@Research Paper <#LINE#>Physico-chemical characteristics of Asan wetland with reference to Avian and Mollus can diversity, Doon Valley (Uttarakhand), India<#LINE#>Raj @Singh,Arun P. @Mishra <#LINE#>1-11<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-100.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Baba Farid Institute of Technology, Dehradun–248007, India@Department of Environmental Science, Baba Farid Institute of Technology, Dehradun–248007, India<#LINE#>17/10/2018<#LINE#>3/4/2019<#LINE#>The Asan wetland attract very large number of tourists in winter season because Asan wetland derived optimum ecosystem which are responsible to attraction of great number of migratory birds and provide natural habitat of migratory birds as well as residential birds. Since this wetland are located in southern latitudes, so it′s attracted great level of birds at winter season that breed in Europe & Northern Asia. Its water is used for irrigation, boating and recreation. In view of these all facts of the Asan wetland, this study has been undertaken to mention attention to the water quality, avifaunal diversity and mollus can diversity of Asan wetland. The physico-chemical characteristics of Asan wetland, as like water temperature recorded in the range of ±0.15 to ±0.11°C, pH ±0.20 to ±0.15, Conductivity ±0.050 to ±0.097µmhocm-1, TDS ±0.57 to ±1.0mg/l, Free CO2 ±0.05 to ±0.25mg/l, DO ±0.49 to ±0.55mg/l, BOD ±0.49 to ±0.36mg/l, TH ±0.01 to ±0.57mg/l, Calcium ±0.01 to ±0.05mg/l, Magnesium ±0.01 to ±0.06mg/l. The Sodium ±0 to ±0.1mg/l, Potassium ±0.01 to ±0.01mg/l, Nitrate ±0.06 to ±0.02mg/l and Phosphate ±0.03 to ±0.01mg/l were recorded in all zones. The avian diversity of the Asan wetland revealed that a total of 49 species observed at all zones in winter season. The great numbers of birds were recorded in morning time in zone– 4, highbirds′ richness observed in Zone- 3. The molluscan fauna of Asan wetland includes 8 families, 8 genera and 9 species recorded at all zones during study period. Significant changes in freshwater snail assemblages were primarily due to changes in the water quality from locality to locality.<#LINE#>Report (1991).@Article 1.1, of the Convention of Wetlands.@Finlayson and Moser.@No$Prasad S.N., Ramachandra T.V., Ahalya N., Sengupta T., Kumar A., Tiwari A.K., Vijayan V.S. and Vijayan L. (2002).@Conservation of wetlands of India-a review.@Tropical Ecology, 43(1), 173-186. ISSN 0564-3295.@Yes$Cowardin L.M., Carter V., Golet F.C. and La Roe E.T. (1979).@Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States.@U.S. Dept. Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-79/31., Washington DC.@Yes$Joshi P.C. and Joshi N. (2004).@Biodiversity and Conservation.@A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.@No$Zakaria M.S., Osman K. and Abdullah H. 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P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minérale et Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minérale et Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Brazzaville, Congo<#LINE#>29/10/2018<#LINE#>2/3/2019<#LINE#>To study the possibility of improving the ability to eliminate humic organic matter in water was the main focus of this work. For this, the objects of study were the fine fraction and the raw clay. Extraction of the fine fraction was carried out by the sedimentation technique either with prior treatment with oxalic acid to remove the iron oxides or without treatment. The particle size distribution of fine fraction obtained was achieved using laser granulometer. The adsorption capacity is determined using spectrophotometric measurements. The adsorption kinetics gave a necessary contact time to reach the equilibrium of 5 hours with the raw clay and 2h30min for the fraction fine with high removal efficiencies. The fine fraction was firstly made sodium and then the intercalation of an iron-based polycation in montmorillonite was carried out. Adsorption isotherms were obtained on the raw clay, the clay rendered sodic and on the intercalated clay. Isotherms modeling used the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The correlation coefficients indicated that these models are in good agreement. The maximum adsorbed quantities according to the Langmuir model indicate a considerable increase of the specific surface area in the intercalated clay, greatly improving the removal efficiencies of the organic matter. The parameter 1 / n allowed to consider that the adsorption is not favorable with the raw clay, whereas it is considered in the case of the intercalated clay.