International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(8), 1-5, August (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 1 Effects of different Concentrations of Detergents on Dissolved Oxygen Consumption in fresh water fish Mystus montanusChandanshive N.E. Zoology Department, Fergusson College, Pune-411004, Maharashtra, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 17th January 2013, revised 19th June 2014, accepted 10th July 2014 AbstractThe detergents are household chemical cleaning compound required in wide range of our daily life for diverse purposes. In many of these of application, the surfactants are used in interaction with water. Surfactant is a major constituent of detergents; this is a compound of high biological activity and has a tendency to accumulate in organisms, making adverse effects possible even at very levels of exposure. In some rivers the concentrations of detergents is quite high. The freshwater fish like Mystus montanus is highly sensitive to the household detergents like Surf and Nirma powder. The average mortality in each concentration was taken to determine the LC50 by plotting a graph, taking concentration on X-axis and mortality on Y-axis. According to graphical plots the 50% mortality values of Surf excel and Nirma for 96 hours were 20.0 mg/litre and 23.5 mg/litre respectively . The Fishes were exposed to sublethal concentrations (1/3rd and 2/3rd of LC50 values of Surf excel and Nirma) as per suggestions for a period of 96hrs. The oxygen consumption has increased with 1/3rd sublethal concentration of both detergents with increase in time. However, the lowest oxygen consumption was observed at 2/3rd of lethal concentration with increase in time. Keywords: Detergents, dissolved oxygen, fish, mystus montanus, chemical cleaning. Introduction The chemical nature of the environment has been greatly changing after the Second World War through the addition of thousands of chemicals such as pesticides, detergents, heavy metals, sewage and several other wastes from different industrial units, drainage from cities and mills and changing lifestyle. Many of these chemicals show acute toxicities for a wide range of animals including human beings. While others are not being so toxic to the living organisms but some of these are highly resistant to degradations in the environment and may accumulate within the body of the organisms including human beings causing adverse effects. Studies on oxygen content of water and its consumption by fishes attracted the attention of some fishery workers as the mortality occurred on a large scale during the transportation of fish and fry. Soap and detergents are made of fatty acids and various chemicals such as Alkyl Benzene Sulphonates, Polyphosphates, Cellulose, Succinic acid and so on. They are widely used in daily activities and these detergents cause excess frothing and growth of floating aquatic weeds (eutrophication) on the water surface, affecting aeration and quality of fresh water. This adversely affects the physiological and biochemical processes of fishes, number of factors such as temperature, pH, salinity, turbidity and so on affecting the oxygen content as well as the oxygen consumption by the fishes. The synthetic detergents can alter pH and salinity of receiving freshwater body, which affect oxygen consumption by aquatic organisms including fishes. Acute toxicity of two common household detergents, ‘Surf and ‘Nirma’ to Gara mullya was investigated by Litchfield and Wilcoxon graphical method. In terms of LC50 values, Gara mullya was found be more susceptible to Surf than Nirma. Gara mullya exposed to these detergents exhibited abnormal behaviour like frequent surfacing, jerky movement, trying to jump out of experimental aquarium and loss of body balance. The LC50 values of Surf excel is 28.5 mg/litre and Nirma 41.75mg/litre. The studies on acute toxicity of two detergents to Mystusmontanus was investigated using static bioassays. The 96h LC50 values was determined by the Litchfield and Wilcoxon graphical method. These were for Det-I 20.0mg/litre and Det-II 23.5 mg/litre. During exposure period, the test fishes exhibited several behavioural changes before death such as restlessness, rapid swimming, and loss of balance, respiratory distress and haemorrhaging of gill filaments amongst others. Opercula ventilation rate as well as visual examination of dead fish indicates lethal effects of the detergent on the fish2,3. Effect of different concentrations of detergent on dissolved Oxygen consumption was