International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 47 Plant species Richness and Phytosociological attributes of the Vegetation in the cold temperate zone of Darjiling Himalaya, India Moktan Saurav and Das A.P. Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri – 734013, WB, INDIA Available online at:, Received 30th July 2014, revised 1st September 2014, accepted 2nd October 2014 AbstractThe present study deals with the species richness and phytosociology in cold temperate zone vegetation of Darjiling Himalaya. The diversity indices represented the dominant species like Rhododendron arboreum Smith, Daphne bholua var. glacialis (Smith and Cave) Burtt and Fragaria nubicola (Lindley ex Hooker f.) Lacaita and rare species like Gamblea ciliata C.B. Clarke, Sambucus adnata Wallich ex DC., Treutlera insignis Hooker f., Arisaema concinuum Schott and Codonopsis affinis Hooker f. and Thomson. The maximum species diversity (Shannon-Weaver Index) was marked for herbs (4.332) followed by shrubs (3.577) and lowest for trees (3.131). The highest species richness (Menhinick’s Index) was estimated for herb layer (3.568) and least for the canopy (1.799). The concentration of dominance was 0.056, 0.032 and 0.014 respectively for the three layers. The species evenness was greater for herb layer (0.980) and least for the canopy (0.911). Soil parameters exhibited acidic property, the correlation between diversity and importance value indicated positive relation.Keywords: Species richness, phytosociology, cold temperate, Darjiling. Introduction Species richness in the most commonly used and an easily interpretable indicator of biological diversity. Many interacting factors like the competition, geography, plant productivity, evolution, environmental parameters and anthropogenic activities are the reason for the pattern of species richness. The hills of Darjiling are an integral part of the Singalila Range of Eastern Himalaya and are very much a part of the IUCN recognized Himalaya Hotspot. This region (Eastern Himalayan) is one of the three mega-centres of endemic plants harbouring endemic at maximum. They possess wide species diversity with rich endemic flora due to its ultra-varied landscape and geography. The great variation in altitude and wide array of climatic conditions favours the luxuriant growth of diversified and rich vegetation throughout the area. The heterogeneity of climatic and of habitat conditions has created conducive environment for the development and evolution of species and the process is still continuing. Differences in the micro-climatic conditions, inter-specific competition and available space have resulted into the development of mosaic of forest types where the occurrence of species diversity is well known. Due to the rise in the global warming, studies on the vegetation of high mountains have increased. The present study is to understand the plant diversity and species richness along with the phytosociological attributes of the vegetation in the cold temperate zone (2400 – 3200 m) of the Darjiling part of Eastern Himalaya. Material and methods Study Area: The Darjiling Himalaya extends between 26o 27' 05" and 27o 13' 10" N latitude and 87o 59' 30" and 88o 53' E longitude and is exclusively mountainous with the altitude varying between ca. 132 m (at Sukna) to 3660 m amsl (at Sandakphu – Phalut region). The major altitudinal vegetation types are tropical (below 800 m), subtropical (800 – 1600 m), temperate (1600 – 2400 m), cold-temperate (2400 – 3200 m) and sub-alpine (3200 – 4000 m) zones. The Darjiling Himalaya lies between Nepal and Bhutan, and stretches from the plains of Bengal in the South to Sikkim in the North. It is bordered by Bhutan in East and Nepal in West as shown in figure -1. It is basically mountainous with elevation increasing towards the North. The hills of Darjiling are the extension of Singalila range of Eastern Himalaya that enters near Phalut from Mt. Ghosla (3800 m) at Sikkim. The highest points Sandakphu and Tonglu are the continuation of the Ghosla – Phalut ridge. The two most important rivers of Darjiling are the Teesta and the Great Rangeet. Both are glacier fed and have been originated respectively from Zemu glacier in North Sikkim and Rothong glacier in West Sikkim. The present study was conducted during the year 2012 – 2013 in the cold temperate belt that occurs within an altitudinal range of 2400 – 3200 m in Darjiling Himalaya. An abrupt reduction in the temperature during winter with hailstones and snowfall for 1 – 3 months in a year characterizes the climate of this zone. The mean summer temperature varies between 7º to 17ºC, the winter gets extremely cold from November to March with temperature dropping down to sub-zero level along with snowfall sometimes even in the month of March. The average relative humidity remains between 83 to 96 % with mean annual rainfall of about 330 cm. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 48 Figure -1 Map of Darjiling showing study zone Phytosociological analysis: Phytosociological analysis was conducted to understand the overall spectrum of vegetation of the region, to have knowledge about species richness, dominance, diversity and evenness. Density, distribution, abundance and dominance are some of the quantitative measures of the species commonly used to describe community structure and to understand the vegetation dynamics in shape and time. For studying phytosociology, nested quadrat method was used for sampling. Three sizes of quadrats were used in nested manner with 20 x 20 m plots for trees, 5 x 5 m sampling plots for shrubs/climbers and 1 x 1 m plots for recording ground cover based on slope and vegetation10. In each quadrat, individuals with girth size of �15 cm cbh (circumference at breast height i.e. 1.37 m above the ground) were counted as trees. Individuals within the cbh range of 10 – 15 cm were considered as shrubs and individuals with 10 cm cbh were considered as herbs or seedlings. The location and altitude of the study area were noted using global positioning system (GPS; Garmin eTrex H). The collected voucher specimens were processed into mounted herbarium sheets following the conventional methodology11 and were identified and deposited at the NBU Herbarium. The vegetation data were computed and analyzed for the determination of frequency, density and abundance10,12. The Importance Value Index (IVI) for each species was obtained by summing up the values of relative density, relative frequency and relative abundance13. The species with the highest IVI scores in the community were grouped as dominant species. Species other than the dominants were grouped into co-dominants, associates and rare in the process. The species diversity was determined using Shannon-Weaver Index H' = - [(ni/N)ln(ni/N)], where, ‘H’ is the index value, 'ni' number of individuals of a species, 'N' total number of species in the habitat type14. Species richness was calculated using Menhinick’s Index D = S/N, where, 'D' is the index value, 'S' total number of species, 'N' total number of individuals of all species15. The concentration of dominance was computed by Simpson’s Index = (ni/N), where, ‘’ is the index value, 'ni' number of individuals of a species, 'N' total number of species in the habitat type16. The evenness index of the community was estimated following Pielou’s Index J' = H'/log S, where, ‘J’ is the index value, H' is Shannon index and ‘S’ is the total number of species17. For soil-quality analysis, soil samples were collected from 5 different altitudinal sites within the study area. For each site, soils were collected from top layer (0 – 15 cm) and sub-layer (15 – 40 cm) and were analyzed for different nutrient status. Estimation of pH by McKeague method18, total organic carbon by Walkley and Black method19, Nitrogen by Kjeldahl method20, Potassium by ammonium acetate extraction method21and Phosphorus by Bray I method22 were followed. Results and Discussion A total of 157 plant species belonging to 72 families and 114 genera represented in table 3-5 were recorded from the cold temperate zone