@Research Paper <#LINE#>Bio-medical waste (BMW) generation and their effects on adjacent environment<#LINE#>Upadhyay@Sudhir K. ,Singh@Garima ,Srivastava@Abhishek K. ,Singh@Devendra P. <#LINE#>1-8<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-018.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222003 India@Department of Environmental Science, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222003 India@Department of Biotechnology, MHPG College, Jaunpur-222003 India@Department of Environmental Science, BBAU, Lucknow India<#LINE#>11/2/2017<#LINE#>26/6/2017<#LINE#>The present study was based on BMW from Health Care Units (HCUs) at Jaunpur city-India, during 2013 to 2015 year. Out of 48 HCUs, maximum BMW (37.2 Kg day-1) was generated by orthopedic-HCUs followed by surgical, gynecology and cardio; while total BMWs generation was about 98 Kg day-1 and mostly BMW were dumped in low line area. Results of physio-chemical, elemental and bacterial analysis of BMW-leachate were significantly influenced by seasonal variation. Concentration of metals were observed as Ca>Cu>N≈P>K>Zn>Cr>Pb>Hg in almost all types of BMW leachate. M. luteus was found with maximum frequency (42%) in Gyneic-BMW followed by E. coli, Pseudomonas, S. aureus, B. subtilis and K. pneumonia. Fifty percent of fish mortality was found at lethal dose (LD50) of 30%, 25%, 22% and 18% of BMW-leachate (w/v) after 24, 48, 72 and 96h respectively. Contamination of heavy metals to aquifer by BMW - leachate were observed in adjacent area through Hand Pump water (HPW) analysis and results revealed that more concentration of Ca, Cu, Cr, Zn, and Pb were found as compared with control. No significant (P=0.5%) difference were observed among 100-250m and 250-500m HPW samples for Ca, Cu and Pb, except Cr. BMW dumping sites and adjacent HPW showed more concentration of heavy metals than of WHO recommendation. In discriminate disposal of BMW could have disastrous for human being along with adjacent environment.<#LINE#>Baveja G., Muralidhar S. and Aggarwal P. (2000).@Hospital Waste Management – an overview.@Hospital Today, 5-9, 485-486.@Yes$Rutala W.A., Weber D.J. (2014).@Disinfection, sterilization and control of hospital waste.@Mandell, Douglas and Bennett. Principles and practice of infectious diseases (6th ed.), Elsevier Churchill Livingstone Publication, 3331-3347.@Yes$Nugget Info (2003).@Hospital Waste Management and Bio-degradable Waste.@Government of India, Press Information Bureau, http://pib.nic.in/infonug/infaug.99/i3008991.html – downloaded on 18.05.2003.@Yes$Notification: Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998. Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOI (E), part 3(ii), New Delhi. 27.07.1998.@undefined@undefined@No$Biomedical Wastes, http://www.swachdelhi.comNew.htm; 2004.@undefined@undefined@No$Salami L., Olafadehan O.A., Babagana G. and Susu A.A. (2013).@Prediction of concentration profiles of contaminants in groundwater polluted by leachates from a landfill site.@International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 15(3), 365-378.@No$DeRosa E., Rubel D., Tudino M., Viale A. and Lombardo R.J. (1996).@The leachate composition of an old waste dump connected to groundwater: Influence of the reclamation works.@Environmental Monitoring Assessment, (40), 239-252.@Yes$Saarela J. (2003).@Pilot investigation of surface parts of three closed landfills and factors affecting them.@Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 84(1-2), 183-192.@Yes$Moo-Yound H., Johnson A., Carson D., Lew C., Liu S. and Hancock K. (2004).@Characterization of infiltration rates from landfills: Supporting groundwater modeling effort.@Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 96(1-3), 283-311.@Yes$Jhamnani B. and Singh S.K. (2009).@Groundwater contamination due to Bhaswa landfill site in New Delhi.@International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1(3), 121-125.@Yes$Renou S., Givaudan J.G., Poulain S., Dirassouyan F. and Moulin P. (2008).@Landfill leachate treatment review and opportunity.@Journal of Hazardous Materials, 150(3), 468-493.@Yes$Mor S., Ravindra K., Dahiya R.P. and Chandra A. (2006).@Leachate characterization and assessment of groundwater pollution near municipal solid waste landfill site.@Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 118, 435-456.@Yes$Ogundiran O.O. and Afolabi T.A. (2008).@Assessment of the Physico-chemical parameters and heavy metal toxicity of leachates from municipal solid waste open dumpsite.@Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech, 5(2), 243-250.@Yes$Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, 24th ed. Revised & Enlarged S. Chand & Sons, (1998), New Delhi. 110 002.@undefined@undefined@No$APHA (2005).@Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water.@20th Edn. APHA, AWWA, WPCF, Washington, USA.@Yes$Mani A.K., Santhi R. and Sellamuthu K.M. (2007).@A handbook of laboratory analysis.@1st edition, A.E. Publications, Sundaram, P.N. Pudur, Coimbatore, 10, 156-167.@Yes$Upadhyay S.K., Singh D.P. and Saikia R. (2009).@Genetic Diversity of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Rhizospheric Soil of Wheat under Saline Condition.@Current Microbiology, 59(5), 489-496.@Yes$Ogbulie J.N., Uwazuoke J.C. and Ogieho S.I. (1998).@Introductory Microbiology Practical.@Springfield Publishers Nigeria, 70-120.@Yes$Cheesbrough M. (2003).@Water quality analysis. District Laboratory practice in Tropical countries (2) Cambridge University Press.@United Kingdom, 146-157.@Yes$Oyeleke S.B. and Istifanus N. (2009).@The microbiological effects of hospital wastes on the environment.@African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(22), 6253-6257.@Yes$ISO 7346/1: Water quality- Determination of acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei, Cypinidae) – Part 1: Static method 1984.@undefined@undefined@No$Francioso O., Ciavatta C., Sanche-Cortes S., Tugnoli V., Sitti L. and Gessa C. (2000).@Spectroscopic characterization of soil organic matter in long-term amendments trials.@Soil Sci., 165(6), 495-504.@Yes$Upadhyay S.K. and Singh D.P. (2015).@Effect of salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on wheat plants and soil health in a saline environment.@Plant Biology, 17, 288-293.@Yes$Correll D.L. (1998).@The Role of Phosphorus in the Eutrophication of Receiving Waters: A Review.@Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, 261-266.@Yes$Kulikowska D. and Klimiuk E. (2008).@The effect of landfill age on municipal leachate composition.@Bioresource Technology, 99(13), 5981-5985.@Yes$Drummond J.L., Cailasb M.D. and Croke K. (2003).@Mercury generation potential from dental waste amalgam.@J Dentist, 31, 493-501.@Yes$WHO (2004).@Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.