International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 23191414Vol. 3(6), 38-47, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 Air Quality Monitoring of some Gaseous Pollutants at selected points in Gullberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Abrar A., Sundas W., Perveen F. and Habib M. Lahore College for Women University, Department of Environmental Science, Lahore, PAKISTAN Available online at:, Received 20th May 2014, revised 29th May 2014, accepted 22nd June 2014 AbstractThe research study was based on air quality monitoring at selected point in Gullberg II, Lahore, Pakistan. Gaseous pollutants selected for Air quality assessment were Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Ozone. Ambient HC Analyzer was used for monitoring of air quality and the data on the daily basis (24 Hours) for the period of four months (January April, 2011) was collected. Results revealed that Nitrogen dioxide (NO) and Ozone (O) were found to be in concentrations higher than the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Pakistan) at most of the selected points while Carbon Monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO) were found to be within the permissible limits according to the standards. Highest Concentrations of NO, SO, CO, O during four months of monitoring was 220g/m, 118g/m, 7.74 g/m, 212 g/m3 respectively. These values were higher than NAAQS permissible limit which are 80g/m, 120g/m, 5 g/m, 180g/m3 for 24 hours for NO, SO, CO, O3 respectively. Concentration of different pollutants has fluctuation while the Nitrogen dioxide (NO) and Ozone (O) concentrations were found to be high throughout the monitoring period. The results of Air Quality Index about the air quality of Gullberg II shows that two months (March & April) showed unhealthy and Hazardous condition due to weather conditions enhancing (sunlight, high temperature, humidity etc.) the effects of gaseous pollutants. Keywords: Ambient HC analyzer, urban air pollution, nitrogen dioxide (NO), ozone (O), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO), air quality index. IntroductionAmbient air pollution is an important issue needed to be addressed on prior basis in context of urbanization and environmental health regionally and worldwide. A strong association between ambient air pollution and lung related problems like cough, asthma, lung irritation and exacerbation is evident from different studies on effects of air pollution on human health. Some recent studies also pointed out the links between high concentration of air pollutants and infant mortality, deficit in lung growth of children. Anthropogenic activities largely affect Air quality in urban areas. Ambient air quality in cities has direct effects on the health of humans and also the ecosystems. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO) is one of the predominant urban air pollutants. Other pollutants like CO, O and SO2 in high concentrations is also a matter of concern in big cities. Anthropogenic sources of air pollutants are land transportation, industrial emissions, and open burning sources. Land transportation and industrial sources are the major contributors of air pollution. Clean air is the right of every citizen but in developing countries the problem of air pollution presents challenging situation to be handled in urban areas. Industrial sources and vehicular pollution has considerably deteriorated the air quality. Burning of fossil fuels for the energy production has dramatically increased the problem of ambient air pollution in cities which leads to serious health impairments and diseases. Air pollution is increasingly being cited as the main cause of lung related diseases such as throat irritation, asthma and lung cancer and the recent rate of incidences are reported to be increased twice as compared to 30 years ago. Air pollution levels are still rising because of the use of private cars instead of public transport which is increasing the global number of cars by a factor of 10 since 1950. Also the rate of migration of people to urban areas has increased by a factor of 4. Vehicular sources are the biggest contributor of air pollution. Recent trends of pollution from road traffic exhaust are regarded as the significant cause to affects the urban air quality in terms of human health and troposphere ozone productionAccording toa report of WHO (2003) the urban air pollution affects the health of people living in urban areas, the report regarded Pakistans road traffic as the significant threat and increasing an average annual rate of 14.1% during the 20-year period between 1985 to 2005. Respiratory diseases were regarded as the reason for 60 % of mortalities in terms of annual Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost. A study investigated the impact of environmental pollution on the health of nearly 1,000 traffic policemen and the results showed that about 80% of them had chronic ear-nose-throat (ENT) problems and 40% showed signs of development of lung related problems. About 50% of the anthropogenic NO in atmosphere comes from vehicular sources, 30% from the power plants and about 20% is produced by industrial process. A number of studies pointed that children with long term exposure to air pollution have more chances of developing the respiratory International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 23191414 Vol. 3(6), 38-47, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 39 symptoms, decreased lung function and increase in the incidence of chronic cough, bronchitis and conjunctives. Ozone pollution is a common problem during the daylight hours in summers. High ozone days are likely to be affected by parameters as ground level temperature, upper air temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, cloud cover, relative humidity and precipitation10. The high concentration of O3 wasfound to have influence on urban air pollution in summer, indicated by the increased average Ozone exposure according to research studies conducted by many scientists and found to exceed the permissible limits in urban areas worldwide11. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas and found to be the most abundant primary pollutant in ambient air. Carbon monoxide gas restricts the bloods ability to absorb oxygen when inhaled and can cause angina, impaired vision and poor coordination in exposed persons. Carbon monoxide is known to contribute to the green house effect and depletion of the Earths protective ozone layer. Sulfur dioxide is produced by burning of fossil fuels. Power stations and oil refineries release sulfur dioxide in the air. Other source is domestic open fires affecting the local concentrations12. Sulfur dioxide is colorless gas with a penetrating odor13. Sulfur oxides can cause a wide array of health and environmental impacts, particularly to vulnerable groups including people with asthma, the elderly, and people with heart or lung disease. High levels of SO in ambient air are often responsible for causing the temporary breathing difficulty, asthma attacks and increased respiratory symptoms14. The mitigation measures to reduce urban air pollution is currently an environmental challenge and needed to be addressed on prior basis15. Objectives of the present study are to: i. Monitor the levels of Air pollutants (NO, SO, O, CO) in the study area. ii. Compare the measured values with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. iii. Give recommendation to improve air quality. Material and Methods The present study was carried out to monitor the ambient air quality of Gullberg II, the exact locations were Gaddafi Road, Gaddafi Hockey Complex and Liberty, Lahore. HC analyzer was used for the purpose. The data of measurements was collected on daily basis (24 hours). The sampling duration for monitoring was about 4 months (January to April, 2011). All measure data was tabulated and compared permissible limits defined by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQs) of Environmental Protection Agency, Pakistan. Parameters Measured: i.Sulfur oxides SO (g/ m), ii. Nitrogen dioxide NO (g/ m), iii. Carbon monoxide CO (g/ ), iv. Ozone O (g/ m). Instrument: Ambient HC Air Analyzer: i. The APNA-370 for continuously monitoring the atmospheric NO concentrations, ii. APSA-370 for continuous monitoring of SO2, iii. The APMA-370 for continuously monitoring CO concentrations, iv. APOA-370 for measurement of Ozone level. Sample Collection: Air quality sampling was conducted using fixed stations that measured daily mean concentrations of air pollutants in January, February, March and April 2011. The data was collected with the help of instrument named as Ambient HC analyzer monitor equipped by EPD, Punjab which routinely monitored the different sites of Gullberg across 3 to 4 km. Data Analysis: The calculation for average, range and standard error of mean were made using standard procedure. All the results were analyzed statistically using Minitab (V13) software and presented in the form of bar graphs. The comparison was made with NAAQs limit for assessment and evaluation of pollution load. Air Quality Index was used to describe overall condition of gaseous air pollution in the area. AQI tells that how clean or polluted is the air of the area. Air Quality Index= (/80) + (/120) + (/180) + (/5)/4 X 100 Results and Discussion Ambient air quality monitoring was monitored at different sites of Gulberg II (Qadaffi stadium, National Hockey Stadium and Liberty round about). Data was collected and represented through an extension of simple bar diagram. Multiple bar graph comprising of eight bars, one of each day, for each pollutant make the comparison between the pollutants in different days. For each pollutant eight bars are drawn along this axis, one for each day to indicate the pollution extent. The bars are colored individually so that the different color coding for bars in graph showing the different values according to different days of the week. The very first bar having the black color representing the standard value of that pollutant according to National Ambient Air Quality standards.NAAQs permissible limit are 80g/m, 120g/m, 5 g/m, 180 g/m3 in 24 hours for NO, SO, CO, O3 respectively. Figure-1 to figure-14 are showing the concentrations of understudy gaseous pollutants from week 1 to week 14. st week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 70.23 g/ m, SO2 36.16 g/ m , O3 72.37 g/ m, CO 9.44g/ , 2nd week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 89.74 g/ m, SO2 63.82 g/ m, O3 89.04 g/ m, CO 7.594g/ m, 3rd week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 100.46 g/ m, SO2 51.4 g/ m , O3 108.22 g/ m, CO 8.73g/ m, 4th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 79.54g/ m, SO2 48.96g/ m, O3 100.2g/ m, CO 6.51g/ m3, th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 73.5 g/ m, SO2 48.05g/ m , O3 81.51g/ m, CO 5.61g/ m, 6th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 64.92 g/ m, SO2 42.98 g/ m, O3 105.51 g/ m, CO 1.65 g/ m, 7th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 82.59 g/ m, SO2 37.31g/ m , O3 108.8g/ m, CO 2.93 g/ m, 8th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO2 64.9 g/ m, SO2 49.81g/ m, O3 187.62g/ m, CO International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 3(6), 38-47, June (2014) International Science Congress Association 2.32 g/ m, 9th week, Maximum concentration was: NO2 77.99 g/ m, SO2 63.1 g/ m, O CO 4.71 g/ m, 10th week, Maximum pollutants was: NO2 82.8 g/ m, SO 2 193.04g/ m, CO 6.12 g/ m, 11th concentration of pollutants was: NO2 173.2  g/ m, O3 250.58 g/ m, CO 3.52  Maximum concentration of pollutants was: NO SO2 67.07 g/ m, O3 168.06 g/ m , CO week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: g/ m, SO2 108.52 g/ m, O3 227.91 g/ m , 14th week, Maximum concentration of pollutants was: 220.31 g/ m, SO2 117.23 g/ m, O3 212.56 g/ m  ue1$F1 ue1$F1&#xܜ;&#x P;&#x;&#x|:;&#x;&#xZk];&#xW; 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Different color coding was used for bar to represent the category of Air Quality with respect to AQI value. This color coding is provided by EPA. The value which is between 0 and 50 falls under the category named as Clean with green color than 100 falls under Moderate category which has yellow color. The air which has the value from 101 to150 is categorized Unhealthy for sensitive people which has orange color coding. The air which has value from 151 to 200 has the purple color. The AQI value which falls 201 to 300 known as Very Unhealthy air and it represents in red color. In last the AQI value which is greater than 300, that air has Hazardous air quality has maroon color for represe Figure-1 st week (10 January-16 January) Figure -2 nd week (17 January-23 January) SO2O3Air Pollutant - Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 14-Jan SO2O3Air Pollutant 18 -Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 21-Jan _________________________ ______ ISSN 23191414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 40 was calculated. Different color coding was used for bar to represent the category of Air Quality with respect to AQI value. This color coding is provided by EPA. The value which is between 0 and 50 falls under the category named as Clean with green color . The value which is greater than 100 falls under Moderate category which has yellow color. The air which has the value from 101 to150 is categorized Unhealthy for sensitive people which has orange color coding. The air which has value from 151 to 200 named as Unhealthy has the purple color. The AQI value which falls 201 to 300 known as Very Unhealthy air and it represents in red color. In last the AQI value which is greater than 300, that air has Hazardous air quality has maroon color for represe ntation. CO15-Jan 16-Jan CO 22-Jan 23-Jan