<#LINE#>National Research Council. (1980).@Drinking Water and Health.@Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2, 408. https://doi.org/10.17226/1904.@No$Le Curieux F., Erb F. and Marzin D. 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The existing capacity of sewage treatment plants is far behind the required capacity looking to the wastewater generated in the city. Therefore, an analysis of existing wastewater treatment facilities and effect on water quality by direct discharge of wastewater into the Chambal River was carried out. For this purpose, data was collected from various sources related to wastewater generation, existing capacities of sewage treatment plants and future plans of respective agencies. The influent and effluent wastewater quality of sewage treatment plants and water quality parameters of the Chambal River were collected, studied and analyzed. It has been found that the existing treatment facilities are insufficient and it will take a long time to develop required infrastructure. Till then if untreated wastewater is continued to be discharged into the Chambal River, it is going to deteriorate the water quality of the river very adversely. Hence, immediate action is required to protect the only perennial river of Rajasthan.<#LINE#>Sharma Dr. K.M., Nama Pooja, Jain Mridual and Srivastav Rajat (2015).@Wastewater Treatment Techniques with Special Reference to Kota City.@International Journal of Scientific Research, 4(5), 3-6.@No$Gupta N., Nafees S.M., Jain M.K. and Kalpana S. (2011).@Physico-chemical assessment of water quality of river Chambal in Kota City area of Rajasthan State (India).@Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 4, 686-692.@Yes$Kumar N. and Choudhary M.P. (2017).@Effect on Water Quality of Chambal River due to Discharge of Open Drains in Kota City.@International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(11), 890-894.@No$Kumar N. and Choudhary M.P. (2017).@Deterioration of Water Quality of Chambal River due to Discharge of Open Drains.@International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 3(12), 105-108.@No$Andrew D. Eaton, Lenore S. Clesceri, Eugene W. Rice, Arnold E. 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(2015).@Physico-chemical Evaluation of Water Quality of Narmada River at Barwani and Khalghat, MP, India.@International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 4(3), 12-16.@Yes <#LINE#>Physico-chemical parameters of industrial efflents from a starch-mill industry in Anambra State, Nigeria<#LINE#>Iwuozor Kingsley @Ogemdi,Ekpunobi Emmanuel @Chidubem <#LINE#>26-33<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-112.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria@Department of Microbiology, Abia State University, Abia State, Nigeria<#LINE#>12/12/2018<#LINE#>12/3/2019<#LINE#>Environmental pollution is one of the chief causes of sickness in our society. Industrial effluents unfortunately have their final destinations in streams, which serve as the main source of water supply to most rural communities. There is need to monitor the effluents discharged by industries to ensure that they comply with regulatory standards. This work examined some physicochemical parameters of effluents from a Starch-mill Industry in Anambra state. This company discharged effluents in non-compliance with the Nigerian National Regulations as confirmed from the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Nitrogen, and Turbidity results from this research. The heavy metals except Lead and Copper had concentrations that were within WHO/FEPA limits. The Lead (Pb) and Copper (Cu) concentrations of the Starch Mill was above the WHO and FEPA standards. The other heavy metals have concentrations that were within WHO/FEPA limits. These confirmed results posed health risks to several rural communities which rely on the receiving water bodies as their primary source of domestic water. There is need for the intervention of appropriate regulatory agencies to ensure production of high quality treated final effluents. This scenario is typical of most industries in developing nations where enforcement of environmental regulations are deficient. To avoid pollution, Regulatory Authorities should closely monitor compliance by industries.