@3rd Edn., 1, Recommendation, Geneva, 515.@Yes$Anonymous: Categorization of biological agents according to hazard and containment. 4th ed. Second supplement (1995). Available from: URL: http://www.hse.gov. uk.hthdir/noframes/agent/pdf.@undefined@undefined@No$Anonymous (2000).@Guidelines for protecting the safety and health of health workers.@NIOSH / Health Care Workers guidelines. National Institute for Occupational safety and Health, Washington DC: US Government office, Chap 6.@No$Ogundiran M.A., Fawole O.O., Adewoye S.O. and Ayandiran T.A. (2010).@Toxicological impact of detergent effluent on juvenile of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus).@Agric. Biol. J. N. Am, 1(3), 330-342.@Yes$Hingston J.A., Collins C.D., Murphy R.J., and Lester J.N. (2001).@Leaching of chromate copper, arsenate wood preservatives, a review.@Environmental Pollution, 111(1), 53-66.@Yes$Shrivastava R., Upreti R.K., Seth P.K. and Chaturvedi U.C. (2002).@Effects of chromium on the immune system.@Pathogens and Disease, 34(1), 1-7.@Yes$Gaetke L.M. and Chow C.K. (2003).@Copper toxicity, oxidative stress, and antioxidant nutrients.@Toxicology, 189(1-2), 147-163.@Yes$Plum L.M. and Haase R.H. (2010).@The Essential Toxin: Impact of Zinc on Human Health.@Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 7(4), 1342-1365.@Yes$Stohs S.J., Bagchi D., Hassoun E. and Bagchi M. (2001).@Oxidative mechanisms in the toxicity of chromium and cadmium ions.@J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol, 20(2), 77-88.@Yes$Flora G., Gupta D. and Tiwari A. (2012).@Toxicity of lead: A review with recent updates.@Interdiscip Toxicol, 5(2), 47-58.@Yes$Adewoye S.O., Fawole O.O., Omotosho J.S. and Owolabi O.D. (2005).@Toxicity of cassava a waste water effluents to African catfish (Clarias gariepinus).@Ethiop. J. Sci, 28(2), 189-194.@Yes$Roopadevi H. and Somashekar R.K. (2012).@Assessment of the toxicity of waste water from a textile industry to Cyprinus carpio.@J. Environ. Biol, 13, 167-171.@Yes <#LINE#>Physicochemical properties and some heavy metal content in some spices and seasonings sold in a market near Obajana Cement Company Kogi State, Nigeria<#LINE#>J.E. @Emurotu ,A.A.@Adegbe <#LINE#>9-15<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-039.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria@Department of Chemistry, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria<#LINE#>21/3/2017<#LINE#>10/7/2017<#LINE#>Seasonings and spices are used daily and frequently to enhance the taste of meals. Their use may be of concern because they may be contaminated by heavy metals during cultivation, processing and handling. There is therefore the need to ascertain the safety of the spices/seasonings added as additives to meals as often as possible. A total of 10 samples, each a composite were randomly sampled from the sellers at Obajana central market in Kogi State. The levels of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in the samples were processed and determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. The physicochemical properties were determined using the pH meter, oven and muffle furnace. Findings revealed that the spices and seasonings were slightly acidic except potash with average pH of 10.5±3.5. The result of the analysis showed that the average values of Cd of 0.50 mg/kg, 0.35 mg/kg and 0.33 mg/kg in ginger, potash and pepper respectively exceeded regulatory standard limits. All other metals concentration of spices and seasonings are within the regulatory standard. Therefore, the seasonings/spices when consumed will pose no threat to human health. This also shows that the cement factory located at Obajana do not have negative impact on food items at the market at least for now.<#LINE#>Umar M.A. and Zubair O.O.S. (2014).@Heavy metals content of some spices available within FCT-Abuja, Nigeria.@International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 4(1), 66-74.@Yes$Díaz-Maroto M.C., Pérez-Coello M. S and Cabezudo M.D (2002).@Headspace solid-phase microextraction analysis of volatile components of spices.@Chromatographia, New York, 55(11-12), 723-728.@Yes$Etonihu A.C., Obelle F.N and Nweze C.C. (2013).@Chemical perspectives on some readily consumed spices and food condiments.@Food Science and Quality Management, New Delhi, 15, 10-20.@Yes$Nnorom I.C., Osibanjo O. and Ogugua K. (2007).@Trace haevy metals levels of some bouillon cubes and food condiments readily concumed in Nigeria.@Parkistan Journal of Nutrition, 6(2), 122-127.@Yes$Lampe J.W. (2003).@Spicing up a vegetarian diet: chemopreventive effects of phytochemicals.@American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 78(3), 579S-583S.@Yes$Satter A., Wahid M. and Durrani S.K. (1989).@Concentration of selected heavy metals in spices, dry fruits and plants nuts.@Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 39(3), 279-286.@Yes$Ansari T.M., Ikram N., Najam-ul-Haq M., Fayyaz O., Ghafoor I. and Khalid N. (2004).@Essential trace metal (Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe) levels in plants of medicinal importance.@Journal of Biological Science., 4: 95-99.@Yes$Garcia E.C., Cabrera M.L. and Lopez M.C. (2000).@Chromium levels in spices and aromatic herbs.@The Science of Total Environment, 247(1), 51-56.@Yes$Ekpo A.J. and Jimmy E.O. (2005).@Nutritional effect of spices from Roasted Chicken and Beef Meat consumption.@Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4(6), 428-443.@Yes$Woolf A.D. and Woolf N.T. (2005).@Childhood Lead Poisoning in 2 Families Associated with Spices Used in Food Preparation.@Pediatrics, 116(2), e314-e318.@Yes$Gupta C., Garg A.P and Uniyal R.C. (2009).@Antimicrobial and Phytochemical studies of Amchur (Dried Pulp of Unripe Mangifera Indica) extract on Some Food Borne Bacteria.@The Internet Journal of Tropical Medicine, 5(2), 1540-2681.@Yes$Onianwa P.C., Adetola I.G. and Iwegbue C.M.A. (1999).@Trace heavy metals composition of some Nigerian beverages and food drinks.@Food Chem., 66, 275-279.@Yes$Allen S.E. (1986).@Chemical analysis.@In: Moore PD, Chapman SB, editors. Methods in plant ecology. Oxford, London: Blackwell Scientific Publication, 285-344.@Yes$Baby Samson K. and Girish T.E. (2010).@On the electrical and magnetic properties of some in Ndian Spices.@Retrieved 0n 08/02/2017 from https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1012/1012.2429.pdf@Yes$Nnamani C.V., Oselebe H.O. and Agbatutu A. (2009).@Assessment of nutritional values of three underutilized indigenous leafy vegetables of Ebonyi State, Nigeria.@Afr. J. Biotechnol., 8(9), 2321-2324.@Yes$Oloyede O.I. (2005).@Chemical profile of unripe pulp of Carica papaya.@Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4(6), 379-381.@Yes$Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (2003).@Sixty-first meeting. Summary and conclusions.@Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives: Rome, Italy@Yes$Nkansah M.A. and Opoku Amoako C. (2010).@Heavy Metal Content of some common spices available in markets in Kumasi metropolis of Ghana.@America Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1(2), 158-163.@Yes$FAO/WHO. (2011).@Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Committee On Contaminants In Foods.@Fifth Session The Hague, The Netherlands, 21 - 25 March 2011@Yes$ATSDR (1999).@The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ToxFAQs for Cadmium ; warning about heavy metals toxicity and natural solution.@@No$Ozkutlu F., Sekeroglu N. and Kara S.M. (2006).@Monitoring of Cadmium and Micronutrients in Spices Commonly Consumed in Turkey.@Res J Agr Biol Sci., 2(5), 223-226.@Yes$Onianwa P.C., Adeyemo A.O., Idowu A.O. and Ogabiela E.E. (2001).@Copper and zinc contents of Nigerian foods and estimates of the adult dietary intakes.@Food Chemistry 72, 89-95.@Yes$Gupta U. (1975).@Copper in the Environment.@J.O.Nriagu ed., John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 255.@Yes$Naglaa F.E. Soliman (2015).@Metals Contents in Spices and Herbs Available on the Egyptian Market: Assessment of Potential Human Health Risk.@The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 6, 24-29.@No$NRC (National Research Council) (1989).@Minerals.@In: NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL - NRC. (Ed.). Recommended dietary allowances. 10th ed. Washington, The National Academy of Sciences Press, 1989a. chap. 9, p. 174-194. (Dietary Reference Intakes). Available at: . Accessed on: 12th February, 2016.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of physico-chemical properties of ground water samples collected from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India<#LINE#>Sharma@Renu ,Sharma@Rajesh Kumar ,Choudhary @Alka ,@Lalita <#LINE#>16-22<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-050.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, NIMS Institute of Engineering & Technology, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303121, India@Department of Chemistry, NIMS Institute of Engineering & Technology, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303121, India@Department of Chemistry, NIMS Institute of Engineering & Technology, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303121, India@Department of Chemistry, NIMS Institute of Engineering & Technology, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303121, India<#LINE#>8/4/2017<#LINE#>14/7/2017<#LINE#>The ground water samples have been collected from different localities of Jaipur district. The collected samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters viz. total hardness, pH, Electrical conductivity, Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorides, Phosphates, Sulphates, Fluorides, Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) by different analytical techniques. It has been found that the concentrations of maximum parameters are under the permissible limits. None of the water sample contains phosphate contents. The cadmium concentrations have been found in the samples collected from Shahpura, Chandwaji, NIMS University, Kukas, Gandhi Nagar, and Sitapura areas of Jaipur district. In these six samples Cadmium level was found above the desired limit (0.003 mg/l). Lead concentrations have been found above the desired limit (0.01 mg/l) in samples collected from NIMS University, Kukas, Malviya Nagar, Sitapura areas of Jaipur.<#LINE#>Narsimhan T.N. (2005).@Water Science and Society.@Current Science, 89(5), 787-793.@Yes$Gupta D.P., Sunita J.P. and Saharan J.P. (2009).@physio chemical analysis of ground water of selected area of Kaithan city Haryana India.@Researcher, 1(2), 1-5.@Yes$Lyngdoh Ibandarisuk and Kayang Highland (2012).@Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristics of Umiam Lake, Meghalaya, India.@International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences (IJALS) ISSN 2277 – 758X; IJALS, 3.@Yes$Gupta S., Kumar A., Ojha C.K. and Seth G. (2004).@Chemical Analysis of Ground Water of Sanganer Area, Jaipur in Rajasthan.@J. Environ. Sci. and Engg., 46(1), 74-78.@Yes$Gupta B.K. and Gupta R.R. (1999).@Physio-chemical and biological study of drinking water in Satna, Madhya Pradesh.@Poll. Res., 18(4), 523-525.@Yes$Yadav S.S. and Kumar R. (2010).@Assessment of physico-chemical status of ground water taken from four blocks (Suar, Milak, Bilaspur, Shahabad) of Rampur district, Uttar Pradesh, India.@Rasayan J. Chem., 3(3), 589-596@Yes$Patil P.R., Badjugar S.R. and Warke A.M. (2001).@Evaluation of Ground Water Quality in Ganesh Colony Area of Jalgaon City.@Oriental J Chem., 17(2), 283-286.@Yes$Rahmstorf S. (2002).@Ocean circulation and climate during the past 120,000 years.@Nature, 419, 207-214.@Yes$Hem J.D. and Reort A. (1961).@Taft sanitary Engg. Centre.@Report WEI-5.@No$Krishnan K. (1991).@Fundamental of environmental pollutions.@S. Chand & Co.Ltd, New Delhi@No$Saksena D.N., Garg R.K. and Rao R.J. (2008).@Water quality and pollution status of Chambal river in National Chambal sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh.@J. Environ. Biol., 29(5), 701-710.@Yes$Raja P., Muhindhar Amarnath A., Elangovan R. and Palanivel M. (2008).@Evolution of physical and chemical parameters of River Kaveri, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.@J. Environ. Bio.l, 29(5), 756-768.@Yes$Akinbile C.O. and Yusoff M.S. (2011).@Environmental impact of leachate pollution on groundwater supplies in Akure, Nigeria.@International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2(1), 81-89.@Yes$Raja R.E., Lydia Sharmila, Princy Merlin J. and Chiristoper G. (2002) Indian J Environ Prot., 22(2), 137-144.@undefined@undefined@No$Hussain J., Sharma K.C. and Hussain I. (2004).@Fluoride in drinking water in Rajasthan and its ill effects on human health.@Journal of Tissue Research 4(2), 263-273.@Yes$Shashank S., Singh D. and Tiwari S. (2014).@Drinking water quality of Rajasthan districts.@Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, 10, 105-109.@Yes$IS: 10500 (2012).@Indian standard specification for drinking water.@BIS, New Delhi, IS: 10500.@No$Koul N., Lokhande R.S. and Dhar J.K. (2012).@Physico-Chemical, Bacteriological and Pesticide analysis of Tap Water in Millennium City Gurgoan, Haryana, India.@International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 1(2), 1-7.@No$Indian Standard (1991).@Drinking Water—Specification (First Revision) IS-10500.@BIS, New Delhi, India.