International Research Journal of Environment Sciences__________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 17 Enumeration and New records of Lichens in Kodagu district- A Micro Hotspot in Western Ghats of Karnataka, IndiaRashmi S. and Rajkumar H.G.1,2* Department of studies in botany, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Mysore 570 006, Karnataka, INDIA Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia GA 30602, USA Available online at:, Received 27th July 2015, revised 30th September 2015, accepted 20th November 2015 AbstractThe present work describes lichen diversity in Kodagu district, which is also known as micro hotspot situated in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. A total of 87 species belonging to 29 families under 50 genera was enumerated during the study. About 25 species of lichens are found to be new record to the lichen flora of Karnataka. Family Parmeliaceae and Physciaceae were dominated with 20 species under 5 genera and 15 species under 7 genera, respectively. Compared to other substratum most of the lichens recorded were corticolous (colonizing bark) with 78 species. Crustose and foliose growth form dominates with about 44% in all the regions. The highest diversity of lichens was enumerated in Nisargadhama [MDF] with 57 species, with highest Shannon- Simpson index of 3.75 and 0.02 respectively in which macrolichens were more dominated. Distribution of lichens in deciduous forest was more when compared to semi-evergreen and evergreen forests. The lichen rich diversity in a small, densely forested area indicates that much exploration regarding the enumeration of lichens is required.Keywords: Deciduous forest, lichen flora, parmeliaceae, nisargadhama. Introduction Lichens are the unique group of organisms made by symbiotic association between a photosynthetic partner (alga or cyanobacteria) and a heterotrophic fungus. The algal partner synthesizes food by photosynthesis and shares with fungal partner in turn the fungus give protection to the algae. They grow in diverse climatic conditions and on diverse substrates. The ability to quickly absorb and retain water from many sources makes it possible for lichens live in harsh environments like deserts and Polar Regions, and on exposed surfaces like bare rocks, walls, roofs and tree branches. Lichens are commercially harvested as non-timber forest product from many rural communities in the Western Ghats. Lichens are sensitive to microclimatic conditions and are considered as indicators of air pollution, and they constitute an important component of biodiversity. It is estimated that there are about 20,000 species of lichens present throughout the world and in India, the estimated record is 2303 species, which represents 14% of world lichen population. In Karnataka, most of the lichenological explorations were undertaken in lichen rich regions such as the Western Ghats, which is composed of tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests. The Western Ghats harbors almost 45% of the total lichens in India, the highest for any region in the Country. Nayaka and Upretianalyzed the status of lichen diversity in the Western Ghats based on published literature which revealed the presence of 949 species with 26.7% endemism in which Karnataka alone has 336 species. The Western Ghats range is Internationally acknowledged as an environmental "hot spot" because of its biological diversity and the effects of human depredation. Within this mountain chain lies Kodagu located on the Eastern slopes of the Western Ghats. It is the second smallest district in Karnataka, occupying an area of 4108 in the Western Ghats. The many diverse kinds of vegetation from tropical evergreen forests with sholas, semi- evergreen forests to moist- deciduous forest found in the district, make Kodagu one of the micro hotspots of