@Research Paper <#LINE#>Study on the quality of water and soil from L. vannamei shrimp farming in coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India<#LINE#>Prathibha @Bharathi,Chittem@.,Sumanth Kumar @Kunda <#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2015-055.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Zoology and Aquaculture, Acharya Nagarjuna University Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, India@Department of Zoology and Aquaculture, Acharya Nagarjuna University Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, India@Department of Zoology and Aquaculture, Acharya Nagarjuna University Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, India<#LINE#>24/2/2015<#LINE#>12/7/2017<#LINE#>Shrimp aquaculture especially Litopenaeus vannamei farming in India is reporting promising growth rate for the past decade and more than 14 million people were depending on this sector. The present study was conducted at L.vannamei cultured ponds, located at various coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh state, India, where vannamei farming was practicing at commercial level in semi intensive systems of aquaculture. The aim of the study was to establish the beneficiary role played by the water and soil quality parameters in vannamei culture as well as environment. A total of 3 districts were selected out of 13 districts of newly formed Andhra Pradesh state for the present study and a total of 60 vannamei farms were selected both randomly and purposively and 20 vannamei farms were selected from each district. The study was conducted during the period of October to January (second crop of vannamei culture).Water and soil samples were collected from the selected vannamei farms and analysis was carried as per the procedures of APHA. A total of 11 water quality parameters such as color, pH, phosphates, total alkalinity, total hardness, chlorides, TDS, salinity, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and 6 soil quality parameters such as color, pH, Total Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus were analysed for all 60 vannamei farms. The results showed that majority vannamei farms were maintaining optimal water and soil quality parameters and few of the selected water and soil quality parameters had shown deviation from the optimal values. As the water and soil quality were maintaining at optimal levels and the discharged water is safe and non hazardous and more fertile and in turn beneficial to the environment. The maintenance of optimal water and soil quality parameters could be attributed to the implementation of Better Management Practices (BMP’s)on suggested by MPEDA, Govt. of India. The study conclude that the maintenance of optimal water and soil quality parameters in all the vannamei culture systems helps the environmental friendly practices of shrimp aquaculture in India.<#LINE#>APHA (1990).@Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water.@American Public Health Association. New York. 17th Ed. P-1527.@No$Boyd C.E. (1995).@Bottom Soils, Sediment, and Pond Aquaculture.@Chapman and Hall, New York, New York.@Yes$Singh S.P. (1984).@Site selection: Soil quality considerations in the selection of sites for aquaculture farms. Aqua-Train.@/NACA/84-036, 19.@Yes$Chiu Y.N. (1988).@Water quality management for intensive prawn ponds.@Technical Considerations for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms. V.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo city, 102-129.@Yes$Arrignon J.V.C., Joner J.V., Lauren P.J., Griessinger J.M., Lacroix D., Gondouin P. and Autrand M. (1994).@Warm Water Crustacean.@The Macmillan Press. London.@Yes$Allan G.L. and Maguire G.B. (1992).@Effects of pH and salinity on survival, growth, and osmoregulation in Penaeus monodon Fabricius.@Aquaculture, 107, 33-47.@Yes$Azhar Mudassir, AS Mohite and Sadawarte Rahul (2016).@Soil and water quality parameters of Brackish water shrimp farms of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.@The Asian journal of animal science, 11(2), 107-110.@No$Rahman Md. Motiur, Islam Md. Ariful, Islam H.M. Rakibul, Islam Md. Khairul and Khan Kamal Uddin Ahmed (2017).@Assessment of Production Performance In Relation To Limnological Properties in Low Depth Shrimp Farms in Bangladesh.@Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research(IJIR), 3(3), 1279-1288.@Yes$Boyd C.E. and Tucker C.S. (1998).@Pond Aquaculture Water Quality Management.@Kluwer Academic Publisher.@Yes$Tsai S-J and Chen J-C. (2002).@Acute toxicity of nitrate on Penaeus monodon juveniles at different salinity levels.@Aquaculture, 213, 163-170.@Yes$Chen J.C. and Lei S.C. (1990).@Toxicity of ammonia and nitrite to Penaeus monodon juveniles.@J. World of Aquaculture Society, 21, 300-306.