International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 1 Study of Physico-Chemical and Comparative analysis of Surface Water in Summer and Winter Season of Rewa District, MP, IndiaSolanki Manoj Kumar1*Gupta O.P., Singh D.K. and Ahirwar Shukdeo PrasadDepartment of Chemistry, Govt. Engineering College, Rewa, 486002, MP, INDIA Department of Geology, Govt. Engineering College, Rewa, 486002, MP, INDIA Department of Chemistry, Govt. PG College, Niwari, Tikamgarh, 472442, MP, INDIA Available online at:, Received 23rd March 2015, revised 30th April 2015, accepted 18th May 2015 Abstract In this research present study of physico-chemical and comparative analysis of surface water in summer and winter season of Rewa district Madhya Pradesh (M.P.), India. At most of the water samples for drinking purpose are suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Standard (ISI) and BIS organization. Season wise changes in physical and chemical parameters like Colour, Odour, Taste, Turbidity, pH value, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, Alkalinity, Chloride, TDS, sulphate, etc. Surface water parameters were analyzed for a period of summer and winter season in the year of 2014. Some parameters were found on the basis of the data analysis. Keywords: Physico-chemical analysis, Comparative, water, Madhya Pradesh India.Introduction India is endowed with rich water resources. Surface water found in an earth surface, it is called surface water. The Rewa district surface water quality evaluated on the basis of dissolved some minerals, and salts. Surface water, thus contains many dissolved minerals and surface water dissolved some types of impurities and quantity of impurities are deepened as the source of water. In this paper, we are analyzing surface water of Hardi pound, Rani pound and Sundar Nagar area for the analysis of Colour, Odour, Taste, Turbidity, pH, Total hardness, calcium, magnesium, Total alkalinity, Chloride, TDS, Sulphate etc. in summer and winter season 2014 of Rewa district Madhya Pradesh, India. At most of the water samples for drinking purpose, permissible limit is suggested by the World Health organization (WHO),Indian Standard (ISI) and BIS. Some parameters found in some limits in a sample of water. Material and Methods Surface water samples taken during the summer season in the year of 2014 in summer and winter season from Rewa district. All samples of water are collected from same day and collect in a plastic bottle, and washed with 10% HNO and hydrochloric acid. The plastic bottles were labeled and add this time few drops of HNO3 for the control of order and bacteria and fungi growth and PH of water is also determined at the time of sampling. All determination, repeated one or two times. Colour of water is determined in water sample of surface water with the help of dissolved salt, iron, Taste of water is determined in water sample of surface water with the help of oral taste, Odour of water is determined in water sample of surface water with the help of odour of water, Turbidity in water were determined in water sample of surface water by nephelometric method with sample cells using hydrazine sulfate, distilled water, hexamethylenetetramine, pH value of water is determined in water sample of surface water using a pH meter, Total hardness of water is determined in water sample of surface water by EDTA complex metric titration method with the help of pure, dry caco3 dilute hydrochloric acid, water bath, EDTA crystal Mgcl2, distilled water, EBT indicator, alcohol, ammonium chloride, ammonium solution, buffer solution, burette, pipette, conical flasks, beaker etc., Calcium in surface water is determined by EDTA titrimetric method using sodium hydroxide, ammonium purpurate, standard EDTA solution, standard calcium solution, Magnesium in surface water is determined by using calculation from total hardness and calcium by EDTA method, Total alkalinity in surface water isanalized by titration method with the help of hydrochloric acid and with the help of phenolpthalin and methyl orange indicators, Chloride in surface water is analized by Argent metric titration method with the help of potassium chromate indicator and silver nitrate titrant, standard NaCl solution etc., TDS in surface water is determined by TDS measurement apparatus, Sulphate in water is determined by Nephelometry method using Nephelometric turbidity meter with sample cells, magnetic stirrer, timer within dictator of second etc1-10. Results and Discussion Water sample analysis has been done on season wise period from 2014 in summer and winter season. Water sample of surface water of the Hardi pound and one of the Rani pound and Sundar Nagar area has been fixed for taking sample throughout the summer and winter season in the year of 2014. The analysis done using standard method obeying WHO, ISI and BIS water quality Parameters as well (see table-3 and 4) For the overall water pollution of the study area the main reason responsible are International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 2 the problem of dissolved salts, minerals, foaming and industrial effluents. The flow rates of surface water has also been taken into account while reaching at certain results because of the concentration of various pollutants differs throughout the summer and winter season. Table-1 shows alternate value of surface water of Hardi pound and Rani pound in summer season