@Research Paper <#LINE#>Urban green spaces and environmental justice in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria<#LINE#>A.A. @Areola,C.O. @Ikporukpo <#LINE#>1-11<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-071.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography, University of Ibadan, Nigeria@Department of Geography, University of Ibadan, Nigeria<#LINE#>31/7/2018<#LINE#>24/11/2018<#LINE#>This study employs the interplay of socio economic variables and the concept of environmental justice to assess the fairness of the distribution of green spaces in Ibadan metropolis in terms of sharing of their benefits and burdens. The 104 communities shown on map of the metropolis constitute the units of data collection and analysis. Data sources used include high resolution satellite imagery of Ibadan metropolis for 2015. ARCGIS software was used to extract and measure at community level the green areas. A structured questionnaire addressing the socio economic characteristics of respondents was administered. Using a projected population for 2015 at 1,783, 367, the sampling size is estimated at 3,410 at the four sample percentages of (0.1% 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.8%) respectively. Global Moran'I analysis was used to assess the distributional pattern of green areas in Ibadan metropolis. Multiple correlation and geographically weighted regression analyses are used to determine the significant socio- economic variables that explain the spatial patterns of green spaces at a P ≤ 0.05. The degree of influence of each significant variable is mapped across the metropolis. Results show a clustered distributional pattern of green spaces for 2015 (P = 0.000000). The clustered pattern of green spaces clearly demonstrates lack of environmental justice. There are significant relationships between green spaces and some of the socio- economic variables, notably, occupation (P = 0.001) and income (P = 0.002), which means they largely explain the spatial inequalities in the distribution of green spaces and their benefits and burdens.<#LINE#>Turner B.L., Clark W.C., Kates R.W., Richards J.F., Mathews J.T. and Meyer W.B. (1990).@The Earth as Transformed by Human Action: Global and Regional Changes in the Biosphere over the Past 300 Years.@Cambridge University Press with Clark University, Cambridge, 163-17. ISBN: 0 521 36357 8.@Yes$Baycan-Levent T. and Nijkamp P. (2004).@Urban Green Space Policies: Performance and Success Conditions in European Cities.@paper presented in the 44th Congress of ERSA in Porto, 25-29 August. 23-53.@Yes$Cilliers S., Cilliers J., Lubbe R. and Siebert S. (2013).@Ecosystem services of urban green spaces in African countries-perspectives and challenges.@Urban Ecosystems, 16(4), 681-702. DOI 10.1007/s11252-012-0254-3.@Yes$European Environment Agency (2002).@Toward an urban atlas: Assessment of spatial data on 25 European cities and urban areas.@Environmental Issue Rep. 30, EEA: Copenhagen, 1-99. ISBN: 92-9167-470-2@No$McDonald R.I., Forman R.T. and Kareiva P. (2010).@Open space loss and land inequality in United States@1990-2000. PLoS One, 5(3), e9509. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0009509.@Yes$Davoudi S. and Brooks E. (2012).@Environmental Justice and the city.@Global Urban Research Unit, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Newcastle University. https://www.ncl.ac.uk/media/wwwnclacuk/socialrenewal/files/environmental-justice-and-the-city-final.pdf. pp 1-171.06 July, 2012.@Yes$Pless-Mulloli T. and Phillimore P. (2001).@Pollution, Social Exclusion, Equity and Health.@Paper presented in the first Sustainable Development Research Conference, December, 79-101.@No$Cutts B.B., Darby K.J., Boone C.G. and Brewis A. 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(2013).@Globalization and urban land use planning: The case of Lagos, Nigeria.@A paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. Rome, Italy, 20-23 May., 33-63.@Yes$Ekanade C.T. (2006).@Assessing residents' perceptions on urban trees and woodlots in Ibadan.@(Unpublished masters dissertation) Department of Geography, University of Ibadan. Ibadan.@No$Taylor D. (1999).@Central Park as a Model for Social Control: Urban Parks, Social Class and Leisure Behavior in Nineteenth-Century America.@Journal of Leisure Research, 31(4), 420-477.@Yes$Mpofu T.P. (2013).@Environmental challenges of urbanisation: A case study for open green space management.@Research Journal of Agricultural, 1, 7-17.@Yes$James P., Tzoulas K., Adams M.D., Barber A., Box J., Breuste J. and Handley J. 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(2004).