of currently used pesticides in environmental samples.@Int. J. Mol. Sci., 12, 7785-7805.@Yes$Del Carlo M. and Compagnone D. (2010).@Recent strategies for the biological sensing of pesticides: from the design to the application in real samples.@Bioanalytical Reviews, 1(2-4), 159-176.@Yes$Andreu V. and Picó Y. (2012).@Determination of currently used pesticides in biota.@Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 404, 2659-2681.@Yes$Cortina P.M., Istamboulie G., Noguer T. and Marty J.L. (2010).@Intelligent and Biosensors.@InTech, Croatia 205-216.@Yes$Sassolas A., Simón B.P. and Marty J.L. (2012).@Biosensors for pesticide detection: New Trends.@Am. J. Anal. Chem., 3, 210-232.@Yes$Carlo M.D. and Compagnone D. (2008).@Recent advances in biosensor technology for food safety.@Agro. Ind. hi-tech., 19, 32-35.@Yes$Van Dorst B., Mehta J., Bekaert K., Rouah-Martin E., De Coen W., Dubruel P. and Robbens J. (2010).@Recent advances in recognition elements of food and environmental biosensors: a review.@Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26(4), 1178-1194.@Yes$Mishra R.K., Deshpande K. and Bhand S. (2010).@A high-throughput enzyme assay for organophosphate residues in milk.@Sensors., 10, 11274-11286.@Yes$Liu S., Zheng Z. and Li X. (2013).@Advances in pesticide biosensors: current status, challenges, and future perspectives.@Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 405, 63-90.@Yes$Maloschik E., Ernst A., Hegedűs G., Darvas B. and Székács A. (2007).@Monitoring water-polluting pesticides in Hungary.@Microchemical Journal, 85(1), 88-97.@Yes$Kuster M., López D.A. and Barceló D. (2006).@Analysis of pesticides in water by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric techniques.@Mass. Spectrom. Rev., 25, 900-916.@Yes$Petropoulou S.S.E., Gikas E., Tsarbopoulos A. and Siskos P.A. (2006).@Gas chromatographic–tandem mass spectrometric method for the quantitation of carbofuran, carbaryl and their main metabolites in applicators′ urine.@Journal of Chromatography A, 1108(1), 99-110.@Yes$Campana A.L., Florez S.L., Noguera M.J., Fuentes O.P., Ruiz Puentes P., Cruz J.C. and Osma J.F. (2019).@Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors for microfluidic platforms to detect pharmaceutical residues in wastewater.@Biosensors, 9(1), 41.@Yes$Bernal R.V., Miranda E.R. and Pérez G.H. and Soundararajan R.P. (2012).@Pesticides–Advances in Chemical and Botanical Pesticides.@In Tech Rijeka Croatia, 329-356.@Yes$Barhoumi H., Maaref A., Rammah M., Martelet C., Jaffrezic N., Mousty C., Vial S. and Forano C. (2006).@Urea biosensor based on Zn3Al-Urease layered double hydroxides nanohybrid coated on insulated silicon structures.@Mater. Sci. Eng. C., 26, 328-333.@Yes$Kumar J. and Melo J.S. (2017).@Overview on biosensors for detection of organophosphate pesticides.@Curr. Trends Biomed. Eng. Biosci, 5, 555-663.@Yes$Bucur B., Munteanu F.D., Marty J.L. and Vasilescu A. (2018).@Advances in enzyme-based biosensors for pesticide detection.@Biosens., 8(2), 27.@Yes$Hendji A.M.N., Renault N.J., Martelet C. and Clechet P. (1993).@Sensitive detection of pesticides using a differential ISFET-based system with immobilized cholinesterases.@Anal. Chim. Acta., 281, 3-11.@Yes$Skladal P., Nunes G.S., Yamanaka H. and Ribeiro M.L. (1997).@Detection of carbamate pesticides in vegetable samples using cholinesterase based biosensors.@Electroanalysis, 9, 1083-1087.@Yes$Bucur B., Dondoi M., Danet A. and Marty J.L. (2005).@Insecticide identification using a flow injection analysis system with biosensors based on various cholinesterases.@Anal. Chim. Acta., 539, 195-201.@Yes$Sikora T., Istamboulie G., Jubete E., Ochoteco E., Marty J.L. and Noguer T. (2011).@Highly sensitive detection of organophosphate insecticides using biosensors based on genetically engineered acetylcholinesterase and Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene).@J. Sens., 2011, 1-7.@Yes$Arduini F., Amine A., Moscone D. and Palleschi G. (2010).@Biosensors based on cholinesterase inhibition for insecticides, nerve agents and aflatoxin B1 detection.@Microchim Acta, 170, 193-214.@Yes$Mayes A.G. (2002).@Biomolecular Sensors.@Taylor & Francis Inc, New York, 49-86.@No$Sharma S.K., Sehgal N. and Kumar A. (2003).@Biomolecules for development of biosensors and their applications.@Curr. App. Phy., 3, 307-316.@Yes$Kuswandi B. and Mascini M. (2005).@Enzyme inhibition based biosensors for environmental monitoring.@Current Enzyme Inhibition, 1(3), 207-221.@Yes$Putzbach W. and Ronkainen N.J. (2013).@Immobilization techniques in the fabrication of nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors.@Sensors, 13, 4811-4840.@Yes$Hosea N.A., Taylor P. and Berman H.A. (1995).@Specificity and orientation of trigonal carboxiesters and tetrahedral alkilphosphonyl esters in cholinesterases.@Biochemistry, 34, 11528-11536.@Yes$Weiner L., Shnyrov V.L., Konstantinovskii L., Roth E., Ashani Y. and Silman I. 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