<#LINE#>Adigun B.A. (2012).@Water quality management in aquaculture and freshwater zooplankton production for use in fish hatcheries.@Alabi Printing Production, Nigeria, 1, 22.@No$Adhikari S., Gupta S.K. and Banerjee S.K. (1993).@Heavy metals content of city sewage and sludge.@Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 41(1), 170-172.@Yes$Adriano D.C. (2013).@Trace elements in terrestrial environments.@Biochemistry, bioavailability and risks of metals, 867.@No$Ahmad S.A. and Rizvi R. (2012).@Toxic effects of vegetables grown by city effluents on human health.@The Environ. Monitor, 12(1), 21-22.@No$Ahmed K. (2000).@Impact of Industrial Effluents on Surface Waters.@Science, Technology & Development, 19(4), 12-17.@Yes$American Public Health Association (APHA) (1998).@Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste water.@American Public Health Association, Washington, 1130.@No$Anna E.O. and Adedipe N.O. (2012).@Water quality monitoring and environmental status in Nigeria.@FEPA Monograph 6, FEPA, Abuja, Nigeria, 239.@Yes$Khan F.A. and Ansari A.A. (2005).@Eutrophication: an ecological vision.@The botanical review, 71(4), 449-482.@Yes$Report (1992).@Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (CIFA).@Technical paper No.25, FAO, Rome, 118.@No$Connell D.W. (1997).@Basic concepts of environmental chemistry.@Chapter-20 (Ecotoxicology - the interaction of chemicals with ecosystems), Lewis publishers, New York, 459-467.@No$DWAF (1995).@South African water quality management series. Procedures to Assess effluent Discharge Impacts.@WRC Report No. TT 64/94. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Water Research Commission, Pretoria, 26-29.@Yes$DWAF (1996).@South African Water Quality Guidelines.@Domestic Uses, Vol. 1 2nd. Ed. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, 37.@No$Dwivedi B.K. and Pandey G.C. (2002).@Physico-chemical factors and algal diversity of two ponds in Faizabad.@India Poll. Res., 21(3), 361-370.@Yes$Ehmann W. and Vance D. (1996).@Studies of trace element involvement in human disease by in vitro activation analysis.@Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 203(2), 429-445.@Yes$Fakayode S.O. (2005).@Impact of industrial effluents on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria.@Ajaem-Ragee, 1-13.@Yes$Fang Z., Guo T. and Welz B. (1991).@Determination of cadmium, lead and copper in water samples by flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with pre-concentration by flow-injection on-line sorbent extraction.@Talanta, 38(6), 613-619.@Yes$Ghafoor A., Ahmad S., Qadir M., Murtaza G. and Hussain I. (2001).@Movement and retention of lead and chromium in soil applied with irrigation water.@Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 38, 8-11.@Yes$Ghafoor A., Rauf A., Arif M. and Muzaffar W. (1994).@Chemical composition of effluents from different industries of Faisalabad City.@Pak. J. Agriculture Sci., 31(4), 367-370.@Yes$Giusquiani P.L., Gigliotti G. and Businelli D. (1992).@Mobility of heavy metals in urban waste-amended soils.@Journal of Environmental Quality, 21(3), 330-335.@Yes$Jaji M.O., Bamgbose O., Odukoya O.O. and Arowolo T.A. (2007).@Water quality assessment of Ogun River, south west Nigeria.@Environmental monitoring and assessment, 133(1-3), 473-482.@Yes$Kakar R.G., Yasinzai M., Salarzai A.U. and Nasir M.H. (2005).@Concentration of heavy metals in soil and spinach (Spinacea olerácea) irrigated with sewage water in Quetta city.@The Environ Monitor, 6, 41-45.@Yes$Mann J.G. and Liu Y.A. (1999).@Industrial water reuse and waste water minimization.@McGraw Hill, New York, 77-122.@Yes$Muhibbu-din O.I., Aduwo A.O. and Adedeji A.A. (2011).