of Darjiling Himalaya through quadrat sampling. Out of these, 3 species were identified up to genus  \n International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 49 level only. Tree species encountered 15 families, shrub/climbers 23 families and 34 families for the herb layer. The family with highest number of species in tree and shrub layer was Ericaceae with 10 species, followed by Rosaceae (8 species). In herb layer, the highest representation was of Asteraceae with 11 species followed by Polypodiaceae 6 species). The characteristic of the vegetation in the study area was basically heterogenous. It has been assumed that the dominating plant species actually determines the structure of the community and not characteristics23. The most dominant species in the canopy layer was Rhododendron arboreum (IVI: 26.911). The highest frequency was also recorded for Rhododendron arboreum followed by Acer campbellii, and two species of Lithocarpus. The abundance to frequency ratio was highest for Carpinus viminea and least for Acer campbellii. The highest density was recorded for Rhododendron arboreum followed byRhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum and lowest forGamblea ciliata. The abundance was also highest for Rhododendron arboreum and least for Merrilliopanax alpinus. In the shrub layer, 43 species of shrubs and climbers belonging to 31 genera were recorded through the process. The dominant species was Daphne bholua var. glacialis (IVI: 14.752). The highest score of abundance to frequency ratio was recorded for Rubus splendidissimus and Viburnum erubescens and lowest was calculated for Viburnum mullaha and Rubus paniculatus. The highest frequency was shown by species like Daphne bholua,Daphne bholua var. glacialis, Nellia thyrsiflora,Rosa sericea,Rubus paniculatus and Yushania maling. The density recorded was highest for Daphne bholua var. glacialis and the least was for Sambucus adnata and Treutlera insignis. 83 species of plants under 62 genera were recorded from the ground cover vegetation. The most dominant species was Fragaria nubicola (IVI: 6.263). The abundance to frequency ratio was estimated highest for Craniogramme procera and lowest for Ainsliaea aptera. The frequency recorded was highest for Ainsliaea aptera, Anaphalis busua, Primula ianthina, Ranunculus diffusus and Viola hookeri whereas the abundance was maximum for Fragaria nubicola andleast forArisaema concinuum and Codonopsis affinis. The results obtained showed that Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum (IVI: 23.879) in trees, Daphne bholua (IVI: 13.222) in shrub layer and Anaphalis triplinervis (IVI: 6.099) in herbs were the co-dominants in the study area, whereas Gamblea ciliata (IVI: 2.575) in the canopy, Sambucus adnata and Treutlera insignis (IVI: 2.636) in shrubs and climbers andArisaema concinuum and Codonopsis affinis (IVI: 1.126) in ground cover were considered scarce in the study area. Table -1 provides the nutrient status analysis of the soil sample collected from five different sites. pH ranged from 4.89 to 5.16 with an average pH of 5.0. The soil indicated more acidic property as the altitude is increased. This increased acidity may be due to the dominance of conifers, as coniferous canopy brings about long term changes in soil chemistry through the acidification of slowly decomposing forest floor litter24. The organic carbon content ranged from 1.38 to 1.61 % with an average value of 1.45 % indicating suitable for species growth. The average percent of Nitrogen was 0.20 and Phosphorus and Potassium were present at 16.5 ppm and 74.4 ppm respectively. Species richness is one vital aspect for the conservation of an area25. At the study sites, species richness differed with the change in altitude and slope. Towards the higher belt, above 3000 m, the species richness was low especially in the ground cover which explains the pattern of decrease in species richness with the increase of altitude26. The increase in the population of the Yushania maling was quite high inside the forest at