@Research Paper <#LINE#>Physico-chemical caracterization of PM2.5 and PM10 collected in dry savanna of Banizoumbou in Niger and wet savanna of Djougou in Benin<#LINE#>Moussa @O.,Laouali @D.,Akpo @A.B. <#LINE#>1-15<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-122.pdf<#LINE#>Université Abdou Moumouni, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Physique, BP 10662, Niamey, Niger@Université Abdou Moumouni, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Physique, BP 10662, Niamey, Niger@Université d’Abomey Calavi, Département de Physique, BP 526, Cotonou, Benin<#LINE#>14/10/2017<#LINE#>20/5/2018<#LINE#>This study, carried out in the context of climate change (greenhouse effect, rainfall acidity, atmospheric pollution), is part of the INDAAF (International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in Africa) program. It allowed the chemical characterization of the soluble part of fine particles whose diameter is less than 2.5μm (PM2.5) and 10μm (PM10). These particles were collected in the dry savanna of Banizoumbou in Niger from 2005 to 2007 and in the wet savanna of Djougou in Benin from 2005 to 2009. Inorganic ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and organic (HCOO-, CH3COO-, C2H5COO-, C2O42-) were analyzed by ion chromatography. In Banizoumbou, high concentrations of Ca2+ (0.91μg.m-3), NO3- (0.49μg.m-3) and SO42- (0.36μg.m-3) were obtained in the dry season against 0.25, 0.65 and 0.18μg.m-3, respectively in the wet season. In Djougou, the most dominant ions are: Ca2+(0.59μg.m-3), NO3-(0.28μg.m-3) and SO42-(0.25 μg.m-3) in the dry season against 0.05, 0.15 and 0.16μg.m-3, respectively in the wet season. The NH4+ concentration is not negligible in the wet season: 0.25μg.m-3 in Banizoumbou and 0.10μg.m-3 in Djougou. At the same time, the organic ions are in the trace state. The results show that the atmosphere is more charged with particles in dry savanna than in wet savanna. Ca2+ and NH4+ have a strong capacity to neutralize rainwater in Banizoumbou during the wet season. In Djougou, only the NH4+ has significant effect as the concentration of SO42- increases due to phytoplankton activity. These findings partly explain the alkaline character of the rains at Banizoumbou and acid at Djougou. The neutralization process involves oxidation, heterogeneous nucleation, condensation and coagulation of fine particles.<#LINE#>Galy-Lacaux C. and Modi A.I. (1998).@Precipitation chemistry in the Sahelian savanna of Niger, Africa.@Journal of atmospheric chemistry, 30(3), 319-343.@Yes$Hammoud Al. Ourabi (2002).@Etude expérimentale de gaz azotés, du dioxyde de soufre et de l@University of Toulouse, France, 1-241.@Yes$Lacaux J.P., Cachier H. and Delmas R. (1993).@Biomass burning in Africa: An overview of its impact on atmospheric chemistry.@in Fire in the Environment: The Ecological, Atmospheric and Climatic Importance of Vegetation Fires, edited by P.J. Crutzen and J.G. 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(2005).@Rainwater chemistry and wet deposition over the Wet Savanna Ecosystem of Lamto (Cote d@Journal of atmospheric chemistry, 52(2), 117-141.@Yes$Laouali D., Galy-Lacaux C., Diop B., Delon C. Orange D., Lacaux J.P, Akpo A., Lavenu F., Gardrat E. and Castera P. (2012).@Long term monitoring of the chemical composition of precipitation and wet deposition fluxes over three Sahelian savannas.@Atmos. Environ., 50, 314-327.@Yes$Akpo A., Galy-Lacaux C., Laouali D., Delon C., Liousse C., Adon M., Gardrat E., Mariscal A. and Darakpa C. (2015).@Precipitation Chemistry and Wet Deposition in a remote Wet Savanna site in West Africa Djougou (Benin).@Atmos. Environ., 115, 110-123.@Yes$Véronique Yoboué, Justine Kouamé, Marcellin Adon, Julien Bahino and Sékou Keita (2015).@Composition des aérosols collectés dans la savane sèche de Katibougou au Mali et dans la savane humide de Lamto en Côte d’Ivoire.@J. Soc. Ouest-Afr. Chim., 039, 11-22.@Yes$Laouali D., Moussa O. and Galy-Lacaux L. 