@Study of physico-chemical parameters of effluent impacted stream in Obafemi Awolowo University.@Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 28-30.@No$Muwanga A. and Barifaijo E. (2006).@Impact of industrial activities on heavy metal loading and their physico-chemical effects on wetlands of Lake Victoria basin (Uganda).@African Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1).@Yes$Nabi G., Ashraf M. and Aslam M.R. (2001).@Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils irrigated with industrial effluents.@Science Technology & Development, 20(1), 32-36.@Yes$Okoye P.A.C., Enemuoh R.E. and Ogunjiofor J.C. (2002).@Traces of heavy metals in Marine crabs.@J. Chem. Soc. Nigeria, 27(1), 76-77.@No$Osibanjo O., Daso A.P. and Gbadebo A.M. (2011).@The impact of industries on surface water quality of River Ona and River Alaro in Oluyole Industrial Estate, Ibadan, Nigeria.@African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(4), 696-702.@Yes$Rao P.V. (2005).@Textbook of environmental engineering.@Eastern Economy Ed., Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 280.@No$Sandoyin (1991).@Eutrophication trends in the water quality of the Rhode River.@J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 54, 825-855.@No$Schwartz T.A. (1994).@Applying Chemistry to Society.@Wine-Brown Publishers, American society, New York, 34-35.@No$Watson C. and Cichra C.E. (2006).@Department of fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Florida cooperatives extension services.@Institute of food and Agricultural sciences, University of Florida, First edition, 48-50.@Yes$World Health Organization (WHO), (1996).@Guidelines for drinking-water quality, Health Criteria and other supporting information.@@Yes$WHO. (1990).@Trace elements in human nutrition.@Technical report series No. 797, Geneva.@No$WHO. (1989).@Health guidelines for use of wastewater in agriculture and aquaculture.@Technical Report Series 778. Geneva, Switzerland, 65-69.@Yes$Wurts W.A. (2000).@Sustenance aquaculture in the twenty-first century.@Reviews in fisheries science, 8(2), 141-150@No <#LINE#>Amazing level of bromine found in Lonar crater water ecosystem, Maharashtra, India<#LINE#>Jadhav Raju @D.,Mali Harishchandra @B. <#LINE#>34-38<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-116.pdf<#LINE#>Room No. B1/701, Saket Co-op. Hsg. Society Ltd., Saket Road, Thane (W)–400601, Maharashtra, India@House No. 1910, Opp. Vittal Mandir, Mahatma Gandhi Nagar, Near Anandnagar, Thane (E)–400603, Maharashtra, India<#LINE#>19/12/2018<#LINE#>26/5/2019<#LINE#>The salt of Lonar Crater water body was tested by XRF analysis, which showed very high content of Bromine (Br), higher than the sea, ocean Dead sea or any other fresh water body. Bromine (Br) content in Lonar salt was found to be 5.5 mass %, Bromine (Br) is one of the rare elements among the halogen group elements. It is mostly associated with other halogen group elements like Chlorine (Cl) and Iodine (I). Our findings is that amongst halogen group element, the first highest is Chlorine and the second highest is Br, found in Lonar crater water system and the first highest in all the water bodies existing on the earth. In other wsords it can be said that Lonar Crater is halogen group dominated water body. This paper reports the first hand information about detection of Bromine (Br) in very high concentration, in the waters of Lonar Crater, which is higher than the marine water body and fresh water body existing on the surface of the earth and to put on records, the findings of high content of Br in Lonar Crater water system on preliminary basis.<#LINE#>Komatsu G., Kumar P.S., Goto K., Sekine Y., Giri C. and Matsui T. (2014).@Drainage systems of Lonar Crater, India: Contributions to Lonar Lake hydrology and crater degradation.@Planetary and Space Science, 95, 45-55.@Yes$Vinod A.S. and More S.M. (2013).@Study of Physicochemical Characterization of Lonar Lake Effecting Biodiversity Lonar Lake, Maharashtra, India.@Int Res J Environ Sci, 2, 25-28.@Yes$Borul S.B. (2012).@Study of water quality of Lonar lake.@Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 4(3), 1716-1718.@Yes$Nandy N.C. and Deo V.B. (1961).@Origin of the Lonar lake and its alkalinity.