International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(11), 13-17, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 13 Preliminary Phytochemical screening of bark of some important Trees of College campus with special reference to Tannin, Glycoside and their Medicinal PropertiesNeelu Malviya and Saroj MahajanGovt. Maharani Laxmi Bai Post Graduate College Kila Bhavan, Indore, MP, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 20th August 2013, revised 16th October 2013, accepted 18th November 2013 AbstractThe present study aims to utilization of natural phytochemicals present in tree barks. Different parts of plants like bark, wood, leaves, roots, fruits contain tannin and have variable quantity. Very less species have sufficient quantity of commercial importance. Tannin has commercial importance in various industries. During the study, isolation of tannin and test of Glycoside of trees of college campus were done .Bark of some trees have sufficient amount of tannin and glycoside. In our investigation tannin isolated from Mango, Neem, Gulmohar, Kademba and Kachnar Barks. The range of Percentage of tannin found in the bark of some trees from 14.04% to 19.40% was recorded. Keywords: Tannic acid, glycoside bark, angiosperm plants, college campus. Introduction Throughout human history, people have depends on natural products. People have always interested to find the products (especially from plants) which help to improve health and protect human being from diseases. The past 200 years have witnessed not only acceleration in the rate of extinction of plants and animals species, but also the erosion of traditional knowledge related to the medicinal importance and their uses. Therapeutic properties of herbal drugs are present in plant which varies according to their age and maturity2.. Among different chemical constituents polyphenols (flavonoids, phenolics, condensed and hydrolysable tannins) are major bioactive compounds responsible for the prevention of chronic diseases and health care3 water soluble tannin precipitate proteins from the solution4 Tannic acid is a type of polyphenol and commercial form of tannin. The presence of large number of phenol groups shows weak acidic characters. Soluble poly phenolic compounds which are widespread in plants and found in bark, galls, leaves, fruits and wood. Tannins are the fourth most abundant plant constituents after cellulose, hemicelluloses and ligninVegetable tannin is a natural organic compound. The German word tanna’ is used for an oak tree which have large amount of tannin. The term tannin is used for compound contains number of hydroxyl and other suitable groups. Tannins are glucosidal organic compounds, which gives acidic reaction and are astringent. Tannins have ability to bind with certain types of proteins, so it is economically important. They are useful in medicine due to astringent nature. Because of this characteristic, tannin-containing materials are in great demand. In plant kingdom tannin is found in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Tannin distributed in different families of dicot and monocots.It is proved that some families of dicot have tannin free species. It is observed that tannic acid is brown coloured compound. Wood which is light in colour has less percentage of tannin. A tree has dark colour wood like brown, red or yellow give a high yield of tannin. Topography: College is basically a Fort of Holker Emperor. The area of Fort is 52610 Sq. Meter. Holker Emperor constructed it in 1860; it was constructed by stone and lime. The college established in 1963 in the Fort. The college campus and surrounding area rich in flora. The annual rainfall was recorded 894.30 m.m. while, maximum temperature was recorded 420 C in the month of May and minimum temperature recorded 10C in the month of December. The total trees recorded in college campus are 32 angiosperm trees. The bark of some important plant trees were collected and isolated during 2012-2013 (July-June). Materials and MethodIn college campus large number of trees having rich in tannin found in bark, leaves, fruits etc. Various tannin-rich agro-residues like Neem (Azadirachtaindica bark) Kachnar (Bauhinia variegate Linn. Bark, fruits). Amla (Phyllanthus amblica, bark, leaves and fruit), Amaltash (Cassia fistula,leaves), ber (Zyzipu smaurtiana, leaves), Gulmoher (Delonixregia Bark, fruits) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus glogus, bark and leaves), jamun Syzgium cumini, bark and leaves), guava (Psidium guazava, bark and leaves), keekar (Acacia nilotica, leaves, bark), mango (Magnifer aindica, leaves), mulberry (Moru smacroura, leaves), tamarind (Tamarindus indica, seed) and pomegranate International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 13-17, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 14 Punica granatum, rind) Kadamb (Anthocephalus cadambabark) were collected. They were shade dried and powdered with grinder. The coarse particles were sieved out and the finely grind powder was used in the present study for estimation of Glycoside and Tannin. Collected plant bark is powdered and placed in a test tube. Add distilled water and boil it. Now add few drops of 5% FeCl3 solution. It gives green colored precipitates which show the presence of tannin in the sample. Another method to test the presence of tannic acid in tree bark is also can be followed. Tree bark is boiled in water and the extract now diluted in a ratio of 1:4. To this water solution add two or three drops of 10% FeCl3 solution. A blue or green colour appears . It shows the presence of tannic acid in sample. Plant parts treated with cold concentrated HSO produce intense red colour shows presence of glycoside. Extraction of Crude Tannins: In the laboratory weigh 5 grams of each of the tree barks. Then take 50 ml. of distilled water in 250-ml. beaker and boil it, then add first sample of bark to it and boil for ten minutes. Cool and filter the solution. To the filtrate add about one gram of solid CaCO and boil till the tannic acid get precipitated and filtered. Calcium tannate obtained is hydrolyzed by warming with 3 ml. of conc. HCl. The tannic acid obtained is crystallized from water and weighed. Repeat the steps with other sample and recorded the observations. Results and Discussion In plants phytochemicals are naturally present. They give colour, flavor, smell and texture. A part from that, phytochemicals could prevent diseases including cancer and cardiovascular diseases and inhibit pathogenic microorganisms10. Nowadays the use of medicinal plants rapidly increases in medicine11. Preliminary phytochemical screening of barks of different plants revealed a moderate presence of the major secondary metabolites specially tannin and glycoside. The high tannin contain species are; monocot -Typheace, Najadeace, in dicots Anacardiace, combrataceae, ceasalpinoide, meliaceae, mimosideae, and solonaceae. Bark, leaf bud, seed root, and stem contain tannin. Similarly numbers of medicinal plants containing organic constituents in conjugation with a sugar moiety. It can be 1or 2 such compounds are glycosides. They exert therapeutically significant effect on human and animals .Traditionally used in modern medicine because of their cardio tonic, purgative, analgesic, anti-arrhythmic, demulcent action. The screening of tannin and glycoside in important trees were done in the laboratory, investigation report the data which are near to the standard tannin percentage (table 1). Anthocephalus cadamba (Family: Rubiaceae) is commonly known as Kadamba-vriksha and is a genus of trees, distributed throughout the India. A medium sized tree attaining 2 m girth and 18 m height, branches spreading horizontally and slightly enlarged at their junction with the main stem12. It is cultivated all over India. Leaves are about 7.5-18 X 4.5-16 cm in size, flower head globes, yellow, solitary, terminal, 3.7 cm in diameter consisting of small, yellow or orange colored, scented flowers; fruits are fleshy, orange, globes pseudo carp of compressed angular capsules with persistent calyx; seeds small, muriculate 13 Bark is greyish-green and irregular externally and reddish brown internally. In present study % of tannin is 14.04% which is almost in the slandered range. Thus the plant can produced significant amount of Tannin (table 2). Azadirachta indica Linn. (Fam. Meliaceae); is commonly known as neem. Neem is an evergreen tree and height of the tree is 10-16m. The thickness of Bark depends on age of tree and part of tree. The surface of bark is rusty and rough. The inner surface is yellow. In present investigation percentage of tannin is 17.76% which is almost in the standard range. Thus the plant can produced significant amount of Tannin (table 2). Bauhinia variegate Linn. Kachnar family ceasalpieace: It is a deciduous tree. The height of tree is 10 to 15 m. The