International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 37 Study of Diversity and Population of Zooplankton at Harsholav pond of Bikaner, India Lunu Shyam kumar*and Kaur Harbhajan Department of Zoology, Govt. Dungar College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 8th November 2014, revised 27th January 2015, accepted 12th February 2015 AbstractWater is the most essential element of life and without it life cannot exist. The body uses water for digestion,absorption, transporting nutrients, and building tissues and all other activities. Harsholav pond of Bikaner has been studied to evaluate the suitability of water for domestic use and maintaining for drinking, irrigation and other purposes. Bikaner district lies in arid zone of Western Rajasthan and is a part of Thar Desert. The investigations were carried out in Harsholav pond located at Bikaner district from September 2012 to November 2013. Monthly zooplankton samples were collected. Zooplanktons are the primary consumers of the process of food chain. Aquatic ecosystem consists of physical, chemical and biological factors. Physical chemical factors are not alike in all water bodies; they change either due to natural or artificial processes. Zooplanktons are good indicators of the change in water quality because they are strongly affected by environmental conditions and by other living species within water body and respond quickly to changes in water quality.Various zooplanktonic faunal species were found which were typically adapted for the given conditions of existence. Zooplankton population were represented by four genera of Protozoa group, namely, Paramecium caudatum, Euglina sociobilis Amoeba proteus, Chilomonas paramecium, 3 genera of group Rotifera namely Brachionus calyciflorus, Keratella tropic, Trychocera longiseta, 7 genera of Crustacea group 3 cladocerans, namely, Bosmina sp. Daphnia carinata, Moina brachiata, 2 copepods, namely Mesocyclops leukarti, Diaptomus glicialis, 2 ostracods, namely, Cypris sp. Nauplius larva, and one insect larvae Chironomus larvae.Total zooplankton population were ranged from 320 -1060No./l among them Crustacea constituates the dominant group throughout the study period, total protozoans were ranged from 40 to 320No./l, total rotifers were ranged from 40 to 240No./l , total crustaceans were ranged from 140 to 440No./l, and total insect larvae from 20 to 60No./l. Keywords: Water, Harsolav pond, Bikaner, Zooplankton, Genera. Introduction North West Rajasthan forms an important part of Great Indian Desert. Harsholav pond of Bikaner city was selected for the proposed research study. Water, a chemical substance with the chemical formula HO, is one of the nature's most important gifts to mankind which covers 70% of the earth surface in forms of ponds, swamps, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water is a key component in determining the quality of our lives. Today, people are concerned about the quality of the water they drink. Biological diversity provides the basis for life on the earth. The fundamental, social, ethical, cultural, and economic values of these resources have been recognized in region and literature from the earliest days. Adequate knowledge of zooplankton communities and their population dynamics is a major requirement for better understanding of life process in a fresh water body. Since eutrophication influences both the composition and productivity of zooplankton. Zooplanktons are small living organisms that float in surface water column of water bodies and whose distribution primarily determined by water waves and current. Zooplankton plays a vital role in aquatic food webs because they are important food for fish and invertebrate predators. They graze heavily on algae, bacteria, protozoans and other invertebrates. These communities are typically diverse and occur in almost all lakes and ponds. Zooplanktons are highly sensitive to environmental vibrations, sediment input, to other nonliving and living materials. As a result change in their abundance, species diversity or community composition can provide important indication of environmental change. Zooplanktons are represented mainly by protozoans, rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, and insects. Material and Methods Present research study was carried out at a fresh water pond of desert region (Harsholav pond, Bikaner) of Rajasthan. Harsholav pond is situated at 5 km west to Bikaner city. The pond is partly natural and partly artificial. It is a kaccha pond and has muddy bottom. This pond is located near locally famous Laxminath ji temple of Bikaner city. People visit there for worship and picnic as well. People use pond water for washing, bathing, and other domestic purposes; Algaes are seen floating on the surface water of the pond, making the water green in colour appearance. Many water birds are seen here during rainy season. When pond is full of water local people visit there for bathing, swimming and for picnic. Pond is highly disturbed by people during rainy season. The investigation was carried out from September 2012 to November 2013. For the