@Research Paper <#LINE#>Soil characterization and rehabilitation of catchment area around Ghora Katora Lake in Rajgir City, Bihar, India<#LINE#>Kumari @Tripti,Shardendu@. <#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-020.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Environment and Biotechnology, Department of Botany, Patna Science College, Patna University, Patna 800005, India@Laboratory of Environment and Biotechnology, Department of Botany, Patna Science College, Patna University, Patna 800005, India<#LINE#>23/4/2020<#LINE#>19/9/2020<#LINE#>Monitoring of Land Use Changes (LUCs) of the site named Ghora Katora lake in Rajgir city ( Bihar, India at25° 0101N and 85° 29 51E) found three types of soils that are Red, light brown and Dark brown soils. All are sandy and highly alkaline with deficient in moisture. Red soil is very much deficient in macronutrient such as phosphorus (0.36%) and total organic carbon (TOC) (0.75%). Light brown and dark brown soils are also deficient in macronutrients contents. Micronutrients like manganese, copper and zinc are present in sufficient quantity in all three types of soils, although red soil has toxic level of manganese and copper. Presence of toxic element like chromium and arsenic are also found in soils. Quantitative assessment of LUCs have drawn picture of degraded quality of soil, so there is immense need for the rehabilitation of damaged soil and hence recommendations are proposed.<#LINE#>Salvati L (2013) Agriculture land -use changes and soil quality: Evaluating long term trends in rural Mediterranean Region. ISRN Soil Sc.1-4.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Yasin H, Asfaw B, Chama E (2020).Assessment of downstream pollution influence of urbanization on stream physicochemical characteristics structure: in case of Woliata SodoTown, Ethiopia. Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci. 9(1), 69-77@undefined@undefined@No$Salvati L, Macculi F, Toscano S and Zittu M (2007) Comparing indicators of intensive agriculture from different statistical source. Biota 8:1-2: 51-60.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Thrones JB and Brandit J (1995) Mediterranean desertification and land use. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester U.K.@undefined@undefined@No$Dumanski J, Pettapiece WW and Mc Gregor RJ (1998) Relevance of scale dependent approaches for integrating biophysical and socio-econonmic information and development of agroecological indicators. Nutrient cycling in ecosystem .50:1-3:13-22.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Ambasht R.S and Ambasht N.K (2011). A textbook of plant ecology. CBS publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd. India. 123:113@undefined@undefined@No$Langer, CL. and P.L. Hendrix. 1982. Evaluation of a persulphate digestion method for particulate nitrogen and phosphorus. Water Res. 16: 1451-1454.@undefined@undefined@Yes$McLeod S. (1973). Studies on wet oxidation procedure for the determination of organic carbon in soils. CSIRO Division of Soils. Notes on Soil Techniques: 73-79.@undefined@undefined@Yes$APHA, AWWA, WEF (2005) In: Eaton AD, Clesceri LS, Rice EW, Greenburg AE (editors). Standards methods for the examination of water and waste water American public health association American water works association USA: Water Environment Federation Joint Publication. 3: 1-11.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Tripti K, Sayantan D, Shardendu S, Singh DN and Tripathi AK (2014) Potential of upatake and removal of arsenic [As(V) and As(III)] and reduction of As(V) to As(III) by Bacillus licheniformis (DAS-1) under different stresses. , Korean J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42(3): 1-1@undefined@undefined@Yes$Cherian T, Narayana B (2005) A new spectrophotometric method for determination of arsenic in environmental and biological samples. Anal Lett 38: 2207-2216.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Singh J.S, Singh S.P and Gupta S.R (2010). Ecology Environment and Resource Conservation. 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Alongside with this is the intensive promotion of responsible travel as the United Nations World Tourism Organization had geared towards sustainable tourism development. This study focused on ecotourism by determining the attitude and practices of the residents of the Special Science and Nature City of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. The inconsistency of the peoples attitude with their practices towards ecotourism was also determined, thus, led to a conclusion on what is the reason why air and water pollution have been major problems in the Philippines. Results show that awareness towards ecotourism is evident as people were able to identify the right terms that describe ecotourism, and were able to determine the cause and effects of environmental issues. However, it has been proven that the attitude of people towards ecotourism is inconsistent with their practices as results clearly show that despite having the right attitude; people are contributors to environmental issues with their wrong habits. Nevertheless, the community has high potential to safeguard the natural beauty of the place evident to their preference between mass tourism and ecotourism destinations.<#LINE#>Tsang, W.H. The Problems of this World Today. /http://www.iawwai.com/ProblemsOfThisWorld.htm.23/03/2020@undefined@undefined@No$Walpole, P. (2012, October 22). Low Forest Cover in the Philippines: Issues and Responses at the Community Level. ITFRN Newsletter, pp.15, 16.@undefined@undefined@No$Cinco, M. (2017): Pollution, Squatting, Industries hasten death of Laguna de Bay/ https://ani.seafdec.org.ph/handle/20.500.12174/720?show=full.05/01/2017@undefined@undefined@Yes$Jacinto G.S., Azanza R.V., Velasquez I.B., Siringan F.P. (2006) Manila Bay: Environmental Challenges and Opportunities. In: Wolanski E. (eds) The Environment in Asia Pacific Harbours. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 309-328. ISBN: 978-1-4020-3655-2@undefined@undefined@Yes$Fitzgerald, H. What Are the Causes of the Pasig River Pollution? /https://sciencing.com/info-8788724-causes-pasig-river-pollution.html.22/11/2019@undefined@undefined@No$The International Ecotourism Society. What is Ecotourism / https://ecotourism.org/what-is-ecotourism/ .07/01/2020@undefined@undefined@Yes$Weinstein N., Balmford A., DeHaan C., Gladwell C., Bradbury R., Amano T. (2015). Seeing Community for the Trees: The Links among Contact with Natural Environments, Community Cohesion, and Crime, BioScience, Volume 65, (Issue 12), pp. 1141-1153, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biv151@undefined@undefined@Yes$Alcock I., White M., Phal S., Davidson R., Fleming L.