International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 13 Water Quality and Pollution load of River Mandakini at Chitrakoot, IndiaChaurasia Sadhana and Karan Raj Dept. of Energy and Environment, MGCGV, Chitrakoot, Satna-485780, MP, INDIAAvailable online at: Received 3rd April 2013, revised 23rd April 2013, accepted 10th May 2013 AbstractThe rivers in India have religious importance. Water, especially river water subjected to pollution due to direct discharge of domestic sewage, industrial waste, Agricultural run-off, etc. into the river. Most of the major towns are located on the catchment area ofssss river systems, discharging their wastewater directly or indirectly into surface water bodies e.g. rivers, etc. The detailed survey of river revealed that small areas as well as large areas which fall in the way of river, dump domestic and toxic wastes in the river rendering serious environmental problems posing threat on human beings and biodiversity. The point sources discharge of domestic sewage or wastewater through open drains or sewerage system, etc. The non-point sources of pollution are agriculture runoff, washing of cloths, cattle wallowing and throwing of carcasses or half burnt dead bodies etc. The pollution potential of the riverine system has increased, which has not only degraded the quality of water of these rivers but also has affect the flora and fauna The various pollutants entering into eco-system through drains may be bio-degradable and non-biodegradable; these pollutants have also higher BOD and COD level. Keeping the above points in mind, the study of river and various drains joining to the river Mandakini at Chitrakoot has been selected for the study. Keywords: Pollution load, point source, drains, physico-chemical and quality. Introduction The river Mandakini originates from hills of Khillora near Pindra village, Majhagawan block (25 09'24.8” N, 80 52' 55.3”E), Satna district, M.P. at an elevation of 156 meter above mean sea level in the state of Madhya Pradesh of northern India. Whole watershed area is 1956.3 sq. km. The river passes through two states especially between M.P. and U.P. states. Sati Anusuiya is a perennial reach of Mandakini River where a large number of small and big springs feed to the river. .Afterwards it passes through various religious and non-religious points. This study covers MP and UP part in 23.5 km stretch starting from Sati Anusuiya to Khatkyana. River stream flows from south to north direction. It is a life line of Chitrakoot .Number of drains carrying the waste water of town joining the river at various points increasing the pollution load in the river and altering the water quality1,2. Objectives of Study: i. To prepare the inventory of existing drains joining the river Mandakini. ii. To measure the existing pollution load of sampling station and selected drains joining the river Mandakini. iii. To measure the flow of drains and river. iv. To monitor of water quality of river and selected drains with the help of various physico-chemical parameters. Material and Methods On the stretch of river (23.5km) three sampling stations were selected. One sampling station Arogyadham was in MP part and two sampling stations namely Ramghat and Kawi ghat were in UP part. Five major drains were selected for study. The details of drains are given in table-1. Table-1 Description of selected drains Selected Drains Description Vaidehi Vatika drainThis drain is situated at 12 km in downstream of Sati Anusuiya. It collects wastewater of western and southern part of Jankikund locality of Chitrakoot and joins to the river Mandakini. It covers wards No. 10 and 11. Paisuni drainPaisuni drain situated on Ramghat. It is a major drainage collecting wastewater from northern and western MP and UP part of Chitrakoot. Sitapur slope drainThis drain is situated 0.7 km downstream of Ramghat. In this reach the river is shallow, narrow with high flow. It collects wastewater of western and southern parts of Sitapur locality of Chitrakoot. Taraunha main drainThis drain is situated at 3.5 km of Ramghat. It collects wastewater of eastern, northern and southern parts of Taraunha locality of Chitrakoot, UP. Karwi bridge drain: 6.0 km downstream of Ramghat. It collects wastewater from western and southern parts of Chitrakoot, UP. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 14 Composite water samples were collected from selected sampling stations of drains and river Mandakini in two liter clean polythene cans. Monitoring was carried out for three month on monthly basis. Physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, and turbidity, EC, TDS, TSS, TS, DO, BOD, COD, Nitrate and Phosphate were analyzed as per Standard Method3,4. Morpho-metric character (depth, length, width), velocity, flow rate and pollution load of river and selected drains were measured. Results and Discussion The result of the physico-chemical characteristics of river water and drains waste water are given table-1-3 and 6-8 and flow rate are given table 9-10. Temperature: The temperature of water which is an ideal for the biological activities of microorganism is 20-25C. During study, temperature of river range 23C-25C table-1-3. Minimum temperatures was record 23C at Arogyadham in May. Maximum temperature was record 25C at Karwi ghat in July. The drains water temperature recorded in the range of 23C-25C as it depends on atmospheric temperature. Total Solids (TS):Total dissolved solids (TDS) of river water was ranged from 320-490 mg/l while Total suspended solid was found in the range 110-218 mg/l (table1-3) and total solids was ranged from 402-700 mg/l table-1-3. Minimum value of TDS 320 mg/l was observed at Arogyadham in May, while maximum value of TDS was 490 mg/l at Karwi ghat in July. Minimum value of TSS was observed 110 mg/l at Karwi ghat in May, while maximum value i.e. 218 mg/l at Karwi ghat in July. Minimum value of TS was observed 402 mg/l at Karwi ghat in May, while maximum value was 700mg/l at Karwi ghat July. The average TDS and TS observed at different station are shown in figure-1. Figure-1 TDS and TSS at various stations of River MandakiniTotal dissolved solids of drains was ranged from 512-792 mg/l while total suspended solids was ranged from 225-344 mg/l. Total Solids were found in the range of 737-1136 mg/l table 6-8. Minimum value of TDS was observed 512 mg/l at Sitapur slope in May,while maximum 792 mg/l at Paisuni in July. Minimum TSS was found 225 mg/l at Sitapur slope in May, while maximum 344 mg/l was found at Paisuni drain in July. Minimum value of T.S was observed 737 mg/l at Sitapur slope in May, while maximum 1136 mg/l at Paisuni in July. The average TDS and TS observed for drains are shown in figure-5. pH: The pH value of river was recorded between 7.9-8.3 table-1-3. Minimum pH of river water was observed 7.9 of Arogyadham in May, while maximum 8.3 at Karwi ghat in July. The pH value of drains water was recorded in ranged of 7.2 to 8.2 table 6-8. Minimum pH was observed 7.2 at Sitapur slope in June, while maximum pH value 8.2 at Paisuni drains in July. Electrical Conductivity (E.C.): The EC value of river was ranged from 398-482 µmho/cm table-1-3 Minimum value of EC was observed 398 µmho/cm at Arogyadham in May,while maximum 482 at Karwi ghat in July. The average E.C. observed at different station is shown in figure 2. Figure-2 Cunductivity at various station of River Mandakini EC value was found higher for drains waste water was ranged from 940-1190 µmho/cm table-6-8. Minimum value of EC was observed 940 µmho/cm at Vaidehi vatika in May, while maximum value of EC 1190 µmho/cm at Paisuni drains in July. The average E.C. observed at different station is shown in figure-6. Dissolved Oxygen (DO): In river stretch dissolved oxygen (DO) was ranged from 8.2-9.9 mg/l table-1-3. The minimum value of DO was found 8.0 mg/l at Karwi ghat in May, while maximum 9.9 mg/l at Arogyadham in July. The DO of drains was ranged in 1.2-4.8 mg/l table-6-8 Lowest value 1.2 mg/l were recorded at Sitapur slope in May, while 20040060080010001200Conductivity µmho /cm Standard Arogydham Ramght Karwi ghat 100200300400500600TDS (mg/l)TSS (mg/l) Standard Arogydham International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 15 highest value 4.8 mg/l at Taraunha in June. Both values were below the permissible limit 5 mg/l. indicating that it has higher organic matter 6. Similar value observed in city of So- Ava in Benin Republic and Andhra Pradesh 8. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): In river stretch BOD was ranged from 1.3-6.8 mg/l. lowest value was 1.3 mg/l at Arogyadham in July, while highest value was 6.8 mg/l at Karwi ghat in May. The average DO and BOD observed at different stations are shown in figure 3. Figure-3 DO and BOD at various station of River Mandakini The value of drains water was the in range of 32-68 mg/l table-6-8. Lowest value was 32 mg/l at Taraunha in June, while highest value was 68mg/l at Sitapur slope in May The average DO and BOD observed at different stations are shown in figure-7. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): COD of river water was ranged 30-45 mg/l table-1-3. Lowest value was 30 mg/l at Arogyadham while highest value was 45 mg/l at Karwi ghat in May. Average COD observed at different stations are shown in figure 4. Figure-4 COD at various station of River Mandakini Figure-5 TDS and TSS of selected drainsFigure-6 Conductivity of selected drains Figure-7 DO of selected drains COD of drains was found in the range of 92-140 mg/l table-6-8. Lowest value was 92 mg/l at Taraunha in June, while high value was 140 mg/l at Sitapur slopes May and July. COD observed at different stations are shown in figure-8. Nitrate: The value of Nitrate was recorded in the range of 0.44-0.83 mg/l table-1-3 minimum value was found 0.44 mg/l at Arogyadham in May, while maximum value 0.83 at Karwi ghat in June. 101520253035DO (mg/l)BOD (mg/l) Standard Arogydham Ramght Karwi ghat 50100150200250300COD (mg/l) Standard Arogydham Ramght Karwi ghat 200400600800100012001400Conductivity (µmho /cm) Standard Vaidehivatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge DO (mg/l) Standard Vaidehivatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge 200400600800TDS (mg/l)TSS (mg/l) Standard Vaidehivatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 16 Figure-8 BOD of selected drainsFigure-9 COD of selected drains Figure-10 Average flow rate of river Figure-11 Average flow rate of drains Figure-12 Pollution load of different station of River Mandakini Figure-13 Pollution load of drain 1020304050607080BOD (mg/l) Standard Vaidehivatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge 50100150200250300COD (mg/l) Standard Vaidehivatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge Flow (m3/s) Arogyadham Ramghat Karwi ghat 0.0020.0040.0060.0080.010.0120.0140.016Flow (m3/s) Vaidehi Vatika Paisuni Sitapur slope Taraunha Karwi bridge Arogyadham20%Ramghat39%Karwi ghat41% Vaidehi Vatika8%Paisuni65%Sitapur slope13%Taraunha5%Karwi bridge9% International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 17 Phosphate The value of phosphate was found in range of 0.27-0.65 mg/l. table-1-3 minimum value was found 0.27 mg/l at Arogyadham in May, while maximum was found 0.65 mg/l at Karwi ghat in June. Flow rate: Flow rate of water depends upon velocity and area (m). Flow rate = area (A) x velocity (V) = m/s Average flow rate of river varied from 3.2313-5.728 m/s. table-9-10. Minimum flow was found at Arogyadham while maximum at Karwighat. The total average flow rate of river value was found 4.869 m/s while drain value varied from 0.0017m/s to 0.0143 m/s. Minimum value was found for Taraunha drains and maximum value was found for Paisuni drains. Pollution load: Assessment of pollution load is a useful parameter to check the strength of waste water. The pollution load of various river and drains was determined and mentioned in table 5 and 10.The pollution load of river water was found in the range of 940.76-1979.60 kg/day. Minimum pollution load was found 940.67 Kg/day at Arogyadham while maximum value was found 1979.60 Kg/day at Karwi bridge. Pollution load of drains waste water was found in the range of 6.17-76.60 Kg/day Minimum pollution load was found 6.17 Kg/day at Taraunha while maximum value was found 76.60 Kg/day at Paisuni. Table-1 Physiochemical quality of river Mandakini May, 2012Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l     mg/l     mg/l Arogyadham 23 7.90 320 142 462 398 8.50 6.20 35 0.44 0.27 Ramghat 25 8.20 328 160 488 418 8.30 6.50 43 0.56 0.42 Karwighat 25 8.30 292 110 402 412 8.00 6.80 45 0.72 0.52 Table-2 Physiochemical quality of river Mandakini June, 2012 Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l COD mg/l     mg/l     mg/l Arogydham 23.67 8.03 393.33 165.00 558.33 414.00 9.27 33.53 0.50 0.31 Ramght 25.00 8.17 408.00 184.33 592.33 447.33 8.87 38.00 0.56 0.46 Karwi ghat 25.33 8.27 407.00 175.67 580.33 457.33 8.70 39.37 0.73 0.59 Table-3 Physiochemical quality of river Mandakini July, 2012 Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l     mg/l     mg/l Arogyadham 24 8.20 398 171 569 412 9.40 2.60 30 0.56 0.31 Ramghat 25 8.10 428 193 621 460 9.00 3.20 32 0.62 0.48 Karwi ghat 25 8.10 440 199 639 478 9.20 2.80 30 0.83 0.68 Table-4 Average physiochemical quality of river Mandakini (2012) Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l     mg/l     mg/l Arogydham 24 8.00 462 182 644 432 9.90 1.30 35.60 0.49 0.36 Ramghat 25 8.20 468 200 668 464 9.30 2.00 39.00 0.50 0.47 Karwi ghat 26 8.40 490 218 700 482 8.90 2.40 43.10 0.63 0.56 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 18 Table-5 Pollution load at different sampling station of river Mandakini S.N. Station Average flow