International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 27 Feeding Guilds of Avifauna of Gharana Wetland Reserve-Jammu (J&K), IndiaPandotra A. and Sahi D.N. Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu (180006), J&K, INDIA Available online at:, Received 2nd March 2014, revised 15th March 2014, accepted 10th April 2014 AbstractAn avian survey was carried out in Gharana wetland reserve from Jan 2012 to Jan 2014 to record the avifaunal diversity and their feeding guilds. Gharana wetland Reserve is one of the most important wetland reserve of Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir state and serves as feeding, roosting and wintering grounds for large number of migratory water birds during their palaeartic to oriental migration. It lies between 3236’ 51.52” N latitude and 7438’58.15E longitudes. The study documents 57 species of birds. Feeding guilds were divided into 6 major categories viz carnivorous, grainivorous, frugivorous, omnivorous, insectivorous, herbivorous. The highest number of bird species was observed to utilize more than one feeding guild followed by carnivorous, herbivorous, insectivorous, grainivorous, omnivorous and frugivorous. The gharana wetland provides a rich feeding ground to both migratory as well as resident birds. Keywords: Wetland, Feeding guild, aquatic waterfowl, Jammu.IntroductionA wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally such that it takes on the characteristics of distinct ecosystem, which is biologically diverse and serves as home to wide range of plant and animal life. Wetlands are natural areas where water helps in development of aquatic and plant life. In India, there are many wetlands of international, national and regional importance. Wetlands of India are very diverse and range from lakes to lagoons, playing a vital role in maintaining biodiversity. The wetland is used by a diverse number of bird species for foraging, nesting and roosting due to their heterogeneity of microhabitats and available rich food resources3-4. Wetland birds utilize the wetland habitat to meet their needs. Thus degradation of wetlands have affected the bird populations. There is a global need for recognition of value of wetlands. Wetland management practices should consider the value of wetland as well as various aspects of the effect of human activities on the water quality. Birds are highly mobile and seasonal. The species composition of a particular area may change due to influx of migratory birds. Birds vary a great deal, however, in the extent to which they specialize in a particular environment and a particular item of food. As long as the environment remains unaltered, its conditions regulate the type of species and their numbers. This is a complex and delicate web of life in which all the constituent parts are interdependent, depending upon the three factors of primary importance i.e occurrence of food, nesting places, and predators. A feeding guild can be defined as “a group of species that exploits the same class of environmental resources in the same way. Avian feeding guilds have been suggested as a suitable indicator to monitor all components and interactions of an ecosystem. For birds, food is usually considered to be the most important resource and the feeding guilds have been used extensively by ornithologists in interpreting the assemblages of species. Birds are tolerant of habitat change and they show wide range of feeding guilds. Material and MethodsStudy area: The study area i.e. Gharana Wetland is situated between the 3236’51. 52” N latitudes and 7438’58.15 E longitudes. It is located at an elevation of 270 meters above sea level. The station is situated near the Indo-Pak International Border in R.S. Pura Tehsil of Jammu District and is at a distance of 35 km from Jammu City. Main sources of water to this wetland are spill over water from Ranbir Canal and surface run-off from agricultural fields. Village Gharana is situated very near to the wetland and lies along the North-South fly way Palaeartic-Oriental migratory route of waterfowls. This reserve is famous for migratory waterfowls. The notified area of Gharana, barring a small patch of marshy pond and adjoining area, more or less comprises of agricultural fields. It is irregular in shape and is declared as “Important Bird Area” and is under wildlife protection Act J&K (1978). The climate is subtropical. Gharana wetland is a naturally maintained swamp surrounded by various macrophytes like Eicchornia sp, hydrilla sp, and Typha