@Research Paper <#LINE#>Allergenic potential of two species of Poaceae: Panicum maximum Jacq and Sacciolepis africana C.E. Hubb pollen protein in albino mice<#LINE#>Ezikanyi@Dimphna Nneka ,Ogundipe@OLuwatoyin T. ,Adeiga@Adesina A. <#LINE#>1-5<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-013.pdf<#LINE#>Palynology Unit, Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria@Palynology Unit, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Nigeria@Clinical Pathology Department, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research,Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria<#LINE#>27/1/2017<#LINE#>10/10/2017<#LINE#>Pollen grains are the major cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis which affect millions of people worldwide. The presence of protein and glycoprotein content of their sporoderm and cytoplasm cause allergic sensitization in hypersensitive individuals. Immune system overreact by producing immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies which travel to cells that release allergic mediators causing allergic reactions. The objectives of this study were to; determine the concentration of pollen protein in two species of Poaceae: Panicum maximum and Sacciolepis africana, evaluate the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies and immune cells of mice elicited by both pollen proteins. Pollen protein were extracted in 100 ml of 0.02 M of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 and protein content assayed. Albino mice were sensitized by two subcutaneous and one intranasal injections weekly for four weeks. Blood samples were obtained by retro-orbital bleedings, sera obtained were used for IgE evaluation by immuno assay. The result revealed a pollen protein contents of 420.27 µg/ml and 278.37 µg/ml in Panicum maximum and Sacciolepis africana respectively. Pollen protein of Panicum maximum induced a progressive change in the level of specific IgE in mice, after second sensitization. Both pollen proteins caused infiltration of basophil after first sensitization in albino mice. The result suggested that pollen which are dispersed from Panicum maximum and Sacciolepis africana are potential agents in inducing allergenic reaction. It also showed that Sacciolepis africana pollen protein are more potent than those of Panicum maximum. The research is the first study on pollen protein allergenicity in Nigeria.<#LINE#>Izquierdo C.D.P., Piedons-Gutierrez B., Tellez H.D. and Prado O.Z.C. (2012).@Aerobiological study of Anemophilous pollens in the city of Toluca, Mexico.@World Allergy Organization Journal, 5, 589-590.@No$Wilson D.H., Adams R.J, Tucker G., Appleton S., Taylor A.W. and Ruffin R.E. 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Health and Global Environmental Series. EUR/03/5036791. World Health Organization, Copenhagen.@Yes$Sharma D., Dutta B.K. and Singh A.B. (2009).@Biochemical and Immunological studies on eight pollen types from Assam, India.@Iran Journal of Allergy, Asthma Immunology, 8(4), 185-192.@Yes$Shahali Y., Majd A., Pourpak Z., Tajadod G., Haftlang M. and Moin M. (2007).@Comparative Study of the Pollen Protein Contents in Two Major Varieties of Cupressus arizonica Planted inTehran.@Iran Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 6(3), 123-127.@Yes$D@Pollen‐related allergy in Europe.@Allergy, 53(6), 567-578.@Yes$Emberlin J., Jones S., Bailey J., Caulton E., Cordon J., Dubbels S., Evans J., Donagh N.M., Mullins J., Russel R. and Spencer T. (1994).@Variation in the start of the grass pollen season at selected sites in the United Kingdom 1987-1992.@Grana, 33, 94-99.@Yes$Mesa J.A.S., Smith M., Emberlin J., Allitt U., Caulton E. and Galan C. 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(2014).@Increased level of Basophil CD203 Expression predicts severe chronic urticarial.@Journal of Korean Medical Science, 29(1), 43-47.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of Oued Seybouse pollution by anionic surfactants and their ecotoxicological effects on the freshwater crustaceans case of Daphnia magna<#LINE#>Charchar@Nabil ,Bouchaala@Laid ,Gherib@Abdelfatteh ,Azzeddine@Aissaoui ,Houhamdi@Moussa <#LINE#>6-14<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-066.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory Biology, Water and Environment (LBEE), Faculty SNV-STU, University 8 May 1945, Guelma, Algeria and National Center for Biotechnology Research, Constantine, Algeria@Laboratory Biology, Water and Environment (LBEE), Faculty SNV-STU, University 8 May 1945, Guelma, Algeria and National Center for Biotechnology Research, Constantine, Algeria@National Center for Biotechnology Research, Constantine, Algeria@National Center for Biotechnology Research, Constantine, Algeria@Laboratory Biology, Water and Environment (LBEE), Faculty SNV-STU, University 8 May 1945, Guelma, Algeria<#LINE#>22/5/2017<#LINE#>3/10/2017<#LINE#>This study was conducted to assess both biological and chemical pollution of Oued Seybouse (Guelma). To achieve that, indicator bacteria of faecal pollution were isolated and counted, and physico-chemical parameters of such watershed including anionic surfactants were measured. Also, acute toxicity of sodium dodecyl sulphate (as an ionic surfactant) was tested on Daphnia magna. According to our results, it was observed that: The values of physico-chemical parameters of pollution were not within the permissible limits as the concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrate exceeded 7 mg/l and 52 mg/l, respectively. The concentration of an anionic surfactant did not exceed the accepted norm but it showed toxic effect on aquatic organisms such as Daphnia magna especially after prolonged exposure to 0.750 mg/l. Regarding the bacterial load, it largely exceeded the accepted standards for the three types of bacteria which are indicators of fecal contamination. In conclusion, this pollution is a consequence of the solid and liquid wild discharges that have a direct and significant impact on the quality of water throughout Oued Seybouse.