(2020). Associations between pro-environmental behavior and neighborhood nature, nature visit frequency, and nature appreciation: Evidence from a nationally representative survey in England/ Environment International, Volume 136, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.105441@undefined@undefined@Yes$United Nations Population Division. World Urbanization Prospects/ https://population.un.org/wup/.2018@undefined@undefined@No$Isaacs J.(2000). The limited potential of ecotourism to contribute to wildlife conservation. Wild Life Society Bulletin, Volume 28 (Issue 1), pp. 61-69.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Swanston B. Positive & Negative Effects of Ecotourism. https://traveltips.usatoday.com/positive-negative-effects-ecotourism-63682.html. 24/04/2018@undefined@undefined@No$Lanier P.(2014). 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Metro Manila Air Polluted beyond Acceptable Levels / https://web.archive.org/web/20051203095144/http://www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/1412/article-58903.html. 18/08/2014@undefined@undefined@No$Iizuka M. (2000). Role of environmental awareness in achieving sustainable development. Prepared for the project Enhancement of citizens awareness in formulation of pollution control policies in major Latin American Cities, Environment and Human Settlements Division of ECLAC, with the support from the Government of Japan.@undefined@undefined@Yes <#LINE#>Prediction of daily global solar radiation using different empirical models at eastern subtropical region, Nepal<#LINE#>Bishwa B. @Acharya,Yugal K. @Shrestha,Sandeep @Dhakal,Usha @Joshi,Khem N. @Poudyal <#LINE#>14-22<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-022.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Mechanical Engineering, IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU, Nepal@Department of Mechanical Engineering, IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU, Nepal@Department of Mechanical Engineering, IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU, Nepal@Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus, TU, Nepal@Department of Applied Sciences and Chemical Engineering, IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU, Nepal<#LINE#>1/5/2020<#LINE#>13/10/2020<#LINE#>The current study estimates the daily global solar radiation (GSR) at subtropical region of eastern Nepal at Biratnagar Airport (lat. 26°28′53″N, long. 87°15′50″E and Alt. 72m) for 2016 using measured GSR values and meteorological parameters from 2015. The maximum of measured GSR of magnitude 15.9 MJ/m2/day was found in April while the minimum of magnitude 8.7 MJ/m2/day was found in January. Meteorological parameters such as the temperature and their relation with the GSR were utilized for this comparative study. Temperature-based multi-variable linear empirical models were used to perform regression analysis and determine the regression coefficients. The calculated regression coefficients from these models were utilized to predict the GSR values for subsequent year. The variation in the GSR estimated from these models were compared. Variation between measured GSR and estimated GSR for 2015 was also studied for each of these models. Performance comparison of these models was carried out by employing mean bias error (MBE), relative root mean square error (RRMSE) and adjusted coefficient of determination (R2). Such study is relevant in situations where reliable data for sunshine duration is not adequately available. The Falayi model has the highest adjusted R2 value of 0.61 but the largest MBE of 14.1%. The Garcia model has least adjusted R2 value of 0.55 but least MBE of 6.6%. Both the Garcia and Chen and Li model predict similar GSR value of 12.8 and 12.5 MJ/m2/day.<#LINE#>Karanth, V. (2007). Modernization and global warming. Current Science, 93, 7-8.@undefined@undefined@Yes$WECS (2010). Energy Sector Synopsis Report 2010, Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp 1-98.@undefined@undefined@No$Fadare, D. A. (2009). Modelling of solar energy potential in Nigeria using an artificial neural network model. Applied Energy, 86(9), 1410-1422. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.apenergy.2008.12.005@undefined@undefined@Yes$Amrouche, B.,& le Pivert, X. (2014). Artificial neural network based daily local forecasting for global solar radiation. Applied Energy, 130, 333-341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.05.055@undefined@undefined@Yes$Besharat, F., Dehghan, A. A., & Faghih, A. R. 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MBBR is an attached growth biological treatment process technique, where suspended plastic media is used as biofilm carriers. The experimental investigation includes the characterization of dairy wastewater for parameters pH, COD, BOD, TDS and TSS. It also includes an optimization of percentage fill of biofilm carrier media from 60% to 30% in MBBR process for dairy wastewater treatment to achieve the disposal standards. It was investigated that the reduction in percentage fill of carrier media resulted out in decrease in microbial content of reactor thereby decreasing the removal efficiencies with decreased percentage fill of carrier media. 50% fill of biofilm carrier media was observed to be optimum percentage fill for achieving disposal standards. The average removal efficiencies observed at HRT of 44 hours for 50% carrier fill for the parameters COD, BOD, TDS and TSS are 92.64%, 98.69%, 17.18% and 85.77% respectively.<#LINE#>Sutar, A. S., Mulla, R.K., Ranveer, A. C. (2011). Effluent Treatment Plant of Dairy Wastewater- A Performance Evaluation. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 02, Issue 08, e-ISSN: 2395-0056@undefined@undefined@Yes$Pal, S., Vyas, D. S., Pamnani, A. N. (2016). Study The Efficiency of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) for Dairy Wastewater Treatment. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education. (IJARIIE), Vol-2, Issue 03, ISSN: 2395-4396@undefined@undefined@Yes$Padmajan, A., Riyas, A. E., Aysha K S, Muhammed, R. P., Sunny, N., (2018). Dairy Farm Waste Water Treatment Using MBBR as an Attached Media. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol. 05, Issue 05, e-ISSN: 2395-0056@undefined@undefined@No$Chavda, P., Rana, A. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant of Dairy Industry. 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Tata McGraw-Hill Inc., New York City, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Technology (2013).@undefined@undefined@No$Odegaard, H., (1999a). The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor. In: Igar-ashi T., Watanabe Y., Tambo N., Water Environmental Engineering and Reuse of Water. Hokkaido Press, Sapporo, pp 250-305.@undefined@undefined@No$Odegaard, H., (2006). Innovations in Wastewater Treatment: The Moving Bed Biofilm Process. Water Science Technology, 53(9):17-33.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Odegaard, H., Gisvold B., Strickland J., (2000). The Influence of Carrier Size and Shape in the Moving Bed Biofilm Process, Water Science & Technology, Vol. 41, No. 4-5 pp 383- 391.