@TISCO, 8(3), 1-12.@Yes$Pawar A.L. (2010).@Seasonal variation in physicochemical quality of Lonar Lake water.@Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(4), 225-231.@Yes$Gaikwad R.W. and Sasane V.V. (2013).@Assessment of ground water quality inand around Lonar lake and possible water treatment.@International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(4), 1263-1270.@Yes$Badve R.M., Kumaran K.P.N. and Rajshekhar C. (1993).@Eutrophication of Lonar Lake, Maharashtra.@Current science. Bangalore, 65(4), 347-351.@Yes$Antony C.P., Kumaresan D., Hunger S., Drake H.L., Murrell J.C. and Shouche Y.S. (2013).@Microbiology of Lonar Lake and other soda lakes.@The ISME journal, 7(3), 468-476.@Yes$Siddiqi S.Z. (2007).@Limnological Profile of High-Impact Meteor Crater Lake Lonar, Buldhana, Maharashtra, India, an Extreme Hyperalkaline, Saline Habitat.@Proceedings of Taal 2007: The 12th World Lake Conference, 1597-1613.@Yes$Chakrabarti R. and Basu A.R. (2006).@Trace element and isotopic evidence for Archean basement in the Lonar crater impact breccia, Deccan Volcanic Province.@Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 247(3-4), 197-211.@Yes$Sarkar P.K., Upasani D.V., Jadhav P.B. and Kolwalkar P. (2014).@Study of Cavity filling Quartz Grains from the Ejecta Blanket at Lonar, Buldhana District, Maharashtra, India: An Evidence of Meteoric Impact.@International Research Journal of Earth Sciences, 2(10), 1-7.@Yes$Jadhav R.D. and Mali H.B. (2018).@A search for the source of high content of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) at Crater Lake, Lonar, Maharashtra, India.@International Journal of Advance, Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(5), 255-261.@Yes$Wisniak J. (2002).@The Dead Sea – A Liver pool of Chemicals.@Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 9, 79-87.@No$Son T.H. and Koeberl C. (2007).@Chemical variation in Lonar impact glasses and impactites.@GFF, 129(2), 161-176.@Yes$Deshpande G.G. (1998).@Geology of Maharashtra.@Geological Society of India, 166-167. ISBN 81-85867-34-8.@Yes$Isotopes of Bromine (2018).@From Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia.@The page edited on October 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/isotopes_of_bromine.@No$Jourdan F., Moynier F. and Koeberl C. (2010).@First ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar Age of the Lonar Crater: A ~ 0.65 MA IMPACT EVENT?.@41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1661-1661.@No @Research Article <#LINE#>Comparative study of some estimation methods of evapotranspiration in the tropical zone: case of the region of Pointe-Noire (Congo)<#LINE#>Frédéric Balounta @Ngoma,Christian @Tathy,Romain Richard @Niere <#LINE#>39-52<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-101.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnics School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnics School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo and Department of Exact Sciences, Higher Teacher′s Training School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnics School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo<#LINE#>19/10/2018<#LINE#>3/3/2019<#LINE#>Sustainable management of water resources needs a perfect command of the terms of the hydrological balance among them evapotranspiration. This work deals with the comparison of some methods assessing potential evapotranspiration in the tropical zone. It is made using climatic data (temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, sunshine duration, wind speed and Piche evaporation) collected during the period 1990 to 2016 at Pointe-Noire airport in the south-west of Republic of Congo. The results show that, on the monthly scale, the values of potential evapotranspiration (ETP) obtained by the Penman-Monteith method, are closes to those obtained with the measured Piche evaporation. However, during the dry season (August-September), this method of calculation overestimates potential evapotranspiration up to 27.4%. Moreover, the application of the different approaches for estimating the annual ETP, highlights that the Penman-Monteith method, leads also to a better estimate of this climatic component. Nevertheless, this method overestimates Piche ETP in the year 1992, with a relative deviation up to 40.5%.