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The current study evaluated the nutrient compositions of two different species of amaranth: AmaranthuscruentusL. and Amaranthus viridis L. The proximate compositions of the macro-nutrients was carried out using the standard AOAC methods while the mineral contents were estimated through atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed that the different species of amaranth had similar proximate composition but the mineral components were significantly different (P<0.05). The study inferred that the species of amaranth could serve as good sources of nutrients for human consumption.<#LINE#>Nwozo S.O., Oso B.J. and Oyinloye E.B. (2015).@Effect of Heat on Antioxidant Activity of Some Tropical Leafy Vegetables.@Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 23(2), 93-101.@Yes$Ames B.N., Shigenaga M.K. and Hagen T.M. (1993).@Oxidants, antioxidant, and the degenerative diseases of aging.@Proc. Natl. Acad. 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Dev., 30, 295-309.@Yes <#LINE#>Bioleaching of Alumina from low grade Indian bauxite (41% Al2O3) by indigenous bacteria with reference to pH, Time and Carbon source<#LINE#>Suryakanta @Bahira,Sangeeta @Raut,Deboja @Sharma <#LINE#>20-27<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-046.pdf<#LINE#>School of Pharmacy and Life Science, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India@Department of Biotechnology, Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur, Odisha, India@Department of applied Biology, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, India<#LINE#>3/5/2018<#LINE#>10/8/2018<#LINE#>The main objective of this work is to upgrade lean ore of Bauxite. Upgradation of low grade ore by bioleaching process with microorganisms is a new area and offers economic benefits in commercial production. The present work includes studying the indigenous bacteria isolated from the ore which have capable to leach out Aluminum from the same ore sample. The work also has aim to characterize the indigenous microorganism responsible for removal and also to find out the optimum condition for the process.<#LINE#>Shoufa Zhana, Juanjuan Liuc, Ye Chena and Desi Sunb (2013).@Single and Coorperative Bauxite Bioleaching by Silicate Bacteria.@International Conference on Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering, IERI Procedia-5, 172-177.@Yes$Willner J., Kadukova J., Fornalczyk A. and Saternus M. (2015).@Biohydrometallurgical methods for metals recovery from waste materials.@Metalurgija, 54(1), 255-258.@Yes$Sukla Lala Behari, Esther Jacintha, Panda Sandeep and Pradhan Nilotpala (2014).@Biomineral Processing: A Valid Eco-Friendly Alternative for Metal Extraction.@Research and Reviews: journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 3(4), 1-10.@Yes$Ambreen Nosheela, Bhatti Haq Nawaz and Bhatti T.M. (2002).@Bioleaching of Bauxite by Penicillum simplicissimum.@Online journal of Biological Science, 2(12), 793-796.@Yes$Zhonglin Y., Guobao W., Liqiang Z. and Xiaotao L. (2017).@Progress in Research and Development of Alumina Production Technology for Low Grade Bauxite in China.@Travaux 46, Proceeding 35th international ICSOBA, conference, Hamberg , Germany, 289-299.@Yes$Ghorbani Y., Oliazadeh M., Shahvedi A., Roohi R. and Pirayehgar A. (2007).@Use of some isolated fungi in biological Leaching of Aluminum from low grade bauxite.@African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(11), 1284-1288.@Yes$Temple K.L. and Delchamps E.W. (1953).@Autotrophic bacteria and the formation of acid in bituminous coal mines.@Applied Microbiology, 1, 255-258.@Yes$Le Roux N.W. (1970).@Mineral attack by microbiological processes.@In: Miller, J.A.D., ed. Microbial aspects of metallurgy. American Elsevier Publishing. Co, New York, 173-182.@No$Ghorbani Y., Oliazadeh M. and Shahverdi A.R. (2009).@Microbiological Leaching of Al from the Waste of Bayer Process by Some Selective Fungi.@Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 28(1), 109-115.@Yes$Bohidar S., Mohapatra S. and Sukla L.B. (2009).@Nickel recovery from chromite overburden of Sukinda using fungal strains.@Int J Integr Biol, 5, 103-108.@Yes$Ghorbani Y., Franzidis J.P. and Petersen J. (2016).@Heap leaching technology—current state, innovations, and future directions: a review.@Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 37(2), 73-119.@Yes$Murr L.E., Torma A.E. and Brierley J.A. (1978).@Metallurgical Applications of the Bacterial Leaching and Related Microbiological Phenomena.