@Yes$Regnault M. (1987).@Nitrogen excretion in marine and fresh-water crustacea.@Biol.Rev., 62, 1-24.@Yes$Burford M.A. and Williams K.C. (2001).@The fate of nitrogenous waste from shrimp feeding.@Aquaculture 198, 79-93.@No$Jiang D-H., Lawrence A.L., Neill W.H. and Gong H. (2000).@Effects of temperature and salinity on nitrogenous excretion by Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles.@Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 253, 193-209.@Yes$Lawson T.B. (1995).@Fundamentals of Aquacultural Engineering.@Chapman and Hall, an ITP, Company, New York.@Yes$Mazid M.A. (2009).@Training Manual on Water quality Management in Shrimp Farm Bangladesh Quality Support Programm- Fisheries.@UNIDO, DHAKA, Bangladesh, 1-108.@Yes$Krishnani K.K., Gupta B.P. and Pillai S.M. (2006).@Water quality requirements for shrimp farming.@Training Manual on Shrimp Farming, 21-27.@Yes$Apud F.D., Gonzales K. and Deatras N. (1981).@Survival, growth and production of P. monodon Fabricius at different stocking densities in earthen ponds with flow through system and supplemental feeding.@Fish. Res. J. Philipp, 6(2), 1-9.@No$Rowland S.J. (1986).@Site selection, design and operation of aquaculture farms.@Freshwater aquaculture in Australia, Brisbane, Australia: Rural Press Quessland, 11-22.@Yes$Banerjea S.M. (1967).@Water quality and soil condition of fishponds in some states of India in relation to fish production.@Indian J. Fish., 14(1&2), 115-144.@Yes$McGraw William, Teichert-Coddington David R, Rouse David B. and Boyd Claude E. (2001).@Higher minimum dissolved oxygen concentrations increase penaeid shrimp yields in earthen ponds@Aquaculture, 199(3), 311-321.@No$Lazur A. (2007).@Growout pond and water quality management.@JIFSAN (Joint Institute for Safety and applied Nutrition) Good Aquacultural Practices Program, University of Maryland, 17.@Yes$Chen H.C. (1985).@Water quality criteria for farming the grass shrimp, Penaeus monodon.@Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.@Yes$Ahmed H. (2004).@Soil Quality Analysis and Considerations in the selection of sites for sustainable Aquaculture in the South East Coast of Chittagong Specially Halishahar Area.@M.Sc. Thesis (unpublished), Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 80.@Yes$Boyd C.E. (1976).@Chemical and textural properties of muds from different depths in ponds.@Hydrobiologia, 48(2), 141-144.@Yes$Boyd C.E. and Pipoppinyo S. (1994).@Factors affecting respiration in dry pond bottom soils.@Aquaculture, 120, 283-293.@No$Townsend W.N. (1982).@An Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Soil.@Edward Amold (Publishers) Ltd. U.K, 209.@Yes$Boyd C.E. and Green B.W. (2002).@Coastal Water Quality Monitoring in Shrimp Farming Areas, An Example from Honduras.@Report prepared under the World Bank, NACA, WWF and FAO Consortium Program on Shrimp Farming and the Environment. Work in Progress for Public Discussion. Published by the Consortium, 29.@Yes <#LINE#>Metallothionein as indicator of trace metals exposure in two fish species from the southern Moroccan Atlantic<#LINE#>Talba @S.,Benhra @A.,Bouhallaoui @M.,Bouthir @F.Z.,Zbiry @M.,Oubraim @S. <#LINE#>7-23<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-070.pdf<#LINE#>Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sik, Avenue Cdt Driss El Harti. B.P 7955, Casablanca, Maroc and Institut National de Recherche Halieutique, Route Sidi Abderrahmane, Casablanca, Maroc@Institut National de Recherche Halieutique, Route Sidi Abderrahmane, Casablanca, Maroc@Institut National de Recherche Halieutique, Route Sidi Abderrahmane, Casablanca, Maroc@Institut National de Recherche Halieutique, Route Sidi Abderrahmane, Casablanca, Maroc@Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Km 8 Route d\'El Jadida, B.P 5366, Casablanca, Maroc@Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sik, Avenue Cdt Driss El Harti. B.P 7955, Casablanca, Maroc<#LINE#>8/6/2017<#LINE#>7/8/2017<#LINE#>Two fish species John Dory (Zeus faber) and Common Hake (Merluccius merluccius) of high commercial value were collected from the southern Moroccan Atlantic coast by bottom trawling at depths between 50 and 200m. A mesological analysis was carried out to determine the environmental conditions of these two species. These organisms were used as bioindicators to assess the level and effect of trace metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) contamination in the marine environment. To do it, two complementary analytical methods were used; the study of biological responses (metallothionein synthesis, biomarker of exposure to metals trace in the liver and muscle fish) combined with chemical analysis of the same matrices to determine the level of contamination. A significant difference (P <0.05) was observed between the species but also between the accumulation organs. The content of metallothioneins and trace metals is particularly important in the liver in comparison with the muscle for the two species sampled. The study showed that the levels of trace metals in the muscle of these fish do not exceed the maximum limits recommended by the European Community. It has also helped to provide information on the current state of accumulated trace metal levels and metallothionein levels in different accumulation organs, thus supporting the use of these proteins as a biomarker of metals exposure.