@Tracking the Human Sources of Ecological Footprints: The STIRPAT Research Program.@Presentation at Center for Environmental Policy, The Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, November 18, 2004.@No <#LINE#>Climate change forecasting in Ranohira, southern of Madagascar, using linear and ARIMA models<#LINE#>Falintsoa Fanantenana Asombola @Razafitsalama,Ravo Tokiniaina @Ranaivoson,Joël @Rajaobelison,Voahirana Ramaroson@Ramaroson,Lahimamy Paul @Fareze,Christian Ulrich @Rakotomalala <#LINE#>12-20<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-072.pdf<#LINE#>National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar@National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar@National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar and Mention Physics and Applications, Faculty of Sciences - University of Antananarivo, Madagascar@National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar and Mention Physics and Applications, Faculty of Sciences - University of Antananarivo, Madagascar@National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar@National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN- Madagascar), P.O 3901Antananarivo-101, Madagascar<#LINE#>3/8/2018<#LINE#>13/11/2018<#LINE#>The purpose of this work is to analyze the behavior of temperature and rainfall in Ranohira, southern of Madagascar, using climate data from 1961 to 2016 in order to predict future trend. Modeling and Forecasts have been performed using the ARIMA (Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model. The predictions concern the next 50 years. The data have been subdivided into 13 groups corresponding to each month of the year and the 13th group is the annual average. Before the application of the ARIMA modeling, we performed linear regressions to have a general view of the trends. Results showed that the average annual temperature is strictly increasing with a linear growth rate of about 0.2°C per decade. The mean of the average annual temperatures from 1961 to 2016 is 21.77°C. Total annual rainfall trend shows a decrease of about 47.2 mm per decade. The mean of annual precipitation from 1961 to 2016 is 917.26mm. Concerning the ARIMA modeling, each of the time series corresponding to the 13 groups of data can be fitted in ARIMA form model(1,1,1)(1,1,1)^S. The seasonal part of the model was exploited to have a good description of the fluctuations and the value of S was chosen to obtain the best model for each series. Forecast for the next 50 years permits to predict a significant increase of the average annual temperature which is expected to be equal to 23.94°C in 2066. The mean of the average annual temperatures between 2017 and 2066 is predicted to be equal to 22.8°C. The forecast also shows a decrease of 22.19 % in the mean annual precipitation for the 50 next years compared to the average of the observation years. The dry season, from April to September, will be the most affected, with a deficit of up to 90%. It is predicted that in 2066, the annual rainfall would be 470.18 mm against 605.9mm in 2016. The economic development of the Ihorombe region eventually requires strategies to deal with these future changes, especially in the water sector, which would be the most affected.<#LINE#>Vincent Duhem (2014).@Global warming: map of the 15 most endangered places in Africa.@. 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(2013).@Sarima (seasonal ARIMA) implementation on time series to forecast number of Malaria incidence.@International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 7-8 Oct. 2013, added to IEEE xplore on 02 dec. 2013, 203-207.@Yes$Shakti S.P., Hassan M.K., Zhenning Y., Caytiles R.D. and Iyengar N. (2017).@Annual Automobile Sales Prediction using ARIMA Model.@International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 10(6), 13-22.@Yes$Kaushik I. and Singh S.M. (2008).@Seasonal ARIMA model for forcasting of monthly rainfall and temperature.@Journal of Environmental Research And Development, 3(2), 506-514.@Yes$Box G. and Jenkins G. (1970).@Time series analysis : forcasting and control, University of Wisconsin.@Madison., England, 575.@Yes$Din M.A. (2015).@Arima by Box Jenkins Methodology for Estimation and Forecasting Models in Higher Education.@ATINER's CONFERENCE PAPER SERIESN° EMS2015-1846, At Athens, Athens Institute for Education and Research.@No$Report (2012).@Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA).@http://www.gcca.eu/national-programmes/africa/global-climate-change-alliance-in-mali. 17/07/2018@No <#LINE#>Phosphorus transformations in mangrove soils under microcosm study<#LINE#>R. @Renuka,S. @Sandeep,M.P. @Sujatha <#LINE#>21-35<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-075.