International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 1 Noise level and Annoyance in Mela Ground, Santiniketan, India during Poush Mela Syed Yakub Ali and Shibani Chaudhury* Department of Environmental Science, Siksha-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 18th October 2014, revised 26th February 2015, accepted 22th April 2015 AbstractNoise level was monitored for two consecutive years of 2012 and 2013 during Poush Mela (fair) organized by Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal held during 23rdto 25th December every year. Poush Mela is one of the great occasions in Santiniketan, which draws thousands of people from all over India as well as neighboring countries. The Poush Mela ground become abuzz with various activities, excitement, and joy due to the mingling of almost 50,000 odd visitors, which is enough to give rise to noise pollution. In order to check the intensity of the pollution, noise data were recorded from various locations of the Mela (fair) ground during morning, evening and night hours. The various noise level indices like Equivalent Sound Level (Leq), Day Night Level (Ldn), Community Equivalent Level (Lden) and Noise Pollution Level (Lnp) were determined to compare them with the national standard levels. Probable measures which can keep the noise levels during Poush Mela in check were discussed.A social survey was adopted to study the impact of noise on the people during Poush Mela. Keyword: Poush Mela, noise pollution, equivalent sound level (Leq), day night level (Ldn), community equivalent level (Lden), noise pollution level (Lnp). Introduction Noise means unwanted sound that annoys the people. Recently it has become a serious problem for human health. Major sources of ambient noise pollution are anthropogenic activities. The sources may be domestic, commercial, industrial and transport. Exposure to high noise levels for a long time is causes to many health effects such as hearing loss, malfunctioning of cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, peripheral vasoconstriction, sleep disturbance, impaired performance, and psycho-physiological symptoms. Poush Mela is an annual fair that takes place in Santiniketan, West Bengal, India with pomp and pleasure, during the last week of December. The key characteristics of this fair are Bengali folk music, mainly Baul music. Some 1,500 stalls take part in the fair. Government statistics put the daily inflow of tourists in to Santiniketan at around 40,000 per day during Poush Utsav. Santiniketan is one of the quiet place dotted with greeneries, where people belonging to different ages particularly the elderly often come for relief. Although the Poush Mela is for three days, but people starts coming to Santiniketan much before the scheduled date. Even after the official closure, the Mela continues for another week or so, drawing more visitors to the site. Such a surge of people within a very short period add woes to the local inhabitants by virtue of high noise levels. The main cause for the high noise in the Mela is due to playing of microphones loudly, interaction of a large number of people with sellers, live performances, outburst of emotion and so on. Associated with high noise levels, air and land also rendered unsuitable for living due to increased anthropogenic activities like use of private cars, throwing of plastics etc. Keeping in mind the disturbances created due to high turnout of visitors during Poush Mela, the present study was taken up: To record noise levels at various locations in Santiniketan Mela ground and compare with prescribe standard values for risk assessment. To study road traffic noise levels at surrounding Mela ground during Mela and compare with noise level of the same place at normal day. Arrange a social survey about