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Table of Contents

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 4, Issue (7), Pages 1-25, July (2015)

Research Paper

1. Motivational Factors of Edupreneurs for venturing in higher Education in Rajasthan, India
Vivek Tharaney,Deepika Upadhyaya (2015). Res. J. Management Sci., 4(7), 1-7.
2. Job satisfaction and Life satisfaction among Male and Female employees in a Major Thermal Power station
M Renuka Devi,T. Rajasekhar (2015). Res. J. Management Sci., 4(7), 8-10.

Research Article

3. Research Article on Organizational Culture as a driving Tool for developing and Improving Managerial effectiveness
Sweety Pohankar (2015). Res. J. Management Sci., 4(7), 11-17.
4. Project Management Challenges in Software Development
S.S. Uma Sankar,R. Jubi (2015). Res. J. Management Sci., 4(7), 18-23.

Short Communication

5. Human Assets to total Assets Ratio of Top Profit Making Companies of India in the Financial Year 2013-14
Rajesh Mehra (2015). Res. J. Management Sci., 4(7), 24-25.