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of wastewater from some selected locations in an around Faizpur area of Khandesh Region, MS, India<#LINE#>Kakade@Harshad R. ,Thorat@ S.R. <#LINE#>23-28<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-051.pdf<#LINE#>School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, MS, India@School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, MS, India<#LINE#>6/4/2017<#LINE#>3/7/2017<#LINE#>The present study was done for the investigation of Physico-chemical parameters of wastewater from different locations of Faizpur area of khandesh region. Standard procedures were adapted to calculate Physico-chemical properties in wastewater samples. The wastewater characteristics was analyzed for various water qualities like pH, TDS, TSS, Conductivity, Total Hardness, Salinity, etc. The results obtain from the study were compared with BIS standards to check out their pollution level. Elements and their impacts on human health was discussed. Effect of wastewater shows that most of the parameters were much higher compare to the standards. Hence, the flow of these wastewater into the river cause a serious pollution problem in an around Faizpur area of Khandesh region. Wastewater should not be disposed into the nalla of Faizpur directly or be used as irrigation water for agriculture.<#LINE#>Tyagi P., Buddi D., Chowdary R. and Sawhney R. (2000).@Physicochemical quality of Ground water in industrial areas of India.@Pollut. Res., 19, 443-445.@Yes$Yanggen D.A. and Born S.M. (1990).@Protecting ground water quality by managing local land use.@J. Soil Water Conser., 45(2), 207-210.@Yes$Zhang Y.L., Dai J.L., Wang R.Q. and Zhang J. (2008).@Effects of long-term sewage irrigation on agricultural soil microbial structural and functional characterizations in Shandong, China.@Eur. J. Soil Biol.@Yes$APHA (2000).@Standard methods for analysis of water and waste water.@American public Health Associated. Washington, D.C., 1110-2420.@No$Jogi R.D., Wani P.P., Kulkarni M.N. and Thorat S.R. (2013).@Study of Limno-chemistry river Godavari in Nashik with reference to Zooplankton.@International J. of Research in Social Sciences, 3(1), 253-262.@Yes$Jayabhaye U.M., Pentewar M.S. and Hiware C.J. (2006).@A Study on Physico- Chemical Parameters of a Minor Reservoir, Sawana, Hingoli District, Maharashtra.@J. Aqua. Biol., 21(2), 123-128.@Yes$Salve V.B. and Hiware C.J. (2008).@Study on water quality of Wanparakalpa reservoir Nagpur, Near ParliVaijnath, District Beed. Marathwada region.@J. Aqua. Biol., 21(2), 113-117.@Yes$Gaikwad S.R., Thorat S.R. and T.P. Chavan (2004).@Phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity with respect to pollution starts of river Tapi in North Maharashtra Region.@J. of Current sciences, 5(2), 749-754.@No$Krishnan Radha R., Dharmaraj K. and Kumari Ranjitha B.D. (2007).@A comparative study on the physicochemical and bacterial analysis of drinking, bore well and sewage water in the three different places of Sivakasi.@J. of Environ. Biol., 28(1), 105-108.@Yes$Sheejan P.G., Kulkarni M.N. and Thorat S.R. (2012).@Study of Zooplankton of River Tapi Relation to Pollution from Bhusawal Taluka Dist. Jalgaon, MS, India.@International J. of Environmental Sciences, 3(3), 317-322. ISSN0976-4534@No$Chavan T.P., Kakade Harshad R. and Thorat S.R. (2015).@Photo-Catalytic Technological Aspect Used in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Process.@International Journal in Management and Social Sciences, 03(2), 473-477.@No$Chaudhari R.T., Kakade Harshad R. and Thorat S.R. (2015).@Effect of Cadmium Chloride on the Biochemical Characteristics of Fresh Water Fish.@International Journal in Management and Social Sciences, 03(3), 85-89.@Yes$Chavan T.P., Dandge K.P. and Thorat Sanjaykumar R. (2013).@Study on Hydrobiological Chemistry of Surface and Ground Water Quality in Yavatmal City.@J. of Aquatic Biology, 63-66.@No$Sheejan P.G. and Thorat S.R. (2013).@Impact of Phytoplanktonic Community in River Waghur Relation to Pollution of Kandhesh Region.@International Journal on Agricultural Sciences, 4(3-4), 107-116.@No$Chaudhari R.T., Deshmukh S.A., Wakode A.V., Kulkarni M.N. and Thorat S.R. (2013).@Impact of Sant Muktabai Festival on Water Qualities in Stretch of River Tapi at Muktainagar, MS, India.@International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3(4), 446-454.@Yes$Dubey Savita (2013).@Analysis of Physico chemical parameters of Kshipra river water at Ujjain, India.@Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(7), 1-4.@Yes$Gaikwad S.R. and Thorat S.R. (2006).@Study of selected heavy metals a residential area nearby Tapi River.@Bull. Env. Sci., 4, 71-75.@Yes$Gaikwad V.B. and Gunale V.R. (2001).@Water quality monitoring of Godavari river in and around Nashik region.@J. Hydrobiologia, 1-20.@No$Chavan T.P. and Throat Sanjaykumar R. (2013).@Study on Physico-Chemical Properties with Coefficient and Correlation with Ground Water Quality at Yavatmal, Ms, India.@International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3(1), 256-262.@Yes$Ingole S.P., Chavan Arvind and Dhote J.D. (2013).@Study of Physico chemical parameters of wastewater from some selected locations on Amba nalla, Amravati.@Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(8), 311-314.@No <#LINE#>Species diversity and threats to conservation of domesticated flora in the upper west region-Ghana<#LINE#>Yahaya@Abdul-Kadri ,Venkateshwar@Chinna <#LINE#>29-40<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-058.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science-University College of Science, Osmania University-Hyderabad, India@Department of Botany-University College of Science, Osmania University-Hyderabad, India<#LINE#>27/4/2017<#LINE#>1/7/2017<#LINE#>Relying on survey research design the study systematically sampled 13 communities in Upper West region taking into consideration, natural resources endowments such as fertile agricultural lands for cultivation. By means of simple random sampling, the study selected 160 domesticated food crop cultivators for an interaction through questionnaire administration. Other data collection methods were direct observation, photography and key informant interviews. The study identifies that diverse domesticated flora species are cultivated in Upper West region with their importance ranging from income, food, and raw materials to pleasure. It is also apparent in the study that modern scientific and traditional methods are used in conserving domesticated flora species with threats to conservation ranging from pest to diseases. The study concludes that, irrespective of threats to conservation of domesticated flora species, modern scientific and indigenous methods of conservation are instrumental in trying to promote sustainability.<#LINE#>Genetic Resources Action Internationa (1994).@Biodiversity in agriculture: some policy issues.@IFOAM Ecology and Farming, 14.@No$Brookfield H. and Padoch C. (1994).@Appreciating agrodiversity: a look at the dynamism and diversity of indigenous farming practices.