<#LINE#>Sunantha G. and Vasudevan N. (2016).@Assessment of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluoro octane sulfonate in surface water Tamil Nadu, India.@Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109(3), 612-618.@Yes$Malaj E.P.C., Von der O.R., Kühnee C.P., Mondy P., Usseglio-Polatera M., Grote W. and Schäfer R.B. (2014).@Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scale.@Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(26), 9549-9554.@Yes$Cazzolla Gatti R. (2016).@Freshwater biodiversity: a review of local and global threats.@International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73(6), 887-904.@Yes$Rabetafika H., Paquot M. and Dubois P. 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The hot spring water samples from two selected sites of Rishikund were collected during October 2014 to June 2016 at an interval of four months and were analyzed for various Physico-Chemical parameters, viz., pH, Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chloride, Sulphate, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Total Dissolved Solid (T.D.S). The estimated values were compared with the standard value of corresponding parameter as prescribed by WHO for drinking water and it was found that water of these sites are potable.<#LINE#>Jana B.B. and Pal D.N. and Sarkar H.L. (1982).@Spatial distribution of the biotic community in the thermal gradient of two hot springs.@Acta hydrochem.Hydrobiol, 10(1), 101-108.@Yes$Jana B.B. (1977).@The influence of environmental Parameters on the bacterial population of thermal springs in West Bengal, India.@Biol J. Li. 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(2005).@Physico-Chemical characteristics of Abu A’ baal Ponda Egypt.@Egyptian journal of aquatic research, 31(2), 1-15.@No <#LINE#>Qualitative analysis of socio-environmental factors of sand mining on Mithri Tributary of Luni River at Kosana, Pipar Jodhpur Dist. of Rajasthan, India<#LINE#>Ojha@Shrikant,Choudhary@Sangeeta <#LINE#>22-31<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-091.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Civil Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNVU Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India@MBM Engineering College, JNVU Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India<#LINE#>23/7/2017<#LINE#>8/10/2017<#LINE#>The study conducted in Mithri River which is the tributary of Luni River situated in Kosana village of Jodhpur district, Rajasthan shows that socio-environmental situation due to sand mining is in controlled condition except for the disturbance of land profile. Indiscriminate and illegal sand mining has created negative impacts on land use, deforestation and fauna diversity. Mining activities and piling of mined sand near the river bank is affecting the natural topography of the River bed. In this study, the difference expected to occur in livelihood and community standards of the study area.<#LINE#>Ashraf, Muhammad Aqeel, Maah Mohd Jamil, Yusoff Ismail, Wajid Abdul and Mahmood Karamat (2011).@Sand mining effects, causes and concerns: A case study from Bestari Jaya, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia.@Scientific Research and Essays, 6(6), 1216-1231.@Yes$Padmalal D. and Arun P.R. (1998).@Sand budget of Periyar river: special reference to river sand mining.@Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 55.@Yes$Padmalal D., Maya K., Sreebha S. and Sreeja R. (2008).@Environmental effects of river sand mining: a case from the river catchments of Vembanad lake, Southwest coast of India.@Environmental geology, 54(4), 879-889.@Yes$Sreebha Sreedharan and Padmalal Damodaran (2011).@Environmental impact assessment of sand mining from the small catchment rivers in the southwestern coast of India: a case study.@Environmental management, 47(1), 130-40.@Yes$Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2014).@Impacts of river sand mining.@Sand Mining (Springer), 31-56.@Yes$Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2014).@Sand Mining: The World Scenario.@Sand Mining (Springer), 57-80.@Yes$Arun P.R., Sreeja R., Sreebha S., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2006).@River sand mining and its impact on physical and biological environments of Kerala Rivers, Southwest Coast of India.@Eco-chronicle, 1, 1-6.@Yes$Adedeji O.H., Adebayo H.O. and Sotayo E.I. (2014).@Assessing environmental impacts of inland sand mining in parts of Ogun State, Nigeria.@Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 7(5), 478-487.@Yes$Apaydın Ahmet (2012).@Dual impact on the groundwater aquifer in the Kazan Plain (Ankara, Turkey): sand–gravel mining and over-abstraction.@Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 241-255.@Yes$Saviour Naveen M. (2012).@Environmental impact of soil and sand mining: a review.@International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 1, 125-134.@Yes$Leeuw Jan de, Shankman David, Wu Guofeng, Boer Willem Frederik de, Burnham James, He Qing, Yesou Herve and Xiao Jing (2010).