<#LINE#>XU C.Y. and Singh V.P. (1998).@Depend ence of evaporation on meteorological variables at different time scales and intercomparison of estimation methods.@Hydrological Processes, 12(3), 429-442.@Yes$Fisher D.K. and Pringle III H.C. (2013).@Evaluation of alternative methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration.@Agricultural Sciences, 4(8A), 51-60.@Yes$Habaieb H. and Masmoudi-Charfi C. (2003).@Calculation of the water requirements of the main cultivated crops in northern Tunisia: estimation of the reference evapotranspiration by various empirical formulas (case of the regions of Tunis, Beja and Bizerte).@Science and Global Change / Drought, 14 (4), 257-265.@No$Nizinski J.J., Morand D., Loumeto J.-J., Luong-Galat A. and Galat G. (2008).@Bilan hydrique comparé d′une savane et d′une plantation d′eucalyptus dans le bassin du Kouilou (République Populaire du Congo).@Climatologie, 5, 99-112.@Yes$MoukandiNkaya D.G., Mabiala B., Tathy C., Nganga D. and Deleporte P. (2010).@Paramétrisation de modèles de transfert hydrique dans le sol sous trois plantations d′eucalyptus dans la région de Pointe-Noire (Congo): applications à l′établissement de bilans hydriques.@Annales de l′Université Marien Ngouabi, Sciences et Techniques, 11(4), 38-51.@No$Tathy C., Matini L., Mabiala B., Antoine F. and Moukandi Nkaya G. (2010).@Hydrochemistry of groundwater in the aquifer AQ-2 in Pointe-Noire, south-west Congo Brazzaville.@Res. J. Applied Sci., 5(5), 361-369.@Yes$Peyrot B. (1983).@Interprétation: géomorphologiedulittoral etdelafaçademaritime atlantique delarépubliquepopulairedu Congo.@Intravaux etdocumentsdegéographie tropicale.CECET, 49, 75-98.@No$Moukandi Nkaya D. (2012).@Etude hydrogéologique, hydrochimique in situ et modélisation hydro dynamique du système aquifère du bassin sédimentaire côtier de la région de Pointe-Noire (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).@Université Marien Ngouabi Brazzaville, Congo.@Yes$Allen R.G., Pereira L.S., Raes D. and Smith M. (1998).@Crop evapotranspiration-Guidelines for computing crop water requirements-FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56.@Fao, Rome, 300(9), D05109.@Yes$Jensen Marvin E. and Allen Richard G. (2016).@Evaporation, evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements.@Manual 70, 2nd edition, ASCE, Reston VA, 1-528. ISBN: 978-0-7844-1405-7.@Yes$Brochet P. and Gerbier N. (1968).@L′évapotranspiration. Aspect agro météorologique. Evaluation pratique de l′évapotranspiration potentielle.@Monographiedela Météorologie Nationale, 65, S.M.M. climatologique, Paris, 1-65.@Yes$Thornthwaite C.W. (1948).@An approach toward a rational classification of climate.@Geograph. Rev., 38(1), 55-94.@Yes$Agoussine M., Saidi M. and Igmoulan B. (2004).@Reconnaissance des ressources en eau du bassin d′Ouarzazate (Sud-Est Marocain).@Bulletindel′ Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Science delaTerre, 26,81-92.@Yes$Turc L. (1961).@Evaluation des besoins en eau d′irrigation, évapotranspiration potentielle.@Ann. Agron., 12(1), 13-49.@Yes$Riou Charles (1975).@Le détermination pratique del′évaporation.@Application àl′Afrique Centrale. Mémoire ORSTOM, 80. ORSTOM, Paris, 1-236. ISBN: 2-7099-0371-7.@No$Haude W. (1959).@Verdunstung und wasserbilanz im fluβgebiet des Nils.@Geografiska Annaler, 41(1), 49-66.@Yes$Diop S. (1997).@Contribution àl′étude hydrogéologique des aquifères fissurés dusocle cristallindu Sénégaloriental (Unpublished french translation doctoral dissertation).@Wesfälische Wilhelms Universität, Münster, Germany.@No$Penman H.L. (1948).@Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass.@Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 193(1032), 120-145.@Yes$Brutsaert Wilfried (1991).@Evaporation in to the atmosphere.@Springer Science, Dordrecht, 1-299. ISBN : 978-90-481-8365-4.@No$Bouchet R.J. (1963).@Evapotranspiration reelle, evapotranspiration potentielle, et production agricole.@In Annales Agronomiques, 14, 743-824.@Yes$Ben Mansour S. and Korichi R. (2013).