annoyance of the people due to noise pollution during Poush Mela Material and Methods Eight locations were identified for Noise monitoring around the Mela ground and are presented in table-1 and study location are also shown in the map (figure-1), created by using Intergraph Geo Media Professional 2014. For this survey a digital sound level meter, type-2 with frequency weighting network as per IEC 651 specification, frequency range of 31.5 Hz to 8,000 Hz and measuring range between 0-130dB was used. Before and after use of Sound Level Meter, it was calibrated at 94.0 dB(A). Sound data were recorded at one minute interval on the A-weighting frequency network at the height of 1.5 m from the ground4,5. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 2 Table-1 Distribution of the noise sampling locationsStudy Location Name/No. GPS coordinate Longitudes Latitudes Central Office of Visva-Bharati (S1) 8741’21.26” 2340’47.57” Second Entrance Gate of Mela Ground (S2) 8741’24.40” 2340’43.22” Near Police Line (S3) 87 o 41’31.68” 23 o 40’38.99” Near Purbapally Boys’ Hostel (S4) 8741’28.09” 2340’50.14” Third Entrance Gate of Mela Ground (S5) 8741’22.39” 2340’35.60” Near State of India, Santiniketan (S6) 8741’20.85” 2340’41.11” Lodge More (S7) 87 o 41’31.06” 23 o 40’16.33” Chitra More (S8) 87 o 41’39.19” 23 o 40’05.09” Sound Pressure that the meter receives is not the same as what the ear would perceive. For this reason an electronic circuitry called weighting network is built into the meter so as to produce a read out that closely resembles a human response. A series of three internationally accepted weighting scales has been adapted. These are A, B and C weighting networks. The ‘A network’ approximates human auditory response to low intensity and high frequencies sounds, the ‘B network’ approximates the response to medium intensity and low frequencies sounds, and the ‘C network’ approximates the human response to high intensity sounds6,7. The various noise indices determined in the study are as follows: Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) is the sound pressure level equivalent to the total energy of sound over a specific time8,9. Equivalent Sound Level, ‘Leq’ can be estimated using following equation: Leq = 10 log10[(1 10(Li 10)] Where: Li is the noise level of the ith reading and N is the number of noise samples. Figure-1 Study Location of noise monitoring sites International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 3 Day-Night Equivalent Noise Level (Ldn; This is an average sound level for 24 hours period with an addition of 10 dB to account on the equivalent sound level at night10,11. Day-night equivalent noise level, expressed as: Ldn =10 log10(1/24) [16(10Ld/10) +8(10(Ln+10)/10)] The community noise equivalent level (Lden), expressed as: den=10log10(1/24)[12(10Ld/10)+4(10(Le+5)/10)+8(10(Ln+10)/10)] Where: L, L, L is the equivalent continuous noise level for day, evening and night time respectively. It is very similar to the Ldn, but with the added penalty for the evening period10,11. Percentile Noise Levels, L10 and L90which are the noise level exceeded for 10% and 90% of measurement period respectively. 10 (av. Peak level) - L10is the sound level exceeded for 10% of the measurement period10,12,13. 