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Odegaard H., Rusten B., Westrum T., (1994). A New Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor- Applications and Results, Water Science & Technology, 29(10/11):157-165.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Shaha, S., Munavalli, G., Joshi S., 2019. Study on Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Moving Bed Sequencing Batch Reactor, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management - A Multidisciplinary Publication of VTU 2019; Vol: 1, No: 2, pp: 71-79.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Andreottola, G., Foladori, P., Ragazzi, M., Villa, R. (2002). Dairy wastewater treatment in a moving bed biofilm Reactor. Journal of Water Science and Technology, Vol. 45.No.12, pp: 321-328@undefined@undefined@Yes$Gulhane, M., Ingale, A. (2015). Modified Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MMBBR). Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Vol. 9, No. 3A@undefined@undefined@Yes$Mane, S., Kotwal, R., Mandave, S., Landge, N., Kedari, H., Mane, S. (2018). Performance Evolution of Different MBBR Media in Wastewater Treatment. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol 05, Issue 06, ISSN: 2395-0056@undefined@undefined@No$Wang, S., Rao, C.N., Qiu, R., Moletta, R. (2009). Performance and kinetic evaluation of anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor for treating milk permeate from dairy industry. Journal of Bioresource Technology. Pp: 5641-5647@undefined@undefined@Yes$Haandel, A.C.V., Lubbe J.G.M.V., (2012). Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment- Design and Optimization of Activated Sludge Systems. Chapter-11, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors, 2nd edition. IWA Publishing.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Ingale, A. (2016). Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Leading Edge Wastewater Technology. International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 01.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Rusten, B. (2006). Design and operation of moving bed biofilm reactor, Elsevior Journal. 322-324.@undefined@undefined@No <#LINE#>Fabrication of nano-adsorbent and its kinetics studies for sorption of textile reactive dye<#LINE#>K.V. @Radha,V. @Gopalakrishnan,B. @Vijayalakshmi <#LINE#>28-38<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-029.pdf<#LINE#>Bioproducts Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai 600025, India@Bioproducts Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai 600025, India@Bioproducts Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai 600025, India<#LINE#>10/6/2020<#LINE#>9/10/2020<#LINE#>The present study details on the synthesis of Silver nanoparticles using the leaves of Tamarindus indica for application as dye removal agent as a first attempt. Effort has been made using the obtained nanomaterial for environmental applications as bio sorbent. Characterization of the obtained nanoparticles was done ed using X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy. The novel nanomaterial resulted from the synthesis had organic surface molecules due to the phyco-chemicals that was confirmed through FTIR. The incorporation of the phyco-chemicals was identified from the X-ray diffraction patterns of silver nano particles. The morphology of the nanoparticles as observed from SEM was found to be smooth, spherical,and homogeneously distributed of size around 20 nm, also confirmed through TEM.Adsorption studies using the nano sorbent showed significant dye reduction of 97.4% atoptimum conditions of 7.0 pH at 27°C with 300 mg of Silver nano particles. kinetic studies on adsorption were carried out, which showed pseudo second order kinetics fits well the adsorption studies with favourable adsorption of reactive dye used. The obtained nanomaterial can be instantly used for controlling the dye that is polluting the environment from textile industries.<#LINE#>Literathy P(1981)Industrial effluent treatment, vol. 1. Water and solid wastes: Edited By J. K. Walter and A. Wint. Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London. 1981. Pp. 351. ISBN 0 85334 981.https://doi.org/10.1016/0143-1471(82) 90147-7@undefined@undefined@Yes$Mohamed A. Hassaan, Ahmed El Nemr.(2017) Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review. Amer.Jl. of Env. Sci.and Engg.1 (3) 64-67. doi: 10.11648/j.ajese. 20170103.11.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Chakraborty J.N. and Chakraborty J.N. (2015). Fundamentals and practices in colouration of textiles. CRC Press. pp.248ISBN 13: 9788190800143.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Lellis, B., Favaro-Polonio, C. Z., Pamphile, J. A., & Polonio, J. C. (2019). Effects of textile dyes on health and the environment and bioremediation potential of living organisms. 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Box 333 - 40105, Maseno, Kenya@Maseno University, P.O. Box 333 - 40105, Maseno, Kenya@Maseno University, P.O. Box 333 - 40105, Maseno, Kenya@Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 190-50100, Kakamega, Kenya@Maseno University, P.O. Box 333 - 40105, Maseno, Kenya@St. Pauls University, P.O. Box Private Bag 00217, Limuru, Kenya<#LINE#>29/6/2020<#LINE#>29/11/2020<#LINE#>Spoilage of fish and its related products due to oxidation is a primary problem leading to both loses in income and environmental degradation. Various methods such as sun-drying, smoking and refrigeration as currently used to prevent such loses are either costly, unavailable to the intended users or ineffective. In addition, the anti-oxidants available in the market to mitigate loses occasioned by oxidation to the fish are mainly artificial and yet to be optimized for Oreochromis niloticus. This study quantified the interactive effects between the storage temperature and ambient humidity and the effectiveness of Citric acid, Vitamin E (tocopherol), Rosemarinic acid, Propyl gallate and Vitamin C in arresting fish tissue oxidation. This study observed the fish, starts to rot from the head and this spoilage could only be controlled by temperature at low to medium humidity (< ca. 35 %) values. At high humidity, ca. 65%, the rate of spoilage was purely humidity controlled. The effectiveness order of Vitamin E ≥ Rosmarinic acid > Propyl gallate >Citric acid > Vitamin C was realized and their molecular rotatable bond counts and the kinetic diameters were the most influential properties. Thus, for effective storage, separating the head from the rest of fish and doing the refrigeration in less humid environments is recommended. 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MA USA.