@Etude de l′évapotranspiration réelle liée à l′évapotranspiration potentielle et à la production agricole phoenicicole à l′échellle de l′écosystème de l′ITAS. Mise au point d′un modèle basé sur la consommation de l′eau et la production agricole (Unpublished MSc. dissertation).@Université Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla, Algérie.@Yes$Ndiaye P.M., Bodian A., Diop L. and Djaman K. (2017).@évaluation de vingt méthodes d@Physio-Géo. Géographie physique et environnement, 11(6), 129-146.@Yes$Fatah B.O.U.T.E.L.D.J.A.O.U.I., Mohamed B.E.S.S.E.N.A.S.S.E. and Abdelhamid G.U.E.N.D.O.U.Z. (2012).@Etude comparative des différentes méthodes d@Nature & Technology, 7, 109-116.@Yes$Labedzki L. (2011).@Evapotranspiration.@In Tech Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 1-446. ISBN: 978-953-307-251-7.@No @Case Study <#LINE#>Impacts and coping techniques to flood: the case study of two adjacent Char lands of Jamuna River in Sirajgonj District, Bangladesh<#LINE#>Mohammed Abdus @Salam,Md. Shohel @Khan,Md. Abu Hena @Sarker <#LINE#>53-61<#LINE#>7.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-095.pdf<#LINE#>Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh@Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh@Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh<#LINE#>2/10/2018<#LINE#>12/4/2019<#LINE#>Sirajganj is a northern district that is considered as a highly flood prone district in Bangladesh. Most vulnerable regions of this district are mainly char lands. This survey was conducted in two adjacent char villages named as Brahmangaon and Arkandi under Shahazadpur upazila of Sirajgonj District. The objectives were the sector specific impacts and coping techniques of flood affected people in the study area. Total 120 householders were interviewed with a structured and semi structured questionnaire. Random sampling technique was applied to conduct the study. Agriculture, water source, sanitation and health were considered as target sector for the study. The study result revealed that agricultural (47.5%) sector was the most affected sector and followed by communication (19.17%) in the study area. Among them, crops (50%) and animal husbandry (37.5%) were the most affected part of agriculture. In health sector, children (38.33%) were the most affected group and followed by the aged people (17.5%). In char land, flood affected people suffered from different water borne diseases like diarrhea (44.17%), typhoid (28.83%) and dysentery (6.67%) for the crisis of pure drinking water as well as poor sanitation system. Considering long term health effects, malnutrition (53.33%) and hypertension (55.83%) were found as outbreak health events in post flood period at the study area. About 43% respondents were stored dry food during flood and 68% respondents don′t receive flood warning signals in the study area. Though, floods loss and damage of lives, livelihood and properties; people′s local knowledge and coping strategies may reduce their risk and vulnerability except any outer aid. Considering the coping techniques the result indicated that 39.17% respondents stayed at their own house (without taking any measures) for survive and followed by muchan (25.83 %), boat/embankment/roadside (12.5%), shelter center (9.17%) respectively. Introducing to pre-disaster warning system and consciousness, integrate local techniques with latest knowledge can be useful tools to reduce flood risk and vulnerability.<#LINE#>Mirza M.M.Q. (2002).@Global warming and changes in the probability of occurrence of floods in Bangladesh and implications.@Global. Env. Chang., 12, 127-138. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fs0959-3780%2802%2900002-x@Yes$Dewan T.H. (2015).@Societal impacts and vulnerability to floods in Bangladesh and Nepal.@Weather and Climate Extremes, 7, 36-42. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.wace. 2014.11.001@Yes$Hossain M.N., Uddin M.N., Rokanuzzaman M., Miah M.A. and Alauddin M. (2013).@Effects of Flooding on Socio-Economic Status of Two Integrated Char Lands of Jamuna River, Bangladesh.@J. Env. Sci. and Nat. Res., 6(2), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.3329%2Fjesnr.v6i2.22093@Yes$Hossain M.S., Nayem A.A. and Majumder D.A.K. (2017).