certain areas and this has caused a decline of diversity in the under storey vegetation resulting low species richness. Even, it creates difficulty for tree seedlings and saplings to grow up at the initial establishment phages. Tree species exhibited heterogeneous pattern of distribution along the altitude as because the higher zones were dominated mostly by Abies densa and species of Rhododendron. Species like Lyonia ovalifolia, Berberis aristataand Fragaria nubicola exhibited wide ecological amplitude whereas Abies densa, Treutlera insignis and Bistorta emodi exhibited narrow ecological amplitude showing limited distribution. The vegetation of this zone houses numerous medicinal plants including Rhododendrons, Daphne bholua, Mahonia napaulensis, Fragaria nubicola and Swertia bimaculata27which are used by the local people for various purposesand also some poisonous species such as Lyonia ovalifolia28 Pieris formosa, Aconitum lethale and Meconopsis paniculata. Few species likeAconitum lethale, Rosa sericea, Codonopsis affinis and Swertia bimaculata were found to be in RET categories27. The diversity of species in the study area was high upto an altitude of 2800 m exhibiting richness in all the three tiers and it gradually decreased towards the higher zones. The reason may be due to the slope and aspect of the area. Towards higher belt there was much wind velocity and therefore the surface soil on the slope facing the harsh wind were eroded frequently resulting in the decline of ground cover vegetation. At 3200 m, which was dominated by conifers like Abies densa, the forest floor was thickly covered with partially decomposed litter which might be an important reason for poor vegetation development for shrubs and ground cover tiers. The low temperature and accumulation of snow for few months may also be the reason for the poor ground cover vegetation at this altitude. The ecosystem can be evaluated on the basis of species diversity29. The species diversity, concentration of dominance, species richness and evenness for different layers of plant species determined in the present study has been depicted in table -2. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 50 Table-1Physicochemical characteristics of soil from different sites of the study area Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Layer Top Sub Top Sub Top Sub Top Sub Top Sub pH 5.16 5.01 5.08 5.11 5.10 4.96 4.90 4.94 4.89 4.93 O.C (%) 1.41 1.38 1.38 1.40 1.56 1.50 1.61 1.46 1.49 1.38 N (%) 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.19 P (ppm) 18.5 12.5 20.0 15.0 18.5 12.0 20.0 18.0 15.5 15.0 K (ppm) 80.0 74.8 78.0 72.5 79.8 70.0 76.8 74.0 70.2 68.1 Table -2 Determined indices for different habit groups Layers Species diversity (H') Species richness (D) Concentration of dominance () Species evenness (J') Tree 3.131 1.799 0.56 0.911 Shrub/Climber 3.577 2.974 0.032 0.951 Herb 4.332 3.568 0.014 0.983 Figure -2 Dominance-diversity curve for different layers The species diversity was recorded highest for herbs (4.332) and lowest for tree layers (3.131). The species richness was also highest for the herb layer (3.568). Moreover the concentration of dominance was inversely proportional to the species diversity showing highest for trees (0.056) and lowest for herbs (0.014). The greater the value of dominance index, the lower the species diversity and vice versa in the scale of zero to one30. The evenness pattern for the species was highest for herbs (0.980) and least for the tree layer (0.911). Figure -2 shows the dominance-diversity curve that has been plotted on the basis of IVI. The correlation between species diversity and importance value index for all the three layers showed a much positive correlation as shown in figure -3. Conclusion The present study from the cold temperate zone of Darjiling Himalaya revealed quite a good scenario of species richness and diversity. Many species depicted a very high richness whereas some were sparsely populated. The study zone is also rich in possessing medicinal and poisonous plants. Due