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Biomethanation Potential Study of Individual and Combined Vegetable Market Wastes

Author Affiliations

  • 1Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara-415002, MS, INDIA Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara-415002, MS, INDIA
  • 2

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (7), Pages 75-80, July,22 (2013)


The vegetable markets produce plenty of vegetable waste per day. Vegetable wastes are perishable and are responsible for great amount of environmental pollution. Biomethanation is an attractive option for vegetable waste treatment. Several studies have been reported on the biomethanation of mixture of vegetable wastes by different researchers using anaerobic digesters of different designs and capacities. There are very few reports on biomethanation potential of individual vegetable waste types. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the biogas yield and volatile solids removal efficiency using individual vegetable waste types and combination of these individual vegetable wastes in equal proportions using floating dome design type of reactor of 1 liter capacity. The daily biogas yield in terms of gm VS/l.d added from individual vegetable waste ranged from 0.483 L/gm VS to 0.674 L/gm VS. Potato waste and Onion waste exhibited highest and lowest biogas yield respectively. Mixture of vegetable waste exhibited the biogas yield of 0.654 L/gm VS. Maximum VS and BOD reduction was associated with the tomato waste whereas cauliflower waste exhibited minimum VS and BOD reduction.


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