@Strategic assessment of the magnitude and impacts of sand mining in Poyang Lake, China.@Regional Environmental Change, 10, 95-102.@Yes$Kim Chul (2005).@Impact analysis of river aggregate mining on river environment.@KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 9(1), 45-48.@Yes$Hemalatha A.C., Chandrakanth Mysore G. and Nagaraj N. 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(2014).@Floristic Diversity Assessment in River Sand Mining near Palri Bhoptan Village, Kishangarh Tehsil, Ajmer District, Rajasthan, India.@Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 7(2), 51-59.@Yes @Case Study <#LINE#>Full carbon accounting: the case of ethanol<#LINE#>Szabó@Zoltán <#LINE#>32-41<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-043.pdf<#LINE#>Látens Dimenzió Consultancy, Budakeszi, Hungary<#LINE#>29/3/2017<#LINE#>9/10/2017<#LINE#>Transport needs to be decarbonised, but the lack of a comprehensive carbon accounting framework prevents policy consensus. Policies are moving towards inclusion of indirect effects, but not yet in a comprehensive manner. The engine efficiency improvements of higher octane levels should be included in LCAs. Ethanol is both a fuel and a chemical. A framework of full carbon accounting is suggested. Illustrative calculations are presented for European ethanol. Results show that European ethanol is better than oil. Indirect land use change impacts appear entirely offset by fuel economy improvements. The ethanol portion in E10 (10% ethanol blended in petrol) may have less than one-third the climate footprint of petrol. Furthermore, ethanol in E20, expected in the next decade, may be carbon neutral, if appropriate High Octane Fuels regulations and policies are enacted.<#LINE#>Union E. (2009)@Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC.@Official Journal of the European Union, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=celex%3A32009L0028@Yes$Parliament E.U. (2009).@Directive 2009/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009.@Official Journal of the European Union, 140, 88-113. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex% 3A32009L0030@Yes$Leone T.G., Anderson J.E., Davis R.S., Iqbal A., Reese R.A., Shelby M.H. and Studzinski W.M. (2015).@The effect of compression ratio, fuel octane rating, and ethanol content on spark-ignition engine efficiency.@Environ. Sci. Technol., 49(18), 10778-10789. dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est. 5b01420@Yes$Speth R.L., Chow E.W., Malina R., Barrett S.R.H., Heywood J.B. and Green W.H. (2014).@Economic and Environmental Benefits of Higher-Octane Gasoline.@Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(12), 6561-6568. doi: 10.1021/es405557p@Yes$Van den Bos A. and Hamelinck C. 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For details, see Supporting Information.@No <#LINE#>Analysis of women's social status in Arsenic Prone Area: a case study of Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, India<#LINE#>Kumar@Abhishek ,Roy@Malabika Biswas <#LINE#>42-44<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2017-094.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India@Department of Geography, Women's College, Calcutta, West Bengal, India and School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-32, India<#LINE#>2/8/2017<#LINE#>8/10/2017<#LINE#>An examination was directed in Bairia town in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India to know the degree and extent of arsenic and its wellbeing impacts with uncommon reference to dermatological impacts in ladies. 120 specimens were gathered from hand tube wells from the investigation range and broke down for arsenic. Results demonstrated that the arsenic tainting in shallow tube wells was considerably higher than as far as possible. The examination enlisted 70 ladies of various age assemble by arbitrary inspecting to recognize arsenical skin sickness. This investigation recognized direct and serious skin injuries in 60% of ladies. Arsenical infection like melanosis (hyperpigmentation or dim spots and hypopigmentation or white spots), hyperkeratosis (solidified skin), fringe vascular malady (Blackfoot disease). 60% patients are as yet drinking defiled water because of absence of mindfulness and exchange water source. Overview report demonstrated that because of arsenical illness in ladies individuals are not indicating enthusiasm for getting hitched here and number of guest sare diminishing step by step.<#LINE#>WHO (2012).@Arsenic fact sheet N°372.@http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs372/en/ (Last accessed on 11/13/16).@No$Daily S. 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The many different methods through which zeolite are obtained has been explained. The different ways through which zeolite materials have been characterized have also been looked at in details. The different starting raw materials and the processing steps which have been used to synthesize zeolites have been given explained. The application areas have been presented with special emphasis on the current trends in the application of zeolites apart from its use in catalysis, detergents and ion exchange.<#LINE#>Breck D.W. (1974).@Zeolites Molecular Sieves, Structure, Chemistry and Use.@New York, John Wiley & Sons, 4(1), 771-780.@No$Chiang A.T. and Chao K.J. (2001).@Membranes and Films of Zoelite and Zeolite Like Materials.@Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 62, 1899-1910.@Yes$Xu R.W.P., Yu Q., Huo J. and Chen J. 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