@Research Paper <#LINE#>Preliminary Data on the Ichtyofaun of Djiri River (Affluent of right bank of Congo River)<#LINE#>M.@Mikia,Dirat I.@Mady-Goma, A.@Tsoumou,J.@Mabanza,J.@Vouidibio,M.@Diatewa<#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2013-046.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Research for Animal Biology and Ecology, ENS, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69 Brazzaville, CONGO @ Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69 Brazzaville, CONGO @ Faculty of Health Sciences , University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69 Brazzaville, CONGO @ Center of Research in Genetic Amélioration of Plants Brazzaville CONGO <#LINE#>22/2/2013<#LINE#>19/6/2013<#LINE#>A preliminary study of the ichtyofauna of the lower course of the Djiri River, tributary of right bank of the Congo River was undertaken during period of February 2008 to January 2009. Located at 20 kilometers in the North of Brazzaville, the Djiri River has never been the subject of an ichtyologic study. Median values of the following physicochemical parameters: temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, TDS, show that there is little variation during the year. Only turbidity varies considerably with minima in April (7,83 NTU) and maxima in May (33,1 NTU) and November - December (28,67 NTU). 2808 specimens of fishes, 95 species and 53 genera belonging to 23 families and 11 orders were inventoried during this study. The order of Characiformes is most representative with 30% of species, follow-on by Siluriformes (22%), Osteoglossiformes (20%), then by Perciformes and Cypriniformes (8,5% each one). The family of Mormyridae is the most diversified with 17% species, followed by Alestidae (15%) and Distichodontidae (11%). Two species dominate the collection: Synodontis nigriventris (13%) and Bryconaethiops boulengeri (11%), they are followed by Bryconaethiops microstoma (10%) and Micralestes stormsi (8%). The temporal evolution of specific diversity shows that the Shannon index is very high (superior to 2), and whatever the period of the year, that characterizes diversified populations, however a weak equitability is observed in January, March and April. <#LINE#> @ @ Adepo Abouo B., Génétique des populations naturelles de poissons africains d’intérêt économique des familles Carcharhinidae, Clupeidae et Cichlidae. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences Naturelles, Université d’Abobo-Adjamé (Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire), 180-183 (2008) @No $ @ @ Mutambue-Shango, Le bassin de la Luki (Zaïre) et son aménagement. Systématique, Biologie et Ecologie de sa faune piscicole. Thèse de l’Université Paul SABATIER de Toulouse, 335 (1992) @No $ @ @ Kumar N., Study of Ichtyofaunal Biodiversity of Turkaulia lake, East Champaran, Bihar, India, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1(2), 21-24 (2012) @No $ @ @ Lévêque C. et D. 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Vol. 275 ; MRAC, 67-85 (1994) @No <#LINE#>Studies on the Feeding and Nutritional Influence on the Growth and Reproduction of Monarch Butterfly, Danaus Chryssipus (Insecta: Lepidoptera)<#LINE#>R.@Radha<#LINE#>7-13<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2013-130.pdf<#LINE#> Department of Zoology, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA <#LINE#>10/6/2013<#LINE#>19/7/2013<#LINE#>An investigation is carried out to assess the feeding biology, dietary utilization and reproduction of Lepidoptera in general, interaction of host plant biochemical and nutrients with the defensive mechanism of the Lepidoptera and host plant selection of Monarch butterfly, Danaus chryssipus. Danaid butterflies usually feeds on the plant juice from Calotropis gigantea. The attraction of danaid butterflies on the Calotropis gigantea is mainly due to the presence of PA s on the host plants. PA s of Danaid host plants is involved in male reproduction as well as pheromone production of insects. 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On the basis of morphological and biochemical characterization, the bacterial isolates identified were Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Proteus vulgaris. The fungal isolates were Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus niger. All the isolates had proliferated growth on Tannery Wastewater Agar (TWA). The bacterial isolates had 75-100% occurrence in the effluent samples which the fungal isolates were found preent in all the samples. The bacterial isolates had their optimal growth at temperature of 37C, pH 7, 20% tannin concentration, 20% ((NHSO) concentration and 5% inorganic nitrogen source. The optimal growth for the fungal