biodiversity within the larger hotspots of the Western Ghats. Kodagu has approximately 65 per cent of its geographical area under tree cover, making it one of the most densely forested districts in the country. Hence a systematic survey had taken to enumerate the distribution of lichens in Kodagu district, Karnataka. Material and methodsCollection of lichens: Lichen samples were collected systematically from different locations across the Kodagu district. Different geographic regions selected for lichen survey are given in table 1. Belt transect method was used to collect lichens. Each transect measuring 50x10 m laid in different locations of the study area. A total of 25 transects was laid in 5 different locations in the study area10. The lichen specimens were collected with the help of Chisel and Hammer along with their ecological notes, which includes; the host tree type, location of the lichen thallus (trunk, branch, twigs, leaves, soil or rock substratum) and altitude. The collected specimens were investigated morphologically, anatomically and chemically for identification. The specimens were placed on a hard card sheet International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 18 and packed in a lichen herbarium packet (17cm x 10mm) with details of the locality and preserved in the herbarium at the Department of studies in Botany, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India. Data analysis and interpretation: Lichen assemblages were quantitatively analysed for density and frequency. Relative frequency (RF) and relative density (RD) were determined following Phillips method11. RF=100 x (frequency of species /sum of frequency values of all species), and RD=100 x (density of species /sum of density values of all species). The importance value index (IVI) used here is the sum of the relative frequency and relative density. Frequency distribution, alpha diversity - Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H') and Simpson diversity index (D') have been used to assess species diversity. Alpha diversity (H') was estimated as the Shannon-Wiener index: H'=pilnpi, Where, pi=density (number of thalli) of the species, /density of all species12 All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS13-15 Identification of lichen species: The external morphology was studied under stereomicroscope. The anatomy of the thallus and apothecia was studied from hand cut sections in water or on cotton blue in lactophenol. The colour of the medulla, epithecium, hypothecium and ascus and the shape and size of the asci, ascospores and conidia was measured. Chemical test of the specimens includes- colour spot tests (K, C, KC and P test) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Identification was carried out by consulting relevant keys16-17. Results and Discussion In the present investigation a systematic survey to enumerate the diversity of lichens in Kodagu district was undertaken in different locations, in which a total of 87 species belonging to 29 families under 50 genera were recorded. About 25 species of lichens are found to be new record to the lichen flora of Karnataka. Out of 29 families, Parmeliaceae was dominated with 20 species under 5 genera, followed by Physciaceae with 15 species under 7 genera, Graphidaceae with 7 species, Arthoniaceae, Teloschistaceae, Lecanoraceae, Pertusariaceae with 4 species each, Ramalinaceae and Usneaceae with 3 species each, and the rest of the family with one species each are represented in figure-1. Most of the lichens recorded were corticolous (colonizing bark) with 78 species, followed by saxicolous (rock colonizing) with 6 species, Muscicolous (on mosses), terricolous (on soil) and parasitic with one species each in figure-2. Among the different growth forms crustose and foliose were dominated with about 44% each in all the regions, fruticose growth