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Impact of an abandoned mining site on the sediments of the Loutété River, south of Congo, Brazzaville

Author Affiliations

  • 1Laboratoire de Chimie Minérale et Appliquée, FST, UMNG, BP 69, Brazzaville, Cango
  • 2Département des Sciences Exactes, ENS, UMNG, BP 69, Brazzaville, Cango
  • 3Laboratoire de Chimie Minérale et Appliquée, FST, UMNG, BP 69, Brazzaville, Cango
  • 4Laboratoire de Chimie Minérale et Appliquée, FST, UMNG, BP 69, Brazzaville, Cango and Département des Sciences Exactes, ENS, UMNG, BP 69, Brazzaville, Cango

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 7, Issue (5), Pages 1-11, May,22 (2018)


In order of the study is to assess the intensity of metallic pollution of metals and their spatial variation in surface sediments of the Loutété River. Physico-chemical analyzes (pH, organic matter, particle size) and heavy metal contents were determined using ICP-OES on sediment samples collected at 6 stations. The concentrations ( found varied from: As 16.7-2107.7, Pb 351-27300, Cr 16.6-82.9, Fe 15200-37000, Cu 18.9-653, Zn 101-9090, Mn 669-5190. The pollution of sediment samples was evaluated using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), the contamination factor (CF) and the pollution load index (PLI). This study shows that the sediments are polluted in all the stations. The order of pollution intensity is the following, taking into account the Igeo values: Pb > As > Zn > Cu > Fe > Mn.


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