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Soil Science, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala-680653, India@Department of Soil Science, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala-680653, India@Department of Soil Science, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala-680653, India<#LINE#>21/8/2018<#LINE#>7/12/2018<#LINE#>Various phosphorus (P) fractions in the mangrove soils were studied by incubation study (180days) to understand the biogeochemical cycling in the mangrove soils of Eastern coast of India. The soil was analysed using sequential extraction procedure. Total phosphorus were ranged from 18893 mg/kg and 3268 mg/kg and Org-P was the dominant fraction which contributed about 89.2% of total P. Ion bound phosphorus (Fe-P) was the most important fraction among the inorganic P forms may be because of Fe-oxide, sulphate reduction. The study suggested that speciation of phosphorous (P) had good correlation among themselves. In addition, the various P fractions were increased during incubation period and these pools in turn supplement the SP thereby maintaining a high amount of P in the mangrove soil. At surface soils the pH and Eh exhibited stable values during inundation and the Eh dropped significantly from 98 to -215.1 mV, concurrently with pH increase to basic values (6.2-8.1). These results indicate that influence of electro chemical properties on phosphorus geochemistry in mangrove soil. The study concluded that quantifying the relation between P fractions in mangrove soils is required to realize the mangrove ecosystem in connection with human intervention.<#LINE#>Giri C., Ochieng E., Tieszen L.L., Zhu Z., Singh A., Loveland T. and Duke N. (2011).@Status and distribution of mangrove forests of the world using earth observation satellite data.@Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1), 154-159. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00584.x@Yes$FSI. (2015).@State of forest report, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun.@@No$Sherman R.E., Fahey T.J. and Howarth R.W. (1998).@Soil-plant interactions in a neotropical mangrove forest: iron, phosphorus and sulfur dynamics.@Oecologia, 115(4), 553-563.@Yes$Marchand C., Baltzer F., Lallier-Vergès E. and Albéric P. (2004).@Pore-water chemistry in mangrove sediments: relationship with species composition and developmental stages (French Guiana).@Marine Geology, 208(2-4), 361-381.@Yes$Otero X.L., Ferreira T.O., Huerta-Díaz M.A., Partiti C.S.D. 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(2011).@Phosphorus transformations as a function of pedogenesis: A synthesis of soil phosphorus data using Hedley fractionation method.@Biogeosciences, 8(10), 2907-2916.@Yes$Prasad M.B.K. and Ramanathan A.L. (2010).@Characterization of phosphorus fractions in the sediments of a tropical intertidal mangrove ecosystem.@Wetlands Ecology and Management, 18, 165-175.@Yes$Tam N.F.Y. and Wong Y.S. (1994).@Nutrient and heavy metal retention in mangrove sediment receiving wastewater.@Water Science and Technology, 29(4), 193-200.@Yes$Tam N.F. and Wong Y.S. (1995).@Mangrove soils as sinks for wastewater-borne pollutants.@Hydrobiologia, 295(1-3), 231-241.@Yes$Tam N.F.Y. and Wong Y.S. (1996).@Retention of wastewater-borne nitrogen and phosphorus in mangrove soils.@Environmental Technology, 17(8), 851-859.@Yes$Savant N.K.R. (1964).@Changes in redox potential and phosphorus availability in Submerged Soils.@A Master@Yes <#LINE#>Mycological study of soil contaminated with effluents from palm oil mill in Anyigba, Kogi State<#LINE#>Emurotu, Marvelous @Olubunmi <#LINE#>36-39<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-082.pdf<#LINE#>Microbiology Department, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria<#LINE#>31/8/2018<#LINE#>6/12/2018<#LINE#>Investigations were carried out on mycological and physiochemical features of soil that is being contaminated with effluents from palm oil mill in Anyigba. Soil samples were taken out of four different locations and were analysed for total fungal count and soil physiochemical parameters for fourteen (14) days. The fungal count range from 8.0 x106 to 1.0x107 cfu/g for palm oil mill effluent polluted soil (POME) (also known as effluents from palm oil mill (EFPOM)) and 2.0x104 and 3.0x104 cfu/g for free soil which served as the control (ofs). The pH, organic matter% as well as organic carbon%, nitrate, moisture contents% alongside phosphorus (ppm) analysed were found to be more in effluent contaminated soil (ECS) compared