to the inconvenience in transportation in the higher belt, the inhabitants living in and around the region are fully dependant on the forest for fuel and this causes degradation in the vegetation, especially in the under-storey. Therefore, it is expected that the mass of quantitative data produced through the present study will be useful for the management to build up appropriate conservation strategies in this zone in participation 10152025301101928374655647382I V ISpecies Sequence TREES SHRUBS HERBS International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 51 with the local inhabitants. Moreover, different parameters like the altitude, aspect, slope and the climate play important role in the formation of healthy vegetation in this region of Darjiling Himalaya. 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International Science Congress Association 53 Table-3 Phytosociological characteristics of the Tree Species TREESFAMILY F D A RF RD RA IVI A/F Abies densa Griffith Pinaceae 15.0 0.45 3.00 2.752 3.030 3.962 9.745 0.20 Acer campbellii Hooker . and Thomson exHiern Sapindaceae 30.0 0.45 1.50 5.505 3.030 1.981 10.516 0.05 Acer caudatum Wallich Sapindaceae 10.0 0.25 2.50 1.835 1.684 3.302 6.820 0.25 Acer pectinatum Wallich ex Nicholson Sapindaceae 10.0 0.20 2.00 1.835 1.347 2.641 5.823 0.20 Acer sikkimense Miquel Sapindaceae 15.0 0.50 3.33 2.752 3.367 4.402 10.521 0.22 Carpinus viminea Lindley Betulaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 0.917 0.673 2.641 4.232 0.40 Daphniphyllum himalense (Bentham) Müeller Argoviensis Daphniphyllaceae 10.0 0.30 3.00 1.835 2.020 3.962 7.817 0.30 Elaeagnus conferta Roxburgh Elaeagnaceae 10.0 0.20 2.00 1.835 1.347 2.641 5.823 0.20 Enkianthus deflexus (Griffith) C.K. Schneider Ericaceae 15.0 0.25 1.67 2.752 1.684 2.201 6.637 0.11 Eurya cavinervis Vesque Pentaphylacaceae 10.0 0.25 2.50 1.835 1.684 3.302 6.820 0.25 Gamblea ciliata Clarke Araliaceae 5.0 0.05 1.00 0.917 0.337 1.321 2.575 0.20 Ilex fragilis Hooker . Aquifoliaceae 10.0 0.10 1.00 1.835 0.673 1.321 3.829 0.10 Lithocarpus fenestratus (Roxburgh) Rehder Fagaceae 30.0 0.70 2.33 5.505 4.714 3.082 13.300 0.08 Lithocarpus pachyphyllus (Kurz) Rehder Fagaceae 30.0 0.95 3.17 5.505 6.397 4.182 16.084 0.11 Litsea elongata (Nees) Hooker . Lauraceae 15.0 0.25 1.67 2.752 1.684 2.201 6.637 0.11 Lyonia ovalifolia (Wallich) Drude Ericaceae 20.0 0.60 3.00 3.670 4.040 3.962 11.672 0.15 Magnolia campbellii Hooker . and Thomson Magnoliaceae 20.0 0.65 3.25 3.670 4.377 4.292 12.339 0.16 Merrilliopanax alpinus (Clarke) C.B. Shang Araliaceae 10.0 0.10 1.00 1.835 0.673 1.321 3.829 0.10 Pieris formosa (Wallich) D. Don Ericaceae 10.0 0.20 2.00 1.835 1.347 2.641 5.823 0.20 Quercus lamellosa Smith Fagaceae 20.0 0.40 2.00 3.670 2.694 2.641 9.005 0.10 Rhododendron arboreum Smith Ericaceae 35.0 1.95 5.57 6.422 13.131 7.358 26.911 0.16 Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum(Wallich ex G. Don) Lindley Ericaceae 30.0 1.65 5.50 5.505 11.111 7.264 23.879 0.18 Rhododendron barbatum Wallich ex G. Don Ericaceae 30.0 0.70 2.33 5.505 4.714 3.082 13.300 0.08 Rhododendron falconeri Hooker . Ericaceae 30.0 0.75 2.50 5.505 5.051 3.302 13.857 0.08 Rhododendron grande Wight Ericaceae 25.0 0.65 2.60 4.587 4.377 3.434 12.398 0.10 Rhododendron griffithianum Wight Ericaceae 20.0 0.40 2.00 3.670 2.694 2.641 9.005 0.10 Rhododendron hodgsonii Hooker . Ericaceae 25.0 0.70 2.80 4.587 4.714 3.698 12.999 0.11 Salix daltoniana Anderson Salicaceae 10.0 0.20 2.00 1.835 1.347 2.641 5.823 0.20 Sorbus vestita (Wallich ex G. Don) Loddiges Rosaceae 15.0 0.45 3.00 2.752 3.030 3.962 9.745 0.20 Symplocos dryophila Clarke Symplocaceae 15.0 0.30 2.00 2.752 2.020 2.641 7.414 0.13 Tsuga dumosa ( D. Don) Eichler Pinaceae 10.0 0.15 1.50 1.835 1.010 1.981 4.826 0.15 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 54 Table -4 Phytosociological characteristics of the Shrub/climber SHRUBS/CLIMBERS FAMILY F D A RA RD RA IVI A/F Aristolochia nakaoi Maekawa Aristolochiaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Berberis aristata