form with 9%, leprose with 3% and squamulose with 1% were present in the study site is represented in figure-3. The highest diversity of lichens was enumerated in Nisargadhama [MDF] with 57 species in which foliose lichens were more dominated, followed by Thithimathi forest [DDF] with 47 species in which crustose lichens were dominated, least diversity was observed in Abbi falls and Talakaveri regions is presented in figure-4. IVI value is greater in Parmotrema tinctorum with 15.37, followed by Pyxine petricola with 14.97 and Flavoparmelia caperata with 13.85, least IVI value was in Hypotrachyn aadducta with 0.67. Most common lichens with maximum frequency, abundance, distribution were Anaptychia kaspica, Buellia confuse, Caloplaca atrosanguinea, Candelaria concolor, Cryptothecia culbersonae, Chrysothrix candelaris, Dirinaria applanata, Flavoparmelia caperata, lecanoracarpenia, ochrolechia pallescens, Physciaaipolia, Pyxinepetricola. Lichen specimens like Bacidiamedialis grown parasitic on Ramalina farinacea, Parmotremamelanothrix were reported only in Nisargadhama, Conotremaindicum, Dimerellalutea, Diorygmapoitaei, Mycocaliciumhimalahense, parmentaria immerse, Parmotremamellisii, P. saccatilobumonly in Thithimathi forest. Lichen species Opegraphainaequalis, Anisomeridium concameratum and Stirtoniasantessonii reported in Abbi falls. Terricolous lichen Cladoniamacilenta were reported only in Talakaveri, lichens like Parmeliellatriptophylla and Usneasubflorida in Virajpet (table-2). The Shannon indices for diversity and Simpson indices for dominance were calculated. Where Shannon index ranged from 3.75- 2.89 and Simpson index ranged from 0.02-0.06. Among the six different regions Nisargadhama [MDF] harbored luxuriant growth of species with highest Shannon- Simpson index of 3.75 and 0.02 respectively, and less distribution was observed in Talakaveri [EF] with 2.89 and 0.06 respectively (table-3). Table-1 Parameters of collection sites Place of collection Latitude Longitude Elevation Type of vegetation Nisargadhama 12 0 26'25.76"N 75 0 56'10.27"E 839m Moist deciduous [MDF] Thithimathi forest 12 0 13'18.32"N 76 0 00'05.14"E 879m Dry deciduous[DDF] Dubare camp 12 0 22'06.42"N 75 0 54'17.82"E 853m Semi-evergreen[SEF] Abbi falls 12 0 27'29.27"N 75 0 43'10.17"E 1048m Semi-evergreen[SEF] Talakaveri 12 0 23'00.56"N 75 0 29'39.14"E 1183m Evergreen forest[EF] Virajpet 12 0 11'32.52"N 75 0 57'06.26"E 873m Scrub forest[SF] International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 19 10152025Arthoniaceae Arthopyreniaceae BacidiaceaeBrigantiaceae Candelariaceae Chrysothricaceae CladoniaceaeCollemataceae Fuscideaceae GraphidaceaeGyalectaceae Haematommataceae LecanoraceaeLobariaceae Mycocaliciaceae Pannariaceae Parmeliaceae Pertusariaceae Physciaceae Pyrenulaceae Ramalinaceae Roccelaceae Sphinctrinaceae Stictaceae Teloschistaceae Thelotremataceae Trichotheliaceae Trypetheliaceae Usneaceae Number of speciesFamilies Genus Species Figure- 1 Dominance of lichen families with respect to species in the Kodagu district 78 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 CorticolousSaxicolousMuscicolousTerricolousParasiticNo of species Figure-2 Dominance of substratum for the growth of lichens International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 20 The vegetation in Kodagu follows a typical west to east gradient and is correlated to the similar west to east relief rainfall and temperature gradient. Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests blanket the western and central regions of the district. Moist and dry deciduous forests dominate some parts of the eastern regions, and the eastern and southeastern areas of the district contain scrub forests18. In the present study, the diversity of lichen among the different locations with different forest types in Kodagu district was reported. Eighty seven species of lichens were encountered during the entire study. Distribution of lichens in deciduous forest was more when compared to semi-evergreen and evergreen forests. In a study on diversity of macrolichens in the Bhadra wildlife sanctuary reported similar results19. Crustose and foliose lichens were almost same with 44% and 43% respectively. The lichen flora in the study area exhibit greatest abundance in variety and luxuriance of growth and seems to prefer the bark of trees (90%) more as their substratum. Among the macrolichen species recorded in the Siruvani Hills, 92.2 % of lichens had colonized bark (corticolous) and it was highest at middle elevations20. Species diversity tends to decrease with increasing elevation; it peaks at some intermediate level of elevation, giving rise to a humped- shaped relationship12. Apart from the substratum, other ecological factors like altitude, elevation, humidity, forest types also play a vital role for colonization of lichens. Family Parmeliaceae is dominant in the present studied regions followed by family Physciaceae, which is similar to the results obtained by Karakoti et al21. Parmeliaceae with 137 species belonging to 22 genera isthe dominant family in the entire Western Ghats of India22. In our previous study of the distribution of foliicolous lichens in Karnataka have reported 18 species of lichens from Kodagu district, in which 14 species are obligately foliicolous23. The presence of 87 species of lichens in an area of forest cover is quite significant; this rich diversity indicated good forest health24. Owing to close ecophysiological links, lichens are also recognized as promising candidates for air quality biomonitoring25. 44%44%9%2%1% Crustose Foliose Fruticose Leprose Squamulose Figure- 3 Percentage of different growth forms in entire study Figure- 4 No. of lichen growth forms in each locality International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 21 Table- 2 Lichen flora of Kodagu district Lichen Taxa (* new record to Karnataka) Family Growth form Substratum Collection site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins and Scheid.*Physciaceae Crustose Bark - 6.85 8.09 - - - Anaptychia kaspica Gyelnik*Physciaceae Foliose Bark - 2.42 3.79 - 8.04 3.17 Anisomeridium concameratum (Stirt.) Aptroot*Trichotheliaceae Crustose Bark - - - 7.28 - - Anthracothecium sublaevigatum Patw. and Makh. Pyrenulaceae Crustose Bark 2.96 - 3.88 - 4.11 - Arthonia inconspicua Stirton*Arthoniaceae Crustose Bark 1.27 3.47 - 3.15 - - Arthonia medusula (Pers.) Nyl.Arthoniaceae Crustose Bark 1.35 4.45 1.46 - - 1.52 Arthopyrenia analepta (Ach.) Massel. Arthopyreniaceae Crustose Bark - 3.55 - - 4.48 - Bacidia medialis (Tuck.) Zahlbr*Bacidiaceae Crustose Parasitic 1.52 - - - - - Brownliella cinnabarina (Ach.) S.Y.Kondr., Karnefelt, A. Thell, Elix, J.Kim, A.S. Kondr. and J.S. Hur.* Teloschistaceae Crustose Rock 3.96 4.91 - 3.25 - 2.01 Brigantiaea leucoxantha (Sprengel)Brigantiaceae Crustose Bark 3.20 - 7.82 Buelliaconfuse D.D. Awasthi Physciaceae Crustose Bark 4.36 7.57 - 3.56 8.04 4.69 Bulbothrix setschwanensis (Zahlbr.)* Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 4.44 - 3.88 - - 1.52 Caloplaca atrosanguinea (G. Merr.) LambTeloschistaceae Crustose Bark - 6.75 3.01 3.04 9.53 - Caloplaca subsoluta (Nyl.) ZahlbrTeloschistaceae Crustose Bark 4.28 0.89 - 1.73 - - Campylothelium nitidum MüLL. Arg. Trypetheliaceae Crustose Bark - 3.16 2.84 - - - Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Stein Candelariaceae Foliose Bark 7.43 6.10 9.97 - 13.85 5.78 Cladonia macilenta Hoffm.