@undefined@undefined@No$Stokes, P.M., Campbell, P.G.C., Schroeder, W.H., Trick, C., France, R.L., Puckett, K.J., LaZerte, B., Speyer, M., Hanna, J.E., Donaldson, J. (1988). Manganese in the Canadian Environment. Ottawa, Ontario, National Research Council of Canada, Associate. Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality (NRCC No. 26193).@undefined@undefined@Yes <#LINE#>Study, manufacture and testing of a hybrid Solar domestic water heater for a sustainable approach in West African climatic conditions<#LINE#>Guidi Tognon @Clotilde,Alihonou Agnimoan @Constant,Chegnimonhan K. @Victorin,Adomou @Alain <#LINE#>55-61<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-035.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin@Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin@Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin and PTAA, CRA Agonkanmey, National Institute for Agricultural Research of Benin, Cotonou, Benin@Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin<#LINE#>13/7/2020<#LINE#>17/11/2020<#LINE#>Sanitary hot water is needed in many industrial processes but can also be found in the habitat where it contributes to household comfort. In industrial applications, hot water is used in food processing or as a heat transfer fluid. It is sometimes used to operate machines such as absorption refrigeration systems for the production of cold for the preservation of foodstuffs, etc. Producing hot water from energy sources that are not harmful to the environment, such as solar energy, is a challenge to limit the negative impacts of the use of fossil fuels on nature. Despite the advantages of solar hot water production and the potential of solar energy in Africa, this technique remains little used in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the lack of equipment and its high price. The objective of the project is to help design, manufacture and test a local, efficient and affordable solar water heater for the African market. The first experimental tests on the hot water production showed that the hot water storage temperature in the equipment\'s tank can reach 80°C, on sunny days under the test conditions in Benin. On non-sunny days, the completed collector should operate with an electric booster to reach the hot water storage temperature of 80°C required for some industrial applications (absorption machines). These first tests are conclusive and this low environmental impact device can be improved and popularised for industrial and domestic applications in sub-Saharan climatic conditions.<#LINE#>Alihonou A. C., GuidiC. T., VissohM. L., AdjagodoA., SanyaE. A. and TchibozoM. A. D., Absorption solar air conditioning, mode of operation and description of the different components of a solar air conditioning unit in the world: Literature review. International Journal Biological and Chemical Sciences, 13(3), 2019, pp 1890-1902. (In french) Climatisation solaire à absorption, mode de fonctionnement et description des differents elements dune unite de climatisation solaire dans le monde : Revue de litterature. International Journal Biological and Chemical Sciences, 13(3), 2019, pp 1890-1902.@undefined@undefined@No$Tabet Ismail, Study, Realization and Simulation of a Solar Sensor, Ph.D. thesis in Physical Sciences, University of Constantine, Algeria, 2016, pp 264. (In french) Etude, Realisation et simulation dun capteur Solaire, Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences Physique, Universite de Constantine, Algerie, 2016, pp 264.@undefined@undefined@No$AlihonouA. C.,Parametric study and exergetic analysis of solar absorption machines in the climatic conditions of Benin, 2019, PhD thesis, pp 235.(In french) Etude parametrique et analyse exergetique des machines à absorption solaire dans les conditions climatiques du Benin, 2019, Thèse de doctorat, pp 235.@undefined@undefined@No$Voyant C., Prediction of time series of global solar radiation and photovoltaic energy production from artificial neural networks, PhD thesis, University of Corsica-Pascal Paoli, France, 2011. (In French) Prediction de series temporelles de rayonnement solaire global et de production denergie photovoltaïque à partir de reseaux de neurones artificiels, thèse doctorat, universite de Corse-Pascal Paoli, France, 2011.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Chegnimonhan V. K.,Guidi C. T, and MensahG. A., Limitation of environmental damage linked to refrigerants: towards zero pollution objectives. Data sheet, UNSTIM/MESRS/ and INRAB/MAEP, 2018, 6p. Legal deposit N°10399 of 08/06/2018, 2nd quarter National Library (BN) of Benin, ISBN: 978-99919-76-32-7. (French) Limitation des degâts environnementaux lies aux refrigerants : vers les objectifs zero pollution. Fiche technique, UNSTIM/MESRS/ et INRAB/MAEP, 2018, 6p. Depôt legal N°10399 du 08/06/2018, 2ème trimestre Bibliothèque Nationale (BN) du Benin, ISBN : 978-99919-76-32-7.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Peuser F.A., RemmersK.H., SchanaussM.,Solar thermal installations design and implementation, 2005, Ed. Le moniteur, France ISBN13: 978-2-281-11266-5. (French) Installations solaires thermiques conception et mise en œuvre, 2005, Ed. Le moniteur, France ISBN13: 978-2-281-11266-5.@undefined@undefined@No$Bernard J., SolarEnergy, Calculations and Optimization, New Edition, 2011, France. (French). Energie solaire, calculs et optimisation, Nouvelle Edition, 2011, France.@undefined@undefined@Yes$GergaudO., Energy modelling and economic optimisation of a grid-connected wind and photovoltaic production system associated with an accumulator, EcoleNormaleSuperieure de Cachan, France, 2002.(French). Modelisation energetique et optimisation economique d@undefined@undefined@No$AdouaneM., Study of the reliability of solar hybrid systems in the Sahara, PhD thesis, EcoleNationalePolytechnique, Algeria, 2014. Etude de la fiabilite des systèmes solaires hybrides dans le Sahara, thèse de doctorat, ecole nationale polytechnique, Algerie, 2014.@undefined@undefined@No$KalogirouA. S., solar thermal collectors and applications, progress in energy and combustion science, (30), 2004, pp 231-295.@undefined@undefined@Yes$FosterR.,GhassemiM.,and CotaA., solar energy, renewable energy and the environment, 2009.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Sushil KumarS., Singh P., KushwahaK. V., and KumarV., Analytical study of a solar absorption refrigeration system, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), ISSN(P): 2249-6890, Vol. 4, Issue 5,2014, pp27-34@undefined@undefined@No$KhannaD., and JoseA., Assessment of the use of solar flat plate collectors for solar thermal refrigeration, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume: 04, 2017,pp 773-779.@undefined@undefined@No$Aziz RahamanM., Abdul RaheemM. J., AhmedN., and RizwanM., 2014, Design and Fabrication of Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System [Libr-H20], International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), ISSN: 2249-6645, Vol. 4, 2014, pp 13-18.