@Environment, 36(5), 6-45.@Yes$Brookfield H. (1995).@Postscript: the population–environment nexus.@Global Environmental Change, 5(4), 381-393.@Yes$Raeburn P. (1995).@The last harvest: the genetic gamble that threatens to destroy American agriculture (New York: Simon & Schuster).@U of Nebraska Press, 40.@Yes$Hecht S., Thrupp L.A. and Browder J. (1995).@Diversity and dynamics of shifting cultivation: myths, realities, and human dimensions.@World Resources Institute, Washington DC.@Yes$Cleveland D., Soleri D. and Smith S.E. (1994).@Do Folk Crop Varieties have a Role in Sustainable Agriculture?.@Biosciences, 44(11), 740-751.@Yes$Thrupp L.A. (1998).@Cultivating Diversity. Agrobiodiversity and Food Security.@World Resources Institute. Washington DC. 80, http://pdf.wri.org/ cultivating diversity bio.pdf.Acessed 13 July 2012.@Yes$Altieri M.A (2002).@Agroecology: The Science of Natural Resource Management for Poor Farmers in Marginal Environments.@Agricultural Ecosystems and Environments, 93, 1-24.@Yes$Bhag M. (1994).@Underutilized Grain Legumes and Pseudocereals; Their Potentials in Asia.@FAO Bangkok, RAPA Publication, 114.@Yes$FAO/PAR (2010).@Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture: Contributing to Food Security and Sustainability in a Changing World. FAO and the Platform Agrobiodiversity Research.@Rome, 6.@No$Beaglehole R. and Yach D. (2003).@Globalization and the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Disease: The neglected chronic diseases of adults.@The Lancet 362, 903-908.@Yes$Benneh G. (1973).@Small Scale Farming Systems in Ghana.@Journal of International African Institute, 43(2), 134-146.@Yes$Drechsel P. and Keraita B. (2014).@Irrigated Urban Vegetable Production in Ghana. Characteristics, Benefits and Risk Mitigation.@2nd Edition. ColomboSrilanka. International Water Management Institute. 247.@Yes$Ghana Statistical Servive (2012). 2010 Housing and Population Census of Ghana.@undefined@undefined@No$Lawrence Neuman W. (2007).@Basics of Social Research, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.@Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.@Yes$United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development. August 29,2002.@undefined@undefined@No$International Conference on the International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Program (2017).@Sixty Years and Beyond-Contributing to Development.@4th-9th May.@No$Quansah C., Drechsel P., Yirenkyi B. and Asante Mensah S. (2001).@Farmers Perception and Management of Soil Organic Matter-A Case Study from West Africa.@Managing Organic Matter in Tropical Soils. Scope and Limitations. Volume 61 of the series. Development in Plant and Soil Sciences, 205-213.@Yes$Aktar Wasim, Sengupta D. and Chowdhury A. (2009).@Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards.@Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 2(1), 1-12.@Yes$Gizaki L.J., Alege A.A. and Iwuchukwu J.C. (2015).@Farmers Perception on Sustainable Alternatives to the Use of Chemical Fertilizers to Enhance Crop Yield in Bauchi State of Nigeria.@International Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 1(5), 242-250.@Yes <#LINE#>Impact of textile and composite industrial wastewater on fresh water fish, channa gachua: a comparative study<#LINE#>More@Ganpat B. ,Kakade @Harshad R. ,Thorat@Sanjay kumar R. <#LINE#>41-46<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-060.pdf<#LINE#>School of Environmental and Earth Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, MS, India@School of Environmental and Earth Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, MS, India@School of Environmental and Earth Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, MS, India<#LINE#>4/5/2017<#LINE#>5/7/2017<#LINE#>Pollution is the single largest contributory factor towards degradation of environment and the main source of pollution is industrial effluents, sewage, agricultural and domestic wastes including simple metal ions complex chemical compounds. The main threat to aquatic environment is by various industries which discharge their effluents in water bodies. In this context, the present investigation was done to know the effect and toxicity to the fish Channa gachua. The fish was exposed to sub-lethal doses of mixed and electroplating industrial effluent. Toxicity of mix effluent and electroplating effluent to the fish, Channa gachua is studied in relation to varying salinities i. e.1 to 5% The LC10, LC50, LC90, LD and Safe concentration values of both mixed effluent and electroplating effluent obtained in high and low salinities showed that the mix effluent is highly toxic to Channa gachua at low salinities as result of osmotic stress as compare to mix effluent. The study strongly indicates that the essential for observing the concentration of effluent which should be treated and to be apply control methods to safeguard the safety of aquatic animal and the ecosystem at large.<#LINE#>Johnson D.W. (1974).@Pesticide residues in fish.@Environ. Pollu. By Pesticides. plenum press, London, 181-212.@No$Johnston R. (1976).@Mechanisms and problem of marine pollution in relation to commercial fisheries.@Marine Pollution. Academic Press London and New York, 729.@Yes$Reish D.J., Geesey G.G., Wilkes F.G., Oshida P.S., Mearns A., Rossi S. and Ginn T. (1982).@Marine and estuarine pollution.@Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 54(6), 786-812 .@Yes$Ahn Y., Hong G., Neelamani S., Philip L. and Shanmugam P. (2006).@Assessment of Levels of coastal marine pollution of Chennai city, southern India.@Water Resource Management, 21(7), 1187-1206.@Yes$Reijenders P. (1980).@Organochlorine and heavy metals residuals in harbor seas from the Wadden Sea and their possible effects on reproduction.@Neth.J.Sea Res., 14, 30-65.@Yes$Stout V. (1980).@Organochlorine residues in fish from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.@U.S. Fish and Wild. Serv., Fish. Bull., 78(1), 51-58.@Yes$Cowan A.A. (1981).@Organochlorine compounds in mussels from Scottish coastal waters.@Environ. Pollut. (Ser.B), 2(2), 129-143.@Yes$Ernst W., Goerke H., Eder G. and Schaefer R.G. (1976).@Residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine organisms in relation to size and ecological parameters I. PCB, DDT, DDE and DDD in fishes and mollusks from the English Channel.@Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 15(1), 55-65.@Yes$Amminikutty C.K. and Rage M.S. (1987).@Effects of acute and chronic exposure to pesticides, thiodan E.C. 35 and Agallol 3 ‟on the liver of widow tetra Gymnocrymbus ternetzi (Boulenger).@Indian J. Exp. Biol., 15, 197-200.@Yes$Singh B. and Narain A. (1982).@Acute toxicity of thiodan to Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis).@Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 28(1), 122-127.