International Research Journal of Environment Sciences__________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 33-41, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 33 Assessment of Ground Water Quality, Health, Sanitation and Hygiene Conditions in slum area of Jalgaon City, Maharashtra, India Kiran Pawar1*, Harshika Kaul, Sarika Karda and Gauri M. RaneDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon, MS, INDIA Department of Botany, Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon. MS, INDIA Available online at:, Received 13th August 2015, revised 21st October 2015, accepted 27th November 2015 AbstractTambapura area is a slum area of Jalgaon city, characterized by a densely populated area marked by heavy crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social disorganization. Large quantities of solid waste generated from the residences, commercial, municipal and hospitals are dumped in open land areas. Such dumping causes environmental pollution by deteriorating the ground water quality, encourage the breedingof disease-vector insects, animal scavengers and rodents resulting in spreading of air and water borne diseases. The present study was conducted to assess the health and hygiene conditions due to open solid waste dumping in Tambapura area. To carry out the study, the ground water samples were collected and analyzed for various physical, chemical and biological parameters to assess the contamination due to solid waste dumping. The health impacts were studied by systematic review of water borne and vector borne diseases that had affected adults and children’s in this region. The results reviewed that due to poor sanitation, unhygienic conditions and unsecured drinking water people of slum area are prone to much water borne and vector borne diseases. Keywords: Slum, dumping, health, hygiene, diseases. Introduction Groundwater is a water source present beneath the earth surface. Groundwater is nothing but the availability of water under the earth surface, generated from percolation of surface water. Groundwater is utilized by open well and bore well for different purposes. There are fewer chances to contaminate the GW as compare to surface water, as the surface water is open to surrounding environment. GW can become contaminated in many ways. If rain water or surface water comes into contact with polluted soil containing hazardous pollutants, such percolation into the ground causes the GW pollution. Groundwater can also become contaminated when liquid hazardous substances themselves soak down through the soil or rock into the groundwater. Some liquid hazardous substances do not mix with the groundwater but remain pooled within the soil or bedrock. Poor sanitation, open dumping of municipal solid waste near sources of water also causes the GW contamination2,3. The present investigation is focus on such problems found in slum area of Jalgaon city. The collected municipal solid waste is lay down near residential area and nearby; namely Tambapura Area for land filling which generate leachate. Seeping of leachate in to GW sources of this area may contaminate the water. Besides this, the poor sanitation condition is found in this area. As the main source of drinking water is bore well water in this area, the effect of solid waste dumping on ground water quality is emphasized. The obtained data is helpful to create the awareness among the people livening in this area regarding the ground water quality and its effect on their health, adopt good sanitation practices and maintained proper hygiene conditions in this area4-8Objectives of the study: To assess the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of ground water in the area to assess it portability. To review the status of water borne and vector borne diseases in study area. Age wise study of the patients suffering from water borne and vector borne diseases. To create awareness among the people living near open dumping site regarding the ground water quality, Sanitation, hygiene condition and its effect on their health. Study Area: Tambapura area is a slum area, situated near National Highway No. 6 having a population of 5000 approximately. Figure-1 shows the ward wise map of Jalgaon city. Ward No.12 is shown by red indicator location of Tambapura area. The municipal solid waste collection vehicle passes through this highway. Some of the vehicles dump the solid waste material openly near and around this area. Tambapura area itself also a major contributor to generate municipal solid waste material. Figure-2 and figure-3 shows the heavy open solid waste dumping along the roads in the area. Material and Methods Tambapura area of Jalgaon city was selected for the present study. A detailed survey of hospitals was carried out to collect patient data and ground water samples were collected from study area for physico chemical and biological analysis.