@undefined@undefined@No <#LINE#>Assessment of rainwater quality and potential for rainwater harvesting in Dallu Awas area, Kathmandu, Nepal<#LINE#>Nepal @Sabita,Ghimire Narayan @Gopal,Maharjan @Rajana,Shakya @Sudarshana,Shakya Bindra @Devi,Tamrakar @Amrita,Shakya Pawan @Raj <#LINE#>62-73<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-045.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal@Nepal Naya Aayam Multidisciplinary Instititute, University of Northampton, Jorpati, Kathmandu Nepal@Department of Botany, Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Bhaktapur, Nepal@Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Botany, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Chemistry, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal<#LINE#>20/9/2020<#LINE#>5/12/2020<#LINE#>Nepal is rich in natural resources and it is among the richest in terms of water resource availability. The average annual rainfall of the country is in between 1500-3000mm. However, water scarcity is a major problem in Kathmandu valley as well as in some major cities of the country. In this context, rainwater harvesting may serve as one of the promising ways of supplementary water supply system to meet water demand in the valley. This study is aimed to analyze the potential for rainwater harvesting, the rainfall pattern and rainwater quality at Dallu Awas area which lies within the central-western part of the Kathmandu valley. Potential rainwater harvesting was determined by the questionnaire survey method and using a mathematical formula. The rainfall pattern was determined by analyzing the rainfall data supplied by the Department of Hydrology and Metrology, Government of Nepal and, the quality of rainwater was determined by analyzing its physico-chemical and microbial parameters in the laboratory. The study showed 90.33m3 of rainwater harvesting capacity per household. Between 2006-2015 AD, the highest amount of rainfall (1829.4mm) was recorded in 2011 and the lowest (98.25mm) in 2009. For rainwater quality, a total of 81 rainwater samples were collected directly from atmospheric precipitation during rainy season from three different cluster zones viz., residential, school and hospital of the study area. The assessed physico-chemical, and microbial quality parameters were turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, biogenic compound, heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Pd and Zn) and total coliforms. Results revealed that the values of tested parameters were found within the guideline values set out by the NDWQS and WHO. Hence, the present study suggests that water scarcity in Kathmandu may be solved to some extent if proper rainwater harvesting system is adopted and collected rainwater may be used for multiple purposes following proper disinfection process.<#LINE#>Orlińska-Woźniak, P., Wilk, P. and Gębala, J. (2013). 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Animal Behavior, 93, 183-189.@undefined@undefined@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of toothpaste from local and imported origins for its heavy metals and minerals composition<#LINE#>Asia @Khan,Nazeefa @Fatima,Muhammad Shuaib @Kabeer <#LINE#>74-80<#LINE#>10.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-052.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan@Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan@Environmental Consultancies & Options (ECO), Lahore, Pakistan<#LINE#>3/10/2020<#LINE#>18/12/2020<#LINE#>The purpose of this study was to assess the concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Mn, Ni, Se, Cr, Cu & Fe) and minerals (Na, Ca, P& F) in different regular and herbal toothpaste collected from local markets and pharmacies of Lahore. They were divided into five groups each containing five toothpastes. Samples were digested in fume hood by using the diacid method. Mineral samples (Na, Ca & P) were analyzed by using Multi-channel Flame photometer. While Samples of heavy metals were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Fluoride was determined by spectrophotometer. The result showed that Ca, Zn, Fe, Cr, Ni and Mn was above than permissible limit while K and Pb were within permissible limit. Cu was not detected at all. Fluoride was present within permissible limit in three groups while in remaining groups its concentration was slightly higher than permissible limit. Seand Na was above permissible limit in four group while in imported regular it was within permissible limit.<#LINE#>Odukudu, F. B., Ayenimo, J. G., Adekunle, A. S., Yusuff, A. M., & Mamba, B. B. (2014). Safety evaluation of heavy metals exposure from consumer products. Int J Consu Stud., 38(1), 25-34.https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12061@undefined@undefined@Yes$FDA. (2016). Are all personal care products regulated as cosmetics? 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Environmental pollution and control in chemical process industries. Khanna ub, Delhi, 365-391. ISBN: 978-81-7409-106-2@undefined@undefined@No$Chang, L.W. and Verity, M. Mercury neurotoxicity. (1995). A handbook of neurotoxicology. New York31-95.@undefined@undefined@No$Wataha, J. C. Lockwood, P. E. Messer, R. L. Lewis, J. B. and Mettenburg, D. J. (2008). Brushing-induced surface roughness of nickel-, palladium-, and gold-based dental casting alloys. J.Prosthet. Dent., 99(6), 455-460. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-3913(08)60107-9@undefined@undefined@Yes$Navada, R. Kumari, H. Le, S. and Zhang, J. (2008). Oral malodor reduction from a zinc-containing toothpaste. J. clinic. dent., 19(2), 69-73.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Mahmood, S.J., Taj, F., Parveen, F., Usmani, T.H., Azmat, R. and Uddin, F. (2007). Arsenic, fluoride and nitrate in drinking water: the problem and its possible solution. Res. J. Environ. Sci., 1(4), 179-184. DOI: 10.3923/rjes. 2007.179.184@undefined@undefined@Yes$Ogbeh, E. (2014) Quality assessment of some selected toothpaste used in Nigeria. Ahmedu bello university Zaria, Nigeria, 6.@undefined@undefined@No$Denholm, J. (2010). Complementary Medicine and Heavy Metal Toxicity in Australia. Web. MedCentral Toxi., 1(9), 1-6.http://doi.org/10.9754/journal.wmc.2010.00535@undefined@undefined@Yes$Health Canada (2016). Guidelines on heavy metals impurities in cosmetics. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/pubs/indust/heavy_metals-metaux_lourds/index-eng.php.@undefined@undefined@No$Pakistan standard specification for toothpaste. (2009) (1st revision). 1-22 (2009)@undefined@undefined@No$McConville, M. J., and Ralph, S. A. (2013). Chronic arsenic exposure and microbial drug resistance.PNAS., 110(49), 19666-19667. https://doi.org/ 10.1073/ pnas.1319659110@undefined@undefined@Yes @Research Article <#LINE#>Soil characteristics in the forest patches of Jungle Mahal in WB, India<#LINE#>Gautam Kumar @Das <#LINE#>81-85<#LINE#>11.