@Research Paper <#LINE#>Impact of Certain Pollution Sources on Microbiology and Physicochemical Properties of Borewell water in the Northern Part of Ernakulam District in Kerala, India<#LINE#>M.P.@Subin,P.M.@Miji<#LINE#>1-8<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2012-087.pdf<#LINE#> Department of Botany, Sree Narayana College, Nattika, Thrissur-680 566, Kerala, INDIA <#LINE#>19/11/2012<#LINE#>30/11/2012<#LINE#> The physicochemical and bacteriological properties of borewell water in certain selected areas of Ernakulam District have been studied. Seven different sites were selected for the study and the criteria considered for the selection includes industrial area (BW1), solid waste dumping (BW2), play ground (BW3) oil refineries (BW4), agricultural area (BW5), colony area with poor sanitization facilities (BW6) and sewage discharge (BW7). Various parameters viz., pH, electrical conductivity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, total alkalinity, chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, fluorides, total dissolved solids, iron, zinc, total coliforms, fecal coliforms etc. have been determined and have been compared with standard guideline values recommended by BIS and WHO to see the quality and suitability of borewell water. The study reveals the unfavorable influence of various anthropogenic activities and other factors on the physicochemical and bacteriological properties of borewell water. The present investigation indicates the bore well water sample BW3 is safe and fit for human consumption. The water samples BW1, BW2, BW4, BW6 and BW7 are not fit for human consumption but permissible for irrigation purposes. 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The physico-chemical characteristics, pollution studies of Satak reservoir have been studied from February 2012 to March 2012. The nutrients including are in sufficient quantities for the growth of aquatic animals in the reservoir. The above study indicated that the satak reservoir is under the category of mesotrophic water body slightly inclined towards eutrophication. Therefore, the conservation and management of this water body is very much required. Here we are study about chloride, total hardness Mg hardness, Ca hardness, alkalinity, temperature, Ph parameter.<#LINE#> @ @ Hujare M.S., Seasonal variation of physico-chemical parameters in the perennial tank of Talsande, Maharashtra, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Monit.18(3), 233- 242(2008) @No $ @ @ Kadam M.S. Pampatwar D.V. and Mali R.P., Seasonal variations in different physico-chemical characteristics in Masoli reservoir of Parbhani district, Maharashtra, J. Aqua. 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The Local train is a life-line of Mumbai. It passes from the major part of Mumbai city and its suburbs. Near the tracks some area of land might be available for urban agriculture. To support day today needs of fresh vegetables, majority of the time such land near railway tracks are utilized. It is the waste land near tracks utilized for cultivation of leafy vegetables like fenugreek (Trigonella longiceps), chavali (Vigna unguiculata), fruit vegetables like bhindi (Abulmoschus esculantus), and some Chenopodiaceae members. Such soils are often of very poor quality for cultivation practices. Irrigation is often done from gutters and waste water from washing and garage water. In such disturbed habitats incidences of mycorrhizal fungi are more in terms of percent colonization. In present investigation, roots of such commonly cultivated crops like bhindi, chavali, and fenugreek were collected from different locations from Central Railway side tracks and screened for % colonization by mycorrhiza fungi. Similarly, rhizospheric soil samples were also collected and detail investigations were carried out like physical parameters such as soil pH, soil moisture, and organic matter. Samples were screened for Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) spores also and spore density was calculated for each sample. Lastly, all such parameters were analyzed for any correlation present amongst them. <#LINE#> @ @ Brundrett M.C. Diversity and classification of mycorrhizal associations Biological Review 79, 473–496 (2004) @No $ @ @ Sylvia D.M. and S.E. Williams. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae and environmental stress, In Linderman, R.G., and G.J. Bethlenfalvay (Eds.). Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture. 