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Reclaiming youth in a postmodern world

Author Affiliations

  • 1Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 13, Issue (2), Pages 19-24, April,2 (2024)


Youth is a significant phase in the life of a person. It is however a very delicate stage; not only is it a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood, but it is also a time when a person begins to make crucial life choices. This article is divided into two parts. The first part offers broad insights into the struggles of youth beginning from existential issues and progressing to moral, sexual and social concerns. The second part situates these struggles within the postmodern ethos that pervades contemporary society and global culture. The reality is that it is tough to be a young person today owing to the multitude of influences that constantly exert themselves externally while internal struggles fight for adequate attention. The article hopes to offer its readers a fair idea of what it means to be a young person in a postmodern world.


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