@Impact of Flash Flood on Agriculture Land in Tanguar Haor Basin.@Int. J. Res. Env. Sci., 3(4), 42-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2454-9444.0304007@Yes$Ahmad F. and Mirza M.Q. (1992).@Bangladesh Development, Resources and Constraints.@Bangladesh Development Di+alogue, 1, 20-36..@Yes$Svetlana D., Radovan D. and Jan D. 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In Cotonou, groundwater is flush and the soil has a very high permeability. The aim of this study is to characterize water of wells and assess the extent of groundwater pollution. Samples of well water and soils were collected from three garages in three districts (10th, 11th and 13th). The reducing power (13,7 < RH <14,8) are less than 15 for all samples indicating a reducing character of groundwater. This was confirmed by low concentrations obtained in dissolved oxygen where the reduction in sulfides and sulfates create respectively the reduction in nitrates and nitrites ions. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) revealed high organic load with migration of pollutants into groundwater. The absorbance and SUVA index revealed the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons with high aromaticity in the 13th district site. Copper and lead values showed a solubility of migrant lead to groundwater with concentration equal to 14mg/L. 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(2012).@Phytoépuration des eaux usées domestiques : Evaluation des paramètres de performances par combinaison de trois macrophytes flottants.@Mémoire d′Ingénieur de Conception, 120.@Yes$Yovo F., Dimon B., Azandegbe C.E., Suanon F., Sagbo E., Mama D. and Aina M. (2015).@Phytoremediation: Investigation and valorization of purifying power of Thalia geniculata for domestic wastewater treatment.@Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5(12), 1-6.@Yes$Vissin E., Sintondji L. and Houssou C. (2010).@étude de la pollution des eaux et de la contamination du Tilapia guineensis du chenal de Cotonou par le plomb.@RGLL, 8, 215-229.@Yes$Djaouda M., Lecké A., Maïné M.K., Wadoubé Z., Liang S., Nola M. and Njiné T. (2018).@évaluation de la qualité bactériologique des eaux souterraines provenant de forages dans Maroua (Extrême Nord Cameroun).@Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 12(2), 958-974.@No$Olukanni D.O. and Ducoste J.J. 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Any type of change in this inter dependence can imbalance the surrounding either, that is natural or manmade. The biodiversity gains importance in various aspects like commercial utility, m social and ecological services and also aesthetically more valuable. As a result of anthropogenic activities, diversity of medicinal plants of Kappattagiri hills is under serious threat. The knowledge about medicinal plants and their specific uses plays a vital role to improve the restoration efforts of various sectors like local tribes, private organizations, state and federal agencies, local owners sacking to restore habitat of wild life and medicinal plants. The chief objective of this study provides anthropogenic impact on Biodiversity of Koppathagiri hills regions. Especially this region is exploited for wind power generation, gold mining, fire hazards, deforestation, and forest encroached by Tribal and Local people and other Human activities. There is a vital need to benefit of humankind before it vanishes. A great many koppathagiri native medicinal plants are used directly as medicine. The medicinal plants contribute to common peoples in terms of lives, health support, culturally and economically important. The human attitudes towards conservation of biodiversity specially medicinal plants and their sustainable uses gains importance by worshiping nature. This work gives awareness of native medicinal plants cultural and ecological importance and also will help the government to initiate the conservation efforts.<#LINE#>Kambhar S.V. and Kotresha K. (2014).@Diversity of Tree species in Gadag district, Karnataka, India.@Natural Science – Academic Paper, 1-12.@Yes$Government of Karnataka Biodiversity of Karnataka at a Glance (2018). 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