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-047.pdf<#LINE#>19, Raj Krishna Pal Lane, Kolkata, WB, India<#LINE#>28/9/2020<#LINE#>24/12/2020<#LINE#>Jungle Mahal is popular for its numerous forest patches and elephant corridor and is embarrassing to both the villagers and forest department regarding man-elephant conflict in and around the forest areas of south-east part of West Bengal. The forest area of the Jungle Mahal (composed of four districts and part of two districts) once is in depleting status, which is now reviving as reported by the Forest Survey of India in 2019. The probable reasons for this increasing scenario of Jungle Mahalare the impact of climate change, change of soil chemical parameters and local peoples direct participation with the forest department for forest restoration. As the study of the impact of climate change is still continuing, a pilot survey has been taken up to review the physico-chemical parameters of soil in the selected areas of Joypur and Beliatore Forest Ranges of Bankura, Lodhasuli and Mayur Jharna Elephant Reserve in Jhargram, Arabari in Paschim Medinipur, Bundowan and Garh Panchakot of Purulia, Garh Jangal and Aduria forest in Paschim Bardhaman and 11 Mile forest in the Birbhum district.Result obtained from the soil chemical analysis of the sampled soils up to rooting depth of 30 cm show status quofor the forest stands of Jungle Mahal of West Bengal.<#LINE#>FSI. (2019). India State of Forest Report 2019. Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.@undefined@undefined@No$Das, G. K. (2020). Solitary Tree Behaves like a Nuclear Family in the Forest Stands.Frontier., 26 September 2020.@undefined@undefined@No$Das, G. K. (2020). Bioeconomy and Forest Bathing Models for Green Recovery of Bengal.Indian Science Cruiser., 34 (3), 8-9.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Wang, Q. K., Wang, S. L. (2007). Soil organic matter under different forest types in Southern China. Geoderma., 142, 349-356. doi:10.1016/j. Journal Geoderma, 2007.09.006.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Wang, C. K., Yang, J. Y. (2007). Rhizospheric and heterotrophic components of soil respiration in six Chinese temperate forests. Global Change Biology., 13,123-131. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Yang, K., Zhu, J, Zhang, M, Yan Q, Sun OJ (2010). Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in forest ecosystems of Northeast China: a comparison between natural secondary forest and larch plantation. Journal Plant Ecology., 3,175-182. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtq022.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Zhao, D., Li, F, Wang, R. (2012). Soil inorganic nitrogen and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen under pine plantations in Zhanggutai sandy soil, China. Acta EcologicaSinica., 32, 144-149. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(08)60073-9.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Melle, S., Frossard, E, Spohn, M and Luster, J. (2020). Plant Nutritional Status Explains the Modifying Effect of Provenance on the Response of Beech Sapling Root Traits to Differences in Soil Nutrient Supply., Frontiers in Forest and Global Change. doi:10.3389/ffgc.2020.535117.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Yu, L., Ahrens, B, Wutzler, T, Zaehle, S and Schrumpf, M. (2020). Modelling soil responses to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization along a soil phosphorus stock gradient., Frontiers in Forest and Global Change.doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.543112.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Landesman, W., Dighton J (2011). Shifts in microbial biomass and the bacteria: fungi ratio occur under field conditions within 3 h after rainfall. Microbial Ecology., 62,228-236. doi:10.1007/s00248-011- 9811-1@undefined@undefined@Yes$Tripathi, N., Singh, R. S. (2013). Cultivation impacts soil microbial dynamics in dry tropical forest ecosystem in India. Acta Ecologica Sinica., 33, 344-353. doi:10.1016/j.chnaes.2013.09.009@undefined@undefined@Yes$Paudel, S., Sah J. P. (2003). Physiochemical characteristics of soil in tropical Sal (Shorea robusta) forests in eastern Nepal. Himalayan Journal of Sciences., 1,107-110.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Recous, S., Mary, B. (1990). Microbial immobilization of ammonium and nitrate in cultivated soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry., 22, 913-922. doi:10.1016/0038-0717(90)90129-N@undefined@undefined@Yes$Six J., Bossuyt, H, Degryze, S, Denef, K. (2004). A history of research on the link between (micro) aggregates, soil biota, and soil organic matter dynamics. Soil and Tillage Research., 79, 7-31. doi:10.1016/j.still. 2004.03.008@undefined@undefined@Yes$Das, G. K. (2020). Impact of Climate Change in the Forests of West Bengal. Frontier., 26 March 2020.@undefined@undefined@No$Noguez., A. M, Escalante, A. E, Forney, L. J, Mendoza, M. N, Rosas, I, Souza, V, Oliva, F. G. (2008). Soil aggregates in a tropical deciduous forest: effects on C and N dynamics, and microbial communities as determined by t-RFLPs., Biogeochemistry. 89, 209-220. doi:10. 1007/s10533-008-9214-7.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Nsabimana., D, Haynes, R. J, Wallis, F. M. (2004). Size, activity and catabolic diversity of the soil microbial biomass as affected by land use. Applied Soil Ecology., 26, 81-92. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2003.12. 005.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Chandra, L.R., Gupta, S, Pande, V, Singh, N. (2016). Impact of forest vegetation on soil characteristics: a correlation between soil biological and physico-chemical properties. Biotech., 6(188),1-12.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Sharma, J.C. and Sharma, Y. (2004). Effect of Forest Ecosystems on Soil Properties - A Review. Agricultural Reviews., 25(1), 16-28.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Horwath, W. R. (2005). The importance of soil organic matter in the fertility of organic production systems, Western Nutrient Management Conference.@undefined@undefined@No$Aciego, J. P., Brookes, P. (2009). Substrate inputs and pH as factors controlling microbial biomass, activity and community structure in an arable soil., Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41, 1396-1405. doi:10.1016/ j.soilbio.2009.03.017@undefined@undefined@Yes$Das, G. K. (2020). Green Infrastructure of Trees - Forests Symbolic Socialization. Frontier., 10 October 2020.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Fierer, N., Schimel, J. P, Holden P. A. (2003). Variations in microbial community composition through two soil depth profiles. Soil Biology and Biochemistry., 35,167-176.@undefined@undefined@No$Holden S. R., Treseder K. K. (2013). A meta-analysis of soil microbial biomass responses to forest disturbances. Frontiers in Microbiology., 4,1-17.