@Yes$Singh S. and Sahai S. (1984).@Toxicity of some pesticides to two fresh water teleosts.@J. Environ Biol., 5(4), 255-259.@Yes$Abdullah S. and Javed M. (2006).@Studies on 96h LC50 and lethal toxicity of metals to the fish Cirrhina mrigala.@Pak. J. Agric. Sci, 43, 180-185.@Yes$APHA (1998).@Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.@20thedition, American Public Health Association, Washington DC, USA, ISBN:0-87553-235-7.@No$Finney D.J. (1971).@Probit Analysis. 3rd edition.@-Cambridge University Press, London, England, 1-333.ISBN: 052108041X.@Yes$Robert M. and Boyce C.B.C. (1972).@Principles of biological assay.@In: Methods in Microbiology, Academic Press, New York, 7A, 153-190.@Yes$Thorat S. (2001).@Chronic effect of endosulfan on freshwater fish, Catla catla.@J. Ecotoxicology. Environ. Monit., 11(3), 221-225.@Yes$Thorat S. and Wagh S. (2001).@Effect of tannery effluent on protein metabolism of freshwater fish, Channa Gachua.@Bull. Envi. Sci, 19, 1-5.@No$Thorat S. and Wagh S. (2001).@Histopathological changes in the intestine of the fish, Channa Gachua exposed to tannery effluent.@J. Poll. Res., 20(2), 267-270.@Yes$Thorat S. and Wagh S. (2001).@Oxygen consumption of freshwater fish, Channa Gachua exposed to tannery effluent.@Ind. J. Environ. Ecol., 5(1), 203-206.@Yes$Chaudhari R., Kakade Harshad R. and Thorat S. (2015).@Effect of Cadmium Chloride on the Biochemical Characteristics of Fresh Water Fish, Cyprinus Carpio.@International Journal in Management and Social Sciences, 03(03), 85-89.@Yes <#LINE#>Treatment of high strength wastewater by anaerobic hybrid membrane bioreactor (An-HMBR)<#LINE#>Burman @Isha ,Sinha@Alok <#LINE#>47-52<#LINE#>7.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-078.pdf<#LINE#>Dept. of Environ. Science and Eng., Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad - 826004, Jharkhand, India@Dept. of Environ. Science and Eng., Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad - 826004, Jharkhand, India<#LINE#>30/11/2016<#LINE#>29/6/2017<#LINE#>In this study high strength synthetic wastewater was treated in a 15.7-L Anaerobic Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor (An-HMBR). The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) for the reactor was 3 days whereas the Solids Retention Time (SRT) was kept 100 days. The Organic Loading Rate (OLR) in the reactor was maintained at 1.06 kg COD/m3.d. The total COD removal efficiency was achieved higher than 98%, at operating conditions. The acclimatization and stabilization of reactor was achieved in around 2 months. At steady state condition a total reduction in COD of 98.5%, 99% and 99.5% occurred in suspended growth, attached growth, and membrane system respectively. During the entire operation, the membrane was required to be physically cleaned once after 30 days of operation. Hence Anaerobic Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor can be successfully used to treat high strength wastewater.<#LINE#>Hoffmann S. (2009).@Planet Water: Investing in the World’s Most Valuable Resources.@first ed. John Wiley and Sons, USA.@Yes$Skouteris G., Hermosilla D., López P., Negro C. and Blanco Á. (2012).@Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment: a review.@Chemical Engineering Journal, 198, 138-148.@Yes$Ersu C.B., Ong S.K., Arslankaya E. and Brown P. (2008).@Comparison of recirculation configurations for biological nutrient removal in a membrane bioreactor.@Water Research, 42(6), 1651-1663.@Yes$Guo W., Ngo H.H., Palmer C.G., Xing W., Hu A.Y.J. and Listowski A. (2009).@Roles of sponge sizes and membrane types in a single stage sponge-submerged membrane bioreactor for improving nutrient removal from wastewater for reuse.@Desalination, 249(2), 672-676.@Yes$Lin H., Peng W., Zhang M., Chen J., Hong H. and Zhang Y. (2013).@A review on anaerobic membrane bioreactors: applications, membrane fouling and future perspectives.@Desalination, 314, 169-188.@Yes$Wang Z., Wu Z., Mai S., Yang C., Wang X., An Y. and Zhou Z. (2008).@Research and applications of membrane bioreactors in China: progress and prospect.@Sep. Purif. Technol., 62, 249-263.@Yes$Aiyuk S., Amoako J., Raskin L., van Haandel A. and Verstraete W. (2004).@Removal ofcarbon and nutrients from domestic wastewater using a low investment, integrated treatment concept.@Water. Res., 38, 3031-3042.@Yes$Smith A.L., Lauren B., Stadler Nancy G., Love Steven J. and Skerlos Lutgarde R. (2012).@Perspectives on anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment of domestic wastewater: A critical review.@Biores. Technol., 122, 149-159.@Yes$Liao B.Q., Kraemer J.T. and Bagley D.M. (2006).@Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors: Applications and Research Directions.@Critical Reviews in Environ. Sci. Technol., 36(6), 489-530.@Yes$Chan Y.J., Chong M.F., Law C.L. (2012).@An integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor (IAAB) for the treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME): Start-up and steady state performance.@Process. Biochem., 47(3), 485-495.@Yes$Guo W., Ngo H.H., Dharmawan F. and Palmer C.G. (2010).@Roles of polyurethane foam in aerobic moving and fixed bed bioreactors.@Biores. Technol., 101, 1435-1439.@Yes$Krishna H.R.S. and Mohan V. (2010).@Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters for Bio Hydrogen Production by Anaerobic Suspended Growth Reactor Using Synthetic Feed and Up Scaling Anaerobic Suspended Growth Reactor Using Complex Feed.@Int. J. of Chemical Sciences and Applications., 1, 70-81.@No$APHA (2012).@Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.@American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.@No$Araki N., Ohashi A., Machdar I. and Harada H. (1999).@Behaviors of nitrifiers in a novel bio-film reactor employing hanging sponge-cubes as attachment site.@Water Sci. Technol., 39(7), 23-31.@Yes$Ngo H.H., Nguyen M.C., Sangvikar N.G., Hoang T.T.R. and Guo W.S. (2006).@Simple approaches towards a design of an attached-growth sponge bioreactor (AGSB) for wastewater treatment and reuse.@Water Science and Technology, 54(11-12), 191-197.@Yes$Sharma P., Singh L. and Mehta J. (2010).@COD reduction and colour removal of simulated textile mill wastewater by mixed bacterial consortium.@Rasayan J. Chem., 3(4), 731-735.@Yes$Ma J., Wang Z., Zou X., Feng J. and Wu Z. (2013).@Microbial communities in an anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor (AnDMBR) for municipal wastewater treatment: comparison of bulk sludge and cake layer.@Process Biochem., 48(3), 510-516.@Yes$Zakarya I., Tajaradin H., Abustan I. and Ismail N. (2008).@Relationship between methane production and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in anaerobic digestion of food waste.@In Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Building Technology., 16-20.