to the No-oil soil (NOS). Higher fungal count was recorded in the POME polluted soil when compared with oil free soil. The fungi isolated from the EPS were Aspergilus species, Fusarium species, Penicillium species, Geotrichum species, Trichoderma species and yeast. This work shows that the physico-chemical properties of soil contaminated with effluents from palm oil mill were altered by the effluents. The pH, organic matter, organic carbon, nitrate, moisture content and phosphorus content were more in ECS compared to NOS. This work shows further that the fungal counts in ECS was higher than NOS. This implies that fungi strive well in effluents from palm oil mill (EFPOM) and could efficiently use (EFPOM) as its food substrate. Therefore, fungi could be employed as a means of biodegrading and bioremediating soil contaminated with effluents from palm oil mill.<#LINE#>Choo W.C., Lee W.W., Venkatraman V., Sheu F.S. and Chee M.W. (2005).@Dissociation of cortical regions modulated by both working memory load and sleep deprivation and by sleep deprivation alone.@Neuroimage, 25(2), 579-587.@Yes$Osemwota O.I. (2010).@Effect of abattoir effluent on the physical and chemical properties of soils.@Environmental monitoring and assessment, 167(1-4), 399-404.@Yes$Eze V.C., Owunna N.D. and Aviaja D.A. (2013).@Microbiological and physiochem characteristics of soil receiving palm oil effluent in Umuahia, Abia state, Nigeria.@Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 3(7), 163-169.@Yes$Ma A.N., Cheah S.C. and Chow M.C. (1993).@Currentl status of palm oil processing wastes management.@Wastes Management in Malaysia: Current status and Prospects for Bioremediation, 111-136.@Yes$Madaki Y.S. and Seng L. (2013).@Palm oil mill effluent (POME) from Malaysia palm oil mills: waste or resource.@International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 2(6), 1138-1155.@Yes$Husaini A., Roslan H.A., Hii K.S.Y. and Ang C.H. (2008).@Biodegradation of aliphatic hydrocarbon by indigenous fungi isolated from used motor oil contaminated sites.@World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24(12), 2789-2797.@Yes$Wollum A.G. (1982).@Cultural methods for soil microorganisms.@Methods of Soil Analysis. Agronomy No. 9. (2nd ed.) ASA. SSA.Madison, WI, USA, 781-801.@Yes$Barnett H.L. and Hunter B.B. (1972).@Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi.@Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi, (3rd ed).@Yes$Larone B.H. (1986).@Important fungi: A guide to identification.@Hagerstown, Maryland: Harper and Row Publishers.@Yes$Brady Nyle C. and Raymond Weil (1990).@The Nature and Properties of Soils.@Pearson Education 15th edition.@No$Agbenin J.O. (1995).@Laboratory Manual for Soil and Plant Analysis (Selected Method and Data Analysis).@140. Zaria: Department of Soil Science, Ahmadu Bello University.@Yes$Kalembasa S.J. and Jenkinson D.S. (1973).@A comparative study of titrimetric and gravimetric methods for the determination of organic carbon in soil.@Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 24(9), 1085-1090.@Yes$Bremner J.M. and Mulvaney C.S. (1982).@Nitrogen-Total. In: Methods of soil analysis.@Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties, Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R. Eds., American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, 595-624.@Yes$Juo A.S.B. (1988).@Seledced Methods for Soil and Plant Analysis Manual Series No. 1.@International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Ibadan, Nigeria., 3-12.@Yes$Nelson D.W. and Sommers L. (1982).@Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter 1.@Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties, (methodsofsoilan2), 539-579.@Yes$Jackson M.L. (1958).@Soil Chemical Analysis.@Constable, London.@Yes$Emurotu J.E. and Onianwa P.C. (2017).@Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in soil and selected food crops cultivated in Kogi State, north central Nigeria.@Environmental Systems Research, 6(1), 21.@Yes$Wong S.Y., Mercer S.W., Woo J. and Leung J. (2008).@The influence of multi-morbidity and self-reported socio-economic standing on the prevalence of depression in an elderly Hong Kong population.@BMC Public Health, 8(1), 119.@Yes$Okwute Ojonoma L. and Ijah Udeme J.J. (2014).@Bioremediation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) polluted soil using microorganisms found in organic wastes.@International Journal of Biotechnology, 3(3), 32-46.@Yes$Okwute O.L. and Isu N.R. (2007).@Impact analysis of palm oil mill effluent on the aerobic bacterial density and ammonium oxidizers in a dumpsite in Anyigba, Kogi State.