@undefined@undefined@Yes @Case Study <#LINE#>Study on source inventory and assessment of air pollution load of Patna, Bihar, India - A case study<#LINE#>Koushik @Dutta <#LINE#>86-88<#LINE#>12.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-056.pdf<#LINE#>SACT I (State Aided College Teacher, Category - I), Department of Environmental Science, T.D.B. College (affiliated to Kazi Nazrul University), Raniganj, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, India<#LINE#>1/9/2020<#LINE#>30/12/2020<#LINE#>Air pollution in urban India has become a great concern now-a-days. Most of the Indian cities and metropolis are situated on the edge of health risk because of atmospheric contamination. Patna - the capital of Bihar - is notorious for air pollution. The main culprit of air pollution of this city is vehicular emission. The present study has been carried out to assess the air pollution load of Patna city that resulted mainly due to vehicular emission and to propose some remedial options to the planners and decision makers to solve this issue. It is a survey based study that has been carried out at different sampling locations of Patna city and necessary primary data were collected. The study revealed that the atmospheric condition of Patna city is deteriorating day by day due to vehicular emission and if this situation persists for long the inhabitants of the region will fall in great distress. Hence immediate and fruitful steps should be taken to remediate this situation.<#LINE#>CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). (2008). Emission Factor Database.@undefined@undefined@No$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2011). Physicochemical analysis of waste water coming from different chromite mines in Sukinda Valley Region, Odisha and its management. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management, ISWMAW, Kolkata, pp. 355-358.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2012). Tourism Vis-à-vis Safe Environment. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Changing Society, Culture and Its Impacts on People, pp. 39-45.@undefined@undefined@No$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2012). Comparative study of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals of some groundwater sources from Sukinda Valley Region in Odisha. The Ecoscan, 1(special issue), 155-160.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2013). Limnological status and bioconcentration of some heavy metals in Damsal nala of Sukinda Valley Region in Odisha and consequent histopathological lesions observed in liver and kidney of air-breathing fish Channa sp. The Ecoscan, 3(special issue), 191-197.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2013). Comparative study on limnological parameters and bioconcentrations of heavy metals in an air-breathing carnivorous teleostean fish, Gaducia sp. of the upstream and downstream regions of Damsalnala in Sukinda Valley Region, Odisha. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(6), 1831-1840.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2013). Analysis of physico-chemical characteristics and metals in water sources of chromite mining in Sukinda Valley, Odisha, India. Journal of Environmental Biology, 34(3), 783-788.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2015). Impact of Mining on Environment: An Overview. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities for Management of Water Supplies in Rural Areas. COMWRA, pp. 161-163. Key Resource Centre (Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI, New Delhi) Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM, Dhanbad, India.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2015). Human Tide: An Environmentally Induced Migration. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 4(IVC-2015), 22-24.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2015). Chromite Mining: Disbalancing the Aquatic Environment of Sukinda Valley. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 4(IYSC-2015), 80-93.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2015). Chromite Mining: Poisoning the Environment of Sukinda Valley - A Critical Review. Minenvis Newsletter, 87(4), 01-03.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2016). Comparative Study on Bioaccumulation and Translocation of Heavy Metals in some Native Plant Species along the Bank of Chromite Contaminated Damsal Nala of Sukinda Valley, Odisha, India. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(7), 32-52.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2016). Comparative Study on Phytoplankton Distribution and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Microspora sp. of Chromite Contaminated Damsal Nala of Sukinda Valley, Odisha, India. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 6(9), 27-35.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2017). Role of Women in Maintaining Environmental Sustainability. Proceedings of the National Conference on Women Empowerment: Challenges and Strategies, pp. 174-180, Arpan Publications, New Delhi.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2017). Environmental Panorama of Sukinda Valley - a critical study. International Research Journal of Earth Sciences, 5(11), 34-37.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. and Ghosh A.R. (2018). Contamination and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Bottom Sediment and Two Teleostean Fish Species of Sukinda Valley, Odisha, India. Environica, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mother Earth: Environmental Crisis & Sustainable Strategies, ICME III, Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal (India), Vol. 2, 268-286, Levant Books, Kolkata, India.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Dutta K. (2018). Assessment of environmental, health and socio-economic status of a village of Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, India - A Pilot Study. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 6(5), 1-6.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Guttikunda S. (2008). Four simple equations for vehicular emission inventory. SIM-air working paper series, Vol. 2.@undefined@undefined@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>A literary criticism on sources and effects of Heavy Metals on plants, humans and environment around the world and heavy metal pollution status in the Buriganga River, Bangladesh<#LINE#>Dhrubo @Barua ,Shahriar @Abdullah <#LINE#>89-102<#LINE#>13.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-008.