International Research Journal of Environment Sc iences______________________________ _ __ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 44 - 47 , April (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 44 Biohydrogen from Algae: Fuel of the Future Sharma Shaishav, Singh R . N . and Tripathi Satyendra School of Energy and Environment Studies, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Takshashila Campus, Indore, INDIA Available online at: ww Received 6 th November 2012 , revised 2 7 th December 2012 , accepted 24 th January 201 3 Abstract Hydrogen holds much promise as a future fuel because of the increase in pollution caused by fossil fuels and continuous decrease in the availability of fossil fuels. The biggest drawback of hydrogen is that its production involves fossil fuels thereby causing pollution of environment. Biohydrogen produced from algae is not only a clean source of energy but can also be a major substitute for the contin uous depleting gasoline. Third generation biohydrogen from algae have provided solutions to drawbacks of first and second generation biofuels up to an extent. This review critically updates different processes availab le for biohydrogen production from alga e with special emphasis on their merits and demerits. Some approaches to overcome existing problems have also been outlined. Keywords: Biohydrogen, a lgae, b iophotolysis. Introduction Energy is the most important factor for sustaining a civilization as well as for its development but our dependence on fossil fuels as our primary energy source contributes to global climate change, environmental degradation and health problems. The limited amount of fossil fuels also is a cause of concern 1 . Hydrogen (H 2 ) o ffers tremendous potential as a clean, renewable energy source. The higher heating value of hydrogen is 3042 cals/m 3 (considering water as a product). In combustion, water is the main product, thus, hydrogen is regarded as a clean non - polluting fuel 2 . Apar t from being used as a clean fuel, Hydrogen has following uses 3,4 . Used for the manufacture of ammonia. Used in oil refineries for removal of impurities. Used in methanol production , u s ed as a fuel in rocket engines. 99% of the total hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels. Catalytic steam reforming of naphtha or natural gas, gasification of coal and electrolysis of water are some of the classical methods of hydrogen production but these methods are energy extensive and affect environment. On the contrary, biological hydrogen production is particularly useful because they are catalyzed by microorganisms in aqueous environment at ambient pressure and temperature. The interest in large scale production of biohydrogen developed when the limited availability of fossil fuels and the pollution caused by them started putting a negative impact on the sustainability of the world population. The discovery that algae can produce hydrogen upon illumination was done 70 years ago by Gaffron and coworkers 5 . Hydrogen evolut ion in algae was induced when prior incubation in dark was given to the cells 6,7, 8 . A high specific activity enzyme, Hydrogenase was expressed due to incubation and catalyzed light mediated hydrogen evolution. The monomeric form of the enzyme belongs to t he class of Fe hydrogenase 9,10 is encoded in the nucleus of the unicellular green algae. However, the mature protein is localized and functions in the chloroplast stroma 10 . The absorption of light by the photosynthetic apparatus is an essential step for th e production of hydrogen because the absorbed light energy oxidizes the water molecules and the released electrons are transported to ferredoxin. The ferredoxin transfers the electrons to the Fe - hydrogenase there by linking it to the electron transport cha in of the chloroplast 11 . The activity of the hydrogenase last only for a short span of time (few seconds to minutes) because the light dependant oxidation of water leads to formation of molecular oxygen which unfortunately is a strong inhibitor of the Fe - h ydrogenase 12 . This review critically deals with different approaches for biohydrogen production from algae, their advantages and drawbacks. Attempts have been made to highlight some techniques for improving the current drawbacks. General Characters of A lgae: Green algae and cyanobacteria (also called blue - green algae) are made up of a large group of photosynthetic organisms. Algae are some of the most robust organisms on earth, able to grow in a wide range of conditions. Algae usually grow in damp places or water bodies and hence found both in terrestrial as well as aquatic environments. Algae lack the various structures that characterize land plants, such as phyllids (leaves) and rhizoids in nonvascular plants, or leaves, roots, and other organs that are found in tracheophytes (vascular plants). Its uniqueness that separates them from other microorganisms is due to presence of chlorophyll and having photosynthetic ability in a single algal cell, therefore allowing easy operation for biomass generation and effective genetic and metabolic research in a much shorter time period than conventional plants. Well defined nucleus, a cell wall, chloroplast containing chlorophyll and other pigments, pyrenoid, a dense region containing starch granules on its surface, stigma, and flagella are the major components of green algae 13 . International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 44 - 47 , April (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 45 Biohydrogen production from Algae: Production of hydrogen biologically is mainly the domain of microalgae and bacteria. Many microbial species of these groups consisting of different taxonomi c and physiological types are involved in hydrogen metabolism 3 . Table 1 summarizes different processes of hydrogen production from Algae, general reactions and their advantages: Direct Biophotolysis: This involves the dissociation of water molecules unde r sunlight in the presence of microalgae. Microalgae possesses the genetic, enzymatic, metabolic and electron transport machinery to photo produce hydrogen gas. Biophotolysis is an inherently attractive process since solar energy is used to convert a readi ly available substrate, water to oxygen and hydrogen as shown in f igure - 1. The overall general reaction of biophotolysis can be described as: 2H 2 O + light = 2H 2 + O 2 The well - known H 2 - producing green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , under anaerobic con ditions, can either generate H 2 or use H 2 as an electron donor 10 . The generated hydrogen ions are converted into hydrogen gas in the medium with electrons (donated by reduced ferredoxin) by hydrogenase enzyme present in the cells. Light energy absorbed by photosystem II (PSII) generates electrons which are transferred to ferredoxin using light energy absorbed by photosystem I (PSI). This enzyme is very sensitive to O 2 . Hydrogenase activity has also been observed in other green algae like Scenedesmus obliquu s, Chlorococcum littorale, Platymonas subcordiformis and Chlorella fusca. On the other hand, there are several green algae types that do not have hydrogenase activity such as Dunaliella salina and Chlorella vulgaris 15 . Indirect Biophotolysis: Cyanobacter ia (also known as blue green algae) are a large and diverse group of photoautotrophic microorganisms, which can evolve hydrogen by indirect biophotolysis. The general reaction for hydrogen formation from water by cyanobacteria can be represented by followi ng reactions: 12H 2 O +6CO2+ light energy = C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 + 12H 2 O + light energy = 12H 2 + 6CO Photosystem II utilizes the energy of sunlight in photosynthesis to extract electrons from water molecules. Electrons released upon the oxidation of water are transported to the Fe - S protein in ferredoxin on the reducing side of photosystem I. The hydrogenase in the stroma of the algal chloroplast accepts electrons from reduced ferredoxin and donates them to two protons to generate one H 2 molecule. For phot obiological hydrogen production, cyanobacteria have been adjudged as one of the ideal candidates since they can grow in air (N 2 and CO 2 ), water and mineral salts with light as the energy source 16 . The cultivation of cyanobacteria in nitrate free media unde r air and CO 2 , followed by incubation in light under argon and CO 2 atmosphere has rapidly become standard, since it results in immediate hydrogen production. Localization of nitrogenase in heterocysts provides an oxygen free environment and the ability of heterocystous cyanobacteria to fix nitrogen in air 17 . Figure - 1 Mechanism of Biophotolysis Table - 1 Different biohydrogen production processes from Algae and their advantages S.No. Process Reactions Advantages 1. Direct Biophotolysis 2H 2 O + light = 2 H 2 + O 2 Can produce H 2 directly from water and sunlight. Solar conversion energy increased by 10 folds as compared to trees. 2. Indirect Biophotolysis 6H 2 O+6CO 2 +light = C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 +2H 2 O=4H 2 +2CH 3 COOH+2CO 2 2CH 3 COOH+4H 2 O+light = 8H 2 + 4CO 2 Overall Reac tion: 12H 2 O+light = 12H 2 +6O 2 Produced by both microalgae and cyanobacteria. Can produce H 2 from water. Cyanobacteria have the ability to fix N 2 from atmosphere. 3. Photo - fermentation CH 3 COOH+2H 2 O+light = 4H 2 + 2CO 2 Produced by both Purple bacteria and Micr oalgae. A wide spectral light energy can be used by these bacteria. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 4 ), 44 - 47 , April (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 46 Table - 2 Major drawbacks associated with these processes and the ways to overcome it Process Major limitations Approaches to overcome Direct Biophotolysis Sensitivity of hydrogenase for O 2 . Light conversion efficiency is low. Use of O 2 absorbers. b) Use of O 2 tolerant hydrogenase. Genetic manipulation of light gathering antenna. Optimization of light input into photobioreactor. Indirect Biophotolysis Enzyme inhibition by O 2 . Overall low production rate. To achieve O 2 tolerant hydrogenase activity by classical mutagenesis. Genetic modification to increase levels of bidirectional hydrogenase activity. Photo fermentation O 2 is a strong inhibitor of hydrogenase. Use of O 2 absorbers. b) U se of O 2 tolerant hydrogenase. Photo fermentation: The general reaction for photo fermentation can be written as: CH 3 COOH+2H 2 O+light = 4H 2 + 2CO 2 A number of microalgae have been examined for photofermentative hydrogen production. The most promising ca ndidates are Rhodopseudomonas capsulate, Rhodobacter spheroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum 18 . The most promising of all of the current body of research is the use of Rhodobacter spheroides immobilized on porous glass. Major Bottlenecks of these processes: There are certain shortcomings associated with these processes which are an obstacle in the path of large scale production of biohydrogen from algae. Table 2 summarizes the shortcomings of these processes as well as the ways to overcome it. The hydrogenas e enzyme responsible for hydrogen production is extremely sensitive to O 2 . Therefore, the concurrent production of O 2 poses a serious limitation. This is a major drawback associated with photolysis. Removing the O 2 as it is produced can solve the problem t o a large extent. But this won’t be possible in a large scale operation unit. Some other methods to overcome this include use of O 2 absorbers and the use of O 2 tolerant hydrogenase enzymes. Another promising solution is to develop O 2 tolerant hydrogenase 19 . Photobiological technology holds great promise but because of the production of oxygen along with hydrogen causes a major setback for the technology. The technology must overcome the limitation of oxygen sensitivity of the hydrogen evolving enzyme syste ms. Researchers are addressing the issue by screening the algae that is more tolerant of oxygen, and by creating new genetic forms of algae that can sustain hydrogen production in the presence of oxygen 3 . Conclusion Hydrogen has tremendous potential to be come major contributor of clean and renewable source of energy. Biohydrogen production from algae on commercial scale can be useful as it fulfills most of the criteria of a clean and renewable source of energy. The processes through which hydrogen is produ ced by algae has its pros and cons both in terms of technology and productivity. These processes are yet to be evaluated and modified for productivity and cost of commercialization. Acknowledgement The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support received from the Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Council, Bhopal , MP. References 1. David B. 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