@Academic Press, New York, USA,@Yes$Gurevich Y.L., Teremova M.I., Bondarenko G.N. and Kislan S.L. (2015).@Bio-Chemical leaching of Kaolinite- hematite-boehmite type bauxite ore.@Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 22, 248-252.@Yes$Gentina J.C. and Acevedo F. (1985).@Microbial ore leaching in developing countries.@Trends in Biotechnology, 3(4), 86-89.@Yes$Vasan S.S., Jayant modak M. and Natarajan K.A. (2001).@Some recent advances in the bioprocess of Bauxite.@Int. J. Miner Process., 173-186.@Yes$Henry L. and Ehrlich l. (1995).@Weathering of pisolitic bauxite by hetero-trophic bacteria.@Biohydrometall. Process, 15, 395-403.@Yes$Behera S.K., Panda P.P. and Sukla L.B. (2011).@Microbial Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from Pre-treated Chromite Overburdens of Sukinda Mines using Aspergillus niger.@Recent Research in Science and Technology, 3(6), 28-33.@Yes <#LINE#>Reproductive biology and intra marsupial development of mysids in Auckland region, New Zealand<#LINE#>Neetha Nandanie @Punchihewa <#LINE#>28-35<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-047.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Zoology, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka<#LINE#>6/5/2018<#LINE#>20/8/2018<#LINE#>Tenagomysis chiltoni and T. novaezealandiae collected from selected estuarine sites showed continuous breeding. In both species breeding is continuous. Reproductive potential of T. chiltoni is highest during winter to early summer, with major peaks during spring while T. novaezealandiae was more inconsistence in seasonal variation. Length of mysids and brood size varies with the season, being maximum during cooler months. The occurrence of the highest body size and brood size in spring may be due to favourable conditions prevailing in moderate temperatures. The larger species showed higher brood size and higher egg diameters than smaller species. Laboratory studies showed that, intra marsupial development period and each developmental stage of T. chiltoni, last longer than that of T. novaezealandiae. In both species, egg stage is shorter than other stages. All stages of larvae of T. chiltoni are larger than those of T. novaezealandiae. The total development time for T. chiltoni was, 19–20 days,T. novaezealandiae it was 17–18 days. The gravid females of T. chiltoni are negatively correlated with salinity, indicating that the higher salinity levels provide unsuitable conditions and the opposite is true for T. novaezealandiae. Except juveniles, all the life stages of T. novaezealandiae showed positive correlation with temperature, indicating that high temperatures provide better conditions for T. novaezealandiae than T. chiltoni.<#LINE#>Wittmann K.J. (1984).@Ecophysiology of marsupial development and reproduction in Mysidacea (Crustacea).@Oceanogr Mar Biol Annu Rev, 22, 393-428.@Yes$Nair K.B. (1939).@The reproduction, oogenesis and development of Mesopodopsis orientalis Tattersall.@Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science, 9(4), 175-223.@Yes$Davis C.C. (1968).@Mechanisms of hatching in aquatic invertebrate eggs.@Oceanography and Marine Biology, an Annual Review, 6, 325-376.@Yes$Mauchline J. (1973).@The broods of British mysidacea (Crustacea).@Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 53(4), 801-817.@Yes$Mauchline J. (1980).@The biology of euphausiids.@Advances in marine biology, 18, 373-623.@Yes$Greenwood J.G., Jones M.B. and Greenwood J. (1985).@Reproductive biology, seasonality and distribution of Tenagomysis macropsis W. Tattersall, 1923 (Crustacea, Mysidacea) in a New Zealand estuary.@Bulletin of marine science, 37(2), 538-555.@Yes$Jones M.B., Greenwood J.G. and Greenwood J. (1989).@Distribution, body size, and brood characteristics of four species of mysids (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary, New Zealand.@New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 23(2), 195-199.@Yes$Rappé K., Fockedey N., Van Colen C., Cattrijsse A., Mees J. and Vincx M. (2011).@Spatial distribution and general population characteristics of mysid shrimps in the Westerschelde estuary (SW Netherlands).@Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 91(2), 187-197.