*Cladoniaceae Fruticose Soil - - - - 2.99 - Cryptothecia culbersonae Patw. and Makh. Arthoniaceae Crustose Bark 5.01 7.56 8.61 12.32 11.41 - Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) Laundon Chrysothricaceae Leprose Bark 4.20 - 7.44 3.88 5.23 4.94 Chrysothrix chlorina (Ach.) LaundonChrysothricaceae Leprose Bark 4.36 - - - - - Conotrema indicum Makh. and Patw.Stictidaceae Crustose Bark - 1.29 - - - - Cyphelium inquinans (Sm.) Trevis*Mycocaliciaceae Crustose Bark - 0.97 - - - - International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 22 Lichen Taxa (* new record to Karnataka) Family Growth form Substratum Collection site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dimerella lutea (Dickson) Trevisan*Gyalectaceae Crustose Bark - 1.29 - - - - Diorygma poitaei (Fée) Kalb, Staiger and Elix* Graphidaceae Crustose Bark - 1.13 - - - - Diorygma pruinosum (Eschw.) Kalb, Staiger and Elix*Graphidaceae Crustose Bark - - - - - 3.05 Dirinaria applanata (Sw.) Vain.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 6.71 4.99 4.65 10.54 - 10.09 Dirinaria confluens (Fr.) Awas.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 4.12 4.85 - 9.23 8.41 3.65 Dirinaria consimilis (Stirton) Awas.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 1.92 2.26 - 3.04 - 6.63 Dirinaria papillulifera (Nyl.)Awas.*Physciaceae Foliose Bark 1.3 - 1.72 - - 1.40 Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Ach.Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 7.43 10.75 8.01 6.66 13.85 9.00 Graphis nakanishiana Patw. and kulk. Graphidaceae Crustose Bark - - 1.29 - - 1.76 Graphis pyrrhocheiloides Zahlbr.Graphidaceae Crustose Bark 0.84 - - - 4.86 - Graphis scripta (L.) Ach.Graphidaceae Crustose Bark 2.11 - 2.16 5.88 - - Haemotaemma puniceum (Sm. Ex Ach.) Massal. Haematommataceae Crustose Bark 2.84 4.35 5.34 2.73 2.05 1.88 Heterodermia comosa (Eschw.) Follmann and RedónPhysciaceae Foliose Bark 4.33 - 8.01 - - 8.96 Heterodermia hypocaesia (Yasuda) D.D. AwasthiPhysciaceae Foliose Bark 3.84 - - - 7.85 - Heterodermia leucomela L.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 8.11 - 9.42 - - - Heterodermia podocarpa (Bèl.)Awas.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 1.76 - 5.69 - - 5.90 Heterodermia psuedospeciosa (Kurok.)Culb.* Physciaceae Foliose Bark, Rock 2.28 6.77 - - 2.43 - Hyperphyscia minor (Fee.) Awas.* Physciaceae Foliose Bark 3.25 3.87 - 2.94 - - Hypotrachyna orientalis (Hale) Hale*Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark - 1.13 1.29 - - - Lecanora argentata (Ach.) Malme*Lecanoraceae Crustose Bark 1.94 - - 4.19 - - Lecanora carpinea L.Lecanoraceae Crustose Bark 8.00 7.97 8.25 9.28 - 5.71 Lecanora chlarotera NylLecanoraceae Crustose Bark 2.24 - 2.16 3.35 5.79 3.29 Lecidella euphoria (Florke) Hertel*Lecanoraceae Crustose Bark 1.60 - 2.33 - - - International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 23 Lichen Taxa (* new record to Karnataka) Family Growth form Substratum Collection site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leptogium chloromelum (Swartz ex Ach.) Nyl.*Collemataceae Foliose Rock 3.97 4.75 - 3.46 - - Leptogium wilsonii Zahlbr.Collemataceae Foliose Bark - - - 2.73 4.86 6.99 Maronea constans (Nyl.) HeppFuscideaceae Crustose Bark 0.84 - - - - - Melanohalea exasperatula (Nyl.) O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Divakar, Essl., D. Hawksw. and Lumbsch*Parmeliaceae Foliose Mosses - - 3.62 - - - Myriotrema terebratulum (Nyl.) HaleThelotremataceae Crustose Bark 2.36 - 5.86 - - - Ochrolechia pallescens (L.) Massel.Pertusariaceae Crustose Bark 5.09 4.03 4.31 3.04 6.35 - Opegrapha inaequalis Fee*Graphidaceae Crustose Bark - - - 3.15 - - Parmeliella triptophylla (Ach.)Müll. Arg.Pannariaceae Squamulose Rock - - - - - 1.64 Parmelina muelleri (Vainio) Hale.Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark - 3.97 3.78 - - - Parmelina wallichiana (Taylor) Hale.Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 3.72 - - - - 2.43 Parmotrema austrosinensis (Zahlbr.) haleParmeliaceae Foliose Bark 8.48 7.31 9.55 - - - Parmotrema crinite (Ach.) ChoisyParmeliaceae Foliose Bark 2.24 2.42 - - - 1.43 Parmotrema grayanum (Hue) HaleParmeliaceae Foliose Bark - - 7.49 - - - Parmotrema hababianum (Gyelnik) Hale Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 2.68 - 2.50 - - - Parmotrema margaritata (Hue) HaleParmeliaceae Foliose Bark - - 7.57 - - 1.86 Parmotrema melanothrix (Mont).Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 1.68 - - - - - Parmotrema mellissii (C. W. Dodge) HaleParmeliaceae Foliose Bark - 4.93 - - - - Parmotrema saccatilobum (Taylor) HaleParmeliaceae Foliose Rock - 3.63 - - - - Parmotrema subarnoldii des Abb. Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 3.00 - 3.79 - - - Parmotrema subtinctorum (Zahlbr.) HaleParmeliaceae Foliose Bark 3.25 - 3.54 - - 3.29 Parmotrema tinctorum Nyl.Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark - - 8.18 11.38 - 15.37 Parmotrema zollingeri (Hepp) Hale*Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 3.12 - - - - - Pertusaria albescens (Huds.) Choisy and Wern.Pertusariaceae Crustose Bark 4.01 4.19 3.28 4.46 - 3.60 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 24 Lichen Taxa (* new record to Karnataka) Family Growth form Substratum Collection site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pertusaria concinna Erichsen Pertusariaceae Crustose Bark 2.68 4.69 3.01 2.83 - 3.17 Pertusaria leucosorodes Nyl.Pertusariaceae Crustose Bark 1.60 4.69 - 2.83 4.29 - Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Müll. Arg.Graphidaceae Crustose Bark - - - - 2.05 1.04 Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Furnr.Physciaceae Foliose Bark 6.95 7.31 6.87 12.74 13.85 9.17 Pseudocyphelleria aurata (Ach.) VainioLobariaceae Foliose Bark 3.60 7.65 - - - 10.65 Pseudoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Hale*Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 3.00 - - - - 3.53 Pyrenula sp.Trypetheliaceae Crustose Bark - 2.18 - - - - Pyxine petricola Nyl. Physciaceae Foliose Bark 8.30 11.55 7.58 10.79 14.97 13.43 Ramalina baltica LettauRamalinaceae Fruticose Bark 2.68 - - 1.41 - - Ramalina inflate (Hook. f. and Taylor) Hook. f. and TaylorRamalinaceae Fruticose Bark - 1.13 - - - 1.76 Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach*Ramalinaceae Fruticose Bark 1.00 2.58 2.24 - - - Roccella montagnei Bel. Emend. Awas. Roccellaceae Foliose Bark 3.73 2.74 5.00 - - 3.77 Remototrachyna adducta (Nyl.) Divakar, Lumbsch, Ferencova, Prado andCrespo *Parmeliaceae Foliose Bark 0.67 - 3.18 - 6.36 - Sphinctrina auglica Nyl.*Sphinctrinaceae Crustose Bark - 1.29 - - - - Stirtonia santessonii Makhija and Patw.*Arthoniaceae Crustose Bark - - - 1.41 - - Teloschistes flavicans (Swartz) Norm. Teloschistaceae Fruticose Bark 2.00 6.30 - - - 7.55 Usnea baileyi (Stirton) Zahlbr.Usneaceae Fruticose Bark 3.84 - - - - 3.29 Usnea subflorida (Zahlbr.)Mot.Usneaceae Fruticose Bark - - - - - 3.05 Usnea eumitrioides Mot.* Usneaceae Fruticose Bark 2.24 - - - - 1.28 Collection sites: 1. Nisargadhama; 2. Thithimathi forest; 3. Dubare camp; 4. Abbi falls; 5. Talakaveri; 6.VirajpetTable-3 Details of various parameters calculated for lichen richness in six study sites of Kodagu district Locality Shannon- weiner index Simpson index of diversity Total individual Total species Nisargadhama 3.75 0.02 1257 57 Thithimathi 3.53 0.03 1066 47 Dubare forest 3.36 0.03 935 42 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(12), 17-25, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 25 Abbi falls 3.12 0.05 626 30 Talakaveri 2.89 0.06 414 25 Virajpet 3.25 0.04 651 38 Conclusion The present study will help in understanding the relationship between lichen species distribution and elevation bands and also to understand the possible effects of climate change on lichen species distribution. It is extremely important to document the existing vegetation and study the effect of biotic pressures and environmental quality. 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