investigated in Anabus testudineus. Material and MethodsDuring experimentation, the collection, maintenance and experimental methods recommended in the APHA were followed. Detergents like Surf excel and Nirma were weighed accurately as per requirement and dissolved in water before adding the fishes into the aquarium. For each set of experiment ten moderate size fishes were selected for the experiment having length ranging from 12.3 cm to 14.5 cm and weight ranging International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(8), 1-5, August (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 2 from 18.72gm to 23.86gms of acclimatized fish from original stock. The average mortality in each concentration was taken to determine the LC50 by plotting a graph, taking concentration on X-axis and mortality on Y-axis. According to graphical plots the 50% mortality values of Surf excel and Nirma for 96 hours were 20.0 mg/litre and 23.5mg/litre respectively. These fishes were subjected to two different sub-lethal concentrations (1/3rdand 2/3rd of LC50 values) of detergents i.e. Surf excel and Nirma as per suggestions for different exposure periods (24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). Similar number of fish was maintained in controls for similar duration of exposureAfter each exposure periods such as 24, 48, 72 and 96hours, Experimental weighed fishes were kept in various sublethal concentrations of detergents in an air tight glass jar for one hour. The oxygen consumption was estimated in ---mg/litre/gram of body weight by modified Winkler’s method. Results and Discussion In Mystus montanus oxygen consumption has increased with 1/3rd sublethal concentration of both detergents with increase in time. At 2/3rd sublethal concentration of both detergents, significant decrease in oxygen consumption with an increase in time was noticed from 48 hours of exposure. Similar results have been noticed by many workers. When experimental fishes were introduced into water containing detergent, at higher concentrations, they started showing discomfort within few minutes and began to move rapidly. Mystus montanus exhibited a variety of behavioural responses like opercular movement was 20-25 times more faster than controlled, loss of nervous control, try to jump out of media. Body was slimy due to mucus secretion from epithelium of gills. The fishes were surfacing frequently. Affected fishes were swimming on lateral side of the body; nervous control and equilibrium were lost. During tests, the test fish exhibited several behavioural changes before death such as restlessness, rapid swimming and respiratory distress. Opercula ventilation rate as well as visual examination of dead fish indicates lethal effects of the detergent on the fish. In air breathing fish’s Anabus testudineus dissolved oxygen consumption increased when it was exposed to the water containing detergent. With increase in the concentration of the detergent, increased breathing and signs of distress were exhibited by the fish. Even though Anabus testudineus is very sturdy in tiding over stressful environment, presence of detergents proved detrimental. Other less sturdy fauna would easily succumb to increased concentrations of detergents in their environment. The oedema within the lamellar epithelium extends the blood-water diffusion barrier, thus increasing the diffusional distance, or decreasing the diffusional conductance of oxygen10 . Also, epithelial lifting (delamination) and fusion of the lamellar epithelium would decrease the available surface area for gas exchange and increase the diffusional distance for gases11. The hydropic degeneration, spongiosis and delamination of the lamellar epithelium and lamellar fusion, all could have contributed to an interference with respiratory gas exchange resulting in hypoxia. Decreased diffusional efficiency, resulting in hypoxia, may have also impeded carbon dioxide efflux, causing hypercapnia12. Respiration was largely affected in presence of surfactants. The respiratory rate was increased in Lepomis machrochirus at concentrations above 1.56 ppm when exposed to alkyl ethoxylates13. The effects of LAS in the metabolic enzymatic activity in the gills of Heteropneustes fossils indicated that this toxin had a high potential to interfere with the aerobic mechanisms14. Some studies of the pathological effects caused by chronic exposure to synthetic detergents evidenced the gradual destruction of the gills filaments, kills the fishes due to asphyxia15. In Cirrhina mrigala, the epithelial