DC. Berberidaceae 7.5 0.20 2.67 3.030 3.824 3.062 9.917 0.36 Berberis insignis Hooker f . and Thomson Berberidaceae 7.5 0.15 2.00 3.030 2.868 2.297 8.195 0.27 Biswarea tonglensis (C.B. Clarke) Cogniaux Cucurbitaceae 5.0 0.13 2.50 2.020 2.390 2.871 7.281 0.50 Buddleja colvilei Hooker f . Scrophulariaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Cayratia pedata (Lamarck) Gagnepain Vitaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Clematis buchananiana DC. Ranunculaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Crawfurdia speciosa C.B. Clarke Gentianaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.020 1.912 2.297 6.229 0.40 Daphne bholua Buch. - Ham. ex D. Don Thymelaeaceae 10.0 0.30 3.00 4.040 5.736 3.445 13.222 0.30 Daphne bholua var. glacialis (Smith and Cave) Burtt Thymelaeaceae 10.0 0.35 3.50 4.040 6.692 4.019 14.752 0.35 Elsholtzia fruiticosa (D. Don) Rehder Lamiaceae 7.5 0.15 2.00 3.030 2.868 2.297 8.195 0.27 Gaultheria fragrantissima Wallich Ericaceae 7.5 0.15 2.00 3.030 2.868 2.297 8.195 0.27 Gaultheria nummularioides D. Don Ericaceae 7.5 0.25 3.33 3.030 4.780 3.828 11.638 0.44 Holboellia latifolia Wallich Berberidaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Leycesteria stipulata (Hooker f . and Thomson) Fritsch Caprifoliaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Ligustrum confusum Decaisne Oleaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Lonicera hispida P.S. Pallas ex Schultes Caprifoliaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.020 1.912 2.297 6.229 0.40 Mahonia napaulensis DC. Berberidaceae 7.5 0.15 2.00 3.030 2.868 2.297 8.195 0.27 Neillia thyrsiflora D. Don Rosaceae 10.0 0.20 2.00 4.040 3.824 2.297 10.161 0.20 Prinsepia utilis Royle Rosaceae 7.5 0.13 1.67 3.030 2.390 1.914 7.334 0.22 Ribes glaciale Wallich Grossulariaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.020 1.912 2.297 6.229 0.40 Ribes sp. Grossulariaceae 5.0 0.05 1.00 2.020 0.956 1.148 4.125 0.20 Ribes takare D. Don Grossulariaceae 7.5 0.13 1.67 3.030 2.390 1.914 7.334 0.22 Rosa sericea Wallich ex Lindley Rosaceae 10.0 0.23 2.25 4.040 4.302 2.584 10.926 0.23 Rubus lineatus Reinwardt ex Blume Rosaceae 7.5 0.15 2.00 3.030 2.868 2.297 8.195 0.27 Rubus paniculatus Smith Rosaceae 10.0 0.18 1.75 4.040 3.346 2.010 9.396 0.18 Rubus sp. Rosaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Rubus splendidissimus H. Hara Rosaceae 2.5 0.08 3.00 1.010 1.434 3.445 5.889 1.20 Rubus wardii Merrill Rosaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Sabia campanulata Wallich Sabiaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Sambucus adnata Wallich ex DC. Adoxaceae 2.5 0.03 1.00 1.010 0.478 1.148 2.636 0.40 Schefflera rhododendrifolia (Griffith) Frodin Araliaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Schisandra grandiflora ( Wallich) Hooker f . and Thomson Schisandraceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Senecio scandens Buchanan - Hamilton ex D. Don Asteraceae 7.5 0.20 2.67 3.030 3.824 3.062 9.917 0.36 S milax elegans Wallich ex Kunth Smilacaceae 2.5 0.05 2.00 1.010 0.956 2.297 4.263 0.80 Treutlera insignis Hooker f . Apocynaceae 2.5 0.03 1.00 1.010 0.478 1.148 2.636 0.40 Vaccinium retusum (Griffith) Hooker f . ex C.B. Clarke Ericaceae 7.5 0.23 3.00 3.030 4.302 3.445 10.778 0.40 Vaccinium vacciniaceum (Roxburgh) Sleumer Ericaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.020 1.912 2.297 6.229 0.40 Viburnum cotinifolium D. Don Adoxaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 Viburnum erubescens Wallich Adoxaceae 2.5 0.08 3.00 1.010 1.434 3.445 5.889 1.20 Viburnum mullaha Buchanan - Hamilton ex D. Don Adoxaceae 7.5 0.10 1.33 3.030 1.912 1.531 6.474 0.18 Yushania maling (Gamble) Majumdar and Karthikeyan Poaceae 10.0 0.28 2.75 4.040 5.258 3.158 12.457 0.28 Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgeworth Rutaceae 5.0 0.08 1.50 2.020 1.434 1.723 5.177 0.30 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 55 Table-5 Phytosociological characteristics of the Herb Species HERBS FAMILY F D A RF RD RA IVI A/F Aconitum