@Yes$Singh K.S. and Viraraghavan T. (1998).@Start-up and operation of UASB Reactors at 200C for municipal wastewater treatment.@J. Ferment. Bioeng., 85(6), 609-614.@Yes$Alibardi L., Bernava N., Cossu R. and Spagni A. (2016).@Anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment at ambient temperature.@Chemical Engineering JournaL., 284, 130-138.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Avifaunal diversity in varying land use patterns of the semi-arid regions of Ramdurga Taluk, Belagavi District, Karnataka, India<#LINE#>R.@Shrinidhi ,M.@Megha ,S.J.@Prabha ,Metri @Yeshaswi R. ,T.M.@Santhosh Kumar <#LINE#>53-57<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-063.pdf<#LINE#>Environmental Health and Safety Research and Development Centre, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010, Karnataka, India@Environmental Health and Safety Research and Development Centre, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010, Karnataka, India@Environmental Health and Safety Research and Development Centre, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010, Karnataka, India@Environmental Health and Safety Research and Development Centre, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010, Karnataka, India@Environmental Health and Safety Research and Development Centre, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010, Karnataka, India<#LINE#>9/5/2017<#LINE#>10/7/2017<#LINE#>Birds are the key agents for various ecosystem services. Degradation and encroachment of bird’s habitat affects their population and diversity. The conservation outside the protected areas have been completely neglected and hence, this leads to the study involving avi-faunal diversity in several places of Ramdurga Taluk based on the availability of natural vegetation, wetlands and agricultural lands by opportunistic counts and line transect method. The study recorded 51 species of birds, belonging to 11 Orders and 31 families, of which 28 bird species belongs to the Order Passeriformes and are common to the region. Chaetornis striata (Bristled grass-warbler) and Ciconia episcopus (White necked stork) are the two vulnerable species identified in the study area. Buteo rufinus (Long legged buzzard), Circus melanoleucos (Pied harrier) and Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl) belongs to Schedule I of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Maximum number of birds were recorded in Hirekoppa tank followed by Korekoppa and Itnal. Diversity of avifaunal species recorded in Ramdurga Taluk (51 species) is higher when compared to the bird diversity recorded by the Karnataka Forest Department within Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary (30 species). Study shows that avifaunal species are largely attracted towards water bodies followed by wetland agro-ecosystems due to the availability of food, water resources, habitat and breeding sites. Degradation of wetland agro-ecosystems and forest lands have to be minimized and natural vegetation patches have to be conserved in order to protect the avifaunal diversity and maintain their population trend. Therefore, steps taken towards the conservation of wetlands, wetland flora and natural vegetation indirectly leads to the conservation of avifaunal population<#LINE#>Pradhan R.N., Das U.P., Mohapatra R.K. and Mishra A.K. (2013).@Checklist of Birds in and Around Ansupa Lake, Odisha, India.@International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 2(11), 9-12.@Yes$Fretwell Judy D., Williams John S. and Redman Phillip J. (1996).@National Water Summary on Wetland Resources.@Water-Supply Paper, 2425, 49-56.@Yes$Zutshi B., Prasad S.R. and Nagaraja R. (2007).@Anthropogenic Impact on the Lakes Ecosystem in Hi-Tech City, Bangalore, Karnataka.@In Proceedings of Taal: The 12th World lake conference, 1786-1793.@Yes$Basavarajappa S. (2006).@Avifauna of agro-ecosystems of Maidan area of Karnataka.@Zoos’ Print J, 21(4), 2217-2219.@Yes$Brawn J.D., Robinson S.K. and Thompson III F.R. (2001).@The Role of Disturbance in the Ecology and Conservation of Birds 1.@Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 32(1), 251-276.@Yes$Bhagwat S., Kushalappa C., Williams P. and Brown N. (2005).@The role of informal protected areas in maintaining biodiversity in the Western Ghats of India.@Ecology and Society, 10(1).@Yes$Beresford A.E., Buchanan G.M., Donald P.F., Butchart S.H.M., Fishpool L.D.C. and Rondinini C. (2011).@Poor overlap between the distribution of protected areas and globally threatened birds in Africa.@Animal Conservation, 14(2), 99-107.@Yes$Studds C.E. and Marra P.P. (2011).@Rainfall-induced changes in food availability modify the spring departure programme of a migratory bird.@Proc. R. Soc. B. The Royal Society, 278(1723), 3437-3443.@Yes$Belagavi Division Forest Working Plan (2012), Karnataka Forest Department, Government of Karnataka.@undefined@undefined@No$Management Plan of Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary (2009), Karnataka Forest Department, Government of Karnataka.@undefined@undefined@No$Daniels R.R., Joshi N.V. and Gadgil M. (1990).@Changes in the bird fauna of Uttara Kannada, India, in relation to changes in land use over the past century.@Biological Conservation, 52(1), 37-48.@Yes$Raj P.P.N., Ranjini J., Dhanya R., Subramanian J., Azeez P.A. and Bhupathy S. (2010).@Consolidated checklist of birds in the Pallikaranai Wetlands, Chennai, India.@Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2(8), 1114-1118.@Yes$Chavan Nilesh S (2015).@Survey of Avifauna of Shriwardhan, District-Raigad MS, India.@Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 4 (ISC-2014), ISSN 2277-2502, 1-5.@Yes$Salim Ali (2012).@The Book of Indian Birds, Bombay Natural History Society.@Thirteenth Edition, Revised by J.C Daniel, Oxford University Press, 201.@Yes$Ali Salim, Ripley Dillon and Dick John Henry (1995).@A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Sub–continent.@Oxford University Press, London.@Yes$Bhat Harish R. and Subbarao Pramod (2006).@Pakshi Prapancha: a field guide with comprehensive information on birds of Karnataka.@Asima Pratishtana Bangalore.@Yes$Dhindsa M.S. and Saini H.K. (1994).@Agricultural ornithology: an Indian perspective.@Journal of biosciences, 19(4), 391-402.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>Fish metallothionien gene expression: A good bio-indicator for assessment of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystem<#LINE#>Kumar@Dinesh ,Malik@D.S. ,Gupta@Varsha <#LINE#>58-62<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-079.