<#LINE#>Nakhli S. (2010).@Pressions environnementales et nouvelles stratégies de gestion sur le littoral marocain.@Méditerranée. Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens/Journal of Mediterranean geography, 115, 31-42.@Yes$Lagadic L., Caquet T. and Amiard J.C. (1997).@Biomarqueurs en écotoxicologie: principes et définitions.@Biomarqueurs en écotoxicologie. Aspects fondamentaux. Elsevier Mason SAS(éd.), 1-9.@Yes$Sanchez W. and Porcher J.M. (2009).@Utilisation des biomarqueurs pour la caractérisation de l’état écotoxicologique des masses d’eau. Techniques Sciences Méthodes.@Techniques Sciences Méthodes, 5, 29-38.@Yes$Viarengo A., Ponzano E., Dondero F. and Fabbri R. (1997).@A simple spectrophotometric method for metallothionein evaluation in marine organisms: an application to Mediterranean and Antarctic molluscs.@Marine Environmental Research, 44(1), 69-84.@Yes$Botta F. (2012).@Sites ateliers et pollution chimiques des milieux aquatiques.@Final report ONEMA, 219.@No$Flammarion P. (2000).@Mesure d@Etudes - CEMAGREF. Gestion des milieux aquatiques, 15, 103-116.@Yes$Fernandes D., Bebianno M.J. and Porte C. (2008).@Hepatic levels of metal and metallothioneins in two commercial fish species of the Northern Iberian shelf.@Science of the total environment, 391(1), 159-167.@Yes$Neff J.M. (2002).@Bioaccumulation in marine organisms: effect of contaminants from oil well produced water.@Elsevier. Amsterdam, 452.@Yes$Chan K.M. (1995).@Metallothionein: potential biomarker for monitoring heavy metal pollution in fish around Hong Kong.@Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31(4-12), 411-415.@Yes$Kerambrun E. (2011).@Évaluation des effets biologiques des contaminants chimiques sur les juvéniles de poissons marins: approche multibiomarqueur en conditions expérimentales et in situ.@Doctoral thesis, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France., 343.@Yes$Luis Tito de Morais (2013).@Campagne EPURE 1, leg 2. Rapport scientifique de fin de mission.@91. https://www-iuem.univ-brest.fr/epure/figures/compte-rendu-scientifique-epure-1@No$Company R., Felícia H., Serafim A., Almeida A.J., Biscoito M. and Bebianno M.J. (2010).@Metal concentrations and metallothionein-like protein levels in deep-sea fishes captured near hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge off Azores.@Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 57(7), 893-908.@No$AOAC. (2000).@Official Method of Analysis.@Animal feed. Chap.4 p.5. http://webpages.icav.up.pt/PTDC/CVT-NUT/4294/2012/AOAC%202000.pdf.@Yes$Beg M.U., Al-Jandal N., Al-Subiai S., Karam Q., Husain S., Butt S.A. and Al-Husaini M. (2015).@Metallothionein, oxidative stress and trace metals in gills and liver of demersal and pelagic fish species from Kuwaits’ marine area.@Marine pollution bulletin, 100(2), 662-672.@Yes$Davi J.C. (1984).@Statistics and data analysis in geology.@2nd edition, WILEY (ed.), New-York, USA, 550.@No$Philippeau G. (1986).@Comment interpréter les résultats d@Collection Stat-ITCF, 63.@No$Commission regulation (EC). (2014).@No 488/2014 of 12 May 2014 amending Regulation (EC) no 1881/2006 as regards the maximum levels for cadmium in foodstuffs.@Off. J. Eur. 5. L 138/75.@No$Diop M., Howsam M., Diop C., Cazier F., Goossens J.F., Diouf A. and Amara R. (2016).@Spatial and seasonal variations of trace elements concentrations in liver and muscle of round Sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) and Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) along the Senegalese coast.@Chemosphere, 144, 758-766.@Yes$Abeshi J., Dhaskali L., Dimco E., El Masllari E. and Ozuni E. (2013).@Accumulation of mercury and lead at six kinds of fish in Durrës bay.@Natura montenegrina, podgorica, 12(3-4), 967-976.@No$Bat L., Şahin F., Üstün F. and Sezgin M. (2012).@Distribution of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in the tissues and organs of Psetta maxima from Sinop coasts of the Black Sea, Turkey.@Marine Science, 2(5), 105-109.@Yes$Henry F., Amara R., Courcot L., Lacouture D. and Bertho M.L. (2004).@Heavy metals in four fish species from the French coast of the Eastern English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea.@Environment International, 30(5), 675-683.@Yes$Gašpić Z.K., Zvonarić T., Vrgoč N., Odžak N. and Barić A. (2002).@Cadmium and lead in selected tissues of two commercially important fish species from the Adriatic Sea.@Water Research, 36(20), 5023-5028.@Yes$El Morhit M. (2009).@Hydrochimie, éléments traces métalliques et incidences Ecotoxicologiques sur les différentes composantes d@Doctoral thesis, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, 232.@Yes$Mrabent B.S.E. (2015).@Evaluation de la contamination métallique dans trois organes (foie, gonades et muscle) du Rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus (L. 1758) par quatre métaux lourds (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) pêché dans la baie d’Oran.@Magister@Yes$Belhoucine F., Alioua A., Bouhadiba S. and Boutiba Z. (2014).@Impact of some biotics and abiotics factors on the accumulation of heavy metals by a biological model Merluccius merluccius in the bay of Oran in Algeria.@Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 5(6), 33-44.@Yes$Ozuni E., Dhaskali L. and Andoni E. (2014).@Concentration levels of heavy metals in muscle tissue of european hake (Merluccius merluccius).@Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 285-288.@Yes$Ergül H.A. and Aksan S. (2013).@Evaluation of non-essential element and micronutrient concentrations in seafood from the Marmara and Black seas.@Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19(3), 312-331.@Yes$El Morhit M., Belghity D. and El Morhit A. (2013).@Contamination métallique de Pagellus acarne, Sardina pilchardus et Diplodus vulgaris de la côte atlantique sud (Maroc).@Larhyss Journal, 14, 131-148.@Yes$Mhamada M., Ould-Mohamed-Cheikh M., Dardige A. and Er-raioui H. (2011).@Etat de la contamination des côtes atlantiques de Nouadhibou par les métaux lourds (Mauritanie).@In Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference, Morocco, Second edition, 371-374. http://www.paralia.fr@Yes$Uluturhan E. and Kucuksezgin F. (2007).@Heavy metal contaminants in Red Pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) tissues from the eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey.@Water research, 41(6), 1185-1192.@Yes$Usero J., Izquierdo C., Morillo J. and Gracia I. (2004).@Heavy metals in fish (Solea vulgaris, Anguilla anguilla and Liza aurata) from salt marshes on the southern Atlantic coast of Spain.@Environment International, 29(7), 949-956.@Yes$Romeo M., Siau Y., Sidoumou Z. and Gnassia-Barelli M. 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(2015).@Comparative study of potential transfer of natural and anthropogenic cadmium to plankton communities in the North-West African upwelling.@Science of the Total Environment, 505, 870-888.@Yes$Dondero F., Piacentini L., Banni M., Rebelo M., Burlando B. and Viarengo A. (2005).@Quantitative PCR analysis of two molluscan metallothionein genes unveils differential expression and regulation.@Gene, 345(2), 259-270.@Yes$Moiseenko T.I. and Kudryavtseva L.P. (2001).@Trace metal accumulation and fish pathologies in areas affected by mining and metallurgical enterprises in the Kola Region, Russia.@Environmental Pollution, 114(2), 285-297.@Yes$Nauen C.E. (1983).@Compilation of legal limits for hazardous substances in fish and fishery products.@FAO Fisheries Circular No., 764, 102.@Yes$Hogstrand C. and Haux C. 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(2012).@Use of metallothioneins as biomarkers for environmental quality assessment in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia).@Environmental monitoring and assessment, 184(4), 2177-2192.@Yes <#LINE#>Socioeconomic status of fishermen communities in Panchganga river basin in Kolhapur District, Maharashtra, India<#LINE#>Mohite @S.A.,Samant @J.S. <#LINE#>24-29<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-074.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, MS, India@Development Research, Awareness and Action Institute, (DEVRAAI), Kolhapur 416 013, MS, India<#LINE#>14/6/2017<#LINE#>5/8/2017<#LINE#>Panchganga is main tributary of river Krishna in Kolhapur district. Krishna is the major river in peninsular India. Human beings are inseparable and the most dominant direct or indirect component of any riverine system. Sociological survey plays a significant role in understanding the vitality of a natural system and its relationship with dependent human society. The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) study was mainly focused on the traditional fishermen communities dependent for their livelihood on the five tributaries in Panchganga river basin. The social survey of 78 individuals from three traditional fishermen communities in 17 villages in Panchganga basin revealed the changing status of riparian biodiversity. Most the respondents opined that fish catch and fish diversity had decreased considerably over last two decades. Comparison of past and present status of fish species diversity revealed that out of the earlier 23 abundant species only one had retained its original status, whereas of the earlier abundant species status of 22 species had relegated to common. From the earlier 42 common species now 12 had become rare. Socioeconomic status of the traditional fishermen communities being entirely dependent on health of river, their occupation has declined and thus many had to shift over to other petty jobs for subsistence.