i.e. common reed. Area is infested with weeds and is rain fed. The bottom surface comprises loamy clay with decaying vegetation. The reserve area is surrounded with crop fields. Paddy and wheat are the main crops grown by villagers. Methodology: A through survey was done to study the avian diversity and feeding guilds of the study area from Jan 2012 to Jan 2014. For analysis of avian fauna, Line transect andpoint International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 28 transect10 methods were used. Identification of the recorded bird species was done with help of field guides andreference books11-14Bird watching and their feeding behaviour were done early in the morning and before sunset in the evening. Besides this, several irregular visits were also made during different hours of the day. Binocular (Bushnell make) was used to record the feeding behaviour of the bird from the distance in order to avoid any distance to them. Photographs were taken with help of 36 X optical zoom camera (Nikon) for easy and correct identification of bird species. Map of India Map of Jammu & Kashmir Location Of Gharana Wetland Reserve - R.S. PURA (Jammu) Figure-1 Map of Study Area i.e. Gharana Wetland International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 29 Figure-2 A View of Gharana Wetland Reserve Figure-3 A Feeding Flock of Bar Headed Geese International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 30 Figure-4 Different Migratory Ducks in the Wetland Results and Discussion The present study was carried out with the aim to analyze the different feeding guilds of the birds in the Gharana Wetland Reserve. Birds are tolerant of habitat change and they show a wide range offeeding guilds15. Availability of food in good quantity and quality constitutes one of the prime requisite of bird species in an area. During the present study, records were made of the feeding guilds of 57 avian species. Out of total 57 avian species reported, 16 species were carnivorous, 6 were grainivorous, 1 was frugivorous, 2 were omnivorous, 7 were insectivorous, 8 were herbivorous and 17 species used multiple feeding guilds. A wide stretch of agricultural fields skirting the wetland along with native trees provide additional food to birds in form of seeds, tree-fruits, bees, and animal feeds. So the birds like Red Wattled Lapwing, Indian Myna, White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Red Vented Bulbul showing multiple feeding guilds inhabit this area. Birds of prey such as Pariah Kite, Black Winged Kite, Indian Shikra. Marsh Harrier are completely carnivorous. Their diet consist of fish, eggs and young ones of small birds. Heron primarily feed on fish, it uses its long pointed beak to snatch its prey out of water or from ground. Egrets eat fish, insects, and amphibians. They stalk their prey in shallow water, shuffling its feet to disturb small fish. They may stand still and wait to ambush prey. King fishers eat all aquatic fare like tadpole and fish. Wetland bank and adjoining trees are their seats where they eagerly wait for their prey i.e. fish. Insectivore such as Black Drongo feed on insects. They congregate in adjoining agricultural fields that are ploughed, picking up exposed caterpillars and beetle grubs. Collared pratincole finds its prey in swarming insects, picking the prey from air with a elegance in ploughed fields. House crow feeds in the rice fields because of the greater availability of more number of prey items and also share their feeding sites with Mynas and Cattle Egrets16. Ducks, Moorhens and Coots use open water and feed in emergent vegetation. Cormorants and Grebes are known as diving birds as they dive for bottom dwelling animals. White Breasted Waterhen feeds on worms, insects and grain seeds. Gharana wetland is an avian splendour for the migratory waterfowls such as Bar Headed Geese, Northern Pintail, Northern Shovellar, Gadwall, Lesser Whistling duck and Eurasian Wigeon. About fifteen to twenty thousand birds pass their winters at Gharana. This wetland is on the migration path of waterfowls. Vegetarian birds eat the fruits, tubers and leaves of wetland plants. The increase in the number of migratory species in winter is attributed to availability of space and food resources. Rice fields provide important water bird habitat from perspectives of food quality and quantity, as they provide natural food in form of moist soil plant seeds, and green forage. Thus Gharana Wetland provides diverse food resources to the birds in form of plants and animals. Some birds find food in wetland soil and others in water column. Aquatic vegetation, abundance of benthic invertebrates, dipteran larvae, variety of insects and a wide stretch of paddy fields adjoining the wetland attributes to the different types of feeding guilds which were employed by various bird species. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 31 Table-1 Feeding guilds of avian fauna of Gharana Wetland, Jammu S No Name of Bird Scientific Name Feeding guild I Carnivorous 1. Little Grebe Podiceps rudicollesDC 2. Little Cormorant Phalacrocorax niger WC 3. Large Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo WC 4. Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax WC 5. Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii grayii WC 6. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea WC 7. Pariah kite Milvis migrans ATC 8. Black Winged Kite Falco vociferous ATC 9. Indian Shikra Accipiter badius ATC 10. Northern Spotted Owlet Athene brama ATC 11. Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthisbengalsis AAqC 12. Pied Kingfisher Cercyle rudius AAqC 13. Indian Roller Coracias bengalensis ATC 14. Rufous Backed Shrike Lanius scahach ATC 15. Little Egret Egretta garzetta WC 16. Marsh Harrier Cercus aeroginous ATC II Grainivorous 1. Indian Blue Rock Pigeon Columbia livia G 2. Indian Ring Dove Streptopelia decocota G 3. Indian Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis G 4. Indian Brown Dove S. cambayensis G 5. Spotted Munia Lonchura punctulata G 6. Baya Weaver Ploceus phillipinus G III. Frugivorous 1. Rose Ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri F IV. Omnivorous 1. House Crow Crovus splendenes ATO 2. Indian Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos ATO V. Insectivorous 1. Indian Green Bee Eater Merops orientalis AI 2. Common Sand Piper Actitis hypoleucos SIP 3. Black Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis AI 4. Indian Robin Saxiccoloides fulicata TI 5. Indian Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis TI 6. Jungle Babbler Turdoides striatus UI 7. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola AI VI. Herbivorous 1. Bar Headed Geese Anser indicus H 2. Northern Pintail Anas acuta DH 3. Northern Shovellar Anas clypeata DH 4. Common Teal Anas crecca DH 5. Gadwell Anas stepra DH 6. Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope DH 7. Common Coot Fulica atra DH 8. Lesser Whistling duck Dendrocygninae javanica H VII. Birds Using Multiple guilds 1. Cattle Egret Bubulcusibis coromandus WC/UI 2. Red wattled lapwing Vanellus indicus SIP/TI 3. White Breasted Kingfisher Halcyon smyrensis ATC/AAqC 4. Indian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea F/I International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(4), 27-33, April (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 32 5. Crow Pheasant Centropus sinensis CI/UI/TO 6. Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginnianus G/F/I 7. Indian Myna Acridotheres tristis G/F/I 8. Red Vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer F/I 9. White Wagtail Motacilla alba SIP/TI 10. Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava SIP/TI 11. Indian House Sparrow Passer domesticus G/I 12. Indian Moorhen Gallinula chloropus WC/SIP 13. Purple Moorhen Porphyrio porphyrio WC/SIP 14. Black Winged Stilt Himanotapus himantopus SIP/AqC 15. Indian White Breasted Waterhen Amaurornus pheoenicurus WC/SIP/TI 16. Indian Large Pied Wagtail Motacilla maderapatensis SIP/TI 17. Grey Wagtail Motacilla caspica SIP/TI Main Feeding guilds: C- Carnivorous,G – Granivorous, F – Frugivorous, O – Omnivorous I – Insectivorous, H – Herbivorous. Sub feeding guilds: WC- Wading carnivore, DC – Diving carnivore, ATC – Arboreal Terrestrial Carnivore, AAqC – Arboreal Aquatic Carnivore, AI – Aerial Insectivore, SIP – Shore Insect Plover, TI – Terrestrial insectivore, UI – Understorey insectivore, DH – Diving Herbivore, ATO – Arboreal Terrestrial Omnivore. Carnivore: Feeding on animal matter like fish, amphibians, reptiles, buds and small mammals. Grainvore: Feeding on grains Frugivore: Feeding on fruits Insectivore: Feeding on insects Herbivore: Feeding on young shoots, roots, leaves and sprouts of vegetation. Omnivore: Feeding on all types of food including vegetable matter, fruit, insects and other animal matter. Conclusion Gharana Wetland is biologically very productive and provides feeding grounds for a diverse range of resident and migratory birds. 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