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College Bhagwanpur,Vaishali, Bihar, INDIA<#LINE#>27/11/2012<#LINE#>24/12/2012<#LINE#>A study was carried out in granite mining area in Jhansi (Goramachia) to evaluate the current status of physicochemical contaminants and their sources in groundwater. Groundwater samples collected from mining and residential area in 6 different locations were analyzed. There are almost 30 crushers running in the study area. The location (Goramachia) is situated at 10 km north-east of Jhansi city. In each location of mining and residential areas, three samples were collected at various distances. The physico-chemical parameters such as pH, DO, EC TDS, alkalanity, turbidity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, nitrate, fluoride, iron and chloride have been analyzed. 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These vehicles emit substantial quantities of pollutants such as hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO) and particulate matter (PM). These pollutants have significant adverse health effects and deteriorate environmental quality. Presented in this paper are results of experimental study carried out to investigate the 2-wheeler emissions (CO, CO, NO, and HC) by onboard measurement method at cold start conditions, in a sub-urban area- Roorkee. Total number of hundred 2-wheelers vehicles randomly selected relatively between the 1990-2010 model years at various places. According to survey, average mileage of vehicle at the instrumentation time is 45,968 km with a maximum of 158995 km and minimum of 10,389 km. Due to the very large emissions on CO2 compare to other gases, COemissions are projected from 2000-01 to 2030-31. In projection two scenarios were discussed here first is business as usual scenario in which 2010-11, 2020-21 and 2030-31, CO intensities of all 2-wheelers modes were assumed to remain at 2000-01 levels. Second scenario was efficiency gain, where CO intensities of modal were assumed to decreases at the rate of 1% and 3% per year up to the year 2030-31. <#LINE#> @ @ Pandey S., Singhal S., Jaswal P. and Guliani M., Urban Environment. Edited by Rastogi A., India Infrastructure Report, Urban Infrastructure, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 208-231 (2006) @No $ @ @ Onursal B. and Gautam S.P., Vehicular Air Pollution: Experiences from Seven Latin American Urban Centers, World Bank, Washington, DC, World Bank Technical, 373 (1997) @No $ @ @ Czerwinski J., Comte P. and Wili P., Summer Cold Start and emissions of different 2-wheelers. BUWAL, Ph. d. 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And Unal A., Vehicle emissions and traffic measures: explanatory analysis of field observations at signalised arterials, 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 7–11 January, Washington, DC (2001) @No $ @ @ Unal A., Frey H.C., Rouphail N.M., Effect of arterial signalization and level of service on measured vehicle emissions, Transportation Research Record,1842, 47–56, (2003) @No $ @ @ Singh S.K., The demand for road-based passenger mobility in India: 1950-2030 and relevance for developing and developed countries, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research6(3), 247-274, (2006) @No <#LINE#>Hydrological status of Danteshwar pond, Vadodara, Gujarat, India<#LINE#>Neelam B.@Pathak,P.C.@Mankodi<#LINE#>43-48<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2012-100.pdf<#LINE#> Division of fishery and Aquatic biology, Dept of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA<#LINE#>21/12/2012<#LINE#>8/1/2013<#LINE#>The present investigation deals with the study of physico-chemical status of Danteshwar pond. For such assessment the water quality for parameters like water temperature, pH, acidity, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, chloride and calcium, magnesium and total hardness, phosphate, nitrate, total solids were analyzed monthly during October 2009 to September 2010. Samples were collected from selected site of the pond. The analysis was done based on the standard methods. The results indicate that most of all the parameters were within permissible limits for potable water standards of WHO except water temperature, pH. Throughout the study period water was alkaline in nature. Chloride showed positive relation with water temperature. Water temperature showed high significant negative correlation with dissolved oxygen. Phosphate showed negative correlation with most of all parameters except acidity and dissolve oxygen. Nitrate showed negative correlation with most of all parameters except water temperature and phosphate. It also showed significant negative correlation with total hardness. Only total hardness showed significant monthly variation. <#LINE#> @ @ Gautam A., Ecology and pollution of mountain water: A case study of Bhagirathi River, Ashish Publishing House. New Delhi, 209 (1990) @No $ @ @ Yeole S.M. and Patil G.P., Physico-chemical status of Yedshi Lake in relation to water pollution, J. Aqua. Biol.,20(1), 41-44 (2005) @No $ @ @ Patil S.G., Chonde S.G., Jadhav A.S. and Raut P.D.,Impact of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Shivaji University lakes on Phytoplankton Communities, Kolhapur, India. Res.J.Recent Sci., 1(2), 56-60 (2012) @No $ @ @ Naga P. and Shashikant K., Pollution level in Hussain Sagar Lake of Hyderabad- A case study, Poll. 