cells of gill lamellae showed a distorted appearance indicating severe damage that led to dysfunctions in respiration and osmoregulation16. A commercial detergent “Ariel” at 5ppm was found to induce moderate degenerative changes in the respiratory lamellae in Oreochromis mossambiccus on 2 days exposure and the chronic exposure led to drastic changes like separation of epithelium layer and atrophy17. The studies on fish Sparus aurata, found pronounced alteration in the filaments of individuals exposed to concentrations from 3 to 15mgL-1 of SDS and LAS. In general, when an extensive destruction of the metabolic surface of the gills occurs, there was a decrease of the entrance of oxygen in blood stream of the fishes, causing suffocation18. The lamella’s epithelial tissue got three times more swollen than normal due to edemas. Also, thickening of cellular walls was observed. In the shrimp Panaeus japoniusexposed to 0.75mgL-1 of LAS-C12 for 96 hr, that the secondary filaments of the gills were found to be fused due to necrosis of the cells19. The swelling process would inhibit the passage of oxygen from the water to the bloodstream to the fish, causing it to consume less oxygen. For mullets exposed for a period of until 120h to LAS-C-12, a smaller specific consumption of oxygen was observed when compared to the control20. Dissolved oxygen and viscosity are factors affect the oxygen consumption and swimming capacity of fish. Such factor could be related to the swelling of the gills that would be hindering the passage of oxygen. The investigation shows that the lowest oxygen consumption in 1.0mgL-1 was for 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure. However, for short periods of exposure to the polluting agent, a maximum of one and a half hour, an increase was observed in the specific consumption of oxygen21. In case of toxicity of detergents, the fish would decrease the tolerance to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen22. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(8), 1-5, August (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 3 Table-1 Effects of Surf excel on Oxygen consumption in Mystus montanus at various sublethal concentrationsConcentraions ---in mg/litre Exposure Time 24hrs 48hrs 72hrs 96hrs Control 0.10623 ± 0.002646 0.106267 ± 0.002681 0.106246 ± 0.002754 0.106284 ± 0.002746 6.67mg/lit. 0.110964** ± 0.003556 0.11367* ± 0.00454 0.115042 ** ± 0.002894 0.110978** ± 0.002298 13.3mg/lit. 0.11051* ± 0.00277 0.104608* ± 0.003651 0.092026** ± 0.002793 0.087605** ± 0.001781 Values expressed as --mg/litre/gram of body weight, ± = Standard deviation of three observation. * = Insignificant, ** = Significant at 5.5%, ***= Significant at 1 %, ANOVA table was used for calculation. Figure-1 Effects of Surf excel on Oxygen consumption in Mystus montanus Table-2 Effects of Nirma on Oxygen consumption in Mystus montanus at various sublethal concentrations Concentraions ---in mg/litre Exposure Time 24hrs 48hrs 72hrs 96hrs Control 0.106375 ± 0.003347 0.106327 ± 0.002076 0.106385 ± 0.002432 0.106404 ± 0.002206 7.833mg/lit. 0.107929* ± 0.004474 0.112295** ± 0.001877 0.114204* ± 0.0039 0.110369* ± 0.00167 15.67mg/lit. 0.104013* ± 0.003507 0.097478* ± 0.004983 0.087244** ± 0.004504 0.084049** ±0.001665 Values expressed as --mg/litre/gram of body weight, ± = Standard deviation of three observation. * = Insignificant, ** = Significant at 5.5%, ***= Significant at 1 %, ANOVA table was used for calculation.  \n \r\n \r \r \rAmount of Oxygen consumption ---mg/litre/gram of body weightExposure period in hours     International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(8), 1-5, August (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 4 Figure-2 Effects of Nirma powder on Oxygen consumption in Mystus montanusConclusion The detergent molecules can penetrate and solubilize the lipid content of cell membrane and may reduce its permeability. Gills are osmoregulatory organs in fishes and are primary site of uptake for water borne pollutants. Therefore, gills are the first sites where the effect of pollutants would be observed, because of the swelling of gill epithelium it leads to decreased efficiency for gases exchange and oxygen consumption. Toxic elements of detergents also cause excessive secretion of mucus over gill filament and irritation of gill epithelium which can alter and interfere in respiration as well as reduced gill diffusing capacity, resulting in decrease or increase in oxygen consumption. 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