@African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(2), 116-119.@Yes$Atu Joy Eko., Linus Beba Obong and Ikono Ephraim (2017).@The Influence of Palm Oil Effluent on the Physical, Chemical and Soil Micro Organism Diversity in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.@International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 13(2), 14-23.@Yes <#LINE#>Impact of industrial pollution and seasonality on physicochemical and biological parameters of surface water around the BISIC industrial area of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh<#LINE#>Nur-Es-Saba @Homyra,A.T.M. Mijanur @Rahman <#LINE#>40-55<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-087.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Botany, Kushtia Govt. College, Kushtia, Bangladesh@Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh<#LINE#>7/9/2018<#LINE#>3/12/2018<#LINE#>The present study has been carried out to investigate the effects of industrial pollution and seasonal changes on physicochemical and biological parameters of surface water from November 2014 to May 2018 of Bangladesh Small Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC), Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Three different water body sites indicated as spot-I, spot-II, and spot-III of BSCIC were selected owing to the proximity of the wastes thrown by the industries. Spot-I is a drain which is connected to the central drainage system of BSCIC. Spot-II is a pond which receives wastes only during the rainy season whereas Spot-III is a large canal and is connected to the two main drainage systems of Rajshahi City Corporation. Water samples were collected at monthly intervals from a depth of 20-30 cm below the surface from the study sites. Water quality parameters viz., physical (air and water temperature, transparency of water), chemical (pH, dissolved oxygen, HCO3 alkalinity and free CO2, total hardness, Ca- and Mg-hardness, total phosphate and nitrate, percent of saturation of oxygen, redox potential (Eh), BOD5 and COD), and biological (phytoplankton and zooplankton, and total coliform bacteria) of the sites were evaluated. Pearson correlations analysis was used to find out the relationships among physical, chemical and biological parameters during all periods investigated. Anoxic conditions were found at spot-II and -III. The most important parameters of pollution like hardness, BOD5, COD and coliform counts were higher at spot-I and -III compared to spot-II. Therefore, this study reveals that spot-I and -III were highly polluted compared to spot-I where moderate levels of pollution were observed.<#LINE#>Knopf A. (1971).@The Closing Cycle: Nature, Man and Technology.@New York.@Yes$Mahbub A., Tanvir H.M. and Afrin L.T. (2014).@An evaluation of environmental and social impact due to industrial activities-A case study of Bangshi river around Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh.@Int Res J Environ Sci, 3(2), 103-111.@Yes$Akter M., Sikder T. and Ullah A.K.M.A. (2014).@Water quality assessment of an industrial zone polluted aquatic body in Dhaka, Bangladesh.@American Journal of Environmental Protection, 3(5), 232-237.@Yes$Khan M.Z.H., Mostafa M.G. and Saha A.K. (2015).@Impact of Municipal Waste Dumping on Soil and Water Around A Dump Site in Rajshahi City.@Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine andSciences (BEST: IJHAMS), 1(1), 18.@Yes$Welch P.S. (1948).@Limnological Methods.@McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc, New York, NY, 381.@Yes$Mishra S.N., Swarup R. and Jauhari V.P. (1992).@Encyclopedia of Ecology, Environment and Pollution Control: Environmental Air and Water Analysis.@Mittal Publications, India, 17. ISSN: 81-7099-377-6@Yes$APHA. (1989).@Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.@American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., USA, 17th Ed.@No$Gautam A. (1990).@Ecology and pollution of mountain waters: a case study of Bragirathi river (No. 363.7394 G275e).@New Delhi, IN: Ashish Publishing.@Yes$Apha A. (1995).@WPCF, Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.@American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.@Yes$Karne A.V. and Kulkarni P.D. (2009).@Studies on physico-chemical characteristics of freshwater bodies in Khatav tahsil, Maharashtra.@Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, 8(2), 247-251.@Yes$Sultana M.U.N.I.R.A. and Khondeker M. (2009).@A Comparatative Limnology of two Urban Pond Ecosystems: Physical and Chemical Features.@J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, 65-71.@Yes$Hujare M.S. (2008).@Seasonal variations of phytoplankton in the freshwater tank of Talsande, Maharashtra.