International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(5), 44-47, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 44 Testing and Analysis of Drinking Water Quality of Underground Water located near Rural Area of Risali Chhattisgarh, IndiaJindal Kumar Manoj, Deshmukh Poonam, Tamrakar RuchiDepartment of Chemistry, CEC, Durg, CG, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 26th March 2014, revised 16th April 2014, accepted 17th May 2014 AbstractWater is an essential Constituent for all types of living beings. In present study, Drinking Water Quality, were determines in February 2014 from Rural Area of Risali near Risali Pond Chhattisgarh, India. The result showed that in Underground water of this rural area contain High value of TDS and amount of Hardness was found to be 450 mg/l. pH value was found to be 8.17. And also analyzed Physico-chemical parameters calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, permanent hardness, temporary hardness, dissolved oxygen(DO), chloride, total alkalinity, bicarbonate alkalinity, biochemical oxygen demand(BOD), turbidity, calcium and magnesium. The value of total dissolved solid was found to be 1170 mg/l, dissolved oxygen 24.8 mg/l and chloride was found to be 213 mg/l. Value of calcium was found to be 144 mg/l and magnesium was found to be 21.87 mg/l. Keywords: Drinking water, water quality parameters, underground water. IntroductionWater has been vital to man and nature since the beginning of time. The planet earth is abundantly rich in water, which constitute 71.11 of its surface. Besides, being an essential ingredient of animal and plant life. Water made about 65% of human body. Out of the total water consumed by human beings, more than 50 % of it is consumed for industrial activity and only a small proportion is used for drinking purposes. Ground water is the major sources of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. Underground water contains high amount of various ions and salts etc., which are soluble in water. And directly affect the quality of water, only 1% pure water available for drinking purpose, remain are present in oceans and iceberg which are not usable for drinking purpose. Underground water is the most important source of water supply for drinking, irrigation and other domestic purpose2-3. Rural areas people basically depend on hand pumps (ground water) for portable water. The three basic needs in human life are food, air and water5-6. Good Quality of Drinking water is very necessary for improving the life of people and to prevent from diseasesWater crisis due to Industrialization, Urbanization, Development activities and population explosion8-9. Ground water gets polluted due to increased human population, agriculture runoff, domestic sewage, industrial effluents and other activities10. Aim of the study is to analyze the Water Quality Parameters from Rural area because large number of people live in rural area and use this water for drinking purpose and fully depend on this water for all domestic purpose. Qualities of water directly affect the human beings health, and causes of various types of diseases. Study Area: The underground Water sample was taken from Risali Village, Risali Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India. Map of Risali Village show in figure1. Water Quality Parameter: The Underground water Sample from Rural area of Risali was analyzed in the laboratory of Chhattisgarh Engineering College, and determine the Physico-chemical parameters like Temperature, pH, Total Hardness(TH), Turbidity, Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Chloride, Temporary Hardness, Permanent Hardness, Total Alkalinity(TA), Bicarbonate Alkalinity, TDS(Total Dissolved Solid), DO(Dissolved Oxygen), Calcium, Magnesium and BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) by using standard methods. Distilled Water used for Preparation of Standard Solutions, and for determination of water Quality Parameters we use Standard Chemical and Regents. Material and Methods The water sample was collected in February 2014, from Rural Area of Risali Bhilai, Chhattisgarh India. And sample collect in plastic bottle and immediately transported to the laboratory of Chhattisgarh Engineering College and avoid any changes in Water quality Parameters. All parameters determined using standard methods. pH of water Sample measured by pH meter using standard solutions; Value of Total Hardness, Temporary Hardness, Permanent Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium of water Sample determined by EDTA method; Total Alkalinity and Value Bicarbonate determined by Acid-Base titration method; Turbidity of water sample measured by Turbidity meter; TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) measured by TDS meter; Dissolved Oxygen determine by Winkler method; BOD also analyzed using BOD incubator. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 44-47, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 45 Figure-1 Map of Risali Village Bhilai and sample of underground water taken from this place International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 44-47, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 46 Table-1 Water Quality Parameters of ground water sample from study area, and comparison with Permissible values as per IS: 10500-1991 S. No. Water Quality Parameters Ground Water Sample Permissible Values(Requirement desirable limit) as per IS: 10500-1991 1 Taste Normal Normal 2 Colour Transparent Transparent 3 Temperature 29 °C - 4 Odour Unobjectionable Unobjectionable 5 pH 8.17 6.5 to 8.5 6 Total Hardness 450 mg/l 300 mg/l 7 Turbidity 3NTU 5NTU 8 Calcium Hardness 360 mg/l - 9 Magnesium Hardness 90 mg/l - 10 Chloride 213 mg/l 250 mg/l 11 Temporary Hardness 180 mg/l - 12 Permanent Hardness 270 mg/l - 13 Total Alkalinity 400 mg/l 200 mg/l 14 Bicarbonate Alkalinity 400 mg/l - 15 TDS 1170 ppm 500 ppm 16 DO 24.8 mg/l - 17 Calcium 144 mg/l 75 mg/l 18 Magnesium 21.87 mg/l 30 mg/l 19 BOD 4.32 mg/l 5 mg/l Results and Discussion The observed value of water quality parameters from Risali Village has been mentioned in the given table and the value of water quality parameters compared with standard permissible values as per IS: 10500-1991. The value of total hardness of water was found to be very high 450 mg/l, and causes of human health problems. Due to High value of Hardness various type of disease may be occurred some of these are cardiovascular disease, Risk of gastric cancer, affect Malformations of central nervous system, Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes, affect Kidney stones. The value of pH was found to be 8.17. Turbidity was found to be 3 NTU, Value of TDS also found to be very high 1170 mg/l and causes of some disease coronary heart disease, arteriosclerotic heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Dissolved Oxygen found to be 24.80 mg/l. value of chloride found to be 213 mg/l. Total Alkalinity was found to be 400 mg/l and causes of digestion problem and acidification is needed. The value of calcium and magnesium also found to be high as compare to Indian standard specification for drinking purpose. And BOD found to be 4.32 mg/l. Conclusion The observation of study strongly suggest that ground water of Rural area of Risali Bhilai Chhattisgarh is of very high TDS, causes of dehydrate the skin of animals and due high TDS water is not potable, if we use this water for drinking purpose value of TDS should be lower down. Amount of Total Alkalinity in water is also very high, causes of digestion problem and acidification must require before using it for drinking purpose. Acidification also reduces the value of pH. Total Hardness is also very high in this water sample and by boiling Hardness of water lower down. Otherwise the water from rural area Risali is not good enough to be used for drinking purposes. References 1.Parihar S.S., Kumar Ajit, Kumar Ajay, Gupta R. N., Pathak Manoj, Shrivastav Archana and Pandey A.C., Physico-chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Underground Water in and Around Gwalior City, MP, India, Res. J. 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