<#LINE#>Burdge R. (1987).@The social impact assessment model and the Planning process.@Environmental Assessment Review, 7(2), 141-150.@Yes$Vanderpool C. (1987).@Social impact assessment and fisheries.@Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 116(3), 479-485@Yes$Finsterbush K. (1985).@State of the Art in Social Impact Assessment.@Environment and Behavior , 117(2), 193-221.@Yes$Mahender J. (2016).@Study on socio-economic status of fishermen Community of chenugonipally pedda cheruvu gadwal, mahabubnagar dist, telangana.@International journal of research in zoology.@No$Basavakumar K.V., Devendrappa S. and Srenivas S.T. (2011).@A study on profile of fishing community of a village in Karnataka.@Karnataka J. Agric. Sci., 24(5), 684-687.@Yes$Kalita G.J., Kumar Sarma Pradip, Goswami Priyanuz and Rout Srustidhar (2015).@Socio-economic status of fishermen and different fishing gear used in Beki River, Barpeta, Assam.@Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 3(1), 193-198.@Yes$Saxena A. (2014).@The socio-economic status of fishermen of district rampur, utter Pradesh.@Trends in fisheries research, 3(3).@No$Saxena Shriparna (2012).@Study on Socio-Economic Status of Fisherman Community of Upper Lake Bhopal: Preliminary Survey.@International Journal of Science and Research, 3(8).@No$Pawar C.D. (1986).@Studies on fish and fisheries of river Panchganga.@M.Phil. thesis, Shivaji University, Kolhapur@Yes$Laxmappa B. and Bakshi R. (2014).@Types of Fishing Gears Operating and Their Impact on Krishna River Fishery in Mahabubnagar District, T.S. India.@International journal of fisheries and aquatic studies, 2(1), 30-41.@Yes$Kalwar A. and Kelkar C. (1956).@Fishes of Kolhapur.@Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 53(4), 669-679.@Yes$Mohite S.A. and Samant J.S. (2013).@Impact of Environmental Change on Fish and Fisheries in Warna River Basin, Western Ghats, India.@International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 2(6), 61-70,@Yes$Lad R.J. (2013).@Studies on the Impact of Mining Activities on Environment in Kolhapur District.@A Ph.D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.@No <#LINE#>Pollution and effects of hydrological patterns on water and sediments quality characteristics from porto-novo lagoon bionetwork<#LINE#>Babalola O. @Adeniyi,Fiogbe D. @Emile <#LINE#>30-38<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-076.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Fisheries Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria@Laboratory of Research on Wetlands, Department of Zoology University of Abomey Calavi, Benin Republic<#LINE#>22/6/2017<#LINE#>12/8/2017<#LINE#>Impact assessment of hydrological patterns on Porto-Novo lagoon water, sediments quality characteristics, and pollution status were carried out for 12 months. Water quality parameters and metal pollutants were also evaluated.The water body was stratified into 12 strata based on the morphology of the lagoon and various human activities on the lagoon. Data were collected based on season, sampling stations, metal pollutants, and water quality parameters. The results were analyzed in the laboratory and interpreted using exploratory data analysis statistics. There is no significant difference in the means of dissolved oxygen and pH in different months between July and June at 5% level of probability. However, there is a significant difference in the means of temperature, turbidity, electrical conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, COD, BOD, total hardness, and depth in different months at 5% level of probability. The order of amount of metallic contaminants in sediments from Porto-Novo Lagoon between July and December (Rainy season) are in these order; Mn˃ Fe˃ Zn˃ Pd˃ Cr˃ Cu˃ Ni˃ Cd˃ Va˃ Hg˃ MH3Hg.The metallic pollutants are significantly difference (p=0.0) during rainy season. The trends of existence of metallic pollutants in sediments from Porto-Novo Lagoon from January to June (dry season) are in these order; Fe˃ Mn˃ Zn˃ Cu˃ Cr˃ Pd˃ Ni˃ Cd˃ Va˃ Hg˃ MH3Hg. The difference of the metal pollutants in the dry season at p=0.05 is significance. It is obvious that the hydrological periods affected all the tested physicochemical characteristics and also determine the metal pollutants status of Porto-Novo Lagoon water and sediments. It is therefore recommended that the state of emergency should be declared on Porto-Novo Lagoon for adequate environmental revamping and protection by environmental expert and regulatory agencies.