isolates was achieved at temperature of 28C, pH 4.5, inorganic and organic nitrogen concentrations of 20% and 15% respectively and at 20% tannin concentration. All the isolates grew better in the inorganic source of nitrogen ((NHSO) than in the organic source (meat extract). The results revealed that the isolates were able to utilize the tannin hence the ability to grow well at the high concentration. They can thus be recommended for use in the biodegradation of tannin which is one of the major toxic constituents of tannery effluent. <#LINE#> @ @ Sharphouse P.H., Leather technicians handbook. Revised edition, Northampton leather Publishing Co. England, 575–620 (2006) @No $ @ @ Mingshu L., Kai Y., Qiang H. and Dongying J., Biodeterioration of gallotannins and ellagitannins, J. Basic Microbiol., 46(1), 68–84 (2006) @No $ @ @ Rajiv P., Hasna A., Kumaraj M., Rajeshwa S. and Sankar A., Physicochemical and microbial analysis of different waters in western Tamil Nadir, India, Int. Res. J. Environ. Sci.,1(1), 2-6 (2012) @No $ @ @ Ladwani K.D., Malik V.S. and Ranteke D.S, Impact of industrial effluent discharge on physicochemical characteristics of agricultural soil, Int. Res. J. Environ. 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The relationship between different physico-chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The correlation matrix, were moderate correlations between water holding capacity and Chromium with r values 0.651. Similarly a moderate correlation was found between Moisture content and Iron with r values 0.631 present in the soil sample. Apart from Moisture content and water holding capacity with heavy metal content such as Iron and Chromium, there is no significant correlation was found between rests of the soil properties with respect to other heavy metal content. The association with heavy metals and the similarity values were done by bray-Curtis similarity analysis. The values above 90% are only to be taken account to the distribution and occurrence of heavy metal contents in respective study sites. The species of heavy metals which shows the higher and constant similarities viz., in sites IS-6 and IS-8, IS-3 and IS-9. The lowest similarity observed in the sites of IS-1 and IS-7 was interlinked with other sites of the study area. Cluster analysis of the heavy metals in different study area was also observed and it indicates anthropogenic activities and natural origins. <#LINE#> @ @ Charlesworth S, Everett M., McCarthy R., Ordonez A. and De Miguel E., A comparative study of heavy metals concentration and distribution in deposited street dusts in a large and a small urban area: Birmingham and Coventry, West midlands, UK, Environ. Int.,29(5), 563-573 (2003) @No $ @ @ Al-Khashman O.A, Heavy metal distribution in dust, street dust and soil from the work place in Karak Industrial Estate, Jordan, Atmos. Environ.,38 (39), 6803-6812 (2004) @No $ @ @ Karbassi A.R., Monavari S.M., Bidhendi G.R.N., Nouri J. and Nematpour K., Metal pollution assessment of sediment and water in the Shur River, Environ. Monitor. 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André Araújo 2936, Manaus, AM 69060-001 BRAZIL<#LINE#>1/8/2013<#LINE#>20/9/2013<#LINE#>This study proposed to find the main pathways of phosphorus (P) to a black water lake shore in Negro River (Central Amazonian), and develop a model of nutrient flow for fluvial-lacustrine ecosystems of black water with a pattern of meromixis water circulation. The levels of P in the compartments water, soil plus litter and sediment were evaluated from 2002 to 2011, and a mapping of distribution of P was developed. The results showed that the Negro River could not supply the black water lakes adjacent with P, leaving the forest streams a significant role in transporting the same, especially in the dissolved form. The flood-pulse of the Negro River does not contribute significantly to elevate levels of oxygen in the hypolimnion, and thus does not favor phosphorous ions precipitation to the sediment. 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When C. punctatus was exposed to 1/3 and 1/10 of the 96 h LC50 values of these three pesticides for 21 days, the body weight of fishes decreased in both sublethal concentrations of the three pesticides when compared with those in the control, which gained weight during the experiment. The reductions in growth were statistically significant as revealed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests. <#LINE#> @ @ Broomhall S. and Shine R., Effects of the insecticide endosulfan and presence of congeneric tadpoles on Australian treefrog (Litoriafreycineti) tadpoles, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 45, 221-226 (2003) @No $ @ @ Sparling D.W., Fellers G.M. and McConnell L.L., Pesticides and amphibian population declines in California, USA, Environ. Toxicol. 