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Biol., 22(1), 118-122, (2007) @No <#LINE#>Risks of Drinking Water Contamination by Chemical and Organic Substances in the Lakeside City of So-Ava in Benin Republic<#LINE#>G.@KinsiclounonEustache,A.@EdorhPatrick,Patient@Guedenon,Yvette@Deguenon,Bernard@Sossou,T.@DougnonVictorien,Frederick@Loko,Michel@Boko<#LINE#>49-57<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2013-03.pdf<#LINE#>Health and Medical Research Institute, Cotonou, BENIN REPUBLIC@Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), 01BP 526 Cotonou, BENIN REPUBLIC@Interfaculty Centre of Training and Research in Environment for Sustainable Development (CIFRED), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC),03 BP 1463, Jéricho, Cotonou, BENIN REPUBLIC@Laboratory of Applied Research in Biology (LARBA), Genie Environment Department of Polytechnic College, (EPAC), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) 01BP 526 Cotonou, BENIN REPUBLIC<#LINE#>28/12/2012<#LINE#>3/1/2012<#LINE#>Water is the source of life. It is also the cause of death when it is contaminated by chemical and organic substances. It is in this perspective that the present study was realized in the lakeside municipality of Sô-Ava in order to comprehend the impact anthropogenic behaviour on the physico-chemical quality of drinking water. Thirty (30) samples of water were collected and subjected to various laboratory analyses. The results showed that all the analyzed samples of water contain total Iron, nitrites, nitrates and ammonium which widely exceed the standards fixed by WHO which are respectively 0.3 mg / L, 0.5 mg / L, 0.2 mg / L and 0.5 mg / L. Therefore, there is contamination of the water of the study areas with organic and chemical matters. 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INDIA<#LINE#>07/11/2012<#LINE#>12/11/2012<#LINE#> The physico and chemical characteristics of water and soil in Aquaculture pond are investigated in Khariff (June and july) season before seedling with a view to optimize the fish productivity and to incorporate the scientific way of fish rearing in Palakoderu village, West Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh. The soil and water examples are collected in Khariff season before and after seedling. The samples are collected from six places and the soils and water are separately mixed to get a composite sample and it is collected in polyethylene bags and shifted to the laboratory. The analysis is carried out. The soil samples are analyzed in with respect to color, plasticity, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, organic carbon, heavy metals and electrical conductivity. Similarly water samples are analyzed with respect to color, turbidity, total solids, salinity, nitrates, calcium, Ammoniac. 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College of Engineering, Shimoga, Karnataka, INDIA<#LINE#>9/10/2012<#LINE#>9/11/2012<#LINE#>Presently the utilization of energy is mainly dependent on the fossil fuels. The composition and behavior of the atmosphere is changed drastically due to its polluting components. The gap between theincreasing and it can be reduced by utilizing through bioabundantly available and technical feasible fuels, which can fill the gap between the energIn this paper a detail discussion on the process of fluidized bed gasification to utilize as an energy source is made and theproducer gases obtained from the gasification process is compared with the other author for validamade for the equivalence ratio of 0.12 to 0.26 and it was found that the compositions of Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen are obtained within the acceptable range in comparison with the other authors.