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 7(2), 253-256.@Yes$Morrill J.C., Bales R.C. and Conklin M.H. (2005).@Estimating stream temperature from air temperature: implications for future water quality.@Journal of Environmental Engineering, 131(1), 139-146.@Yes$Dong B., Qin B., Gao G. and Cai X. (2014).@Submerged macrophyte communities and the controlling factors in large, shallow Lake Taihu (China): sediment distribution and water depth.@Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40(3), 646-655.@Yes$Nõges T. and Nõges P. (1999).@The effect of extreme water level decrease on hydrochemistry and phytoplankton in a shallow eutrophic lake.@Hydrobiologia, 408/409, 277-283.@Yes$Awasthi U. and Tiwari S. (2004).@Seasonal trends in abiotic factors of a lentic habitat (Govindgarh lake) Rewa, MP, India.@Ecology Environment and Conservation, 10, 165-170.@Yes$Sharma M.R. and Gupta A.B. (2004).@Seasonal variation of physico-chemical parameters of Hathli stream in outer Himalayas.@Pollution research, 23(2), 265-270.@Yes$King D.L. (1970).@The role of carbon in eutrophication.@Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 2035-2051.@Yes$Mount D.I. (1973).@Chronic effect of low pH on fathead minnow survival, growth and reproduction.@Water Research, 7(7), 987-993.@Yes$Rajput S.I., Waghulade G.P. and Zambare S.P. (2004).@A Study on Physico-chemical Characteristics of Water From Right Canal of Hatnur Reservoir of Jalgaon, Maharashtra State.@Ecology Environment and Conservation, 10, 171-173.@Yes$Prasad B.B. and Singh B. (2003).@Ecological status in relation to primary productivity of a tropical water body of east Champaran, Bihar.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2, 387-390.@Yes$Mruthunjaya T.B. and Hosmani S.P. (2004).@Application of cluster analysis to evaluate pollution in Lingambudhi Lake in Mysore, Karnataka.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 3(4), 463-466.@Yes$Devi C.D. and Anandhi D.U. (2009).@Assessment of water quality for aquaculture-A case study of Madhavara lake in Bangalore.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 8(4), 755-760.@Yes$Sivakumari K., Jayamalini K., Kalaiarasi V. and Sultana M. (2005).@Variations in hydrographic factors of Adyar Estuary during different seasons.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 4(3), 353-361.@Yes$Pandhe G.M., Dhembare A.J. and Patil R.P. (1995).@The Physichemical Characteristic and quality of water from the Pravara area, Ahemadnagar District, Maharashtra.@J. Aqua. Biol, 10(1), 43-48.@No$Bagde U.S. and Varma A.K. (1985).@Physico-chemical characteristics of water of J. N. U. Lake at New Delhi.@Indian Journal of Ecology, 12(1), 151-156.@Yes$Homyra N.E.S. and Sabrina N. (2005).@Limnology of an artificial lake of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.@J. Bio-Sci., 13, 89-95.@No$Garg R.K., Rao R.J. and Saksena D.N. (2006).@Studies on nutrients and trophic status of Ramsagar reservoir, Datia, Madhya Pradesh.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 5(4), 545-551.@Yes$Chatterjee C. and Raziuddin M. (2002).@Determination of Water Quality Index (WQI) of a degraded river in Asansol industrial area (West Bengal).@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 1(2), 181-189.@Yes$Abdul Jameel A. (1998).@Physico-chemical studies in Uyyakondan Channel water of river Cauvery.@Pollution research, 17, 111-114.@Yes$Khatavkar S.D., Kulkarni A.Y. and Goel P.K. (1989).@Limnological study on two lentic fresh water bodies at Kolhapur with special reference to pollution.@Indian. J. Environ. Protection, 9(3), 198-203.@Yes$Trivedi P.R. and Raj. G. (1992).@Encyclopedia of Environmental Sciences: Water Pollution.@Akas Deep Publishing House, New Delhi, 97-113.@No$Chowdhury A.H., Sabrina N. and Zaman M. (1998).@Evaluation of water quality and plankton abundance in a canal receiving sugar mill effluent in Rajshahi.@J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci., 24(2), 283-291.@Yes$Kaushik S. and Saksena D.N. (1999).@Physico-chemical limnology of certain water bodies of central India.@Vijaykumar, K. Freshwater ecosystem of India. Daya Publishing House, Delhi-110035, 1-336.@Yes$Crayton W.M. and Sommerfeld M.R. (1979).@Composition and abundance of phytoplankton in tributaries of the lower Colorado river, Grand Canyon region.@Hydrobiobgia, 66, 81-93.@Yes$Tiwari D. (2004).@Algal dynamics of a polluted river.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 3(1), 95-98.@Yes$Reynolds C.S., Huszar V., Kruk C., Naselli-Flores L. and Melo S. (2002).@Towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton.@Journal of plankton research, 24(5), 417-428.@Yes$Rai H. and Hill G. (1978).@Bacteriological studies on Amazonas, Mississippi and Nile waters.@Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 81(4), 445-461.@Yes$Ghose N.C. and Sharma C.D. (1988).@Effect of drain water on the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristic of River Ganga at Patna, Bihar.@Ecology and pollution of Indian rivers, 255-269.@Yes$Ahmed K. and Begum J. (2002).@Bacteriological quality of water in hill stream of Khanapara during different seasons.@Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 1(2), 171-173.@Yes$Hendricks C.W. and Morrison S.M. (1967).@Multiplication and growth of selected enteric bacteria in clear mountain stream water.@Water Research, 1(8-9), 567-576.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>Microbial technology for revegetation in overburden dumps of coal mined area of Assam, India - a review<#LINE#>Hazarika @P.,D. @Dutta,N.C. @Talukdar <#LINE#>56-62<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-073.pdf<#LINE#>Rain Forest Research Institute, Sotai, Jorhat-785010, Assam, India@Rain Forest Research Institute, Sotai, Jorhat-785010, Assam, India@Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati, India<#LINE#>8/8/2018<#LINE#>16/11/2018<#LINE#>Activities of open cast coal mining create large area of overburden dump (OBD) in Makum Coalbelt, Assam. These OBDs are highly acidic and low in organic carbon, nutritional status and microbial activity. The natural process of re-establishment of vegetation on the OBDs is very slow. However, research works indicated that application of microbial including arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi, phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), lime and organic amendments (FYM) can enhance plant growth on OBDs. Application of natural forest topsoil could stimulate plant growth through improvement of microbial activity in the inert OBDs.<#LINE#>Singh J.S. and Jha A.K. (1993).@Restoration of degraded lend: an overview.@Restoration of Degraded Land: Concepts and Strategies, Rastogie Publication, Meerut, India, 1-9. ISBN 10: 8171331637@Yes$Hazarika P., Talukdar N.C. and Singh Y.P. (2004).@Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Amendments in Restoration and Revegetation of Coal mine Overburden Dumps of Margherita Coalbelt, Assam.@Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 10(4), 431-442.@No$Hazarika P., Talukdar N.C. and Singh Y.P. (2010).@Arbuscular mycorrhizal association in naturally invading plant species in overburden dumps and adjacent natural forest sites of Tikak Colliery, Margherita, Assam, India.@Eco. Env. and Cons., 16(1), 13-24.@No$Parkinson D. (1979).@Microbes, Mycorrhizae and mine spoil.@Ecology and Coal resource development, Pergaman Press, New York, 634-642. ISBN: 978-81-322-0850-1 (Print) 978-81-322-0851-8 (eBook). DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-0851-8.@Yes$Visser S., Zak J. and Parkinson D. (1979).@Effects of surface mining on soil microbial communities and process.@Ecology and Coal Resource development. (Ed. M.K. Wali), Pergamon Press, New York, 2, 643-651. ISBN: 978-81-322-0850-1 (Print) 978-81-322-0851-8 (eBook). DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-0851-8.@Yes$Zak J.C. and Parkinson D. (1983).@Effects of surface amendation of two mine spoils in Alberta, Canada, on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal development of slender wheatgrass: a 4-year study.@Canadian Journal of Botany, 61(3), 798-803.@Yes$Kumar U. and Jena S.C. (1996).@Trial of integrated biotechnical approach in biological reclamation of coal mine spoil dumps in South-Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), Bilaspur (Madhya Pradesh).@Indian Forester, 122(12), 1085-1091.@Yes$Dugaya D., Williams A.J., Chandra K.K., Gupta B.N. and Banerjee S.K. (1996).@Mycorrhizal development and plant growth in amended coal mine overburden.@Indian Journal of Forestry, 19(3), 222-226.@Yes$Pandya S.R., Patil M.R. and Kharat R.B. (1997).@Revegetation of Coalspoil by Flyash and Pulp and Papermill Waste.@Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 13, 151-157.@Yes$Janos D.P. (1980).@Mycorrhizae influence tropical succession.@Biotropica, 56-64.@Yes$Allen M.F. (1989).@Mycorrhizae and rehabilitation of disturbed arid soils: processes and practices.@Arid Land Research and Management, 3(2), 229-241.@Yes$Bowen G.D. (1973).@Mineral nutrition of mycorrhizas.@Ectomycorrhizas. (Eds. G.C. Marks and T.T. Kozlowski), 151-201. ISBN: 9780124728509(Print), 9780323149495 (ebook).@Yes$Gaur A.C. and Rana J.P.S. (1990).