<#LINE#>Joshi Dhirendra Mohan, Kumar Alok and Agrawal Namita (2009).@Studies on Physicochemical Parameters to Assess the Water Quality of River Ganga for Drinking Purpose in Haridwar District.@Rasayan Journal of Chemical, 2(1), 195-203.@Yes$Babalola O.A. and Agbebi F.O. 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DOI: 10.2307/2641014@Yes$Babalola O. Adeniyi and Fiogbe D. Emile (2016).@Metal Pollutants Distribution and Bioaccumulation in Two Ecological Important Fisheries Resources Chrysichthysnigrodigitatus and Callinecteslatimanus from Novo Lagoon Ecosystem, Benin Republic.@International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 5(1), 2319-1473@No$Yehouenou E.A.P., Adamou R., Azehoun P.J., Edorh P.A. and Ahoyo T. (2013).@Monitoring of Heavy Metals in the complex \"Nokoué lake - Cotonou and Porto-Novo lagoon ecosystem during three years in the Republic of Benin.@Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 3(5), 1-4.@Yes$Ademoroti C.M.A. (1996).@Standard Methods for Water and Effluents Analysis.@Foludex Press Ltd., Ibadan, Nigeria., 3, 29-118. ISBN-978-33399-9-1@Yes$Adandedjan D., Laleye P., Ouattara A. and Gourene G. 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College, Lohta, Varanasi, UP, India<#LINE#>21/4/2017<#LINE#>8/8/2017<#LINE#>Mathematicians have successfully proposed different mathematical modules for calculate the water quality of various water reservoirs. On these modules basis the water reservoirs may be categorically classified and the may be assigned for different purposes. Not only this, the nature of the catchment area of the water reservoirs may also be assessed. The water quality of five selected ponds in Varanasi has been subjected to different modules. It has been observed that ponds with identical catchment area follow one mathematical modules and show ponds water contains usable quality which are useful for anthropogenic purpose while other ponds water quality disagreeable and reject able.<#LINE#>Diersing Nancy (2009).@Water Quality: Frequently Asked Questions. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Key West, FL.@@Yes$Johnson D.L, Ambrose S.H, Bassett T.J., Bowen M.L., Crummey D.E., Isaacson J.S., Johnson D.N., Lamb P, Saul M. and Winter- Nelson A.E. (1997).@Meaning of Environmental terms.@Journal of Environmental quality, 26(3), 581-589.@Yes$Hulya B. (2009).@Utilization of the Water Quality Index Method as a Classification Tool.@Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 167(1-4), 115-124.@Yes$Jagadeeswari P.B. and Ramesh K. (2012).@Water Quality Index for Assessment of Water Quality in South Chennai Coastal Aquifer, Tamil Nadu, India.@International Journal of Chem. Tech Research, 4(4), 1582-1388.@Yes$Clesceri L.S., Arnold E., Greenbery and Andrew D. (1998).@Standard method for the examination of water and wast water (APHA).@20th Edition American water works Association (AWWA) and Water pollution control Feredation (WPCF).@Yes$Brown R.M., Mc Clelland N.I., Deininger R.A. and Connor M.F.O. (1972).@Water Quality Index–Crashing, The Psychological Barrier.@Proc. 6th Annual Conference and Advances in water pollution research, 787-797.@Yes$Chattterjee C. and Raziuddin M. (2002).@Determination of Water Quality Index of a degraded river in Asanol Industrial area (West Bengal).@Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, 1(2), 181-189.@Yes$Reddy K.R., Sacco P.D., Graetz D.A., Campbell K.L. and Sinclair L.R. (1982).@Water Treatment by Aquatic Ecosystem: Nutrient Removal by Reservoirs and Flooded Fields.@J. Environmental Management, 6(3), 261-271.@Yes$Ghosh A. and George J.P. (1989).@Studies on the Abiotic Factor and Zooplankton in a Polluted Urban Reservoir Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad : Impact on Water Quality and Embryonic Development of Fishes.@Indian J. Environ Health, 31(1), 49-59.@Yes$Swarnalatha N. and Narasingrao A. (1993).@Ecological Investigation of two Lentic Environments with Reference to Cyanobacteria and Water Pollution.@Indian.J.Microbial. 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Hlth, 34(4), 329-333.