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India and Department of Biotechnology, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India@Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India@Department of Biotechnology, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India<#LINE#>28/4/2017<#LINE#>10/7/2017<#LINE#>Metallothionein (MT) gene encodes metal regulatory proteins or metallothionien which regulate the heavy metal concentration in all vertebrates including fishes. These proteins have cysteine rich residues that bind with metal ions by metal-thiolate bonding and maintain homeostasis of metal ions in organisms. The different isoforms of MT have reported in all vertebrates as MT-1, MT-2, MT-3 and MT-4. MT-1 and MT-2 are well reported in fishes. The present manuscript reviews the expression and regulation of the gene encoding metal regulatory protein or metallothionien in fishes. The regulation of essential metals in fishes is maintained by the metal responsive element (MRE), which on binding with transcription factor-1 (MTF-1) starts the transcription and controls the expression of MT gene. Thus the expression level of metallothionein gene in the fishes can be used as a potential bio-indicator for assessment of heavy metal pollution in the aquatic system. It provides protection to the fishes from oxidative stress induces by metal ions and can also represent the stress condition of aquatic ecosystem due to heavy metal pollutants.<#LINE#>Gupta Varsha, Malik D.S. and Dinesh K. (2017).@Risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in middle stretch of river Ganga: an introspection.@Int. Res. J. of Env. Sci., 6(2), 62-71.@Yes$Pandey G. and Madhuri S. (2014).@Heavy Metals Causing Toxicity in Animals and Fishes.@Res J. of Ani. Vet. And Fish. Sci., 2(2), 17-23.@Yes$Sarangi P.K. (2012).@Micronucleus assay: a sensitive indicator for aquatic pollution.@In. J. of Res. in BioSci., 1(2), 32-37.@Yes$Ladhar-Chaabouni R., Machreki-Ajmi M. and Hamza-Chaffai A. (2012).@Use of metallothioneins as biomarkers for environmental quality assessment in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia).@Env. Moni. and assessment, 184(4), 2177-2192.@Yes$Rosesijadi G. (1996).@Metallothionein and its role in toxic metal regulation.@Comp. Biochem. Physio., 113(2), 117-123.@Yes$Amiard J.C., Amiard T.C., Barka S., Pellerin J. and Rainbow P.S. (2006).@Metallothioneins in aquatic invertebrates: Their role in metal detoxification and their use as biomarkers.@Aqua. Toxi., 76(2), 160-202.@Yes$Iman M.K., Abumourad Wafaa T., Abbas Mohammad M.N., Authman and Shenouda M.G. (2014).@Environmental impact of heavy metal pollution on metallothionein expression in nile tilapia.@Res. J. of Pharma. Biol. and Chem. Sci., 5(2), 998-1005.@No$Dautremepuits C., Paris Palacios S., Betoulle S. and Vernet G. (2004).@Modulation in hepatic and head kidney parameters of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) induced by copper and chitosan.@Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 137(4), 325-333.@Yes$Lopes P.A., Pinheiro T., Santos M.C., da Luz Mathias M., Collares Pereira M.J. and Viegas Crespo A.M. (2001).@Response of antioxidant enzymes in freshwater fish populations (Leuciscus alburnoides complex) to inorganic pollutants exposure.@Sci. Total Env., 280(1-3), 153-163.@Yes$Smirnov L.P., Sukhovskaya I.V. and Nemova N.N. (2005).@Effects of environmental factors on low-molecular-weight peptides of fishes: A review.@Russ. J. Ecol., 36(1), 41-47.@Yes$Sigel H., Sigel R.K. and Sigel A. (2009).@Metallothioneins and related chelators (Metal ions in life sciences).@Cambridge, England: Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 1-84755-899-2.@Yes$Amiard J.C., Amiard T.C., Barka S., Pellerin J. and Rainbow P.S. (2006).@Metallothioneins in aquatic invertebrates: Their role in metal detoxification and their use as biomarkers.@Aquatic Toxicology, 76(2), 160-202.@Yes$Kumari M.V., Hiramatsu M. and Ebadi M. (1998).@Free radical scavenging actions of metallothionein isoforms I and II.@Free Radic. Res., 29(2), 93-101.@Yes$Moffatt P. and Denizeau F. (1997).@Metallothioniens in physiological and physiopathological processes.@Drug Metab. Rev., 29(1-2), 261-307.@Yes$Kagi J.H.R. 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(2001).@Structural and functional analysis of metal regulatory elements in the promoter region of genes encoding metallothionein isoforms in the Antarctic fish Chionodraco hamatus (icefish).@Gene, 274(1-2), 199-208.@Yes$Kille P., Kay J. and Sweeney G.E. (1993).@Analysis of regulatory elements flanking metallothionein genes in Cd-tolerant fish (pike and stone loach).@Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1216(1), 55-64.@Yes$Overnell J. and Coombs T.L. (1979).@Purification and properties of plaice metallothionein, a cadmium-binding protein from the liver of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa).@Biochem. J., 183(2), 277-283.@Yes$Bonham K., Zafarullah M. and Gedamu L. (1987).@The rainbow trout metallothioneins: Molecular cloning and characterization of two distinct cDNA sequences.@DNA, 6(6), 519-528.@Yes$Carpene E. and Vasak M. (1989).@Hepatic metallothioneins from goldfish (Carassius auratus L.).@Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part B Comp. Biochem., 92, 463-468.@Yes$Bremner I. 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Science and Eng., Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad - 826004, Jharkhand, India<#LINE#>30/11/2016<#LINE#>30/6/2017<#LINE#>Magnetotactic bacteria are a miscellaneous cluster of microorganisms having geomagnetism aided navigation property against applied magnetic field. This oneness is because of the presence of intracellular organelles magnetosomes comprising a membrane-bound crystals of magnetic iron minerals which are formed due to partial reduction of ferric iron in the iron-rich environment. It can biomineralize magnetic particles into uniform size structure, which has gained much more attention over chemically synthesized magnetic nanoparticles. The advantage of this bacteria over other microorganisms are that they are non-pathogenic,motile and easily isolated from the environment. With implications in various fields, including evolutionary biology, biogeochemistry, and nanotechnology, research on MTB and their magnetosomes has steadily increased since they were described by Richard Blakemore in 1975. Regardless of wide acknowledgment, there is still the lesser-known application of magnetotactic bacteria in remediation of wastewater. This review paper deals with the diversity of magnetotactic bacteria and their application in environmental clean-up.<#LINE#>Kopp R.E. and Kirschvink J.L. (2008).@The identification and biogeochemical interpretation of fossil magnetotactic bacteria.@Earth-Sci. Rev., 86, 42-61.@Yes$Roberts A.P., Florindo F., Villa G., Chang L., Jovane L., Bohaty S.M., Larrasoaña Juan C., Heslop D. and Gerald John, D.F. 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