<#LINE#> @ @ Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief (2011) @No $ @ @ Annual Report-2010-11, Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi (2011) @No $ @ @ Bolan N.S, Szogi A.A., Chuasavathi T., Seshadri T., Uses and Management of Poultry Litter, Worlds Poultry Science Journal, 66, (2010) @No $ @ @ Kelleher B.P., Leahy J.J., Henihan A.M., Dwyer T.F.O, Sutton D., Leahy M.J., Advances in poultry litter disposal technology- a review, Bio-resource Technology,83, 27 -36 (2002) @No $ @ @ Dayananda B.S., Sreepathi L.K., Design and gasification of chicken litter along with agro wastes, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences,(Communication completed) (2012) @No $ @ @ Abelha P., Gulyurtlu I., Boavida J.S., Carbita I., Leahy J.J., Kelleher B., Leahy M., Combustion of chicken litter in a fluidized bed combustor, The second International Mediterranean bed combustion symposium (2002) @No $ @ @ Ragnar Warnecke, gasification of bio-mass: Comparison of Fixed bed and Fluidized Bed gasifier, Bio-mass and Bio-energy,18, 49-497, (2000) @No $ @ @ Arena U., Gregorio F.D., Mastellone M.L., Santoro D., Zaccariello L., bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasification of a poultry Farm waste, XXXIV Meeting of the Italian section of the combustion Institute, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Naples, Caserta, Italy (2011) @No $ @ @ Joo-sik kim, Tae- Young Mun, Bo- Sung Kang, Production of clean producer gas with high heating from biomass by air gasification using two-stage gasifier5th ISFR ,October 11-14, Chengdu, China (2009) @No $ @ @ Peter McKendry, Energy production from biomass, part 3: Gasification Technologies, Bioresource Technology,83,55-63 (2002) @No $ @ @ Venkata RamananM. LakshmananE. SethumadhavanR. RenganarayananS., Performance prediction and validation of equilibrium modeling for gasification of cashew nut shell char” Braz, J. Chem. Eng,25, 3 (2008) @No <#LINE#>Study of Groundwater Quality at Dindigul Town, Tamilnadu, India<#LINE#>M.@Mohamed Hanipha,A.@Zahir Hussain<#LINE#>68-73<#LINE#>12.ISCA-IRJEvS-2012-097.pdf<#LINE#>The New College (Autonomous), Chennai, INDIA @ Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Trichirappalli, INDIA<#LINE#>17/12/2012<#LINE#>1/1/2013<#LINE#> Contamination of drinking water by human and industrial activities is a serious concern now-a-days. Thus the analysis of the water quality is very important to preserve and protect the natural eco system. An assessment of the groundwater quality was carried out in and around Dindigul town, Tamilnadu, India. Dindigul is an interior region of Tamilnadu having landscape of 6058 sqkm. A total number of twenty three groundwater samples were taken from the bore well in and around Dindigul town with necessary precaution. All the groundwater samples were subjected to analysis of physico-chemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, sulphate, phosphate and fluoride and biological analysis such as dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand. The obtained results are compared with WHO standard values. The results revealed that most of the physicochemical parameters such as fluoride, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand were in high concentration at most of the groundwater sampling stations. The study of physico-chemical and biological characteristics of these groundwater samples suggest that the evaluation of water quality parameters as well as water quality management practices should be carried out periodically to protect the water resources. <#LINE#> @ @ UNEP, (United Nations Environment Programme), Global Environment Outlook (Geo 3), 416 (2002) @No $ @ @ Ikhane Philips, Folorunso Adetayo, Shonibare Olufemi, Odukoya Abidun and Shomoye comfort, Hydrochemical study, health implications and interpretation of surface water analysis around rural settlements of Itasin and Oki – gbode, southwestern Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(12), 2042–2050 (2010) @No $ @ @ Adewoya B.L. and Oludura A.O., Efficiency of Morigna Oleifera Seeds Extract on Microflora of Surface and Ground Water, Journal of Plant Sciences, , 453-438 (2007) @No $ @ @ APHA, American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for Estimation of water and Wastewater, AWWA, Water Pollution Control Federation, New York, 19 (1995) @No $ @ @ WHO International standards for drinking water, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (1992) @No $ @ @ Koul Nishtha, Lokhande R. 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S., Ismail., Ekhwan Toriman., Sujaul Islam Mir and Tan Choon Chek., A Physico-Chemical Assessment of the Baber River, Pahang, Malaysia, Global Journal of Environmental Research,1(1), 07-11 (2007) @No $ @ @ Sahu B.K., Rao R.J., Behara, S.K and Pandit R.K., Effect of pollutants on the dissolved oxygen concentration of the river ganga at Kanpur, In pollution and bio monitoring of Indian rivers, ABD publication, Jaipur, India, 168-170 (2000) @No $ @ @ Sivakumar A. A. and Jaganathan R., Hydrology of River Bhavani, Tamilnadu, India, Ecology and conservation of lakes, reservoirs and rivers, 1246 (2002) @No @Research Article <#LINE#>Mycorrhizae and Phytochelators as Remedy in Heavy Metal Contaminated Land Remediation<#LINE#>Saba@Hasan,Jyoti@Prakash,Neha@Singh<#LINE#>74-78<#LINE#>13.ISCA-IRJEvS-2012-076.pdf<#LINE#> Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Viraj