Colour; colorless, colorless, Odour; Odorless, Odorless, Taste; Unpleasant, Unpleasant, Turbidity; 3.6, 8.2, pH; 7.8, 7.8, Total hardness; 338, 220, Calcium; 140, 120, Magnesium; 198, 100, Total alkalinity; 316, 160,Chloride; 32, 40, TDS; 368, 114 Sulphate; 42, 82. Table 1 shows alternate value of surface water of Rani pound and Sunder Nagar area in winter season Colour; colorless, colorless, Odour; Odorless, Odorless, Taste; Unpleasant, Unpleasant, Turbidity; 0.1, 0.1, pH value; 7.2, 7.8, Total hardness; 200, 580, Calcium; 1.6, 10.4, Magnesium; 1.44, 0.72, Total alkalinity; 100, 346, Chloride; 38, 65, TDS; 145, 740. Table–1 Average value of all parameters of surface water in summer and winter season-2014 Units Parameters Summer Season (Hardi Pound) Summer Season (Rani Pound) Winter Season (Rani Pound) Winter Season (Sunder Nagar) Hazen Units Colour Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless NIL Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless NIL Test Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless NTU Turbidity 3.6 8.2 0.1 0.1 pH Scale pH 7.8 7.8 7.2 7.8 Mg/l Total Hardness 338 220 200 580 Mg/l Calcium 140 120 1.6 10.4 Mg/l Magnesium 198 100 1.44 0.72 Mg/l Total Alkalinity 316 160 100 346 Mg/l Chloride 32 40 38 65 Mg/l TDS 368 114 145 740 Mg/l Sulphate 42 82 NIL NIL Table–2 Range of hardness in various units Classification of Hard Water Hardness (Mg/L) Hardness (Mmol/L) Hardness (DGH/ dH) Hardness (GPG) Hardness (PPM) Soft water 0 to 60 0 to 0.60 0 to 3.37 0 to 3.50 Less than 60 Moderately hard water 61 to 120 0.61 to 1.20 3.38 to 6.74 3.56 to - 7.01 60 to 120 Hard water 121 to 180 1.21 to 1.80 6.75 to 10.11 7.06 to 10.51 120 to 180 Very hard water 181 1.81 10.12 10.57 � 180 Table-3 Water quality parameters and drinking water standards Parameters Units Drinking water WHO (1984) and ISI (1991) Desirable Maximum pH value NIL 6.5to8.5 No relaxation Dissolved Solids Mg/l 500 2000 Colour Hazen units 5 25 Odour NIL Unobjectionable NIL Turbidity NTU 5 10 Taste NIL Agreeable NIL Total hardness (as CaCO 3 ) Mg/l 300 600 Alkalinity Mg/l 200 600 Ca 2+ Mg/l 75 200 Mg 2+ Mg/l 0.1 0.3 NO 3 - Mg/l 50 No relaxation Cl - Mg/l 250 1000 Sulphate Mg/l 200 400 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 3 Figure - 1 Average value of all parameters of surface water Figure - 2 Average value of all parameters of surface water 3.67.8338140198316323684250100150200250300350400 SUMMER-2014 (HARDI POUND) Value in Mg/l or NTU 8.27.8220120100160401148250100150200250 SUMMER-2014 (RANI POUND) Value in Mg/l or NTU International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 4 Figure-3 Average value of all parameters of surface water Figure - 4 Average value of all parameters of surface water 0.17.22001.61.441003814550100150200250 WINTER-2014 (RANI POUND) Value in Mg/l or NTU 0.17.858010.40.7234665740100200300400500600700800 WINTER -2014 (SUNDER NAGAR) Value in Mg/l or NTU International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 5 Figure - 5 Comparative average value of all parameters of surface water in summer season-2014 Figure - 6 Comparative average value of all parameters of surface water in winter season-2014 50100150200250300350400TurbiditypHTotal HardnessCa2+Mg+2Total AlkalinityCl-TDSSO42- SUMMER-2014 (HARDI POUND) SUMMER-2014 (RANI POUND) Value in Mg/l or NTU 100200300400500600700800TurbiditypHTotal HardnessCa2+Mg+2Total AlkalinityCl-TDS WINTER-2014 (RANI POUND) WINTER-2014 (SUNDER NAGAR) Value in Mg/l or NTU International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 1-6, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 6 Table -4 Water quality parameters and drinking water standards Parameters BIS Desirable limit of drinking water PH Value6.5–8.5 TDS (Mg/l)500 Total hardness ( Mg/l ) 300 Total alkalinity ( Mg/l ) 200 Ca 2+ ( Mg/l ) 75 Mg 2+ ( Mg/l ) 100 Na + ( Mg/l ) 60 No 3 - ( Mg/l ) 45 Cl - ( Mg/l ) 250 So 4 2 - ( Mg/l ) 200 Co 3 2 - ( Mg/l ) NIL HCo 3 - ( Mg/l ) 250 Conclusion The result of physico-chemical analysis of surface water samples indicates overall hard water and alkaline nature. The surface water pH desirable limit. About some water samples TDS less than 1000 mg/l; and water are suitable for drinking purposes according to analyzed data of total dissolved solid. All samples of water are normal chloride, sulfate and very hard, hence some water sample suitable or not suitable for drinking purposes according to analyzed data of hardness. Analyzed data compared with WHO (1984), BIS and ISI (1991).All surface water data indicate, samples are more or less suitable for drinking purpose. Some sample quantity dissolved in water of permissible category. The whole study was under study throughout the year, including summer and winter season and sample taken from three sites for the analysis. The analysis of the water sample done as per the analytical methods for the various parameters illustrated in table-1. The threshold limit for various parameters has been consistent according to the WHO, ISI and BIS norms fixed in drinking water (table-3 and 4). References 1.Manoj Kumar Solanki, Gupta O.P., Shukdeo Prasad Ahirwar and Mukesh Singh, Physico-chemical and Comparative analysis of Underground Water in Summer and Winter Season 2014 of Rewa city, MP, India, Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.,4(5), 73-79 (2015)2.Manoj Kumar Solanki, O.P. 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