@Yes$Johnston N.M., Ritz D.A. and Fenton G.E. (1997).@Larval development in the Tasmanian mysids Anisomysis mixta australis, Tenagomysis tasmaniae and Paramesopodopsis rufa (Crustacea: Mysidacea).@Marine Biology, 130, 93-99.@Yes$Berrill M. (1971).@The embryonic development of the avoidance reflex of Neomysis americana and Praunus flexuosus (Crustacea: Mysidacea).@Animal Behaviour, 19(4), 707-713.@Yes$Waite R.P. (1980).@Food resource utilization by Tenagomysis chiltoni (Crustacea: Mysidacea).@MSc. Thesis, University of Canterbury, 155.@Yes$Kirk P.D. (1983).@The biology of the mysid shrimps of the lower Waikato area.@Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato, Waikato.@Yes$Lill A.W.T. (2006).@Distribution, life history and reproduction of mysid shrimps.@Unpublished Master of Science, University of Otago, Dunedin.@Yes$Gorokhova E. and Hansson S. (1999).@An experimental study on variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation during growth of Mysis mixta and Neomysis integer.@Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(11), 2203-2210.@Yes$Viñas M.D., Ramírez F.C. and Mianzan H.W. (2005).@Annual population dynamics of the opossum shrimp Neomysis americana Smith, 1873 (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from an estuarine sector of the Argentine Sea.@Scientia Marina, 69(4), 493-502.@Yes$Ramarn T., Chong V.C. and Hanamura Y. (2012).@Population Structure and Reproduction of the Mysid Shrimp Acanthomysis thailandica (Crustacea: Mysidae) in a Tropical Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia.@Zoological Studies, 51(6), 768-782.@Yes$Punchihewa N.N. and Krishnarajah S.R. (2013).@Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Auckland Region, New Zealand.@American Journal of Marine Science, 1(1), 16-21.@Yes$Baldó F., Taracido L.J., Arias A.M. and Drake P. (2001).@Distribution and life history of the mysid Rhopalophthalmus mediterraneus in the Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain).@Journal of Crustacean Biology, 21(4), 961-972.@Yes$Delgado L., Guerao G. and Ribera C. (1997).@Biology of the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi (van Beneden, 1861)(Crustacea, Mysidacea) in a coastal lagoon of the Ebro delta (NW Mediterranean).@Hydrobiologia, 357(1-3), 27-35.@Yes$Fenton G.E. (1994).@Breeding biology of Tenagomysis tasmaniae Fenton, Anisomysis mixta australis (Zimmer) and Paramesopodopsis rufa Fenton from south-eastern Tasmania (Crustacea: Mysidacea).@Hydrobiologia, 287(3), 259-276.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Seismic risk vulnerability assessment of buildings in Kohima, Nagaland, India<#LINE#>Kedovikho @Yhoshü,Y.V. @Krishnaiah <#LINE#>36-38<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-044.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography, Nagaland University, Lumami- 798627, Nagaland, India@Department of Geography, Tripura University, India<#LINE#>30/4/2018<#LINE#>22/8/2018<#LINE#>Earthquakes occurrences posed a serious threat to man as they are unpredictable and destructive. The entire states of Northeast, India falls under seismic zone V- the region most susceptible to destructive seismic activity. With this background, it is of utmost importance to study the impact of seismic event on anthropogenic assets. The present study was carried out in Kohima, the capital of Nagaland, India. Estimation of seismic event was calculated based on five time periods for deriving the response spectra. The buildings were classed into four classes (W1, C3L, C3M and C3H) based on parameter such as- material used, number of floor etc. The technique adopted for the study was based on HAZUS model developed by FEMA. The damage probability was further classified into no damage, slight damage, moderate damage, extensive damage and complete damage. The significance of the study lies in the application of HAZUS model for estimating the building responses to an earthquake event.<#LINE#>Kayal J.R., Arefiev S.S., Barua S., Hazarika D., Gogoi N. Kumar A., Chowdhury S.N. and Kalita S. (2006).@Shillong Plateau earthquakes in Northeast India region: complex tectonic model.@Curr. Sci., 91(1), 109-114.@Yes$Cees J. Van Westen, Enrique Castellanos and Sekhar L. Kuriakose (2008).