Khand-5, Gomtinagar, Lucknow, UP, INDIA <#LINE#>05/11/2012<#LINE#>10/12/2012<#LINE#> Phytoremediation is the direct use of living plants for in situ remediation of contaminated soil, sludges, sediments, and ground water through contaminant removal, degradation, or containment. Growing and, in some cases, harvesting plants on a contaminated site as a remediation method is an aesthetically pleasing, solar-energy driven, passive technique that can be used to clean up sites with shallow, low to moderate levels of contamination. This technique can be used along with or, in some cases, in place of mechanical cleanup methods. Phytoremediation can be used to clean up metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and landfill leachates. This sustainable and inexpensive process is emerging as a viable alternative to traditional contaminated land remediation methods. To enhance phytoremediation as a viable strategy, fast growing plants with high metal uptake ability and rapid biomass gain are needed. This paper provides a brief review of studies in the area of phytoaccumulation, most of which have been carried out in U.P. 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India is expected to become water stressed country by the years 2020-2025 with per capita water availability falling to 1341 m/person/year by 2025. Climate change can severely threat India’s water security. India’s hydro-climatic regime is expected to alter significantly over the course of the 21st century. Impacts of climate change on water resources are sure to have consequences on the food security of India, as food security cannot be expected without a foolproof water security. Studies conducted by individual authors and other national and international organizations forecast a change in the climate of India and alteration in the hydrological regime. Some changes in climate have already started to appear affecting the water resources of the country. A parallel association also exists between change in water regime and food security. Observing these outcomes in the present context, in this paper (i) the water resources of India (ii) the possible impacts of climate change on its water resources and (iii) likely influence of change in water regime on the food security; have been highlighted. Furthermore, some of the initiatives taken under the National Action Plan on Climate Change by the Government of India to counter the climate change impacts on water resources and food production have also been dealt with. <#LINE#> @ @ Kole R.K., Quality Evaluation of Surface Water Resources with Special Reference to the River Ganga in West Bengal, Winter School on Advanced Strategies for the Mitigation of Heavy Metals and Arsenic Pollution in Agricultural Production Systems, 6th -26th December (2005) @No $ @ @ Demographics of India, From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopaedia., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Demographics_of_India, Accessed on 06.12.2012 (2012) @No $ @ @ Water Resources., http://www.environment.tn.nic.in/SoE/ images/Waterresources.pdf, Accessed on 06.12.2012 (2012) @No $ @ @ Water Security and Climate Change: India Water Forum Explores Solutions., News Story, http:// www.iucn.org /...../asia_news...solutions, Accessed on 21.10.2012 (2011) @No $ @ @ Water Scarcity and Security in India., A Presentation by Narayan Hegde, BAIF at the Indian Science Congress, http://www.indiawaterportal.org/node/23240, Accessed on 06.12.2012 (2012) @No $ @ @ Global Water Partnership (GWP)., Climate Change, Food and Water security in South Asia: Critical Issues and Cooperative Strategies in an Age of Increased Risk and Uncertainty, A Global Water Partnership (GWP) and International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2011) @No $ @ @ Sharma B.R. and Sharma D., Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and Glacier Melt and Potential Adaptations for Indian Agriculture, Keynote Address at 33rd Indian Agricultural Universities Association Vice Chancellors’ Annual Convention on “Climate Change and its Effect on Agriculture”,; 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When you're pregnant you want to provide the best for your developing baby, starting with what you eat. Your diet, however, may include toxic metals that pose health risks to both you and your child. Heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead and copper, cadmium are produced adverse effect during pregnancy which discuss below. This review paper provides an overview of the current knowledge of toxic effect of metal during pregnancy and to newly born baby. 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