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Cobalt (Co) and Arsenic (As) at different time intervals with fluoride concentration 1.5 g/70L NaF and 3 g/70L NaF in the gills of Tilapia mossambica were determined by using Perkin – Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer at parts per million (ppb) level. High concentration of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Co and As) showed that fluoride increase gills membrane permeability results in minerals unbalancing in fresh water fish Tilapia mossambica from Keenjhar Lake, Sindh, Pakistan. The order of metals accumulation in gills, vital organ for respiration was cobalt > arsenic > lead > mercury > cadmium at both doses and all exposure time intervals. <#LINE#> @ @ Guney M., Oral B., Take G., Giray S.G. and Mungan T., Effect of fluoride intoxication on endometrial apoptosis and lipid peroxidation in rats: role of vitamins E and C. 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The study revealed significant variations in some physico-chemical and biological properties of water in the two ponds. A total of 32 genera of phytoplankton and 11 genera of zooplankton were observed in the study area as a whole, out of which Pond 1 had greater taxonomic richness of both the phyto- and zooplankton communities. In both the ponds the most dominant class of phytoplankton was Chlorophyceae and most dominant group of zooplankton was Copepoda. TSI values revealed that both the ponds were in mesotrophic conditions though located under different land use systems. However, when compared Pond 1encountered greater organic input than Pond 2. 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The water quality parameters selected for the study were dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, total hardness, nitrates and phosphates. The sampling duration was from February, 2010 to April, 2010. Samples were collected from four pre-decided points from the pond. Standard methods were used to analyze all the water samples collected from the pond. The results of the analysis showed that the parameters were within the permissible limits for drinking water standards as directed by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) as well as American Public Health Association. However, concentration of some of the parameters was found to be high which may cause a potential threat and interfere with the normal growth, development and reproduction of aquatic organisms leading to their death and ultimately eradication of life from that pond which in turn may to disappearance of the pond itself. <#LINE#> @ @ Asthana D.K. and Asthana M., Environment: Problems and Solutions, S. Chand and Co. 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A number of agencies do fill this void and provide on-line interpolated daily weather data to enable long-term simulations. A dynamic crop growth model CERES within the DSSAT modeling suite was used in order to evaluate simulation results obtained using actual and interpolated weather data from Kawanda, Central and Mbarara, south-western Uganda. Generic coefficients for very short, short, medium and long season maize varieties with in DSSAT were used. Farmer planting dates for the two cropping seasons were used to start the simulation. Results showed that at Kawanda, the average actual and interpolated maximum temperature were comparable, while at Mbarara, maximum temperatures were underestimated with a deviation of 3°C. At both sites, actual and interpolated minimum temperatures were comparable. The average actual total solar radiation at Kawanda was lower, probably indicating a shift in the AWOS radiation sensors. At Mbarara, the interpolated and measured values are comparable, indicating that the solarimeter method is still very reliable. RMSEs between actual and predicted potential yields at Kawanda were larger; very short (942 kg ha 1), short (1176 kg ha 1), medium (1864 kg ha 1) and long season maize (3055 kg ha 1). Actual radiation measurements at this site were lower, which emphasizes the importance of re-calibrating radiation sensors at least every two years. At Mbarara, the RMSEs for very short (418 kg ha 1), short (618 kg ha 1), medium (1056 kg ha 1) and long season (1896 kg ha 1) were low and acceptable. Interpolated data from the NASA can be used to predict potential yields and for long-term simulations in absence of measured weather data. <#LINE#> @ @ Wassmann R., Jagadish S.V. 