@Spatial data for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability assessment: An overview.@Eng. Geol., 102, 112-131.@Yes$Rashed T. and Weeks J. (2003).@Assessing vulnerability to earthquake hazards through spatial multicriteria analysis of urban areas.@Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., 17(6), 547-576.@Yes$Mohan K., Joshi A. and Patel R.C. (2008).@The assessment of seismic hazard in two seismically active regions in Himalayas using deterministic approach.@J. Ind. Geophys. Un., 12(3), 97-107.@Yes$Calvi G.M., Pinho R., Magenes G., Bommer J.J., Restrepo-Vélez L.F. and Crowley H. (2006).@Development of seismic vulnerability assessment methodologies over the past 30 years.@ISET J. Eart. Tech., 43(3), 75-104.@Yes$Bhandari R.K. (2013).@Challenges of the Devastating Indian Landslides.@Cur. Sci., 105(5), 563-564.@Yes$Ahmed M.M., Jahan I. and Alam M.J. (2014).@Earthquake vulnerability assessment of existing buildings in Cox-Bazar using field survey and GIS.@Int. J. Eng. Res. Tech., 3(8), 1147-1156.@Yes$FEMA (2003).@Multi-hazard Loss estimation methodology, Earthquake Model.@HAZUS MR4 Technical Manual, 1-712.@No$Ebert A. and Kerle N. (2008).@Urban social vulnerability assessment using object oriented analysis of remote sensing and GIS data. A case study for Tegucigalpa, Honduras.@The Int. Arch. Photogramm., Remote Sens. and Spat. Info. Sci., 36(7), 1307-1312.@Yes$Das S., Gupta I.D. and Gupta V.K. (2006).@A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of Northeast India.@Eart. Spect., 22(1), 1-27.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>Healing power of the environment: traditional dimensions<#LINE#>Nils de Mol van @Otterloo,Jessica @Yun,Anil @Arora,Murali D. @Nair <#LINE#>39-47<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-117.pdf<#LINE#>Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, California@Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, California@Wellness Works Glendale, Glendale, USA @Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, California<#LINE#>28/9/2017<#LINE#>23/7/2018<#LINE#>For thousands of years, traditional and ancient practices have proven their effectiveness in using the healing power of the environment and elements, such as water, air, fire, and space. In the past, people used to live healthy and heal without scientific methods; however, in modern days, as long as there is a market for sick people, many of these elemental remedies have not and will not be promoted universally. Therefore, it is our duty to debunk the position that biomedical treatment is the best practice. Our collective effort to highlight and close the gaps in disparities alongside researching, seeking alternative healing methods, and fully integrating the environment’s healing power will allow us to understand that Earth’s treasures are of immeasurable value and need to be consumed to give us an increasingly healthy life.<#LINE#>Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2015).@National health expenditure data.@Retrieved from https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/ statistics-trends-and-reports/nationalhealthexpenddata/ nationalhealthaccountshistorical.html@No$National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2016).@The use of complementary and alternative medicine in the United States.@Retrieved from https://nccih.nih.gov/research/statistics/2007/camsurvey_fs1.htm@No$Bowman M. 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(2014).@Cultural consonance, constructions of science and co-existence: a review of the integration of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine in low-and middle-income countries.@Health policy and planning, 30(8), 1067-1077. doi:10.1093/heapol/czu096@Yes$Xu H. and Chen K.J. (2011).@Integrating traditional medicine with biomedicine towards a patient-centered healthcare system.@Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 17(2), 83-84. doi:10.1007/s11655-011-0641-2@Yes$Zhang X. (2000).@Integration of traditional and complementary medicine into national health care systems.@Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 23(2), 139-140. doi:10.1016/S0161-4754(00)90085-X@Yes$Heller P.S. (1982).