International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(9), 10-15, September (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 10 Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Seed Mycoflora of Charoli and Almond, IndiaPal Poonam Parul University, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA Available online at:, Received 9th May 2015, revised 21st June 2015, accepted 22nd August 2015 AbstractThe present investigation deals with growth of various types of fungi on the seed of charoli and almond at different temperature and humidity levels. For such assessment seeds of charoli and almond were kept in different temperature ranging from 10 to 40C and also at different humidity level ranging from 54% to 94%. Many species of fungi were found on seed coat of charoli and almond, but among them predominant were Aspergillus and Rhizopus. Keywords: Charoli, almond, aspergillus, rhizopus, drupe. Introduction Scientific name of charoli is Buchanania lanzan. They are tiny almond-flavoured dried seeds of a bush. Charoli mainly grows in tropical region of India and it is an endemic as well as vulnerable plant. Flowering season is from january to march. It is cultivated across India, primarily in the northwest. The roots of charoli gives cooling effect and are useful in treatment of diarrhea. Skin diseases can be cured with its leaves. Fruits are used in treating cough and asthma. It grows on yellow sandy-loam soil and is a commercially useful tree species throughout the greater part of India. Scientific name of almond is Prunus amygdalus. It is not a true nut, but a drupe. Flowering season is from March to April. Global production is approximately 1.7 million tones. Almond is actually a native of Central Asia is now cultivated throughout Southern Europe, USA, Australia and South Africa. They are rich source of fats, protein, carbohydrate and mineral matter. Preliminary research showed that intake of almond creates lower risk of cancer and also improves complexion. Almond oil has been traditionally used by massage therapists for the skin. There are reports where seed borne fungi affect the yield of crop, its production and changes the food nutrition value and also causes disease. During the stages of maturity or harvesting and storage, the seeds get exposed to high level of humidity and temperature fluctuations and hence develop several kinds of moulds which spoil these seeds. The growth of fungi is directly proportional to optimum temperature. As the temperature increases fungal growth also increases. Similarly growth of fungi is also directly proportional to humidity. As humidity increases, fungal growth increases. In almond and charoli seeds fungi can be detected in - Shell, Seed coat, Cotyledon, Axis. Figure-1 Parts of seed International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(9), 10-15, September (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 11 Figure-2 Cross section of a seed Material and Methods 16 petriplates were collected and they were autoclaved. Four layers of blotting paper were kept on each other in petridish. These blotting papers were soaked in distilled water for 20 minutes at a pressure of 15 psi. Some charoli and almond were placed on wet blotting paper in this petriplate. Out of these, 4 petriplate containing almond and 4 petriplate containg charoli were kept in BOD incubator and temperature of 10C, 25C, 35C and 45C was maintained for 5 days. Fungal colonies start appearing after 24 hours. The seed mycoflora varied significantly qualitatively and quantitatively with the temperature conditions. Fungi like species of Aspergillus and Rhizopus were found to be associated with the seeds at all temperatures. Minimum fungal incidence occurs at 10C and maximum occurs at 35C. Fungal growth increases with the increase in temperature to a certain extent, then the thermophilic fungi starts growing. Another 4 petriplate containing almond and 4 petriplate containg charoli were placed in dessicator and relative humidity of 94%, 84%, 74% and 54% was maintained by different solutions for 5 days. The seed mycoflora varied significantly qualitatively and quantitatively with the humidity conditions. Fungi like species of Aspergillus and Rhizopus were found to be associated with the seeds at all humidity. Presence of these species at low RH may be attributed to their xerophilic nature, while their dominance at high RH may be due to their strong saprophytic ability. Minimum fungal incidence occurs at 54% RH and maximum occurs at 94% RH. It was observed that the growth of fungi increased with the increase in moisture level. Major species of fungi found in charoli and almond seeds were Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Curvularia. Aspergillus: Conidiophores are simple, straight, having globose or clavate swelling, bearing phialides at the apex or radiating from the entire surface. Conidia are single celled, globose, often variously colouerd in mass, catenulate and produce basipetally. A large genus are present containing many species saprophytic on a wide variety of substrate and a few parasitic species. Fusarium: Extensive mycelium and cottony in culture, often with some tinge of pink, purple or yellow. Conidiophore are variable, slender and simple or snout, short, branched irregularly. They can bear phialids which are in spiral shape, single or grouped into sporodochia. Conidia are translucent, variable and often held in a mass of gelatinous material. 2 types of conidia – macro and micro conidia. They are parasitic on higher plants or saprophytic on decaying plant. Penicillium: Species of penicillium are omnipresent soil fungi which grow in moderate to cool weather, wherever organic material is present. The vegetative part of penicillium typically consists of colorless hyphae which are multi nucleate having many branches. Many conidiophores grow on the mycelia, bearing individually constricted conidiospores. Dispersion of fungi occurs through theses conidiospores, which are usually green. Figure–3 Flow chart of the experiment done International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(9), 10-15, September (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 12 Curvularia: Conidiophore brown, simple or sometimes branched. Spore bearing as in helminthosporium. Conidia are fusiform in shape, lighter towards end, dark in colour, 3 to 5 celled, little bent or curve with 1 or 2 of the central cells enlarged. Conidia is distinguished by distinctly septate lines which is brown in colour. They may be parasitic or saprophytic. They are found in tropical as well as in temperate zone. Results and Discussion 4 petriplate containing almond and 4 petriplate containg charoli were kept in BOD incubator and temperature of 10C (figure–4 and 5), 25C (figure–6 and 7), 35C (figure–8 and 9) and 45C (figure–10 and 11) was maintained for 5 days. Figure-4 Petriplate containing almond kept at 100 C Figure–5 Petriplate containing charoli kept at 100 C Figure-6 Petriplate containing almond kept at 250 C Figure–7 Petriplate containing charoli kept at 250 C Figure–8 Petriplate containing almond kept at 350 Figure–9 Petriplate containing charoli kept at 350 Figure–10 Petriplate containing almond kept at 45 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(9), 10-15, September (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 13 Figure–11 Petriplate containing charoli kept at 45Another 4 petriplate containing almond and 4 petriplate containg charoli were placed in dessicator and relative humidity of 94%, 84%, 74% and 54% was maintained by different solutions for 5 days, figure–12 and 13. Figure–12 Petriplate containing charoli kept in dessicator Figure–13 Petriplate containing almond kept in dessicator ConclusionAfter considering the above results it is concluded that most of the fungi were found to be located on seed coat. Maximum incidence of fungal growth was observed at a temperature of 25 - 30 C and at a humidity level of 94%. Minimum was observed at relatively cold temperature (10C) and low humidity level. Fungi like species of Aspergillus and Rhizopus were predominant and were found to be associated with the seeds at all temperatures and humidity level. These all factors need to be considered at the time of storage of dry fruits / seeds of charoli and almond. References 1.Shende S. and Rai M., Multiple shoot formation and plant regeneration of a commercially-useful tropical plant, Buchanania lanzan,Plant Biotechnology, 22(1),59–61 (2005)Table–1 Optimum temperature and moisture content Name of fungi Temperature Range Moisture Range A. candidus 37  C 80-85% A. flavus 30-35  C 75-85% A. fumigatus 40  C 75-85% A. niger 25-35  C 82-90% A. ochraceus 25-30  C 89-94% Fusarium sp. 23-28  C 90-94% Penicillium sp. 30  C 86% Rhizopus 25-35  C 95-97% Curvularia sp. 35-40  C 75-80%