@Role of mycorrhizae, Phosphate solubulizing bacteria and their interactions on growth and uptake of nutrients by wheat crops.@Trends in Mycorrhizal Research. Proceedings of National Conference on Mycorrhizae (Eds. B. L. Jalali and H. Chand). Hariana Univ. Hisser, India, 14th -16th Feb, 105-106.@Yes$Potty V.P. and Harikummer V.S. (1995).@Interaction of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Phosphobacterium in Sweet potato rhizophere.@Proceedings of 3rd national conference on Mycorrhiza: Mycorrhizae: Biofertilizer for the future. ( Eds: Alok Adholeya, Sujan Singh). TERI, India.13th -15th March, 240-244.@No$Norland M.R., Veith D.L. and Dewar S.W. (1992).@Vegetation response to organic soil amendments on coarse taconite tailing.@In Proceedings National Meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation.(Duluth, MN), 341-360.@Yes$Noyd R.K., Pfleger F.L. and Norland M.R. (1996).@Field responses to added organic matter, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and fertilizer in reclamation of taconite iron ore tailing.@Plant and Soil, 179(1), 89-97.@Yes$Hazarika P., Talukdar N.C. and Singh Y.P. (2010).@Effect of application of beneficial microorganisms, lime, organic amendments and topsoil on growth of Crotolaria striata D C in coal mine overburden dump spoils.@Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc., 12(3), 495-504.@Yes$Hazarika P., Singh Y.P. and Talukdar N.C. (2003).@Effect of coal mining on soil microbial biomass and nutritional status in different aged overburden dumps and natural recovery pattern.@J. Trop. For., 19(3-4), 24-34.@No$Srivastava S.C. (1999).@Effect of coal mining on microbial biomass and nutrient availability in dry tropical forest of Vindhya Hill region.@Journal Tropical Forestry., 15, 15-23.@Yes$Woodmansee R.G., Reeder J.D. and Berg W.A. (1980).@Nitrogen in drastically disturbed lands.@In: C.T. Youngberg (ed) Forest Soils and Land Use., Proceedings, Fifth North American Forest Soils Conference, Colorado State University Press, Fort Collins, CO,. August, 376-392.@Yes$Nandeswar D.L., Dugya D., Mishras T.K., Williums A.J. and Banerjee S.K. (1996).@Natural succession of an age series of coal mine spoils in a subtropical region.@Adv. Plant. Sci. Res. India, 3, 105-124.@No$Jha A.K. and Singh J.S. (1991).@Spoil characteristics and vegetation development of an age series of mine spoils in a dry tropical environment.@Vegetation, 97, 63-76.@Yes$Prasad R. and Awasthi R.P. (1992).@Nutritional status affected coal mine overburden dumps of Dhanpur in Madhya Pradesh.@J. Trop.For., 8(11), 109-118.@Yes$Hazarika P., Talukdar N.C. and Singh Y.P. (2010).@Performance of Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Plant Species and Soil Amendments in Revegatation of Coalmine Overburden.@Global Journal of Environmental Research, 4(3), 192-198.@Yes$Hazarika P., Talukdar N.C. and Singh Y.P. (2014).@Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in Revegetated Coal Mine Overburden Dumps of Margherita, Assam, India.@Life Sciences Leaflets, 51, 40-58.@Yes$Wilson H.A. (1965).@The microbiology of strip-mine spoil.@West Virginia University Agriculture Experiment Station Bulletin., 506, 44@Yes$Lawrey J.D. (1977).@Soil fungal populations and soil respiration in habitats variously influenced by coal strip-mining.@Environmental Pollution, 14(3), 195-205.@Yes$Banerjee S.K., Das P.K. and Mishra T.K. (2000).@Microbial and Nutritional Characteristics of Coal Mine Overburden Spoils in Relation to Vegetation Development.@Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science., 48(1), 63-66.@Yes$Banerjee S.K. (2001).@Natural recovery of iron minespoils of Dalli-Rajhara in Madhya Pradesh.@Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 49(2), 380-382.@Yes$Soedarjo M. and Habte M. (1993).@Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal effectiveness in an acid soil amended with fresh organic matter.@Plant and soil, 149(2), 197-203.@Yes$Prasad R. and Shukla P.K. (1985).@Reclamation and revegetation of coal mine overburdens in Madhya Pradesh.@Journal Tropical Forestry, 1(1), 79-84.@Yes$Linsey D.L., Cress W.A. and Aldon E.F. (1977).@The effects of Endomycorrhizae on growth of Rabbitbrush, Fouwing salt brush and corn in coal mine spoil material.@USDA For. Service. Res. Note., RA-343.@Yes$Khan A.G. (1981).@Growth responses of endomycorrhizal onions in unsterilized coal waste.@New Phytologist, 87(2), 363-370.@Yes$Gupta B.N., Singh A.K., Bhowmik A.K. and Banerjee S.K. (1994).@Suitability of different tree species for coal mine overburdens.@Annals of Forestry, 2(1), 85-87.@Yes$Lambert D.H. and Cole H. 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