@No <#LINE#>Assessment of seasonal changes in water quality adjoining Thekkumbad mangrove – sacred grove ecosystem of Kannur district, Kerala, India<#LINE#>Neethu G. @Pillai,Harilal @C.C. <#LINE#>43-47<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-073.pdf<#LINE#>Division of Environmental Science, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Malappuram District– 673 635, Kerala, India @Division of Environmental Science, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Malappuram District– 673 635, Kerala, India <#LINE#>15/6/2017<#LINE#>17/8/2017<#LINE#>Thekkumbad Island, falling in Mattool panchayat of Kannur district, is characterized by the presence of a sacred grove - Thazhekkavu, rich in mangrove populations. This sacred grove is characterized by the presence of 11 true mangroves and 6 mangrove associates. The Valapattanam estuary provides tidal waters to these mangrove habitats. The present study attempts to assess the seasonal changes in water quality influencing the growth and establishment of mangrove diversity confining to this sacred grove. Water quality parameters adjoining the mangrove habitats were monitored on a monthly basis for assessing the seasonal changes. The results indicated that there is marked difference in water quality parameters in all the three seasons studied. Variations in salinity related parameters like hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride were higher than that of other water quality parameters, which are indicative of the differences in salinity intrusion in these habitats, with respect to seasons. Water quality parameters of Site 1 was found to be highly influenced, which is indicative of their close proximity with the estuarine system.<#LINE#>Vidyasagaran K. and Madhusoodanan V.K. (2014).@Distribution and plant diversity of mangroves in the west coast of Kerala, India.@J. Bio. Envio. Sci., 4, 38-45.@Yes$Neethu G. Pillai and Harilal C.C. (2015).@Status of mangrove diversity in the coastal environments of Kerala.@Eco-Chronicle., 10(1), 30-35.@No$Chandrashekara U.M. (2011).@Conservation and management of sacred groves in Kerala.@KFRI Research Report No. 412, KFRI Peechi.@No$Sreeja P. and Khaleel K.M. (2010).@Status of Mangroves in Thekkumbad, Kannur,Kerala.@J. exp. Sci.., 1(8), 1-2.@Yes$Balasubramanian T. and Vijayalakshmi S. (2004).@Pollution Threats to mangroves: Water Quality.@In: Kathiresan K. and Jmalkhah, S.A.(Eds.), UNU- INWEH – UNESCO International training course on Coastal biodiversity in Mangrove ecosystem course manual. Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai, India, 76-89.@No$APHA (1995).@Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water 18 th Edn.@American Public Health Association, Washington DC.@No$Mahvi A.H. and Razazi M. 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Although a large number of waste management technologies are available, their applications are limited due to high cost of erection and power requirement. To deal with the overgrowing menace of kitchen waste pollution, bioconversion of kitchen waste was carried out in controlled conditions using local earthworm species. The present study was conducted to calculate the vermitechnological potential of three local earthworm species of Jammu on kitchen waste. The study reported Octolasion tyrtaeum to be highly efficient for the production of vermicompost from kitchen waste as well as maximum increase in earthworm biomass.<#LINE#>Senapathi B.K. and Dash M.C. (1984).@Functional role of earthworms in the decomposer subsystem.@Trop. Ecol., 25(1), 52-72.@Yes$Kale R.D., Bano K. and Krishnamurthy R.V. (1982).@Potential of Perionyx excavatus for utilization of organic wastes.@Pedobiologia, 23(6), 419-425.@Yes$Kale R.D. and Bano K. (1988).@Earthworm cultivation and culturing techniques for the production of vee COMP83E UAS.@Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 2, 339-344.@Yes$Appelhof M., Webster K. and Buckerfield J. (1996).@Vermicomposting in Australia and New Zealand.@Biocycle., 37(6), 63-64.@Yes$Reinecke A.J., Viljoen S.A. and Saayman R.J. (1992).@The suitability of Eudrilus eugeniae, Perionyx excavatus and Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta) for vermicomposting in Southern Africa in terms of their temperature requirements.@Soil Biol. Biochem., 24(12), 1295-1307.@Yes$Sinha R.K. and Sinha A.K. (2000).@Waste Management.@INA Shree Publishers, Jaipur, 143-157.@No @Review Paper <#LINE#>Cell-to-Cell signal system in Escherichia coli Drug Resistance- a review<#LINE#>Oyewole @O.A.,Adelere @I.A.,Shaba @A.M.,Ojah @S.,Ayisa @T.T.,Egbewole, @I.O. <#LINE#>51-59<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-064.