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It was first noticed in West Bengal, India in 1983. Instead of decreasing very soon it become a serious problem all over the India. At present arsenic pollution has been reported from more than seventy countries on six continents so far. The present study successfully evaluate dried powdered root of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms), referred as dried hyacinth root (DHR), for biosorption of arsenic as a low cost technique. Results from ICP suggest that 0.75 g of DHR removes 89 percent of 2 ppm As (III) in 120 hours whereas 50 g DHR removes 99.5 percent in 48 hours and 91.5 percent within 12 hours. Further study reveals that 50g of DHR removes 99.98 percent of 50 ppm or 50000 ppb As (III) in 48 hours. 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The main components of this system include an evacuated tube U-pipe solar collector serving as the evaporator for the R744 (CO) refrigerant, a variable speed reciprocating compressor, an immersed heat exchanger and an expansion valve. In general, solar heat pumps are known to provide higher values of COP since solar radiation can easily effect higher evaporation temperatures. However, incompatible weather conditions may affect the performance of heat pump, and hence an optimization of such system is essential which is dictated by the dominant operating parameters, such as: solar radiation, solar collector area, speed of the compressor, evaporating and condensing temperatures. A numerical model has been developed to optimize the system design and operating parameters. The developed simulation model can predict the performance of the system COP, solar collector efficiency and heat capacity. 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Amravati, MS, INDIA <#LINE#>18/9/2013<#LINE#>11/10/2013<#LINE#>Physicochemical analysis of water samples DAP-I, DAP-II, DAP-III, DAP-IV, DAP-V have been collected from Tembhurkheda and Jarud Dist. Amravati (MS, India) region 95% people of this region are farmers, businessmen and labours. Insectisides, pesticides and various fertilizers were used for getting higher yield of crops, vegetables, fruits which is continuously create soil, air and water pollution, all these things in to consideration to carry out physicochemical analysis. Physicochemical analysis of water samples it was found that, generally all parameters studied do not show undesirable effect on the human being except in few parameters. <#LINE#> @ @ United Nations Environment Programme, Groundwater; A Threatened Resource, UNEP Environment Lib. 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Different types of columns have been used for water cleanup of organic pollutants from waste water. Many studies report that adsorption using contacting devices are a very efficient method for phenol removal from contaminated water. This paper reviews recent research in the packed bed and fluidised bed columns used for the adsorption and biodegradation of phenol, along with emphasis on their configuration and design, mechanism of operation and the future research and development requirements. <#LINE#> @ @ Jung M., Ahn K, Lee Y, Kim K, Rhee J, Park J.T and Paeng K, Adsorption characteristics of phenol and chlorophenols on granular activated carbon, Microchem. J.,70, 123–131 (2001) @No $ @ @ Gao R G and Wang J, Effects of pH and temperature on isotherm parameters of chlorophenols biosorption to anaerobic granular sludge, J. Hazard. 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A.P., INDIA <#LINE#>8/10/2013<#LINE#>19/10/2013<#LINE#>Ground water is a significant source for drinking, agricultural and aquaculture purposes in Godavari region. Groundwater if contaminated due to manmade activities cause concern on environment and human health. The aim of the present study is to review the impact of aquaculture on environment briefly and to assess the ground water quality in East Godavari District. Aquaculture activities are major impact on water resources-they are physical, chemical and biological. Physically there is a lot of pressure on water; chemically it is polluted the water as well as land; biologically it introduces exotic species, pathogens and diseases. It is due to poor planning of land and water resources management. These aquaculture ponds require mixing of bore-well or creek waters with fresh water for daily change activities, due to this practice the polluted water is discharged into the channels from the upstream aquaculture ponds that same water is used by downstream aquaculture ponds; this is the main cause for increasing pollution in many folds aquatic environment. Over-exploitation of ground water and land use conversions to aqua-culture are becoming source of salt water intrusion. 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