collection of International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 zooplankton the water samples were taken from the surface (Secchi disc transparency zone) during morning hours between 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. Zooplanktons collected through the net were transferred into separate plastic bottles/containers. About 50 liters of surface water were filtered through plankton net to collect zooplankton sample. Zooplankton net is made up of bolting silk (no. 25, mesh size 55µ). Collected sample was fixed and preserved in 4% Formaldehyde. Fixed sample was transferred to duly labeled polythene bottle of 100 ml and brought to the laboratory. Zooplanktons were studied using a plankton counting chamber under a binocular research microscope. The identification and counting of zooplanktons were made following1, 2, 3, and 4. Results and Discussion Zooplankton constitutes the major group of an aquatic ecosystem. During the present research study total 15 genera belonging to different groups of zooplankton such as protozoa, rotifera, crustacea (cladocera, copepoda, ostracoda,) and insect larvae were recorded. Among them protozoans were represented by 4 genera namely Paramecium caudatum, Euglina sociobilis, Amoeba proteus, Chilomonas paramecium. Among protozoans genera amoeba proteus showed least number ranged from 20 No./l to 60 No./l while chylomonas paramecium showed highest number ranged from 20 No./l to 100 No./l paramecium not found in December-12, june-13, October-13, Euglina sociobillisnot found in November-12, December-12, and October-13, while chilomonas paramecium not found in November-12, December-12, and march-13. Rotifers are important indicator organism of water quality and environment changes. Rotifera was represented by 3 genera namely brachionus calyciflorous, keratella tropica, trychocerca longiseta. Among rotifers brachionus calyciflorus showed dominant position while keratella tropica showed least population on average number basis. Crustacea was represented by 7 genera including 3 cladocerans, namely, Bosmina sp., Daphnia carinata, Moina brachiata, 2 copepods, namely, Mesocyclops leukarti, Diaptomus glicialis, 2 ostracodes namely Cypris sp. and Naupliuslarvae, while insect larvae represented by a single form Chironomid larvae. In copepods between two genera mesocyclops leukarti dominated, there population ranged from 20 No./l to 100 No./l among ostracods genera cypris were recorded throughout the study period whereas nauplius larvae were not found in December-12 and January-13. Table-1 shows the diversity and population of various zooplankton recorded at Harsholav pondfrom September 2012to November 2013. Total population of protozoan were recorded from 40 to 320No./l. (figure-1), total rotifers were from 40 to 240No./l. (figure-2), total cladocerans were ranged from 60 to 280 No./l. (figure-3), total copepods were ranged from 40 to 160 No./l. (figure-4), total ostracods were ranged from 40 to 120 No./l. (figure-5), total crustaceans were from 140 to 440 No./l. (figure-6), total insect larvae from 20 to 60 No./l. (figure-7), Total population of zooplanktons were ranged from 320 to 1060 No./l. (figure-8), Daphnia carinata (crustacea) showed the highest population 73.33No./l while chironomus larvae (insecta) showed the lowest population 24No./l on average number basis throughout the study period, i.e., September 2012 to November 2013. Highest population of protozoa 320No./l recorded in the month of July-13 and lowest population of protozoa 40No./l were recorded in the month of December-12 and March-13, highest population of rotifera were recorded 240No./l in the month of July-13 and lowest population 40No./l of rotifera were recorded in the month of October-13, highest population of crustacea were recorded 440No./l in the month of September-12,july-13and august-13, and lowest population of crustacea were recorded 140No./l in the month of may-13 and june-13, highest population of insect larvae 60No./l were recorded in the month of July-13 and lowest population of insect larvae were found in the month of October-12 November-12, January-13, February-13, April-13, May-13, August-13, September-13 and October-13. Four genera of Zooplankton namely Monostylabulla, Mesocyclops leukarti, Daphnia carinata, Ceriodephnia carinata, in Beechwal reservoir were recorded. 22 zooplankton genera in different water bodies located in Bikaner region were recorded. Study on Zooplankton of sewage water located in the same area was made. Diversity of aquatic fauna was recorded in the same region. Nine species of zooplankton namely Paramecium caudatum, Brachionus bitentata, Keratella tropica,Ceriodephnia carinata, Daphnia carinata, Moina brachiata, Mesocyclops leukarti, Diaptomus glicialis, Steocypris malcomsoni and two larval forms namely Naupliuslarvae, and Culicoides larvae in the Beechwal reservoir of Bikaner and total population of zooplankton from 1.5No./l to 3.2No./l were recorded. A planktonic study on a desert pond was made10. In a planktonological study in the same region recorded Eight species of zooplankton, namely, Brachionus