lethale Griffith Ranunculaceae 4.0 0.09 2.25 1.724 1.664 1.149 4.536 0.56 Ainsliaea aptera DC. Asteraceae 5.0 0.07 1.40 2.155 1.294 0.715 4.164 0.28 Ainsliaea latifolia (D. Don) Schultz-Bipontinus Asteraceae 4.0 0.09 2.25 1.724 1.664 1.149 4.536 0.56 Ajuga lobata D. Don Lamiaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Anaphalis busua (Buchanan-Hamilton) DC. Asteraceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.155 1.848 1.021 5.025 0.40 Anaphalis triplinervis (Sims) Sims exC.B. Clarke Asteraceae 4.0 0.14 3.50 1.724 2.588 1.787 6.099 0.88 Anemone rupicola J.Cambessèdes Ranunculaceae 3.0 0.08 2.67 1.293 1.479 1.361 4.133 0.89 Arisaema concinnum Schott Araceae 1.0 0.01 1.00 0.431 0.185 0.511 1.126 1.00 Arisaema consanguineum Schott Araceae 2.0 0.03 1.50 0.862 0.555 0.766 2.182 0.75 Arisaema griffithii Schott Araceae 3.0 0.04 1.33 1.293 0.739 0.681 2.713 0.44 Arisaema propinquum Schott Araceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Arisaema speciosum (Wallich) Martius Araceae 2.0 0.03 1.50 0.862 0.555 0.766 2.182 0.75 Belvisia henryi (Hieronymus ex C. Christensen) Raymond Polypodiaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Bistorta emodi (Meisner) H. Hara Polygonaceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hooker) Reichenbach ex Meisner Rutaceae 3.0 0.07 2.33 1.293 1.294 1.191 3.778 0.78 Chlorophytum nepalense (Lindley) Baker Asparagaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Cirsium falconeri (Hooker .) F. Petrak Asteraceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Codonopsis affinis Hooker . and Thomson Campanulaceae 1.0 0.01 1.00 0.431 0.185 0.511 1.126 1.00 Craniogramme procera Fée Hemionitidaceae 1.0 0.03 3.00 0.431 0.555 1.532 2.517 3.00 Cynoglossum wallichii G. Don Boraginaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Dennstaedtia scabra (Wallich exHooker) Moore Dennstaedtiaceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Dryopteris redactopinnata Basu and Panigrahi Dryopteridaceae 2.0 0.08 4.00 0.862 1.479 2.042 4.383 2.00 Dryopteris sparsa (D. Don) Kuntze Dryopteridaceae 3.0 0.09 3.00 1.293 1.664 1.532 4.488 1.00 Epilobium wallichianum Haussknecht Onagraceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Euonymus frigidus Wallich Celastraceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Euonymus tingens Wallich Celastraceae 2.0 0.03 1.50 0.862 0.555 0.766 2.182 0.75 Fragaria daltoniana J. Gay Rosaceae 3.0 0.09 3.00 1.293 1.664 1.532 4.488 1.00 Fragaria nubicola (Lindley ex Hooker .) Lacaita Rosaceae 3.0 0.14 4.67 1.293 2.588 2.382 6.263 1.56 Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don Liliaceae 3.0 0.06 2.00 1.293 1.109 1.021 3.423 0.67 Gentiana capitata Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Gentianaceae 3.0 0.12 4.00 1.293 2.218 2.042 5.553 1.33 Gentiana pedicillata (D. Don) Wallich Gentianaceae 4.0 0.08 2.00 1.724 1.479 1.021 4.224 0.50 Goniophlebium krameri Panigrahi and Singh Polypodiaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Helwingia himalaica Hooker . and Thomson ex C.B. Clarke Helwingiaceae 3.0 0.08 2.67 1.293 1.479 1.361 4.133 0.89 Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wallich Plantaginaceae 3.0 0.10 3.33 1.293 1.848 1.702 4.843 1.11 Himalaiella deltoidea (DC.) Raab-Straube Asteraceae 3.0 0.06 2.00 1.293 1.109 1.021 3.423 0.67 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 56 Hypericum choisyanum Wallich ex Robson Hypericaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Isodon scrophularioides (Wallich ex Bentham) Murata Lamiaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Lepisorus nudus (Hooker) Ching Polypodiaceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Ligularia amplexicaulis DC. Asteraceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Lobelia montana Reinwardt ex Blume Campanulaceae 3.0 0.05 1.67 1.293 0.924 0.851 3.068 0.56 Loxogramme cuspidata (Zenker) Price Polypodiaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Maianthemum oleraceum (Baker) LaFrankie Asparagaceae 3.0 0.09 3.00 1.293 1.664 1.532 4.488 1.00 