90 (av. Background level)- L90 is the sound level exceeded for 90% of the measurement period. It is representing the background or ambient noise level of the environment10,12,13. Noise Pollution Level (Lnp defined as a variation on Leq which accounts for short term variability in noise levels, expressed as: np = Leq + (L10 - L90) Results and Discussion Ambient noise levels were monitored in eight locations around the Mela ground for two years. They consist of residential area such as Purbapally Boys’ Hostel, commercial area such as Lodge more, Chittra More, State Bank of India, second and third entrance gate of Mela and Police line, silence zone such as central office. Hourly noise levels are recorded in each station during day (07:00 am to 07:00pm), evening (07:00pm to 11:00pm) and night (11:00pm to 07:00am). Various noise parameters are tabulated in table 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Leq value in various location of Mela ground ranged from 49.1dB(A) to 88.7 dB(A) in first day, 60.0 dB(A) to 88.8 dB(A) in second day and 60.6 dB(A) to 92.7 dB(A) in third day. The maximum and minimum Leq value was recorded in Central Office of Visva-Bharati and Lodge More (S7) and/or Chittra More (S8) respectively. In evening time the noise level was elevated than the day and night time because the number of visitors increase in evening time and various programmes such as folk music, quiz competition etc. were arranged during evening, using load speakers and heavy sound systems. The third or last day of Mela was noisiest then the other two days. The maximum Noise Pollution level (Lnp) was recorded in Lodge More(S7) and Chittra More(S8) in last day of Poush Mela which was 107dB(A) and 110 dB(A) respectively and minimum Noise Pollution (Lnp) level was recorded in Purbapally Boys’ Hostel (S4) 58.8 dB(A) in second day of Poush Mela. Table-6 shows that the various noise parameters in Lodge More (S7) and Chitra More (S8) after the Mela ending. It is clearly indicated that all noise pollution parameters has increased during Poush Mela. Table-2 Results of noise indices at different locations in Santiniketan Mela Ground and surrounding areas at first day of mela Parameters Time Study Locationcolumn18 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 eq D 63.1 68.5 62 67.2 74.5 70.2 62.2 62.3 74.3 75.1 72.1 77.1 86.6 85.8 86.5 80.1 E 70 70.6 68.5 70.8 80.7 79.5 68.3 70.5 77.7 74.4 79.6 76 84.3 88.7 83.7 85.5 N 50 49.1 55.5 59.8 65.4 61.2 50.8 49.8 63.2 60.8 62.7 58.3 66.4 65 64.5 63.8 Lmax D 70.3 75.2 73.7 81.3 87.1 84.2 70.8 71 86.6 86.6 80.4 92.8 96.5 90.5 100.5 98.2 E 80.3 79.7 85.2 86.1 93.4 88.1 77.7 76 91.7 90.7 88.6 90.3 98.4 98.5 95.8 101.5 N 65 63.7 70 73.3 75 72.2 65.5 63.1 72.2 70.6 69.8 65.1 70.6 71.6 78.7 75.5 Lmin D 55.8 58.2 56 60.3 59.2 57.4 53.1 50.3 56.6 60.8 63.1 66.6 70.6 71.2 69.6 65.6 E 63.1 62.1 60.1 61.2 66.7 68 60 62.2 69.3 65.6 64.7 69 72.5 70.8 70.7 72.4 N 40.3 38.8 45.7 48.8 50 47.5 40.1 37.8 50.1 48.8 46.4 39.3 56.2 55.6 58.8 54.6 10 D 68.5 72.4 66.6 73.3 77.1 75.2 67.2 68 80.1 82.2 76.2 83.4 90.5 92.6 93.6 88.7 E 74.4 75 76.3 79.5 86.8 86.4 72.3 77.8 86.4 79.8 88.2 82.3 90.6 93 90.7 91.5 N 58.5 55.6 60.1 65.7 70 67.5 55.3 55 69.9 66.7 71.8 65 76.5 72.4 71.6 70.3 90 D 60.5 62.6 56.1 60.4 68.9 64 56.1 55.7 67.7 67.4 65.2 70.1 75.4 75.6 73.9 75.5 E 65.4 64.5 60 61.2 73.8 72 62.5 67.5 68 68 69.4 69 75.3 75.5 74 74.6 N 45.2 42 50.4 53.1 59.9 54.2 45.1 44.5 56.2 52.1 50.8 51 62.5 61.1 60.5 59.7 np D 71.1 78.3 72.5 80.1 82.7 81.4 73.3 74.6 86.7 89.9 83.1 90.4 101.7 102.8 106.2 93.3 E 79 81.1 84.8 89.1 93.7 93.9 78.1 80.8 96.1 86.2 98.4 89.3 99.6 106.2 100.4 102.4 N 63.3 62.7 65.2 72.4 75.5 74.5 61 60.3 76.9 75.4 83.7 72.3 80.4 76.3 75.6 74.4 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. 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International Science Congress Association 4 Table-3 Results of noise indices at different locations in Santiniketan Mela Ground and surrounding areas at second day of mela Parameters Time Study Locationcolumn18 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Leq D 61.3 65.5 71.4 74.6 74.4 70.6 63.2 65.1 78.7 75.1 81.4 78.8 85 86.7 87.1 84.5 E 69.1 70.6 78.2 80.2 80.6 80.7 67.5 71.7 82.2 80.3 84.3 80.3 86.5 90 88.8 85 N 56.6 53.2 60 63.5 65.5 66.8 53.7 56.3 68.4 63.4 70.1 68.7 65.8 64 65.6 63.5 Lmax D 80.1 80.2 86.6 87 96.6 94.2 