rat /s BOD mg/l Pollution load Kg/day 1. Arogyadham 3.231 3.37 940.76 2. Ramghat 5.647 3.90 1902.81 3. Karwi ghat 5.728 4.00 1979.60 Table-6 Physiochemical quality of drains May, 2012 Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l Vaidehi vatika 23 7.40 590 232 822 940 2.60 60 132 Paisuni 25 7.90 666 260 946 1080 1.40 66 136 Sitapur slope 24 7.60 512 215 737 1020 1.20 68 140 Taraunha 25 7.60 710 280 990 1160 4.20 42 108 Karwi bridge 24 7.40 610 260 870 962 2.80 58 122 Table-7 Physiochemical quality of drains June, 2012 Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm) DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l Vaidehi vatika 24 7.70 710 320 1030 1160 2.80 56 122 Paisuni 25 7.80 780 342 1122 1182 2.60 60 128 Sitapur slope 23 7.20 620 280 900 1042 2.50 64 134 Taraunha 23 7.50 690 310 1000 1060 4.80 32 92 Karwi bridge 24 7.50 600 260 860 968 3.50 40 102 Table-8 Physiochemical quality of drains July, 2012 Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l BOD mg/l COD mg/l Vaidehi vatika 24 7.50 762 298 1060 1096 2.80 62 134 Paisuni 25 8.20 792 344 1136 1190 2.40 60 128 Sitapur slope 25 8.00 665 282 947 1012 2.00 68 140 Taraunha 24 8.00 780 320 1100 1134 3.20 52 120 Karwi bridge 23 7.40 542 226 768 882 3.00 64 136 Table-9 Average Physiochemical quality of drains (2012) Station Parameters Temp. pH TDS mg/l TSS mg/l TS mg/l E.C. µmho /cm DO mg/l COD mg/l Vaidehivatika 23.67 7.53 687.33 283.33 970.67 1065.33 2.73 129.33 Paisuni 25.00 7.53 746.00 315.33 1068.00 1150.67 2.13 130.67 Sitapur slope 24.00 7.60 599.00 259.00 861.33 1024.67 1.90 138.00 Taraunha 24.00 7.70 726.67 303.33 1030.00 1118.00 4.07 106.67 Karwi bridge 23.67 7.43 584.00 248.67 832.67 937.33 3.10 120.00 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 13-19, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 19 Table-10 Pollution load of selected drain of river Mandakini. Selected Drains Flow Rate /sec. BOD mg/l. Pollution load Kg/day Vaidehi Vatika 0.0019 59.33 9.74 Paisuni 0.0143 62.00 76.60 Sitapur slope 0.0026 66.67 14.98 Taraunha 0.0017 42.00 6.17 Karwi bridge 0.0022 54.00 10.26 Table-11 Primary water quality criteria for various wastewaters as laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board (1999-2000) S.N. Characteristics Standard limits 1. pH 6.5-8.5 2. Turbidity (NTU) 10 3. DO (mg/l) 5 4. BOD (mg/l) 30 5. COD (mg/l) 250 6. EC (µmhos/cm) 1000 7. TDS(mg/l) 500 8. TSS(mg/l) 100 Conclusion From the results of the studies it is concluded that the physico-chemical quality (pH, DO, BOD, COD, Conductivity) of river water found well within the permissible limits of CPCB except TSS. The maximum TSS value was found in the range of 110-218 mg/l. BOD and COD also increase as one proceeded downstream at Arogyadham to Karwighat reach except BOD value 6.8 mg at Karwighat June 2012. The pollution load of river water was found in the range of 940.76-1979.60 Kg/day. Hence, the river water may be supplied for drinking and domestics use after proper treatment. While the quality of drains water was found beyond the permissible limits of CPCB. Physico-chemical qualities of drains water were very poor as these drains carry waste at Paisuni and Sitapur slope. So Paisuni and Sitapur slope were the major source of Pollution as these drains carries the maximum quantity of waste. The pollution load of drains waste water was found in the range of 6.17-76.60 Kg/day.The pollution loads of Paisuni was many time higher in comparison to other drains.So Paisuni drain was the major source of pollution due to joining of many minor nallas. The quality of waste water during study also indicated that river seemed much polluted from Arogyadham to Karwi bridge due to several (small and big) drains joining the river as point pollution sources. Phosphates and nitrate were rather low at all sampling station of river. Their concentrations were observed to be increasing as one proceeded downstream of river. This may cause eutrophication in river. Recommendation: The recommendation and suggestions is being given on the basis of finding result, the study showed that the physico-chemical quality of river is in D category, therefore proper management requires to check the entry of a large number of drains directly (small and big) in to river Mandakini. These drains before reaching the river they should be treated or they should be diverted towards other side. Sewage treatment plant should be installed and treated water should be used for agriculture or other uses for domestic purpose except drinking and bathing. 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