Meconopsis paniculata (D. Don) Prain Papaveraceae 4.0 0.11 2.75 1.724 2.033 1.404 5.161 0.69 Microlepia sp. Dennstaedtiaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis(Benth.) Tsoong Phrymaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Myriactis nepalensis Less. Asteraceae 3.0 0.06 2.00 1.293 1.109 1.021 3.423 0.67 Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don Asparagaceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Paris polyphylla Smith Melanthiaceae 3.0 0.05 1.67 1.293 0.924 0.851 3.068 0.56 Parochetus communis D. Don Leguminosae 4.0 0.07 1.75 1.724 1.294 0.893 3.911 0.44 Persicaria chinensis (Linnaeus) Gross Polygonaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Persicaria campanulata (Hooker .) Ronse Decraene Polygonaceae 2.0 0.03 1.50 0.862 0.555 0.766 2.182 0.75 Phymatosorus cuspidatus (D. Don) Pichi Sermolli Polypodiacaea 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Pichisermollodes stewartii (Bedd.) Fraser-Jenkins Polypodiacaea 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Pilea symmeria Weddell Urticaceae 2.0 0.06 3.00 0.862 1.109 1.532 3.503 1.50 Pimpinella diversifolia DC. Apiaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Pleurospermum dentatum (Bentham) Clarke Apiaceae 3.0 0.05 1.67 1.293 0.924 0.851 3.068 0.56 Polygonatum brevistylum Baker Asparagaceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Polygonatum verticillatum (Linnaeus) Allioni Asparagaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Potentilla polyphylla Wallich exLehmann Rosaceae 3.0 0.10 3.33 1.293 1.848 1.702 4.843 1.11 Potentilla sundaica (Blume) Kuntze Rosaceae 3.0 0.09 3.00 1.293 1.664 1.532 4.488 1.00 Primula capitata Hooker Primulaceae 4.0 0.09 2.25 1.724 1.664 1.149 4.536 0.56 Primula denticulata Smith Primulaceae 3.0 0.08 2.67 1.293 1.479 1.361 4.133 0.89 Primula gracilipes Craib Primulaceae 3.0 0.12 4.00 1.293 2.218 2.042 5.553 1.33 Primula ianthina Balfour . and Cave Primulaceae 5.0 0.09 1.80 2.155 1.664 0.919 4.738 0.36 Prunella vulgaris Linnaeus Lamiaceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Ranunculus diffusus DC. Ranunculaceae 5.0 0.10 2.00 2.155 1.848 1.021 5.025 0.40 Rubia wallichiana Decne Rubiaceae 3.0 0.08 2.67 1.293 1.479 1.361 4.133 0.89 Sanicula elata Buchanan-Hamilton exD. Don Apiaceae 3.0 0.09 3.00 1.293 1.664 1.532 4.488 1.00 Satyrium nepalense var. ciliatum(Lindley) Hooker . Orchidaceae 2.0 0.03 1.50 0.862 0.555 0.766 2.182 0.75 Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada and H.O. Saxena Apiaceae 3.0 0.08 2.67 1.293 1.479 1.361 4.133 0.89 Senecio raphanifolius Wallich ex DC. Asteraceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Strobilanthes wallichii Nees Acanthaceae 3.0 0.06 2.00 1.293 1.109 1.021 3.423 0.67 Swertia bimaculata (Siebold and Zuccarini ) Hooker . and Thomson exC.B. Clarke Gentianaceae 4.0 0.11 2.75 1.724 2.033 1.404 5.161 0.69 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(10), 47-57, October (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 57 Swertia nervosa (Wallich ex G. Don) C.B. Clarke Gentianaceae 4.0 0.06 1.50 1.724 1.109 0.766 3.599 0.38 Swertia paniculata Wallich Gentianaceae 4.0 0.06 1.50 1.724 1.109 0.766 3.599 0.38 Synotis tetrantha (DC.) Jeffrey and Y.L. Chen Asteraceae 2.0 0.04 2.00 0.862 0.739 1.021 2.622 1.00 Synotis wallichii (DC.) Jeffrey and Y.L. Chan Asteraceae 2.0 0.05 2.50 0.862 0.924 1.276 3.063 1.25 Tiarella polyphylla D. Don Saxifragaceae 4.0 0.12 3.00 1.724 2.218 1.532 5.474 0.75 Trollius pumilus D. Don Ranunculaceae 4.0 0.07 1.75 1.724 1.294 0.893 3.911 0.44 Valeriana jatamansi Jones Caprifoliaceae 4.0 0.05 1.25 1.724 0.924 0.638 3.286 0.31 Viola hookeri Thomson ex Hooker f. Violaceae 5.0 0.08 1.60 2.155 1.479 0.817 4.451 0.32 Viola pilosa Blume Violaceae 4.0 0.07 1.75 1.724 1.294 0.893 3.911 0.44 Viola wallichiana Gingins Violaceae 4.0 0.06 1.50 1.724 1.109 0.766 3.599 0.38 [F = Frequency, D = Density, A = Abundance, RF = Relative Frequency, RD = Relative Density, RA = Relative Abundance, IVI = Importance Value Index, A/F = Abundance/Frequency]