outer surface bark is light brown and inner surface pink in color. Bark contain 25% tannin in our study we get 18.06 % is again in the range and have significant amount for commercial extraction of Tannin (table 2). Delonixregia: Gulmohar Family: Fabaceae Gulmohar is a fast growing, tree and foliage bipinnate leaves. Pods are green and flaccid when young and turn dark brown due to tannin. Mature stem bark, 0.5 - 1 cm thick, greyish to pale brown, In our results shows 19.4% tannin extracted from bark (table 2). Mangifera indiciaMangoLinn.Anacardiaceae: Mango trees are grown abundantly everywhere in India. Mangifera indica, family Anacardiaceae, in local plants the potential sources ranged from 9.2 to 14 % The mango bark contain 16% to 20% tannin and has been employed for tanning hides 14 In present study we got 15.06% tannin which is in the standard range. We conclude that our college campus has good environment for the growth and development of trees yielded tannin for medicinal and commercial purposes (table-2). Medicinal importance: Kademba- The leaves are used in stomatitis15 in hydrocoele16 and in pyorrhoea17. The decoction of leaves is good for ulcers, wounds and metrorrhea18. The leaves and bark contained 0.2 and 0.18% of alkaloids respectively19 and hentriacontanol, sitosterol20 and two non-glycoside alkaloids Cadamine and lsocadamine21. Kachnar- The tannin obtained from the bark of Kachnar produce brown colour dye. Medicinally, it is used in diarrhea, skin diseases and ulcers. The bark is astringent, antileprotic, anti goitrogenic, antitumor and used in fever and wound healing22and also reported in obesity. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 13-17, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 15 Delonixregia medicinal Bark and flower showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. The bark of mango is used in the treatment of Gum inflammation, throat diseases and also used in treatment of diphtheria and rheumatism. Neem -Tannins act as insect repellent. Juices of Apple, grape and berry have high tannins. Tannins are added to juices to create a more astringent feel for the taste. Tannic acid is act as a clarifying agent in alcoholic drinks. It is also used as aroma ingredient in alcoholic as well as soft drinks. Tannin rich food used in the treatment of HFE. It is a hereditary disease. In this disease excessive absorption of dietary iron, gives in a pathological increase in total body iron stores. Now a day’s tannic acid very important in pharma industry. It accelerates blood clotting, decreases blood pressure, serum lipid level. Table-1 S. No. Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Tannin Glycoside Plant parts present 1 Abutilon indicum Linn. Kanghi, Malvaceae. - + Root 2 Acacia Arabica Willd. babool Mimosaceae. + - Bark 3 Acacia leucophloea Safedbabool Mimosaceae. + - Bark 4 Aeglemarmelos Linn. Bel Rutaceae. + - Root, leaves, bark, fruits. 5 Andrographispanicultata Wall. Kaalmegha Acanthaceae. + - Whole plant 6 Anthocephaluscadamba Miq. Kadam. Rubiaceae. + + Bark 7 Asparagus racemosus willd. Shataavari Asparagaceae. - + Cladode 8 Azadirachtaindica Linn. Neem Meliaceae. + + Leaves, bark. 9 Bauhinia variegate Linn. Kachnaar. Caesalpiniaceae. + + Bark, Stem. 10 Bombaxceiba Linn. Sameal Bombacaceae. - + Whole plant 11 Cassia fistula Linn. Amaltaas, Caesalpiniaceae - + Flower. 12 Calotropisprocera R.Br. Aakh, Asclepiadaceae.. + + ------------ 13 Delonixregia Rafin. Gulmohar Caesalpiniaceae. + - Bark 14 Euphorbia hirta Linn. Dudhi Euphorbiaceae + - ------------ 15 Ficusreligiosa Linn. Peepal Moraceae. + - Bark 16 Mangiferaindica Linn. Mango. Anacardiaceae + - Bark Table-2 S.No. Botanical name of plants Local name Weight of Bark in gms Weight of tannic acid obtained in gm. Percentage of Tannic acid. 1.Anthocephalus Cadamba Kadamba 5 0.702 14.04 2.Azadirachta Indica Linn. Neem 5 0.824 17.76 3.Bauhinia Variegata Linn Kachnar 5 0.903 18.06 4.Delonix Regia Rafin. Gulmohar 5 0.97 19.04 5.Mangifera Indica lInn. Mango 5 0.753 15.06 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 13-17, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 16 Figure-1 Variation in Tannin percentage in Trees Conclusion Phytochemical screening of plant bark analyzed that glycoside and percentage of tannin which are used as medicinally and commercial purposes. Our results showed variation in percentage tannin. 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