@A model of the demand for medical and health services in Peninsular Malaysia.@Social science & medicine, 16(3), 267-284. doi:10.1016/0277-9536(82)90337-9@Yes$Pesek T. (2009).@Healing traditions of Southern India and the conservation of culture and biodiversity: a preliminary study.@Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 6, 471-479.@Yes$Alves R.R. and Rosa I.M. (2007).@Biodiversity, traditional medicine and public health: where do they meet?.@Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 3(1), 14. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-3-14@Yes$Ashley-Farrand T. (2008).@Healing mantras: Using sound affirmations for personal power, creativity, and healing.@Wellspring/Ballantine.@Yes$Singh D. (2011).@Attitudes and praxis of traditional forms of health care in a post-communist Romanian Romani community.@Anthropology of East Europe Review, 29(1), 127-140.@Yes$Koithan M. and Farrell C. (2010).@Indigenous Native American healing traditions.@Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 6(6), 477-478. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra. 2010.03.016@Yes$Statnekov D.K. (2003).@Animated Earth: A Story of Peruvian Whistles and Transformation.@North Atlantic Books.@Yes$Fachner J. and Rittner S. 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(2012).@A comprehensive study of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and comparison.@San Luis Obispo, CA: California Polytechnic State Institute.@Yes$Pesek T., Reminick R., Helton L. and Nair M. (2007).@Healing Traditions of India.@Thiruvanthapuram, India: Live Publications.@No$Clark T. (2015).@The prayer flag tradition.@Retrieved from http://www.prayerflags.com/download/article.pdf.@No$Cooper L.A., Hill M.N. and Power N.R. (2002).@Designing and evaluating interventions to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care.@Journal of General Internal Medicine, 17(6), 477-486. doi:10.1046/j.1525-1497.2002.10633.x@Yes$Chacko A. (2013).@Worship of sun in RGVEDA.@International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(2), 1-6. Retrieved from http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0213/ijsrp-p14140.pdf@Yes$Griffith R.T. (1889).@RIGVEDA (2nd ed.).@Nilgiri, India: Ulrich Stiehl.@No$Aristotle C. 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This biowaste threat is increased day by day with alarming rate mainly in a developing country like India. The reported data of increment of waste was 62MT in 2006 to 436 MT by 2050. This problem of increment is controlled by recycling and transforming the waste into fuel production, electricity generation and transportation purposes. The aim of the study mainly focuses on the torrefaction technology is better for fuel production with respect to other traditional technology such as biomass gasification and pyrolysis.<#LINE#>Dixit K. (2016).@Tale of an untapped $13 billion waste management industry.@IANS. Economic times.@No$Naik S.N., Goud V.V., Rout P.K. and Ajay K.D. (2010).@Production of first and second generation biofuels: A comprehensive review.@Renew and Sustain. Ener. Rev., 14 (2), 578-597. https://doi.org/10.1016/2009.10.003@Yes$Shukla P.R. 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(2010).@A study on torrefaction of various biomass materials and its impact on lignocellulosic structure simulated by a thermogravimetry.@Ener., 35(6), 2580-2586. https://doi.org /10.1016/2010.02.054@Yes$Chew J.J. and Doshi V. (2011).@Recent advances in biomass pretreatment: Torrefaction fundamentals and technology.@Renew and Sustain. Ener. Revi., 15(8), 4212-4222. https://doi.org/10.1016/2011.09.017@Yes$Kleinschmidt C.P. (2011).@Overview of international developments in torrefaction.@Central European Biomass Conference. 600 ET Amhem: Kema Netherlanads, 1-9.@Yes$Patel B., Gami B. and Bhimani H. (2011).@Improved fuel characteristics of cotton stalk, prosopisand sugarcane bagasse through torrefaction.@Ener.for Sustain. Develop., 15(4), 372-375. 10.1016/2011.05.002@Yes$Doddapaneni T.R.K.C., Jain R., Praveenkumar R., Rintala J., Romar H. and Konttinen J. (2018).@Adsorption of furfural from torrefaction condensate using torrefied biomass.@Chemi. Eng. 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