80.4 81.5 90.3 88.2 93.8 90.3 95.8 92.4 98.8 98 E 86.8 85.7 92.4 96.1 97.7 96.1 84.7 84 91.7 90 92.1 94.4 98 97.4 97.5 101 N 70 68.3 71.1 73.8 75.8 77.8 68 68.8 80 78.8 81.7 76.8 70.6 70.2 77 75 Lmin D 51.2 62.5 60.6 63.8 61.3 62.8 52.5 58.6 60 52.4 65 63.8 71.1 70.2 70.1 67.5 E 62.7 65.2 63.5 68.3 65.8 69 58.3 62.2 63.5 63.7 66.6 65.5 71.5 72 70.7 70.8 N 48.9 47.6 52.2 51 58 58.8 48.7 45.5 55.6 53.6 55.9 57.7 55.3 55 54.6 56.8 10 D 66.7 69.3 77.3 80 80.5 78.3 70.1 70.2 81.8 80 85.4 82.3 91.2 90.7 93 89.5 E 73.4 74.5 83 85.2 86.7 85 72.2 73.6 85.3 85.2 88.8 83 90 94 91.4 90.4 N 61.1 60 69.1 68.8 71.2 70.3 55.5 60.7 72 69.9 73.1 73.3 77 74.7 72.2 72.3 90 D 54.9 59.7 64.7 68.2 66.5 65.2 58.7 59.8 74.1 66.9 73.6 71.1 75.6 74 74.1 71.8 E 63.2 63.8 73.1 74 73.7 72.7 61.4 62.4 73.6 73.1 76.3 74.8 78.4 77.3 76.7 75.4 N 50.6 50.8 53.1 58.1 61.9 62.1 50.4 50.3 67.7 53.2 63.6 60.6 65 61.4 64.4 61.5 np D 73.1 75.1 84 86.4 88.4 83.7 74.6 75.5 86.4 88.2 93.2 90 100.6 103.4 106 102.2 E 79.3 81.3 88.1 91.4 93.6 93 78.3 82.9 93.9 92.4 96.8 88.5 98.1 106.7 103.5 100 N 67.1 62.4 76 74.2 74.8 75 58.8 66.7 72.7 80.1 79.6 81.4 77.8 77.3 73.4 74.3 Table-4 Results of noise indices at different locations in Santiniketan Mela Ground and surrounding areas at third day of mela Parameters Time Study Locationcolumn18 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Leq D 65 64.5 70 71.3 78.5 74.4 69 74.8 75.7 72.6 81 77.8 86.4 85.8 88.6 84.7 E 71.2 72.3 80.3 79.4 81.8 79.2 71.5 76.6 86 84.4 85 83.1 90.4 89.1 92.7 91.3 N 60.6 61.4 69.1 65.5 72.3 70 65.8 63.4 72 70 73.5 70.8 68.4 64.7 67 63.4 Lmax D 82.5 82 77.6 80.7 89.5 88.3 80 90.2 88.5 84.3 92 90 98.1 94.5 98.1 95.7 E 87 85.5 89.8 94 93.3 90.2 84.4 90.6 97.8 92.3 97.7 94.8 101.2 100.4 102.2 102 N 72.2 70.4 79.5 75 81.6 81 79.8 78.7 85 82.2 87.6 83.3 74.6 74 77 74 Lmin D 58.7 55 60 60.5 66.2 60 59.8 62.2 61.3 56.1 60.5 60.5 71.1 70.5 72.1 71 E 60 62.8 65.1 63 61.3 61.5 60.1 60.7 65.5 65 62.2 62.2 71.5 73.2 74.4 72.7 N 52.6 50.2 58.3 55.1 58.7 56 53.4 50.4 58.4 54.7 53.4 57.7 55.3 58.1 63.5 60.1 10 D 73.5 73.3 76.6 74.1 81.9 80.4 73 81.2 70.4 78.6 87 81.3 92.1 90.5 95 91 E 78.2 80 85.5 85.6 86.6 83 74.4 82.5 90 90.2 89.5 88.4 94.6 94 94 93.4 N 66 66.5 73.4 71.3 77.7 75 70.7 66.3 76.6 60.3 71.7 76.8 78 75.1 74.4 70.5 90 D 60.1 58.7 65 67.7 74.5 72.6 65.2 70.7 70 65.6 74.4 70.1 76.4 75.7 75.2 74 E 68.6 68.8 74 70.5 76.6 75.7 61.9 70.4 80.2 80.7 74.9 73.7 78 78.2 76.8 74.6 N 54.2 59.1 60 58.9 67.9 66.8 60.5 60.4 68.8 66.4 65.6 60.9 66.6 60.9 66.4 62 np D 78.4 79.1 81.6 77.7 85.9 82.2 76.8 85.3 76.1 85.6 93.6 89 102.1 100.6 108.4 101.7 E 80.8 83.5 91.8 94.5 91.8 86.5 84 88.7 95.8 93.9 99.6 97.8 107 104.9 109.9 110.1 N 72.4 68.8 82.5 77.9 82.1 78.2 76 69.3 79.8 63.9 79.6 86.7 79.8 78.9 75 71.9 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. 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International Science Congress Association 5 Table-5 dn and Lden value of study areas for two years of study location Day Para meters Study Location S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 1 st day of mela L dn 75.2 80.5 74.5 79.6 86.8 82.5 74.4 74.4 86.5 87.2 84.4 89.1 98.6 97.8 98.5 92.2 L den 78.1 81.2 77 80.7 89.2 86.9 76.8 78.2 87.6 87 87.6 88.9 98.2 98.7 98 94.2 2 nd day of mela L dn 74 77.6 83.6 86.8 86.7 83.4 75.4 77.4 90.9 87.3 93.6 91 97 98.7 99.1 96.5 L den 77.2 79.5 86.4 88.9 89.1 88.1 76.9 80 92 89.2 94.5 91.4 97.4 99.8 99.6 96.6 3 rd day of mela L dn 77.7 77.5 83.5 83.8 91 87.1 81.9 86.9 88.5 85.6 93.4 90.2 98.4 97.8 100.6 96.7 L den 79.9 80.5 87.8 87.3 92 88.7 82.6 87.5 93.3 91.4 94.7 92.1 99.8 98.9 102 99.5 Table-6 Noise indices of Lodge more (S7) and Chittra More (S8) in normal day Study Location L eq L 10 L 90 dn den L np D E N D E N D E N D E N S7 86 74 48 87 85 67 70 67 55 84 85 100 86.8 58.7 S8 86 83 54 92 87 67 