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria@Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria@Department of Biological Sciences, Niger State Polytechnic, Zungeru, Nigeria@Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria@Department of Biological Sciences, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria@Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria<#LINE#>14/5/2017<#LINE#>7/8/2017<#LINE#>The term drug resistance refers to the ability of microorganisms to resist a drug that once stalled or killed them. Drug resistance in Escherichia coli may occur via production and elaboration of beta-lactamases, impermeability by simple closure of porin channels or lipopolysaccharide expression and removal of the anti-microbial compounds from the bacterial cell through specific and/or general efflux pumps. Drug resistance may be innate or adaptive. Cell-to-cell signal system (quorum sensing, QS) is an adaptive type of drug resistance, which depends on secreted signal molecules, to initiate response synchronized across bacterial population. The signaling molecules is similar to hormones present in higher animals. Mechanisms involved in QS systems include signals production, signals accumulation, and signals detection. In quorum sensing mechanisms, E. coli secretes chemical signal molecules during its exponential growth phase. The molecule known as autoinducers (Al-2) or pheromones is mediated by luxS gene. When a certain concentration of autoinducers is obtained, known as the threshold concentration, its presence is identified and lead to the initiation of the signal cascade. The consequence of this signal cascade may include changes of target gene expression, such as drug resistance. Factors affecting cell-to-cell signal systems are temperature, salinity, pressure, and pH. Bacteria may also be more resistant to antibiotics when they work together as a group via QS mechanism. Interfering with quorum sensing is a strategy that may be used to control bacterial virulence and antibiotic resistance. Control of QS in E. coli drug resistance include the use of AI-2 synthase inhibitors, modification of AI-2, the use AI-2 analogs, antagonism for LuxR-family receptor, signal synthesis inhibition, production of degradation enzymes and signal trapping.<#LINE#>Guo M., Gamby S., Zheng Y. and Sintim H.O. (2013).@Small Molecule Inhibitors of AI-2 Signaling in Bacteria: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives for Anti-Quorum Sensing Agents – A review.@International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(9), 17694-17728. http://doi.org/ 10.3390/ijms140917694.@Yes$Toprak E., Veres A., Michel J.B., Chait R., Hartl D.L. and Kishony R. (2012).@Evolutionary paths to antibiotic resistance under dynamically sustained drug selection.@Journal of Nature Genetics, 44, 101-105.@Yes$Yurtsev E.A., Chao H.X., Datta M.S., Artemova T. and Gore J. (2013).@Bacterial cheating drives the population dynamics of cooperative antibiotic resistance plasmids.@Journal of Molecular Systems Biology, 9, 683.@Yes$World Health Organization (2016).@Antimicrobial Resistance.@Retrieved from http://www.who.int/ antimicrobial-resistance/en/. Assessed on 10 February 2017.@No$Baquero F., Alvarez-Ortega C. and Martinez J.L. 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As per the available epidemiological studies clearly shows that human beings suffers fluorosis, dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, immunological defects and brittle bones etc. If excess fluoride present in the drinking water rather than desirable limit it must be removed by suitable method, then only it is proper/ safe for drinking. Among various available methods around the global, adsorption process has relatively significant technique for defluoridation in water than precipitation, coagulation, ozonization, electrolytic treatment, reverse osmosis and ion exchange. Due to importance of fluoride in water, people at least know in the aspect of quality and quantity of fluoride in their drinking water and also should know the available remedy methods. 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Sci. and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad - 826004, Jharkhand, India<#LINE#>30/11/2016<#LINE#>4/7/2017<#LINE#>Pharmaceuticals are one of the most critical evolving contaminants. The highest source of the pharmaceuticals contamination is the hospitals, household and pharmaceuticals manufactures. Numerous methods for example physico-chemical and biological methods have been employed in the degradation of pharmaceuticals. As physico-chemical methods are expensive, biological methods- thorough microorganisms are extensively used. A better understanding of the mechanism of biodegradation has a high ecological significance that depends on the indigenous microorganisms to transform or mineralize the organic contaminants. The present review gives a short discussion on the role of microorganisms in degradation of pharmaceuticals.<#LINE#>Oppenheimer J., Stephenson R., Burbano A. and Liu L. 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