bidentata, Brachionus calyciflorus, Ceriodaphnia carinata ,Daphnia carinata, Mesocyclops leukarti, Diaptomus glicialis, Stenocypris malcomsoni, Eubranchipus in water of norangdesar vitrica , branch of Indira Gandhi nahar project, Hanumangarh and ten species of zooplankton namely Brachionus plucatilis, Brachionus bidentata, Diphanosoma, Daphniacarinata, Ceriodaphnia carinata, Mesocyclops leukarti (female), Diaptomus glicialis, Mesocyclops leukarti (male), Cypridopsis, Stenocypris malcomsoni in Chohilanwali village pond of Hanumangarh were recorded11 and observed that during the month of April in both water bodies highest population of zooplankton were recorded. Total population of zooplankton were ranged from 0.9 No./l to 3.1 No./l in Norangdesar vitrica and from 1.4 No./l to 14.5No./l in Chohilanwali village pond11. Different zooplankton group at Harsholav pond of Bikaner showed the following order of dominance on the basis of diversity and number. Crustacea � Protozoa � Rotifera Conclusion It is concluded that the diversity and number of zooplankton communities were found in sufficient amount at Harsholav pond, Bikaner. The diversity and number of zooplankton communities are dependent on favorable ecological conditions International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 39 and suitable habitat. Since zooplanktons are the important living organism of aquatic ecosystem therefore conservation of the diversity and density of zooplankton should be considered as one of the major objective for proper management of a water body. Table-1 Monthly values of zooplankton population (No./l ) at Harsholav pond of Bikaner. (From September 2012 to November 2013) MonthsZooplanktonSept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Average Protozoa Paramecium caudatum 80 40 40 - 40 60 20 40 20 - 80 60 40 - 20 36 Euglina sociobilis 40 20 - - 20 40 20 40 60 20 80 20 20 - 20 26.66 Amoeba proteus - 40 20 40 40 20 - - 40 40 60 40 40 40 - 28 Chilomonas paramecium 60 40 - - 20 20 - 20 40 60 100 40 40 40 20 33.33 Total protozoans 180 140 60 40 120 140 40 100 160 120 320 160 140 80 60 124 Rotifera Brachionus calyciflorus 60 40 - 80 - 60 - 40 20 40 100 40 60 20 40 40 Keratella tropica 40 80 60 40 40 40 60 - 40 20 60 - 40 - 20 36 Trychocera longiseta 40 40 - 20 20 60 40 40 - - 80 60 60 20 20 33.33 Total rotifers 140 160 60 140 60 160 100 80 60 60 240 100 160 40 80 109.33 Crustacea: Cladocera Bosmina sp. 100 80 40 20 - 80 - 40 40 20 60 100 80 40 20 48 Daphnia carinata 80 100 100 80 40 60 100 80 20 40 80 120 80 60 60 73.33 Moina brachiata 40 40 20 - - 20 40 60 20 - 80 60 40 60 40 34.66 Total cladocerans 220 220 160 100 40 160 140 180 80 60 220 280 200 160 120 156 Crustacea: Copepoda Mesocyclops leukarti 100 40 80 60 60 - 40 20 - - 60 40 60 80 40 45.33 Diaptomus glicialis 60 40 80 60 - - 20 60 - 40 60 40 40 20 80 40 Total copepods 160 80 160 120 60 - 60 80 - 40 120 80 100 100 120 85.33 Crustacea: Ostracoda Cypris sp. 40 40 40 20 60 20 40 20 20 20 60 40 40 20 40 34.66 Nauplius larva 20 40 60 - - 40 40 20 40 20 40 40 80 60 40 36 Total ostracods 60 80 100 20 60 60 80 40 60 40 100 80 120 80 80 70.66 Total crustaceans 440 380 420 240 160 220 280 300 140 140 440 440 420 340 320 311.99 Insecta Chironomus larvae 40 20 20 40 20 20 - 20 20 - 60 20 20 20 40 24 Total insect larvae 40 20 20 40 20 20 - 20 20 - 60 20 20 20 40 24 Total Zooplankton Population 800 700 560 460 360 540 420 500 380 320 1060 720 740 480 500 569.33 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 40 Figure-1 Total Protozoans (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 Figure-2 Total Rotifers (No./l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 Figure-3 Total Cladocerans (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 41 Figure-4 Total Copepods (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 Figure-5 Total Ostracods (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 Figure-6 Total Crustaceans (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond at Bikaner International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(2), 37-42 February (2015) Res. J. Recent. Sci. International Science Congress Association 42 10203040506070 Total Insect larvae Figure-7 Total Insect larvae (No. /l) at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 Figure-8 Total Zooplankton population (No. /l) larvae at Harsholav Pond of Bikaner from Sept 2012 to Nov. 2013 References 1.Battish S.K., freshwater zooplankton of India. Oxford & IBH publishing co, (1992)2.Edmondson W.T., Freshwater biology. ndEd. John. wiley & sons, Inc., New York, U.S.A., (1996) 3.Needham J.G. and Needham P.R., A guide to the study of fresh water biology, Halden day. Inc. Publ. San Francisco, (1978) 4.Tonapi G.T., Freshwater animals of India, Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi. India, (1980) 5.Saigal, Senescence in a manmade water sheet in the Indian desert, M.phil. Dissertation, M.D.S. University, Ajmer, 55, (1998) 6.Chadha A., Comparative study on the quality and trophic status of some desert waters employing bio indicators and indices, Ph.D. thesis, M.D.S. 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