76 75 58 85 86 102.2 104.2 81.3 Social Survey: The questionnaire survey was carried out during the Mela which was designed in English, and regional language, Bengali. The prepared questionnaire was distributed to the tourists, Mela’s volunteers, and students of nearby hostels. The questionnaire survey had two parts. In first part focus on responder gender, age, annoying intensity, and time of most noise pollution intensity and second part focus on effect of noise pollution on their health such as headache, hypertension, and interference of their daily activities14. Table-7 shows that about 52.9% of responders were male and 47.1% were female. 54.9% of the responders belong to the age group between 15 and 30 years; mainly they were students of Visva-Bharati, who worked as volunteers in the Mela or residents of hostels. About 49.0% of responder stated that evening time was the noisiest and 21.6% responder stated that during Mela whole day was noisy. About 90% responders stated that use of laud speaker and mike with high volume was responsible for noise pollution in Mela. About 96.1% of the responders were annoyed by the noise in Mela. The annoying level was measured by five point semantic scale such as no annoying, little annoying, moderate annoying, very much annoying and extremely annoying. About 35.3% of people stated that they were extremely annoyed, 33.3% were very much annoyed, 15.4% were moderately annoyed, 12.4%were littleannoyed, and 3.6% were not annoyed. Table-8 shows that noise interferes with people’s activities. About 80.5% respondersdeclared that they feel general problems such as speaking, hearing, talking in cell phone etc. About 78.4% feel headache and 72.5% declared that the high noise during the Mela annoyed them when they are relaxing. One of the vital facts was that about 35.3% did not know about the problem of hypertension by noise pollution. And one of the concerning fact was found that about 68.6% of responders feel disturbed while sleeping and studying, most of whom were hostel students because of high noise in night time also. Table-7 Characteriters of responders Variables/Question Percent Cumulative Percent Gender Male Female 52.9 47.1 52.9 100.0 Age 15 �15-30 �30-45 �45-60 �60 15.7 54.9 23.5 5.9 0 15.7 70.6 94.1 100.0 100.0 At what time during mela noise intensity was most? Morning Evening Night All time 15.7 49.0 13.7 21.6 15.7 64.7 78.4 100.0 Does any particular noise annoy you in this mela? Yes No 96.1 3.9 96.1 100.0 Table-8 Distribution of response about physical problem by noise pollution in Mela ground Disturbances due to noise Response of the participant (%) Yes No Don’t know General Disturbance 80.5 9.7 9.8 Headache 78.4 11.8 9.8 Hypertension 31.4 33.3 35.3 Sleep disturbance 68.6 17.6 13.7 Relaxing 72.5 17.6 9.8 Concentration on studying 68.6 15.7 15.7 Listening Music, watching TV 52.9 33.3 13.7 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(6), 1-6, June (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 6 Conclusion The present study conducted on the noise levels in and around Mela ground and their distribution, shows some interesting findings. It can be concluded that, the noise level ranges mostly between medium to the moderately high in comparison to the national standard levels. A huge difference in minimum and maximum noise level was noticed for one of the main parameter Leq ranged from 49.1dB (A) to 92.7 dB (A). The main sources of noise pollution in Mela ground is miking, crowding of people etc. as the days past during Mela time. The survey had been made during the Mela for different problems faced by the people. The responses of the people were studied and most of them had problems such as masking, headache, hypertension, sleeplessness and other problems. 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