International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(8), 6-13, August (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 6 Bio composting of Municipal Solid Wastes employing earthworms Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniaeVijaya Kumar C., Antony S and Murugesan A.G.* Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Sri Paramakalyani Centre of Excellence in Environmental Sciences, Alwarkurichi 627 412, TN, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 9th May 2014, revised 16th June 2014, accepted 17th July 2014 AbstractThe MSW was composted with different Earthworm species to identify the suitable earthworm species for Eco-friendly and scientific management of MSW. Earthworm species of Eudrilus eugeniae and Eisenia fetida were collected from Kodaikanal forest soil, brought to Alwarkurichi and reared in cages under controlled environmental conditions till attaining full grown stage. These two earthworm species were introduced into the raw MSW collected from Alwarkurichi town Panchayat and studied the changes in physico-chemical and biological characteristics during the course of decomposition of MSW. There were six treatments taken up for this study, out of which two treatments had been made with 50 numbers of each earthworm species and another two treatments with 100 numbers of each earth worm species. The 5thtreatment was made by adding 50 numbers of each earthworm species. An experimental control was also maintained to compare the efficacy of various treatments. During the decomposition of MSW by these earthworm species, there was an increase, in size, number of cocoons, number of young ones and number of adult earthworms. This study was observed with gradual increase in pH, E.C. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and continuous decrease of total carbon and C: N ratio during the composting period. The bacterial and fungal populations were minimum at the initiation of composting, reached the maximum at the middle period and attained stable population on maturation. The actinomycetes population steadily increased during the process of decomposition and reached maximum and stable population on completion of decomposition. The micronutrients content had shown a steady increase from the beginning to the end. The heavy metals concentration decreased during the period of composting. The compost obtained from the MSW treated with Eudrilus eugeniae in 100 numbers possessed most favorable physico-chemical and biological characteristics when compared to the other treatments in this study. Keywords: Bio-composting, Eisenia fetida, Eudrilus eugeniae, C:N ratio, compost maturity. Introduction Waste is a term denoted for the unwanted materials thrown out on streets and roads. Wasteis a common term for all kind of unwanted materials. The substances or objects, which are either disposed of or proposed to be disposed of or forced to be disposed of by the provisions of national law are termed as wastes . In Indian cities, the average per capita waste generation is about 500gms per day. Wastes are residues which are generated during the extraction and processing of raw materials to get intermediate and final products. The remains left over during consumption of final products can also be called as waste. The term waste excludes recyclables or reusables being generated during production, utilization or consumption. Municipal solid Waste (MSW) constitutes household waste, construction and demolition debris, sanitation residue, and waste from streets. MSW is mainly generated from domestic kitchen and commercial complexes. With the increase of urbanization and change in socio-economic system, lifestyle and food habits, the amount of municipal solid waste has been increasing rapidly over years and its composition is getting changed. MSW is a common term used to denote trash or garbage, which consists of everyday items such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint and batteries. MSW is common term for domestic and commercial waste and their contribution is relatively small in the total solid waste stream in developed countries, whereas its contribution to the total waste in Nigeria is relatively more. Actinobacteria is the most widely used microbe which is efficient and capabable of producing antibiotics and other compounds of biotechnological importance. The composting is the most effective and eco-friendly method among the various available methods for the disposal of MSW. The composting is bio-degradation of green MSW and it is a recyclable process. The end product of composting is the good organic manure that can be used in agricultural production which aids to promote Organic Farming. The end product obtained by the bio-degradation of organic matter by utilizing various species of worms, usually earthworms to produce a heterogeneous mixture of decomposed organic manure including bedding materials and vermicast. This end product is called Vermi Compost. The other terms commonly used to denote the vermicompost are worm castings, worm humus or worm manure . At present the only way of obtaining earthworm for soil improvements is field