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh@Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh<#LINE#>8/2/2020<#LINE#>24/8/2020<#LINE#>Heavy metal contamination has become a worldwide ecological issue, attracting substantial public attention, largely due to the growing health and environmental issues. Their numerous commercial, residential, rural, health, and technical uses have contributed to their broad environmental dissemination. The following analysis addresses the findings of the various authors past work on Pollution of heavy metals in Buriganga River, together with heavy metals source and its effect of on plant, human and environment all over the world. Concentrations of 8 heavy metals in Buriganga River water and dregs are explored in the analysis to evaluate their levels and compare them with other major Bangladesh rivers. Indiscriminate disposal and redemption of toxic waste into rivers contribute to environmental pollution that might be viewed as a potential source of impendence to the biotic community. Although certain are important, a significant number of trace elements might be noxious to all embodied soul at a severe level because of the advancement of complex mixes inside the cell. Introduction to heavy metals is related to mental hindrance, kidney harm, numerous maladies, and even mortality in occurrences of extremely high exposure.<#LINE#>Miller, C.V., Foster, G.D. and Majedi, B.F. (2003).@Baseflow and stormflow metal fluxes from two small agricultural catchments in the coastal plain of Chesapeake Bay Basin, United States.@Appl. Geochem., 18(4), 483-501.@Yes$Nouri, J., Khorasani, N., Lorestani, B., Karami, M., Hassani, A.H. and Yousef, N. (2009).@Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and uptake by plant species with phytoremediation potential.@Environ Earth Sci., 59(2), 315-323.@Yes$Islam, M.M., Akhtar, M.K. andMasud, M.S. (2006).@Prediction of environmental flow to improve the water quality in the river Buriganga.@Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Montreal, QC, Canada.@Yes$Islam, S.M.D.U. and Azam, G. (2015).@Seasonal variation of physicochemical and toxic properties in three major rivers; Shitalakhya, Buriganga and Turag around Dhaka city.@J. Bio. & Env. Sci., 7(3), 120-131.@Yes$Mohiuddin, K., Alam, M., Ahmed, I. andChowdhury, A. (2016).@Heavy metal pollution load in sediment samples of the Burigangariver in Bangladesh.@Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 13, 229-238. https://doi.org/10.3329/jbau.v13i2.28784@Yes$Khan, M.A.I., Hossain, A.M., Huda, M.E., Islam, M.S., and Elahi, S.F. (2007).@Physico-chemical and biological aspects of monsoon waters of Ashulia for economic and aesthetic applications: preliminary studies.@Bangladesh Journal of Science and Industry Research, 42(4), 377-396.@Yes$Alam, A.M.S., Islam M.A., Rahma, M.A., Siddique M.N. and Matin M.A. (2003).@Comparative study of the toxic metals and non-metal status in the major river system of Bangladesh.@Dhaka Univ. J. Sci., 51(2), 201- 208.@Yes$Oves, M., Khan, M.S., Zaidi, A. and Ahmad, E. (2013).@Soil contamination, nutritive value, and human health risk assessment of heavy metals: an overview.@Toxicity of heavy metals to legumes and bioremediation, 20(1), 21-27.@Yes$Chen, H.M., Zheng, C.R., Tu, C. and Zhu, Y.G. (1999).@Heavy metal pollution in soils in China: status and countermeasures.@Ambio, 13, 1-4.@Yes$Wang, Q.R., Dong, Y., Cui, Y. and Liu, X. (2001).@Instances of soil and crop heavy metal contamination in China.@Soil Sediment Contam., 10, 497-510.@Yes$Nabulo, G., Young, S.D. and Black, C.R. (2010).@Assessing risk to human health from tropical leafy vegetables grown on contaminated urban soils.@Sci. Total Environ., 4(2), 38-51.@Yes$Dong, J., Yang, Q.W., Sun, L.N., Zeng, Q., Liu, S.J. and Pan, J. (2011).@Assessing the concentration and potential dietary risk of heavy metals in vegetables at a Pb/Zn mine site, China.@Environ Earth Sci., 64(13), 17-21.@Yes$Saha, P.K. and Hossain, M.D. (2011).@Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination and Sediment Quality in the Buriganga River, Bangladesh.@Souvanir from 2nd international conference on environmental science and technology, IPCBEE, Singapore. pp 26-28.@Yes$Tak, H.I., Ahmad, F. and Babalola, O.O. (2013).@Advances in the application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in phytoremediation of heavy metals.@In Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 33-52.@Yes$Gaur, N., Flora, G., Yadav, M. and Tiwari, A. (2014).@A review with recent advancements on bioremediation-based abolition of heavy metals.@Environ. Sci. Process. Impacts, 16, 180-193.@Yes$Dixit, R., Malaviya, D., Pandiyan, K., Singh, U.B., Sahu, A., Shukla, R., Singh, B.P., Rai, J.P., Sharma, P.K. and Lade, H. (2015).@Bioremediation of heavy metals from soil and aquatic environment: An overview of principles and criteria of fundamental processes.@Sustainability, 7, 2189-2212.@Yes$Williams, C. (1996).@Combating marine pollution from land-based activities: Australian initiatives.@Ocean Coast. Manag., 33, 87-112.@Yes$Mokaddes, M., Nahar, B. and Baten, M. (2013).@Status of Heavy Metal Contaminations of River Water of Dhaka Metropolitan City.@J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 5, 349-353. https://doi.org/10.3329/jesnr.v5i2.14842@Yes$Clesceri, L.S., Greenberg, A.E. and Trussel, R.R. (1989).@Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Waste Water.@Baltimore, Md, USA: American Public Health Association.@Yes$Bhuiyan, M.A.H., Dampare, S.B., Islam, M.A. and Suzuki, S. (2015).@Source apportionment and pollution evaluation of heavy metals in water and sediments of Buriganga River, Bangladesh, using multivariate analysis and pollution evaluation indices.@Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(1), 4075. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-014-4075-0@Yes$Department of Environment, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (1997).@ECR (The Environment Conservation Rules).@Poribesh Bhaban E-16, Agargaon, Shere Bangla Nagar Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh, 179-226.@No$USEPA (2007).@The use of soil amendments for remediation, revitalization and reuse.@http://www. epa.org. 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(2009).@Heavy Metals Concentration in Water, Sediments and their Bioaccumulations in Some Freshwater Fishes and Mussel in Dhaleshwari River, Bangladesh.@Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, 3(1), 33-41.@Yes$Rahman, M.S., Saha, N., and Molla, A.H., (2014).@Potential ecological risk assessment of processing zone, Bangladesh.@Environ. Earth Sci., 71, 2293-2308.@Yes$Islam, M.S., Ahmed, M.K., Habibullah-Al-Mamun, M. and Hoque, M.F. (2015).@Preliminary assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from a river in Bangladesh.@Environ Earth Sci., 73, 1837-1848. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-014-3538-5@Yes$Islam, M.S., Ahmed, M.K., Raknuzzaman, M., Habibullah-Al-Mamun, M. and Islam, M.K. (2015).@Heavy metal pollution in surface water and sediment: a preliminary assessment of an urban river in a developing country.@Ecol. Indic., 48, 282-291.@Yes$Datta, D.K. and Subramanian, V. 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